Patriarchy Smashed
some of these people are simply too obese to be a soldier
There is no future for the US Army lol
Fuck these manlets guard our nukes, well boys it was a good run while it lasted
I bet I could outperform them by every metric except having periods and babies lmao
Honestly I'm probably better at having a menstrual cycle too, most of these sows have been on birth control since they were 14
The USAF chick is of course always the hottest one.
>Rejected Company Clearing Barrels.
They're pogs
What a fucking joke
you still have to shoot them if they're all shooting at you, or find some way to kill them.
All I'm saying, is how does Kim get a private army of hottie body guards, and this is what we get?
I want me some of that blue hat flygirl
Those “chicks” are dogs. You should have seen the Air Force women in kadena afb japan. The guys look like goobers too.
A remake of "Stripes"?
this is the guard and this was a photo op for some women's empowerment bullshit campaign. go look at pictures from Iraq and Afghanistan and see whos actually doing the fighting.
Women can't fight in Arab lands, they're too rapey over there.
One captured female soldier even got a marriage proposal from an Iraqi soldier who was smitten with her. Those libidinous arabaics...
>find some way to kill them
Female soldiers almost invariably get severe pelvic infections during extended field operations. Just pin down their position and wait 'em out. Their body will kill them for you.
>Security Forces
Fucking Air Force kek
Women aren't supposed to fight in wars. You keep your women at the respawn point and defend it to the death. Once the enemy gains access to the wombs of your women, you have truly lost the war.
This might be hubris, but I feel 100% confident that I could take out all of those people by myself. Sure, they have more weapons, but knowing how easily women panic under stress I could just make the first couple of kills really gory (i.e. face shots) and watch as panic unfolds.
From that point on it would just be a matter of watching my flanks and keeping on the move to prevent them from knowing my position as I take 'em out.
Stupid cunts.
Bet you didn't notice the chick in the humvee tower.
A bunch of fat hoes not wearing their equipment correctly. Who would have thought.
I know they can't that's why I said to go look at who is fighting over there, women are nothing more than a liability in combat,
I bet they are all first in line at the canteen.
i like the jumpsuit one. All the rest suck.
True. Women are literally "the flag"
I reckon I could train some African children with AK’s that’ll be better soldiers than these women. What a joke.
Does it look like I give a fuck about an all female missile alert crew?
>chain smokes 7 cigarettes in the motorpool
>"get off your lazy asses and do PMCS"
Arent they a little too fat to be...
best job for women to do are the ones that don't mater. Men in the USAF know this, it's why they are get assigned to it.
Which one? They are all Air Force
Guaranteed she’s been put on the spit by two niggers who work in the same motorpool.
more like smash the POG with inefficiency
norwegian chad vs amerifat female "soldiers" yeah you would win
Its crazy they accept fatties now. When I was in the USAF we were rail thin and got warned if we went over the weight limits.
>They are all Air Force
Can the AF decide on a camo already?
You may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like
>That fucking goblin on the left
they did. their using the armys camo now. after the army realized the last one suckd so did the air force
I'm 99% sure most of the military doesn't even do miles and miles of running anymore. They ran my ass off in the Army and I hated it. Kept me in shape though. I see way too many fatties in uniform for the standards to be anywhere near where they used to be.
Why isnt air force camo blue like the sky? Wtf
they all look like they have down syndrome
germans are ugly, but americans look mutated
>>That fucking goblin on the left
The one on the right, I'm thinking she has an extra chromosome
Navy NWU type 1s were blue. Now they're baby shit green
So we all agree, blue hat AF chick is hot enough to strip naked and whip her ass with a car antenna?
They'd wildly panic fire at you as you domed them one by one with 7mm mauser bolt gun with a can on it.
This, this right here is why we needed corona chan, and the war that follows. Humanity has become fucking soft.
why are so many americans on Yas Forums perverts? i think it's a post-trump phenomenon, before 2016 the americans here were cool.
From left to right
>Fat can't get real service weapon.
>Chair force pretty much a civilian branch
>Chair force same as above
>Boots aren't bloused
>TActIcOol Look at muh gear
>Ugly wants to be an individual with the warming layer
>Looks decent can't tell if female
>Fat but otherwise seems diciplined
>Fatter, boots unbloused. Look at my haji scarf lol. I'm like an operator.
The only once who seems alright is the second and third from the right.
I don't think any of them have sapi plates in.
I like the one on the far left. She's got all the cushion. But I like em thick
run "red cell" actions against them..see how long they last...answer..not long...
Why are they so dumb they can't relocate their flashlight on the side of the grip so they can place the front vertical grip in a more rational place?
good job girls!!
Why do I get the feeling that the one which looks like a man is the only competent one?
Single mom squad. Je'quan is waiting at home for them, maybe.
God made humans, Sam Colt made 'em equal. Looking good, US Military.
Former milfag here, I would bet the average farm boy here that grew up shooting could take the entire group out. Bunch of larping chair force ugly sluts/dykes pretending to be tough.
>blocks your path
>fires grenade at you
>grenade hits wall behind you
>bounces back at her explodes
>kills herself
>blocks your path
>fires grenade at you
>grenade hits wall behind you
>bounces back at her explodes
>kills herself
One thing women have plenty of is hubris, and tears.