I work at a major hospital in a large American city

I work at a major hospital in a large American city.

Ask me anything that won't violate state or federal law for me to answer.

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How ready are you for Armageddon?

are you an rn? janitor? IT?

How many of the COVID-19 patients are obese?

Are you black?

how long will the pandemic go on for?

Should I get a tetanus shot?

When you change the bedpans, do you have to wait until it cools off.. or...???

Do you pity the fool?

Give it to me straight Doc, is this endgame for humanity. I'm not gonna lie I've been hoping of this shit since I was 10 years old. Fallout 2020 is base level 100. So how bad is it?

Are you a nigger?

QRD from you. What is the current level of happening? 1-it's good bro. 2-shit is totally totally fucked mate. Give region for reference. Are you using malaria+stong antibiotocs in treatment?

If you mean that literally, no one is ready for Armageddon.
Where I'm at it's unclear because we treat those showing symptoms as "rule-outs." Sort of like, pretend they have it unless proven otherwise.
I have no idea

how long have you been in janitorial services?


cashier here; corporate says we're staying open and there will be no increase in pay. How dangerous is corona really cause I want to quit right now

Nice, do a lot of EKG's today?

anyway, can you share anything interesting?



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Do you "work" at LOWES?

How many nice cunts readers have you seen?

Nice tits?

Are white people immune to it like Yas Forums claims?

Post time stamp or you are Dr. LARP

Are mostly blacks getting Kung Flu?

I recently saw an interview with a german doctor for a documentary. are these claims he made accurate or not? I tend to think they're accurate.
>coronavirus is ubiquitous
>maybe 8-10% of the population harbors it at any given time in flu season
>basically everyone who dies of flu has coronavirus and a handful of other disease agents
>this strain is more virulent, coming from chinese "wet markets" where they let standing water collect with mixed wild and domestic animal blood and shit

All of them

How old are you? Did you have them during childhood? Have you been injured recently?
Luckily, I don't have to do it.
There are way too many variables and things we just don't know at this point to be able to predict. Clearly the economy is serious trouble regardless of how the virus is actually handled by professionals.
I'll try to refrain giving any info that could narrow down where I work since that will potentially make it easier to share other info. It feels like a calm before a storm really. Nothing crazy yet but everyone is very on edge. If a patient is suspected of covid, I'm not responsible for treating that other than cardiac diagnostics.

How accurate is the information being given to the hospital? Do you think we are being given fake numbers?

Have any tax info? Are they using Plaquenil and Zithromax?

The COVID-19 tests are for genes that if found individually result in a negative test, but found together result in a positive test. What are the chances of it all being false positives? How accurate are these tests? We have no reference to know if someone recieves a false positive, or if the tests are accurate. No one can be sure they have the virus. 86% of infected show NEVER no symptoms. It's exactly like the HIV hoax! The chances of a bacteria mutating to survive in a new species is very small, but the chances of a virus mutating across species is ZERO. It has never happened, never will happen, and probably never could happen. The only way humans can get a virus or flu from another species is if it is injected into them, period. And the chances of it going across species multiple times? It can not happen, ever. Dogs, cats, sheep, pigs, and others have tested positive for this COVID-19. It's fucking impossible. All signs point to the testing being a false positive. It's just like the HIV hoax. West Nile Virus, SARS, AIDS, and Hepatitis C are all invented by the CDC. The testing is even similar to HIV, which is fake. The statistics make ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE. Watch this documentary House of Numbers on how the CDC and world governments invented the AIDS epidemic out of nowhere: youtu.be/BsT4GrimfLQ

Do NOT get tested. Do NOT take any drugs they give you. And for the love of jesus christ up above in heaven DO NOT GET VACCINATED. Thousands of people died to the h1n1 vaccine. The spanish flu was created by vaccinations. All viruses are symbiotic with humans in that they detoxify the body of toxic cells to prevent aging, especially in the respiratory system. They have been evolving with us for billions of years. They are manufactured within the cells. They are not foreign invaders that hijack your cell's reproductive process. It is a symbiotic process. They are as much a part of us as the rest of our immune system.ANY deadly virus is either man-made or made up!

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how many white nurses at your workplace have black boyfriends

Have you been prepped on anything outside of the cardiac practice as an emergency triage in case of SHTF level cases? One of the Italian doctor leaked interviews mentioned doctors from other specialties assisting in the treatment of bilateral interstitial pneumonia patients.

You've posted no proof, nothing but Dr. LARP

Mutt's law strikes again

That's a judgment call only you can make.
>Nice, do a lot of EKG's today?
Every day
>anyway, can you share anything interesting?
It's interesting to me the way hospitals are handling this. We've essentially temporarily restructured much of the hospital. There's an entire floor now specifically for covid rule outs. Every other unit can only take patients that absolutely need to be in the hospital. We need to do it but the downside is that we typically treat most of the homeless and otherwise vulnerable populations who may not need immediate hospitalization but who could have the virus and be prolonging however long this lasts.
The racial demographics seem proportionate to the city I'm in. Then again, it's hard to say since we're not actually testing most people.

Tell us about the progression of corona and the steps hospitals are taking against it.

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Are you getting a lot of hypochondriacs?

What’s the most surprising thing can you tell us about fubuflu

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all of them boi

Corona is the solution to the homeless.

So basically you can't tell us shit because you're not privy to it.

Thanks for the larp nigger.

are heart disease patients especially high risk? my mom takes high blood pressure medication, but her numbers are good, 60, good lungs, never smoked, exercises.

will she make it if she's gets infected?

I heard there were studies in France where they drew a correlation between patients taking blood pressure medication and severe complications with covid.

But then I also read they did studies in the US where they used blood pressure medication to treat covid.

If you have any money saved or have an opportunity to ride it out in safety, do you really want to put yourself at risk?

Think of coronavirus as an umbrella term. There are many of these viruses so the claims can be true in the broad sense but is clearly false in the case of this particular virus. So yes, the doctor's claims are accurate so long as they're understood in that sense.
Unfortunately, you're closer to being right than how things should be. Especially for older Americans, they're more likely to get the virus AND to be obese.
You mean from the media? You're absolutely being deceived by the media. I was shocked when I found out the local news was running a headline about how all of the beds in my hospital were full and making a huge deal out of it. What they failed to mention is that at the time they reported it, NONE of those patients were even suspected of having covid. Hospitals fill up occasionally, we happened to do so, and the media irresponsibly took that as an opportunity to scare people. Its upsetting. There seem to be two extremes where so many people are being terrified by the news while others are pretending that nothing at all is happening. The reality is somewhere in between.

How many are critical or dying of COVID-19 in your hospital? What is the typical outlook? How are they being treated?

Thank you if you're a real doctor. I'm sure you get paid well, but it's likely going to be a dangerous job.

The question. Your thoughts on hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular issues having a higher comorbidity than pulmonary. This is very odd to since the obvious symptoms seem to be more directly tied to the lungs. Any personal thoughts on what could be done to alleviate cardiovascular issues to reduce the effect?

Many americans have hypertension, so I think could become a pretty horrific event.

are you a nurse (male) ?

Get back to your padded cell Schizo

Is it just a flu, bro?


Thanks for all you do, user.

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Do Xers and millenials really seem to be getting covid, or is that just a media meme to scare young people?

The media can start a pandemic hysteria and the media can stop it. Was thinking this might be a lesson about how easily we are manipulated.

>Think of coronavirus as an umbrella term
already do, bro; molecular biologist here, little understanding of virology. I do believe the current "panic" strain, as opposed to a garden-variety coronavirus, can be easily defeated by the conscious application of BSL-1 level hygiene

also, thanks

My mother has lung cancer. I have her isolated for now but I have to take her to get chemo this week. Should I put her in a giant plastic bag on the way there and neutralize anyone who comes within 50 yards of her or what?

Why were Drs mad when Trump made promising drugs known to the public??? Pic extremely related

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That's a pretty stupid question. Of course they get it. Even small children do. The real question is how severe. And that is likely more influenced by pre-existing conditions than age itself eg 20 year old with aids and hypertension
vs a 60 old with no pre-existing conditions. Opposite extremes, but you get the idea. If both were equal in health conditions then absolutely the 60 yo have a much higher risk of complications.

Yeah sorry I phrased that all wrong. Is it really much of a problem for most young people?

Is it over?

did you try and rip Eddie Murphy's dick off?

>bsl-1 hygeine
Correct me if I'm wrong but that doesn't seem to include any masks in its protocol. Given that its droplet spread, I'm assuming you'd want to add that in conjunction with the other safety precautions. Handwashing, safety glasses, etc.

Are these rumors of severe lung scarring true? What symptoms have you seen? Anything that is truly scary and horrible? I've read you lungs will never return to normal, you can get the virus 2 times. Any legitimacy to these claims?


This means you're either a ekg tech or a cath lab tech
Most people who just put their dept arent nurses or docs

Source: am multi certified tech (CNA, EMT, Ekg tech and phlebotomy) and currently work as a e.r tech in a major city.

are there any hot nurses? also what color are your heparin tubes

I have no idea.
I know many have. I only really deal with conduction issues and diagnostics so I'll definitely have a job throughout all of this but I won't be dealing with anything else.
There's no proof I could provide that wouldn't either give away my identity or other potentially identifying info about me or my workplace.

If you want, post an EKG strip that has no reverse image search results and I'll tell you what it shows.
As for my hospital, foot traffic in and out is now highly constricted, which is significant because we're a huge hospital. We're also doing the things I mentioned here: No because we're currently only admitting people who actually need to be admitted.
Probably that it may not be cause for humanity to collectively go into hysterics but it is still something people should take seriously.
You can have whatever political or social views you want but it's wildly naive to think that a virus with an army of roaming and largely uncontrolled and uncontrollable people going around everywhere in public that everyone else goes won't have a negative impact on you and your loved ones.
Unfortunately that seems to be the case, especially with high blood pressure. Most patients survive the infection, even those who are at the greatest risk of dying.

>but it is still something people should take seriously
But why tho, it kills less than the flu, bro.

All hospitals have hot nurses.
Heparin tubes are green

why is this so fucking funny to me i'm fucking wheezing at this

All things equal it doesn't look like it atm. Theres been a few notable deaths of younger people, but it seems to be the exception and not the rule. The countries with less healthy populations will likely see a huge increase in cases among younger people though. CCPs numbers were always bullshit, but I would put some stock in their age/complications percentages.

Would flushing you sinuses with a net pot be a good idea?

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how fucked are we, medical speaking
is this our spanish flu and its 1920 all over again?

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