>The US can't built a hospital in 45 days, China did it in 10.
Why did the US fall so far behind?
The US can't built a hospital in 45 days, China did it in 10
Its easy to get shit done when you gun down anyone who asks for a break
we have the best hospitals, building them fast isn't an option, they have the be built perfectly
big corps wanted to make money by sending factory know how to other countries -- only way to stop this is with socialism
we pay more for medical care in the united states for worse compared to what people around the world receive for what they pay
Yeah. Clearly it was like that lol
my State can't even print off a 4-inch wide drivers license in 1 day
they issued me a paper drivers license, and then mailed me out my drivers license 2-weeks later, and i wasn't a new driver, simply a renewal of my license that comes up every 5-years...
Those hospitals are already falling apart due to weather.
Well if they're gonna yell at trump for waiting two months we're definitely gonna drag this asshat for waiting two months.
US has the best healthcare in the world because doesn't cater to the lowest common denominator.
China's hospital collapsed and everyone died user.
Because the US would actually build a hospital and not a concentration camp/morgue/crematorium
Did you really believe the "hospital" was a hospital? They just used it to lure the infected in and get rid of them. You can't build a hospital in 10 days
Thats fraud protection. Otherwise the affirmative action hires would be selling them
Because our elite are a bunch of parasitic jews who don't know how to run a functional society. The jew can't build, the jew can only destroy.
Nothing says 10 day hospital quality like contaminated water being sprayed on recovering patients, and leaking into the streets and rivers
They weren’t hospitals you fucking retard. They were temporary prisons. Where did all of the extra nurses and doctors come from? Magically manifested from the ether? You fucking idiot.
>can't built
Nuff said
They were too busy trapping coyotes.
Why does US need to build more hospitals? Are you dumb? There are plenty ones already.
Because they use prefab structures, setting them up is just a matter of playing construction lego. Second, they're certainly fucking not to required sterile standards (I seriously doubt they even have the correct HVAC for burn wards/ORs for example) that the west requires. And last of all they use fucking slave labor, there's no shortage of chinks to authoritarian communist party can force to work 25/8 for pennies, while in the west rush jobs like this are rare and expensive because dem unions mang
I guarantee you the western hospital will still be standing in 50 years, possibly expanded as well, while the chink one won't even last 10 years, I'd seriously even doubt 5
But you didn't ask this question because you wanted an answer, this a spam slide thread so fuck you anyways faggot
Its easy to get shit done when the state owns 50% of all enterprises. Its the only way to manage a global crisis like this.
Whoops wrong webm but still relevant, here's the one with the 10 day hospital leaking contaminated liquid and materials all over the place.
I remember this place in MGSV
did they die?
They didn't though. They were just cells that they threw people in until they died.
you regret your parents came here, chang?
not as much as I do
does anyone else find this hospital ship fucking terrifying? field hospitals are scary as shit too.
can you imagine being in one of these ships or field hospitals? gasping for air among thousands of other patients. all fucking alone. just one of millions and nobody will really care about you.
it is terrifying to think that we are so powerless against this.
Because one os talking about actual hospitals the other built a makeshift warehouse for corpses
You've clearly never been to NYC nigger. Where in the fuck do you just build a hospital? Do you have any idea what that city is like?
We could build a chinkhouse shit-hospital in the same amount of time or less anywhere with space to do so, obviously.
didnt that shit collapse tho?
Your video doesn't show that, wtf are you talking about
The right hand side of OP's pic is very phallic and based. Right on bro!
OOhhh censooo that!!
Juo ebil Americunru capitalist pigu!
Thata is not a rear chinesa construction sita! Great leader Xi Jinping would not arrow!
Is this the power of communism?
You are a complete moron.
Here's the Chinese workers beating Chinese officials who ordered them to ghetto rig, and half ass as much as possible said Hospital which is in the cusp of literally collapsing due to all the contaminated sewage leaking all over the place.
Yes, that was footage of a death cooooougher camp.
we have standards and china does not
the "hospitals" china built would not be considered hospitals in the usa
a warehouse is not a hospital
National guard or Army corps of engineers is converting Hotels and the Jacob Javits Center into hospitals, so theres that
>what are building codes
You have no idea what goes into buikding a buikding much less one with very specfic electrical, HVAC, plumbing, septic, structural, insulation, light, sound, organizational requirements. If you just need a triage area.....we got that all worked out. But youre specifically calling it a hospital. Our hospital stabdards in the US are very high. It takes a lot of time to procure material, schedule the many different conyractors that have to perform specific steps in unison while maintaining quality assurance and ever changing building codes. I would estinate 6 months to be the absolute minimum for buikding a hospital in any of the top 100 cities in America
t. General Contractor
That gives them time to check your information.
They didn't though. They were just cells that they threw people in until they died.
Just get rid of central park. no one is using it anyway.
>spouting complete lies on the internet
The chinese "hospital" was basically just a large warehouse for meatbags, with not running water unless you include the rainwater seeping through the ceiling.
You use eminent domain to retrofit existing structures that fill the purpose. Its not difficult but the problem is that shit takes time and our courts make it so hard to do. In china the party just told businesses what was what..
>The US can't built a hospital in 45 days, China did it in 10
I wonder how
>made in china
there's a reason it was understood that this label meant the quality was shit. The point still stands with those rushed hospitals.
>why are we so far behind?
because our hospitals don't collapse when we build them user.
only a few were built from scratch, the majority are retrofitted buildings but it looks like you're having fun being retarded so go ahead.
Legit have a prebuilt mobile hospital with cutting edge technology MOVING UNDER ITS OWN POWER to an affected area
OP: Why can't they make a hospital like the china did
China didn't build a hospital. They built a jail for quarantine.
Oh and the 10 day hospital also came with a handy dandy gigantic pit, used for unknown reasons, said pit was covered with giant plastic tarps.
Lol. The chinks counterfeit everything but I never thought they'd counterfeit concrete blocks.
Didn't the bloke who bought them relise that the weight was wrong?
>sets up warehouse with 400 beds 2 feet apart for processing soon to be killed population
>get praise for building a hospital
>t. China
the hospital ships will treat people with "run of the mill" medical problems so that the actual hospitals can be cleared out to make space
there will be no patients with the beijing bat lung on hospital ships dont worry
>we aren't doing it because we're too sophisticated
Holy shit the fucking cope
Top kek
Easy to do when your bureaucratic bullshit is JUST sucking the Supreme Leader's cock all day and getting shit done to appease Him.
True. Most of the "hospitals" were just gymnasiums/etc. filled with beds.
Those were concentration camps where they sent people to die.
Like that scene in contagion pretty crazy
What baffelsmy mind is that the fiberglass mats probably cost more than the concrete.
Do they even do social distancing?
Scribbling a cross on a cardboard box isn't building a hospital, no matter what the Chinese state media says.
Hans gets it.
I would guess is for decorative usage.
all these mutt cope
Chinese Concrete Strong!
>dude trust me
That’s not the hospital they built in 10 days. Stop spreading false information you shill.
>building hospitals in nyc
It fell down and crushed a heap of people lmao.
insane. it’s harder to make that then it is making the damn concrete
It took 60 days to get testing sorted out. Basically there are so many rent seekers in regulation checking with their handlers at big business on the one hand, & making sure that they don't get blamed for doing something wrong that it takes 100x as long and is 100x more expensive
yup, 6 feet apart and under.
Ok Chang
Hospice vs hospital.
Big difference
That's the country where the building collapsed, right?
>builds hospital in 10 days
>hospital collapses and kills everyone
Chink engineering everyone
>it's just like a movie!!!
>>The US can't built a hospital in 45 days, China did it in 10.
A hospital in the US is significantly different than a hospital in China. Chinese hospitals are essentially a roof walls and beds. Add the lack of building regulation, crappy materials, cheap labor and you get a hospital a fraction of one in the US
>I guarantee you the western hospital will still be standing in 50 years, possibly expanded as well, while the chink one won't even last 10 years, I'd seriously even doubt 5
They're already falling apart. And one of the hotels (built in 2013) they were housing people in collapsed.
Yo man this is some real Holocaust shit here
Wonder if this is the same building?
The US should really move essential manufacturing back
look at your own filename
So this is the real reason for the cancelled basketball tournament.
Nigga that was no hospital. That was a death camp.
lazy, low IQ mutt population
the American leaders are very smart but the rest of +300 million are dysgenic slobs worthy only of being slaves to their elite
And I thought cricket was boring.
Asians have weird sports.
>fiberglass mats
Nigga das woven straw.
illegal mexicans aren't unionized you retard
Oh look, a modern hospital.
Is there any reliable source that doesn't link to Epoch Times about those cell phone cancellations?
>when you realize youre in the middle of a minefield
>getting picky about news from China when literally all western media has been banned from China
Actual definition of brave showing the world this death camp.
You mean the one that was made from pre-fabbed prison blocks?