My latina girlfriend is much more caring and family oriented than any white girl I have ever dated. I don't understand why you hate them. pic related.
Why does pol hate latina women?
this post
because they're used to growing up in a household with weak manlets, so they think they run shit when they don't. there are more family oriented white women than you think, you just probably have a degenerate druggie circle of friends.
I don’t, but I was born in San Antonio, I might not be the average
latina women blow up like a Buffalo after their 20th birthday, not to mention tacos are dirty and smelly
only a women would post that law
>latina women blow up like a Buffalo after their 20th birthday
What the fuck is this meme? Here in Mexico women only get fat when they reach their mature age. Like 40+. And now with fitness getting more and more popular they stay healthy for a longer time.
also mommy die when i was little so fuck off
well i have a chinese girlfriend but she's really good to me. she has all the qualities of my ideal gf except for the fact that she's chinese and not white
I don't. I love Latina women.
I hate all spics, I'm not sexist. I also don't like goblin looking manlets.
Castizas are clearly a white mans best friend
>love white guys
>give birth to white children
>trad AF
>based AF, hate niggers more than whites
>promote strong family values
>raise honorable daughters
>raise strong sons
I don’t know why more white men arent dating Castizas
They don’t age well.
That’s because they have natural beauty and don’t get plastic surgery like some cunt white chicks do
mexico has a higher rate of obesity than even the united states
all the squat indio beaner women you send across the border are fat as fuck once they graduate high school
it's honestly shocking how quickly they go from thin to whale in such a short period of time
sorry man, that's terrible
but please, stop replying to slide threads
white women have wrinkles since their 20s.
white men go bald in their 20s.
That’s because Mexico sends all their indians to us... the Mexicans we get are sometimes full bean
Go for Venezuelans, Brazilians, Cubans or Argentinians
A higher white mix in them
Latinas are smoking hot. Alsi saged
>soon will be less white than America
>mexico has a higher rate of obesity than even the united states
Not true.The US is fatter. Some people here are technically obese but they'd be "chubby" in the US. What actually socially counts as obese in America is a bigger standard than in Mexico.
>all the squat indio beaner women you send across the border are fat as fuck once they graduate high school
We aren't sending anyone.
>it's honestly shocking how quickly they go from thin to whale in such a short period of time
Uneducated poor women eating cheap American food going fat in no time? woah what a surprise
Because the proto-asian natives were low IQ savages and the spainiard armada was mostly composed of low IQ medi trash. Mixed together they've created an army of lazy slaves to the catholic church.
Certainly there are hot women among them, but most illegals are like 70% shit tier indian that the Aztecs wanted to but never got around to genociding.
Literally 2/3 of Brazil has nigger blood lmao yea start there
Fuck off
Enjoy having sub-90IQ kids, faggot.
Natural beauty... you are so fucking gay.
A spic is a spic. No thanks.
A lot are
Who the fuck are your talking about?
South Brazilians Paco
What if I hate my mother and want her to die horribly?
If whites are so smart why are they controlled and cuck so much by Jews? Check mate, whitoids. Jews are the real master race.
Shut up the holy fuckin mouth
One drop rule.
Look up Ana de Armas
Castizas and Criollas are fucking gorgeous
A bleach breed, and your kids are still white and not Kiked like white womans kids are
"I've been found out!!"
The "Latina" Puerto ricans I met my whole life had always had a real cunty entitled attitude.
>I can do and say what I want and get away with it because I'm a LATINA!! You hear me If you call me out on my bullshit, that's just me HOT LATIN TAMPER CABRON!!!
Chicano chad that only dates white girls here, I think its a fair trade. In fact I've always hoped my sister ends up with a nice white guy.
South Brazilians have no nigger blood in them...
I would not advocate for a white man to taint his genes with even a fucking 0.01% of nigger DNA
If Mexicans are so smart, why are they fleeing the hellhole that is Mexico and flooding into the White country that is (for a little while longer) the United States? Why couldn't they make their own country a place they would want to stay in?
Why can't latino men see with their eyes what latina women really look like? That isn't it
Make me, faggot. Also:
> the holy fuckin mouth
Get some English lessons. This isn't Spanish.
Fuck I can't resist Latinas. I have 3 white children already but would like a Latina just to fuck around with
We never claimed to be smart. But you did post a "muh IQ" reply.
Only niggers cheat on their wives.
Stay loyal Leaf
Disgusting. I will never give up Latinas for white girls.
bc most are crazy as all fuck
This bitch’s face is busted. Looks like a 20+ year boxer
they're used to living in households with literal wife beaters, so they act up when their fair skinned american basedbois don't know hoe to put them in their place.
They're worse than white women dude.
t. """"latino"""" male.
I don't like calling myself that because I'm not Italian or a sp@niard but that's the category the white understands
You need to get your eyes checked bruh
Have fun breeding with some white cunt who’s had 50 plus dicks in her.
Castizas at least keep that shit to a minimum
Miscegenation is a sin, and damns the offspring to hell. Kind after kind, user.
This guy is an insider, listen to him instead of guessing like creampuffed homos ordering lattes at starcucks
Latino is short for Latin American. It has nothing to do with Italians and Spanish, those are Latin Europeans.
>Castizas at least keep that shit to a minimum
Kek, blondy doesn't know their tinder game is set on "whore" levels.
There's a reason they get knocked up early on and have kids from multiple baby daddies.
Its true. My current white gf always talks about how amazing it is to be with an actual man for once (i'm her first latino, she only dated white bois before me)
They are psychotic. Casually mention cannibalism from time to time, pay attention.
I'm not """latin""", you might be a foreigner from europe but not me.
Because she didn't cross the border, it crossed her.
And because Make America Mexico again.
They are an invading people, and must be destroyed.
pinche puro
Latin American, not Latin alone. It means that you speak a Latin-based language (like Spanish or Portuguese) AND you live in the Americas. If this doesn't apply to you then you aren't Latin American.
Latinas are based and they will save the white race with their fertile wombs
If you don’t accept your white Spanish blood line then you and your children’s future will be that of the Comanche...
Accept your white roots... USA is a white mans country
Hay información valioso en este hilo. Gracias mi hermanos latinos.
¿Debome guardar un secreto sobre que hablo español?
what a massive cope
there is no fatter country than the US, especially of international standards for obesity are used which differ drastically from the US for very easy political reasons even shitlard with your intellect can understand
while you might find up to a dozen countries with fatter people, only one of them has more than 17.000 inhabitants and no developed nation would even consider that a real city.
Why do you cope with fake news? Are you shit fucking retarded disgusting piece of human refuse whose parents did wrong by him, not giving him any chance in life and now you're stuck here having to defend the obesity problem of the US to retards on the internet?
Well you're a success story if I ever saw one.
Yes. Puro..
.. les doy
He’s not lying... a simple google search will show you Mexico’s obesity surpassed Americas like 5 yrs ago.
Doesn’t mean white Castiza Mexicans aren’t breed worthy
spic women make spic children
>If you don’t accept
I don't.
white women make mulattoes these days so pick your poison
Meh not happening that much
Then enjoy MAYBE 10 more years of white cuckery
Once the cuckery ends, the white man will go back to his natural instinct.......
Obesity Rates By Country 2020:
United States: 36.20%
Mexico: 28.90%
You're delusion
Fat after age 20, annoying, ugly.
I like Latina women.
They're fiery and fun.
I just wouldn't trust them fully,
or have a kid with one.
They're fun if you sync up right with one.