>kicked out of 109 locations in less than 1700 years
>1030 expulsions
>average one expulsion every 16 years
>not their fault
Kicked out of 109 locations in less than 1700 years
>brown haired, brown eyed Mediterranean girl
>Yas Forums dyes her hair blonde & photoshops her eyes blue
More proof that Norse cucks do nothing but stab us in the back.
Post the list
She's Turco-Mongol
I have brown hair brown eyes, its just a joke user
>pretending like white Christians were any better and didn’t carry out the expulsions out of religious dogma
>gentiles converted to cucktianity persecute gentiles converted to judaism, the mother of christianty
>rome falls, holy desert wars ensue
>actual jews sit back, laugh, and become globalists
Envy is an ugly sin.
here's a long list
i'll post shorter one next
Serious question for Yas Forums: What if we become the Jews? I'm not joking. What if antifa wins 100% and poltards get blacklisted by Westen society and had to either suck Tyrone or leave for another country? Would you scatter into the wind or band together and try to start a new community in another land that doesn't compromise your values? What will those people think when 1000s of poltards start showing up? What if they get pissed and kick us out too? Where will we go then?
one of the shorter lists here
good thread
>Forget about him, goy.
>The KGB killed him years ago.
>Just look at his tie.
here's a different list
>What if we become the Jews?
You'll never be considered one of them. It's not a religion that you can convert to. They believe they're G-d's chosen master race. You'll always be a gentile.
Wow, how did this girl live that long?
Significant portions of Anne Frank's diary were written in ball-point pen by her father; Otto Frank, after the death of Anne, despite the fact that the ball point pen was not commonly used in Europe until after WWII had ended. The rights to the fictitious diary were acquired by Novelist Meyer Levin.
Furthermore, Anne Frank (as well as many other jews in WWII) died of Typhus.
>not understanding the nature of judaic corruption
Vampires are literally based on jews
They're too pure and too defiant. They keep trying to skulk around pinging evils. It takes a lot of virtue to not be disrupted by Jews. Modern societies can do it if they're honest.
All you pussy 4channers were too pussy too fight for freedom. Where’s my %10 discount at Dairy Queen? HOO-RAH
i don't have many of these
OIF, April 03-April 04
367 Days straight, no R&R, no trip to Qatar.
You didn't understand at all. I meant what if poltards and white autistics become international objects of obloquy like the jews? Where will we flee too and who will take us in? And what if they decide we're faggots and want us to leave?
YES...YES OH GOD ALMIGHTY YES! Thanks bro this is perfect.
having read many folktales from different countries, I can confirm many seek to underscore the nasty, creepy, villianous behavior of these monsters in human form to provide an easy to remember and inform method of warning children and fools alike of their danger.
>random ppl can be profiled as autistic
>this becomes a reason to be mad at them
Holy fucking based. Very well written post. Gonna be taking a screenshot of this for future reference.
What this meme called, I just wanna see all the variants...
But everyone knows you're a smoothbrain and hates you for it so...?
bumpin for moar lol
good god, this makes me believe that religions and thought processes may propagate in some sort of wave medium that humans can detect with their minds, how else would you even explain what the list says
White women have been kicked out of so many places?
How is it even possible to expel somebody 1030 times within 1700 years? You'd have to average one expulsion every 16 years. The numbers just don't add up!
Is this Tribe related to the Gypsies?
redpill me on the gypsies please
This thread isn't about anyone but kikes.
Stop trying to derail this thread, kike.
Take your "concerns" elsewhere.
There are different tribes, each based around a certain, medieval occupation. A tribe of woodcarvers, a tribe of coppersmiths, a tribe of musicians, etc. They don't mix. Maybe "caste" is a better word.
There is no equivalent for Zionism or anything like that.
Kike DNA is shitty, cheesy crap that produces sociopaths with a consistency going back thousands of years.
It is the sane and reasonable people who reject utterly the sociopathic behavior of these enemies of humanity.
It is just using common sense and reasoning ability to realize you simply cannot allow sociopathic behavior within a group.
This is the basis for the rule of law: to oppose sociopathic behavior and live according to common rules.
Jews reject all rules but their own, refuse to consider themselves as citizens of any nation/group but their own, whether it be religious, ethnic, cultural, etc.
They view all outsiders as cattle, food, something to be eaten and enslaved.
Saved. Jews make me fucking sick.
Here's a home made one.
They are sliding this thread hard, I see.
When I first came here today there were half a dozen slide threads on the front page.
pic unrelated, the British have never removed their kikes since the times of Cromwell and now look at them.
>home made
What source does this use? Some sites give me 16m to 11m drop. Others from 15.3m to 12.6m in 1970. Just making sure it's consistent and not just made up.
who let the jews win world war 2? it would have been better if the holocaust had actually happened, what the hell did you do hitler
>only a few kikes
I hope every kike dies as soon as possible.
Your chickniks are coming home to roost, kikes.
I'm not sure off the top of my head, but I seem to remember it being from the red cross.