Chad Chinese ship vs Virgin Colombus ship.
Why does China beat the West at every turn? Amazing China. Wow
Chad Chinese ship vs Virgin Colombus ship
That smaller ship worked, that's the different.
That fat cunt, Confucius, knew the deal. Your huge junks would get fucked up by a simple Frigate or Corvette. If China had what it took to rule the waves they would of owned the Carribean 200 years before the west knew about trade winds. But nahh, you all went back to famines and civil wars, Chinese would rather fight among themselves, millions of them all wanting to be numba yuan. If China was going to do something it would of been done already.
Tell me more about Chinese colonization of the world.
With all that wood and labour they probably could have built 5 ships like colombus' ship, and could still be sunk by a single smaller ship easily.
And that large profile probably also means it was slow as fuck.
>fall of the samurai had really fun naval battles
>total warhammer never will have naval battles
Yeah it's a fake, you haven't realized that Chinese are notorious liars?
This guy gets it. Western ships were built to be robust and fast, except ships of the line which had enough firepower to decimate one of those chinese treasure ships
And when did the chinese ship not work.
The European vessel is much faster and aerodynamic. While its saisl are smaller, both its sails and rigging are much more sophisticated.
The Chinese ship is just a giant box.
>massive target
>gets hit below the waterline
>not only still sinks but sinks even faster
chad sucks dick when there are only two of them alone for more than a minute, that's why they travel in packs
When Americas named after an European and not Ching Chong Ping Pong Wing Wong.
Carriers too. They're sitting ducks in the age of the anti ship missile swarm.
>Chink ship requires crew of 10k insect-men just to row one metre
>Spaniard's ship requires 50 men to go across the ocean
uh nice fake shit that wouldn't stand a change against a us navy carrier group its called america OK not chinchong land
the absolute fucking state of this board
Chinese ships were not ocean going vessels; atleast not like European ships. Junks have no keel; good luck in high seas.
All these larger vessels were ment to be river and coast ships.
European ships were highly maneuverable and much faster. They could actually make a blue water passage.
Hey Chang! What's it like being hung like me when I was 2?
Based American, these ships aren’t for ocean travel and we’re far more likely to have been for slow going river travel for the emperor to flex on peasants
>Chinese ships were not ocean going vessels; atleast not like European ships. Junks have no keel; good luck in high seas.
I’ve noticed that’s all nonwhites can pretty much do: flex on their peers with useless superficial shit.
While whites actually innovate and progress into the aether of creation.
Cross the Pacific and get back to me.
>yellow ID
good one chang! How did your 3000 year headstart on the rest of the world work out for you?
>world's largest economy for 2,500/3,000 years. Soon to be largest economy again.
want to make a strategic retreat? nope ching chong tu phat
smaller ships take less resources to build, are more agile, require less manpower to maintain, and if one sinks you still have a dozen left
play any rts game and you'll learn that having a handful of tier 1 or tier 2 units is better than a single tier 3
junks had leeboards and centerboards, and were built to carry treasure. probably wouldnt fare well in extreme weather but were capable of world exploration.
Isnt that the chinese treasure fleet that sailed the fucking world only to come home to be executed because of a regime change since they left? Shits hilarious
You realize that big piece of crap is fir leasurely travel right?
Not really sea worthy in any sense?
at least do it based on things you can actually be proud off
All this shilling your doing is hollow like nigger tier.
Chinks don't know about the Man 'o' War.
Lmao wong actually believes in the superiority of chinks
Cmon bro do we really need to teach you zipperheads another lesson?
I swear to god every time you look into china claims and history there is no proof whatsoever, if i didn't knew better i would think they just made shit up and the anti-western traitors give them credit for it.
>Columbus nautically ideal ship's crosses the Atlantic in one month, returns some months later
>chink mammoth takes almost 30 years to travel roughly the same distance
chinks like to build big to compensate for their tiny penis, their design is shit and always was
aye bruv isa cruise ship for dynasty boomers!
>were capable of world exploration
Let me guess, chinks never did any of that because they were too cool and awesome
>if i didn't knew better i would think they just made shit up
I would expect nothing less from the Jews of the East
Hugging the coastline makes the trip less impressive.
Chinese ship looks highly ineficient, even as a floating fortress city kind of thing it sucks.
Better question would be, when did they work. You are clearly not familiar with the opium wars.
When they decided to set it on fire
Is it even possible to make a ship like that out of wood and not have it break apart in a mild sea state?
It would either be too flimsy and crack, or too heavy to float.
looks like a hive.
How did this take 30 fucking years?
>fall of the samurai had really fun naval battles
How are they fun? Genuinely loathe them and have to autoresolve out of boredom.
My understanding was that when his advisors reported that there were whole other continents across the Pacific, and that China wasn't actually the Middle Kingdom, the Emperor freaked the fuck out and dismantled the navy and turned China's attention inward.
Every time they tried to use it.
>total warhammer never will have naval battles
Why is this? Why don't my Dark Elf corsairs get to run circles around Dwarven Ironclads?
Lol you dont bring a center board into open water xDDDDDD
Your not a sailor so I'll let this slip.
Wasn't the big one basically a barge that floated treasure down the river to the capital?
A Chinese ship reached Iceland circa 1420 AD and probably the Cannibean Sea as well. They left some of their crew behind and this is probably why Columbus was so sure he had reached China.
Typical low IQ insectioid behavior
>We Wuz Kangs! Chank Edition
The Chinese built European 13th century style tec 400 years later
Bullshit. In supreme commander 1 having 10 lvl 3 navy ships is better then 100 lvl 1 ships
chinks eat dogs and skin animals alive
I do find it odd that the CCP finds all this Chinese history these days that makes them look so powerful after the CPC destroyed so much of it.
An Irish Catholic priest, assigned to an Iceland parish, gave a detailed description of the ships and people to the Vatican.
Ah yes. Random vidya > reality. If their tech were superior Americans would be speaking chink.
Didn’t the Chinese get assfucked by the British so brutally hard that they had to allow the brits to sling opium in their country for a long time?
the other day I thought of when Mao killed all the sparrows
put a smile on my face
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