Is a Cold War or even a Hot War with China Inevitable after this?

China's behavior in this whole situation leads me to think that the West is going to adopt draconian approaches to China after this thing is over (if it is ever over).

I've been saying for years how fucking bad China is and how anyone who criticizes the United States and doesn't address China is insane. Yes, the US can be a douchebag, but China is straight-up evil.

My guess is that after all this is over, US, Canada, UK, Australia, France, Germany and other democracies are going to have to learn how to shift their strategy with regards to these fucking commie fucks. That will probably illicit a response from the chinks and that's probably going to escalate into a war of some sort in the future.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Everyone will be on board to nuke china if this shit keeps up for the next couple months

China has handled this well, it's us western countries that gave been slow to act.

That's what (((they))) want. They want another big boogeyman like the USSR so people will direct their away from (((themselves)))

If China is straight-up evil why has it donated more than ten million mask to Europe?

Jack Ma donated a million masks to America. He also donated 20,000 tests plus 100,000 masks to each nigger country.

We were already in a cold war from 1991-present, it's just our leaders were too retarded to realize China views America/NATO as a political threat to Chinese power and treated them as frens while they infiltrated our countries with 10 million chinkaroos inserted into important industries everywhere.

I vote for hot war.

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It's deeply unlikely.

I prefer to invade Mexico instead of China to secure our border and racial purity. Then we can turn Mexicans into slaves and remove dependence on China.

For appearances so we believe their bullshit numbers. Donate some of the quality control rejected low quality masks for quick PR points

WHO has infiltrated the thread

show your real flag, chang

>threaten a country with coronavirus
>after the fact
I guess they're retarded

>China has handled this well
The world has a virus that originated in it's fucked up meat markets and disgusting dietary habits. They responded by welding people into their homes.

Hopefully this trial by fire ends with enough of the world hating China. We need to cease contact and trade with China. It was fun while it lasted but the experiment is over, you can’t turn commies into freedom loving patriots no matter how much money and trade you throw at them. Trump needs to keep pushing the Chinese Virus angle.nAnd when all is said and done our governments need to start sanctioning countries and our own businesses that trade with china

The United States is the only country that’s going to adopt a much more hostile approach to China after this. When those European faggots stop using China for their 5G then maybe we might see some progress from the other Western nations but I highly doubt it. If they are totally comfortable letting China, and by extension the communist party, completely control their communication system then I don’t believe anything will change when this is all over... except America who’s had about enough of China’s bullshit.
> Tiananmen Square
> The cultural revolution
Fuck all you faggot Chinks

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There are concealments in America today. There are systems that are supposed to value integrity over all else which have nevertheless shielded abusers.

I believe there are elements of the scientific community in America which know exactly what I'm talking about, but which have been tyrannized into silence by threats that of mass violence if they betray the systems being deployed abusively.

If we can achieve a sufficient advancement of peace in the United States, there are betrayals yet to be made, as those scientists will no longer shield abusive systems once they realize that attempts to portray Americans as violent were sometimes lies and often exaggerations.

Peace is the seed from which grows virtuous betrayal. Plant it and protect it.

>10 million masks
Chump change when you own the factories that produce them. Factories I might add that use to be in western countries

US media is already postured to tell people to go back to loving china

To save face, which is evidently working on retards like you

And now they have no new cases, so it worked.

US media is part of chinese propaganda. no one with an internal dialog listens to them

>after this

tf are you talking about?
are we supposed to know?
after what?
something to do with that nonsense in your image?

you know what, nevermind

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youre a fucking retard if you believe that

if nothing else I hope the creepy Chinks here who work at the buffet and can't speak English have to move back to China lol

Retards in the USA three months ago:
>Fuck China we should not import anything from them. USA #1 trade war good.
Retards now:
>No, China cannot stop lending the USA money and stop shipping the USA goods!

Eat a bag of bat shit Trump-tards. You wanted a trade war, so fuck you! You are also the same filth that attacks prosperity and freedom and white men within every aspect of life.
I hope all of you useless filth die coughing blood.

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You are a fucken retard anyway.

It's possible that China had no official part in this virus spreading beyond their failure to stamp out bushmeat and pangolin trading. In that case hating them for it would be basically psychotic.

It's possible that it was a bioweapon release, on the other extreme. In that case we should invest in defensive biotechnological research alongside the cooling of trade ties, NOT into war.

It's possible that this was a deliberate release from a laboratory whose scientists were revolted beyond belief at working on a bioweapon. In that case, we should still not go to war, but should celebrate the historic power of virtuous treachery.

There isn't a scenario on this continuum that favors war.


They mass produce already, it's nothing to them. It could just actually be a good move by them to look like the good guys. Who knows.

>and white men
Go back to Africa, heh. White men don't need people attacking them with racism.

It's time to end their civilization.
The Chinese are the most arrogant and short-sighted race to ever walk this earth.
When the British Empire first approached the Quing, the Quing demanded tribute, presuming that because we were foreign, our technology, culture and bravery were inferior.
So, naturally, we made them our slaves and poisoned them with opium.
Worked out pretty well for a while.

Trump needs to stop fucking saying he is friends with Xi. The little fucker has been stabbing him in the back the whole time. It's time for a hard rain to fall on Chiner.

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No. I say fuck em and lets wash our hands of that country abd their awful people.

Jesus fucking hell.

don't spout idiotic things and you wont be called out

Prove me wrong.


I saw your prime minister wearing a head-scarf, nobody has to prove anything to you, australia minor.

>burn the ship to kill the captain
Peak democrat behavior.
Good post. I bet that really showed your dad whats what

Even their official numbers show new cases, commie shill.

It’s been inevitable for years, this is just speeding it up.

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China has lied about everything within their borders for the past 50 years and now its our job to prove theyre lying about something again. they have cried wolf too many times

>you can’t just hate people for eating pangolin
That’s where you’re wrong, homo

Henlo Xing

Your government are proven liars also but you chose to believe them? Wmd's anybody?

They’ve handled it terribly. This pandemic could’ve been much better contained if the CCP cared more about action than face saving, early on. Now we’re paying the price for China’s vanity.

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>who's worse, the jews ruling the US or the chinks?
Yeah, I'm going with the Jews over the Chinks.
Jews are seditious and greedy. Chinese eat dogs they killed with a blow torch and shit on the floor.

what have i mentioned saying i believe anything my government says? dont put words in my mouth. youre the one eating chinese propaganda

A hot war no.

A cold war, maybe. The world is going to really be queasy about doing business with China.

Go home chink

You’re either a chink or a fucking coward traitor. Either way you deserve the rope.

The jews rule China too.

Economic war.
No IMF access which causes;
No oil imports.
No food imports.
No Imports of anything allowed from any country.
No exports of anything to any country.

>The world is going to really be queasy about doing business with China.
People were already moving out of China before this. China's economy was already heading into the shit because of the trade war.
This is another nail in the coffin and if Americans can't afford to import chink shit anymore, they'll do without and start making it themselves.

Surprised to see axios publishing this

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Large amounts of cope, call me names if it makes you feel better. Our government's have had ample time to take measures, but acted far too late. Now we will pay the price.

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>If China is straight-up evil why has it donated more than ten million mask to Europe?

First of all, chink, it can be explained by being a fucking decent human being. Something you people are barely starting to grasp. After ever major disaster, even the most evil countries do this.

Second, this is a HUGE PR move by China. They want to pretend that they are helping by being generous. No free lunch, dumbass. They threatened the United States specifically because they know they won't get a return for their investment. They know the world is going to fuck them in the ass for this, so why wouldn't they try to get some good PR for the future?

Third, are you fucking forgetting that your race PRODUCES EVERY MAJOR PANDEMIC IN HUMAN HISTORY?! Chinks are literally insect, viral factories. Jesus, you are doing a bad job even as a shill.

"Hey i broke I broke your window, I'm gonna give you some ply wood to put ove- WHY ARE YOU MAD AT ME?"

Striking the Three Gorges Dam, Shanghai, and Beijing would send enough of a signal.

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Government are proven liars and you should listen to China's government? Do you have any notion of just how retarded you sound? You sound masturbating-in-peanut-butter-over-70's-editions-of-the-Women's-Weekly-with-a-Sprite-bottle-up-your-ass-and-a-dead-cat-on-your--head retarded.

In case people don't think China is in an extremely weak position right now,
they're literally and ironically dying from a thousands cuts and the world has been
tired of their shit for years. When the virus is under control and the real effects are seen, China might even balkanize like the USSR did.


Even better if cracks just appear and some monitoring equipment fails, without any confirm-able US intervention

China should unironically be split up into 5-12 countries, which should be kept at each others throats.

Imagine the millions of dead subhuman chinksects, I'm getting hard thinking of it.

>It's possible that China had no official part in this virus spreading beyond their failure to stamp out bushmeat and pangolin trading.
And fucking up their initial shot at containing the spread by suppressing information about it, Chernobyl-style.

China fucked this up. Their authoritarian protect-the-Party-at-all-costs system failed. No bioweapon conspiracies required.

>Cold War
>Hot War

Why not...

>And now they have 20 million deaths

Learn how to read retard.
Almost everyone in the USA is a leftist POS, including your beloved Trump. Democrats are useless leftist scum and so are republicans. 70% of Americans are affirmative action human garbage (including white women), who merit starvation.
1/3 of white men are leftist trash that also needs to starve to death too.
Eat a bag of shit, faggot.

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10's of Millions. The whole Delta would flood.

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The US should, in all seriousness, place Japan in charge of N.E. Asia.
Japan has stayed extremely loyal to the US despite being reliant on China for the vast majority of their imports.

Based Taiwaneseposter.

A lot of people could use a military job soon. It’s time to finish what that bastard Reagan started.

we will absolutely go to war with china when this is over.

why not? bunch of dead people. the ones who are still alive will be shells of their former selves. our economy will be destroyed. we will have nothing left to lose.

fuck china. fuck them right to hell.


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Co prosperity sphere was always the right idea for asia

Good thread, bumping for self


For the most part, I agree.
Japan is too reliant on the US, but the entanglement has been good for both countries.
I would like to see a future where American and Japan work more in lock step to stabilize their respective regions.
You can't really do that with the communist and the elitist fucking everything up everytime they walk outside though.

We need to get this going...
Have every nation wipe off any debt to China as payment for this.
It is only fair.
They owe us for this.

First burger to make sense.

Eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind

Article by a "writer" who works for this Putin Tool:

In February 2015, Dimitri Simes met with Putin and other Russian officials in Moscow. As a CEO of the think tank Center for the National Interest, he arranged meetings between Torshin, Maria Butina, and U.S. government officials in April, and also arranged Trump's April 27, 2016, speech at the Mayflower Hotel.[4] In the speech, Trump called for greater cooperation with Russia.[5]

In September 2018, historian Yuri Felshtinsky published an investigation about the involvement of Simes in Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections, including his help to Maria Butina.[6] After the publication Simes went to Moscow[7] and became a moderator of the political program Бoльшaя игpa ("Big Game") on Channel One Russia, together with Vyacheslav Nikonov.[8][9]

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