Adrenochrome is not real you morons, Natalie Lambert is an artist who created the Andrenochrome project as a satiric symbolic art performance to mock conspiracy theorists and y'all fell for it, you just believe anything don't you? Further info here:
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Further proof that this is all bullshit :
Your mom is a hoax
>types like a nigger
>wants to silence others
Sit your black ass down before you get dragged blacc boi
It was in fear and loathing long before this.
Ok, but black-mail networks are worth countless billions.
so, child-torture-rape-mafia's are still a thing anyway without adrenochrome.
power has been shown to be more addictive than cocaine, this makes sense from an evolutionary perspective.
Adrenochrome hoax or not is....irrelevant.
Will you Q niggers go back to facebook already?
Dunning Kruger Effect nigger
it is real. ive experienced it when i was taking cisplatin for cancer
this is spirit cooking 2.0
>people think the elites are blood-sucking vampires
>want scientific explanation for the sadistic torture and kidnapping
>muh adrenochrome
this ain't chuckles nigga this is chess
uh wuhan lab sure thought it was real enough to synthesize it
same with dpt of medicine and cornell university medical college seem to think its real
false and homosexual
hard to believe you
1994 Fantastic 4, Incursion of the Skrull: Has WTC getting hit by projectiles in the first two seconds. Has a crown (corona) getting stolen right in front of Trump Tower, and to top it all off. The bad guy has a bat on his chest. WTF am I watching here? ITs on Disney plus as well. Faggets on youtube want shekels
Lets say it's made up....
Get rekt, adrenochrome is real and we are taking care of the problem with covid19. After this the world will be better.
>It was in fear and loathing long before this.
came to post this
I'd go as far to say that YES there is pedophiles in the government, but pizzagate was a planned psyop. This moment we are in right now has been planned for a while and they are using the entire pizzagate psyop (Qanon) so that the people who normally would stand against an authoritarian state are cheering on marshal law.
They are all in on it, they are all playing you, and they are doing it so you dont grab your gun, form a militia, and take your community back.
It's also rife with references to harming and fucking kids. Hellfire awaits
andrenochrome was humourous device in Hunter S Thompson's 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas'. Back in the 70s. Along with the Vincent Black Shadow. Very funny book at the time. Bad influence though.
why won't you show your flag? really jogs the noggin
>doing damage control
Geez i wonder (((who))) could be behind this post
youre gonna fry nigger kike bitchass fuck
oh i get it now, they're only fucking kids, not consuming..silly conspiracy theorists..geez. shucks. what a silly misunderstanding.
Was that before or after Hunter S. Thompson wrote about it in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas?
Cocksucking faggot
Meme flag. Kys
why do people think there will be martial law?
internet community: "marshall law is when the nat'l guard does anything"
there is no point to having nat'l guard do anything when we have cops, your average nasty grill is unlikely to even be armed
Adrenochrome is fumictitious. It's a useful symbol for explaining why loyalty is the spoor of pure good and pure evil.
Mother fucker Hunter S. Thompson blew the lid on that masonic bullshit decades ago. Anybody with a brain could tell whatever the hell your OP image is has nothing to do with reality. Nobody has been using your OP image as proof of anything. God damn your narrow eyes.
>you post this image in a few threads
>you claim everyone fell for it
k homo
Blackmail is real, but Adrenochrome is pure bullshit misinformation to distract us from the truth, stop believing anything
>Faggot-nigger effect
Shut your trap dipshit
Adrenochrome is an excellent explanation for the thrilling love and trust that gays experience in societies that want to kill them. That awareness that they are defying a death entrusting their life to someone who will never betray them is an amazing thrill.
People can also get that thrill by doing deeply evil things together with others... or by loving one another deeply.
>bro adrenochrome is totally a wild psychoactive drug
oh wow
people are now willfully and gleefully NUTS
Adrenochrome is real you fucking mole
Been discussed long before qanon and pizza gate and as far as effect of blood, blood ritual and sacrifice and consumption, it's been a factor throughout history.
also LOL at this "art"
>1 post by this ID
it's not a hoax though, are you saying she traveled through time to cause hunter s thompson to write about it?
I am a loving traitor; I can be what I am only because I am /not/ evil. I faced years of stalking after reclaiming my asexuality from people who had only treated me as a real person in exchange for sex. That left me very drained of adrenochrome - do you know what adrenochrome withdrawal really is?
Paranoia. Not clinical paranoia, but the kind that strikes people whose trust has been undermined.
Still, I value all lives; I would save those who have tormented me unjustly. In this I may have found a different source of adrenochrome: the belief that evils DO betray one another.
Al Gore literally got caught with it at the airport.
that's a made up word.
You mean I been drinkin all this baby juice for nothing?
It's only real in the same sense that adamant in the spine of an unyielding man may be "real," and get really built into the spines of those who admire him. That's what a fumictitious substance is: a mythologization of a real psychological state which can transmit person to person.
oh my god
and you didnt happens to notice any others in that sentence!
whew lad
>Natalie Lambert is an artist who created the Andrenochrome project as a satiric symbolic art performance
what a jew excuse
All words are made up. Any word becomes cromulent when adequately defined.
Zoomers don’t know their shit
He wrote about in the book, in 1971, that this movie is made from
you dumb ass, look his art, is pure degenerate satanic kikke art, jews are trying to normalize satanism in music, tv etc, now its time to normalize the adrenochrome satanic havensting
>muh masons
you boomers really are stupid
It was in A Clockwork Orange before that.
Is there blackmail, pedo rings? Yes
Satanism, sacrifices? No
>about * it
>Adrenochrome is not real
Ok.. KeK
Aldus Huxley wrote briefly about adrenochrome in the book The Doors of Perception. This was in 1954.
Clockwork Orange was all over it.
It's just satire post-ironic art, you can clearly tell she's using conspiration theories as inspiration.
What do we even need it for? They openly acknowledge blood facials and baby foreskin face creams. People just like the idea of an evil super drug I think.
>someone printed a custom one-off little med label and put it on an ampule
Why do retard phoneposters talk like niggers?
that proves it!
I want to try adrenochrome... just once at least.
Read a book
Ooooohhhhh you disingenuous little matzah cracker. You purposely put that shit on the last thread just so you could make this thread and make it seem like anons were truly digging into it, when really those images have never come up in this discussion, and even when it was posted most anons could see that it wasnt what it seemed and was likely just misinform at best. Jesus you fucks are truly scared and I'm McFuckinLovinIt
Adrenachrome is mentioned in Hunter S. Thompson's 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas' as a pineal gland extract that could only be obtained from a living brain.
It is factually real though. Not just hypothesized.
You might be arguing agaist the effects of consuming blood from an animal or human that was in a state of fear perhaps
lol, it's like the "obama satanic mask" all over again even though the mask and outfit was made by some burning man hipster faggot artist and the man was him, not Obama.
Years ago I remember arguing with retarded conspiratards here who were convinced despite all the evidence that the costume in the other pic was completely different and there were two of these nearly identical costumes and the other one was definitely Obama. Delusional conspiracy twats live in their own little fantastyland.
what's the difference between andrenochrome and DMT?
Book and movie
Also friendly reminder in the last thread we got to see Ben Stiller and his 'Wilson' like art, learning how to 'carve a face' as a new hobby. Its blatantly fucking obvious at this point the messages they are trying to send to each other
Well said user
It must be getting ready to drop
Fuck off Chet.
>Ya'll need to stop with bullshit, adrenochrome ain't real
It is called "creating a a narrative."
Or you were just getting trolled. Maybe you've noticed we have a couple trolls here.
Look at this clown
I'd just try it once, and then I would refrain from keep using it, even if I wanted more
Adrenochrome might be real, but those guys are top tier fools.
There's plenty of genuinely deranged and stupid people here.
Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company.
Q is the biggest psyop misinformation campaign of the 21th century , no one is coming to save you, what makes you think Trump is less corrupt than them? Why would the elites/deep state/reptilians allow the establishment of a president that could thwart their plan? Remember, behind the scenes, there is only One Party. their Party. 'Democracy' is an illusion which is created to uphold your slavery. Whichever side 'wins'; the Deep state wins. There are many possibilities and alternative 'scripts'. All of them lead toward the ultimate implementation of the overall blueprint of their beliefs. Qtards claim that the Deep State control system deliberately selects pedophiles and lifts them into positions of power so that they can be controlled via blackmail. Why would Trump be immune to that? What makes you think Trump isn't getting blackmailed like the rest of them?
He mentioned that someone approached him after a book signing or something... said he had tried adrenochrome before. Hunter said he didn't have the heart to tell him he made it up.
Daily reminder adrenochrome is real. Epipens turn into it after 2 years or so.
>Adrenochrome is a chemical compound with the molecular formula C9H9NO3 produced by the oxidation of adrenaline (epinephrine).
You took to much man.
imagine being so weak with god that you have to try and trick a bunch of truth seekers. you retards posted this less than 12 hours ago, got a few laughs, now feel all mighty because some bots replied to your disinfo thread?
guess what nigger, kill yourself (:
I already drink raw blood from the butcher's, but I'd like to savour just once a fresh squeezed potion of adrenochrome and see what effects it has on the body and mind.
>Organ harvesting is very real
>human trafficking is very real
>child abductions are very real
>child prostitution and pedophile rings are very real
>adrenochrome is not real and you guys are all conspiratards
>someone created a piece of “art” so its not real
Yeah. And all those psychopath murderers who painted and took pictures of their victims weren't really psycho murderers.