Costco knows the National Guard is coming

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Other urls found in this thread:

>people keep ignoring each half measure and keep going outside and fucking around

No shit the National Guard is coming. Every step of the way fucking retards keep going "MUH FREEDOMS, I DO WHAT I WANT!!!"

There is already curfew being enforced in municipalities all over. Hard enforcement is soon coming. It's inevitable.

>We're going to expose you to a disease
>We're going to ask you to work during a pandemic
>We're going to have you deal with the police and the national guard
>What? No there will be no increase in pay get back to work wagie

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I got one of these too (HD) its crazy.

Walmart too
Any walmart user can go onto the wire and look at the coronavirus update page and find this letter. It is under the California and Illinois shelter in place tabs

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Costco management is all sitting at home on the computers while these boys are all on the frontlines getting coughed on by spics and niggers. Good luck fellas.

Hows them boots taste faggot?

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kirkland brand plaquenil headed my way

>Free sick leave for weeks
>Free EI for the unemployed
Why are the supply chains failing?!

Just let the fucking boomers die already. The lives of the 3% of people who could die in an uncontrolled outbreak are outweighed by the 97% who wouldn't die.

Do you guys really think the national guard is going to come shut down roads and set up checkpoints everywhere?

Yeah, they probably will. At least in major cities.

Fuck you bootlicker.

why it's to make sure you've taken your vaccine like a good little slave
do you have your mark?

National guard is a bunch of fat alcoholic hillbillies why are you normies so scared of them

My gut just dropped.. fuckin real isn't it

i work in elder care and got the same letter. this is not about the national guard, it's about local law enforcement imposing mandated social distancing.

Personally I’m not, ive got protection for myself. But if I had to guess why other people are it’s because they’re fat alcoholic hillbilly’s with guns and the okay to shoot you down.

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Fake and gay, variations of this have been posted here for the past week.

Then why mention the National Guard at all.

sadly this is true. Delta Farce was practically a documentary

If they can't enforce it, it's national guard.

K. Just got it yesterday but sounds good.

Why wouldnt they? They have to power to take over any industry they need to now.

I work at a fucking gas station and even I got stopped by the national guard today. "Good evening, curfew is set to begin in under an hour...hope you're headed home" I shit you not. I just pointed to my exxon mobile name tag and he just smiled and said "well get to it, the pumps aren't gonna pump themselves ha ha ha" I have never in my life wanted to lob a molotav at a group of people so badly in my entire life.

Just a reminder, the NG has been called in to help with the logistical issues that a pandemic like this brings into the equation when increased labor and workforce is needed. The NG is also a 100% voluntary job, just like any branch of the US military, and most of these people in the NG are civilians with families. Be polite, they are here to help, not violate your rights. Notice they will be not be in battle gear (most won't, maybe a small group that will be on security) and the majority will be working.
t. Armed and trained American Citizen ready to murder draconian communists.

the national guard are a bunch of wieners that are gonna be running around with unloaded m4s doing fuckall every day all day.

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>soliders are here to help
>ignore the ones in battle gear, they are just for security
>think of the families, goy!

Nah fuck off with that, uniforms show up and they are getting fucked with in every way imaginable. I hope you enjoy culling insane starving niggers, we have 2 million of them in the LA basin.

t. faggot bootlicker MIGA redneck

Why do I only ever now see the cropped version of this?
What is in the last few lines that people would like to conceal?

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>im entitled to spread this plague wherever i want and YOU CANT STOP ME REEEE
Libertardians are literal children

Fuck your curfews. I'll do what I want. Try to stop me and get shot in the face.

oh what the absolute fuck

this goes beyond clown world tier shenanigans

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You are a faggot. Your tyranny will be met with death.


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Trump just gave Washington and NY the capability to deploy the national guard themselves, and Cuomo undoubtedly will have checkpoints and probably looting protection in place at food stores. California is next to get the national guard for their lockdown, then probably Louisiana, Florida after.

They can do it and they will do it.

Governor Inslee literally said it's a daily "assessment."
He's biding his time so E Washington doesn't have time to revolt.

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I got one of these letters too on Friday. Big companies are just memeing this. No one is having to show their papers to travel, yet at least.

>I've got to stay home otherwise the government will make the rules more strict
Take your vaccine and make sure you have your work badge when you leave the house

The National Guard has a proud tradition of firing on unarmed civilians and we fully intend to uphold this legacy when America needs us.

>yet at least.
Well that's kind of the point. They want to get them out there before any potential lockdowns so they don't have to draft and distribute anything at the last second.

Now you know how those people in Iraq felt about US occupation. And that lasted fucking years.

Bet people won't be singing praises about their military and thanking them for their services after this shit.

Let's see what happens. If they start fucking around and putting Martial law into place, I'm gonna start initiating battle. 100% not playing games. I hope you other anons are not larping faggots, and I hope we dont have to start this shit.

????? I can't find

So what are you going to say when things are back to normal by May?

That isnt the wire.
The wire is the walmart only site you access on the store computers to check your schedule and paycheck and shit

My girlfriend (nurse) for something similar on Friday. She said all the nurses were actually worried about the national guard taking advantage of the fact that they can pull you over and harass you and there is nobody around to see. Thought that was a peculiar thing for a bunch of women to consider.

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>peculiar thing for women to ponder
Oh come on lol we all know why they were talking about army bois stopping them where no one is around

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Like we need it. Lockdown isn’t stopping all these goblinos from bringing in their entire families. Thank God we’re closing at 8:30 now, I almost lost it a few times already.

Why risk my life for the same trash rewards I was getting when not risking my life?

Will you check to wire so these anons know I'm not blowing smoke lol
I used to work at a store now I'm warehouse, so sadly I havent got to watch the mutts buy 40 cases of mountain lightning on their link cards


>Free sick leave for weeks
also known as unpaid leave

Incase shit escalates

What state and city is this in?

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The Most terrifying words in any language: "I'm from the government and I'm here to help."
Trust no boot.

You guys are getting the bonus too right?

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From what interpreted from my girlfriend, all those women are worried about getting gang raped by weekend warrior privates in the national guard and nobody can do shit about it but the fact that they don’t trust this situation either is kind of astonishing.

This is not hard to fake

My dad, gf and a good friend of mine have all gotten papers like this, and not a one of them works at costco

>quasy-military is harrassing people
>women most affected.
Fuck off, roasties were probably soaked at the idea if soldiers "harassing" them.

Because you will be sent to the gulag if you don't support the peoples like a capitalist pig

Yes. Thank god. Also the quarterly bonus is moved up a month.
Shipping is up so much we had to cap orders going out. Before this hit all the orderfillers were leaving an hour early now they are here an hour past. Shits fucked. Meat room constantly empty, only full pulls for certain items going out. Another week of panic buying and its over

What the fuck is normal?
Gas the bikes, Catholic Khanate now.

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hood niggaz nationwide won't feel this way

>worried about being raped
user lol they are fantasizing.
But yeah woman dont really sense the situation until it's too late

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Hey, you fixed the typo!
Still a shit larp, kys.

Have you seen what people in the national guard look like? They’re not CHAD green berets. They’re fat as fuck Mexicans and niggers that joined for college bux and a down payment on a Dodge Charger.

Imagine being such an incel loser that you're totally fine with doing nothing for months on end just to save a few old people that were already sick.

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Walmart here.
We’ve been told to keep our Walmart ID on us at all times, even when we aren’t at work, so that we can show authorities at checkpoints.

>Another week of panic buying and its over
>Another week
>only 1 week


Who wants to tell him

This is actually 100% true.

That's a shootout (in my favorite online PC game, CS:GO) from me dog

Glad my boss is following Trump's lead and giving everyone 1000$ at our place

Still? All stores are only allowing one essential item per customer. I haven’t been in a few days so I don’t know what the shelves look like yet. SM is allowing associates to grab toilet paper or whatever after we close though, so that’s cool.

will this effect one harvest or two?

Oh I'm aware.
It's bad user. My warehouse has one week before we have nothing left to ship and we just send out shit as soon as it is received