Yas Forums bros... I don't feel so good
Yas Forums bros... I don't feel so good
>Destroying your relationship with your parents because of le reproductive rights and BLUMPF
this pic is older than OP
Right on the feels. Imagine raising a beautiful little girl, you feed her, wipe her tears away, play with her, take her to school, watch her grow and then one day she hates you?
Happens more often than you'd think.
Think about it
Is she dead yet? What remains of her wasted life?
>Honor thy Father and Mother
Winning will beget hardship. This is an easy one to repent for, and recover from.
>What remains of her wasted life?
Loose stretchmark and tattoo laden skin, wrinkles, and alcoholism. Probably a pill habit.
This one is really sad if not fake.
Big if.
Fucking autocorrected to winning. Kikes, man.
>omg a kid is rebelling!?
>Yeah, whatever.
Listen, your mother and I will be in town in two weeks, we're gonna drop by, we'd like to take you to lunch, but if you can't that's fine...
could you jpg this a little more please?
And she turns into someone who says shit like THAT... fuck. Women are heinous.
Only fucking nigger tier retards take politics to this extreme.
This is why back when I was growing up in then 80s and 90s people didn’t fucking constantly talk about politics because there wasn’t so much constant internet trying to make us debate shit, and people were more in the real world so when you spoke with friends or family you focused all your attention on the here and now rather than constantly debating if the president is right or if this or that congressman is who we should vote for. We also just lived our life more rather than posting our opinions online all day and waiting for an enemy to debate(be it friend or family). Obesity rates were lower because we were active in real life. Hell so many people didn’t vaccinate their kids back then there were fucking TONS of non vaxxers and no one gave a fuck because hardly anyone had internet access to know nor were there any decent stats on it. I personally vax my family but still. It’s amazing how people chimp out so hard about this shit these days and we could just fucking forget it back in my day.
Sounds like shes a lesbian
many such cases, most fathers don't even think what is going to happen to them
There is nothing particularly wrong with that. Make sure you raise her right, if she rebels and ends up turning her life into shit its not really your fault.
You are her father, not her friend, your job is not to receive love, but to teach and be tough if you have to.
People are ungrateful little shits in general, no good deed goes unpunished.
Conservative daughters would never act this way.
They come around eventually. Young folks always go through the phase of thinking they know best
"Okay honey. Just don't come to me for the money for your abortion when the time comes because the five guys you have been fucking can't put the money together themselves. Also, your mother asked me to let you know she wished she had aborted you so she completely understands where you're coming from. Get fucked you ingrate. By the way, we're taking you off the medical insurance."
Muh larp
OK boomer
Raising a daughter is cucked, that's why we used to trade them for cows and goats back in the day.
Look at this fucking retard.
did you show her your deenz stash?
the father should place her into a very deep ditch, that is the only reasonable solution
Nah, its real. Its some coal-burner fetishist. Her profile on twitter said shit like, "if you can't understand me wanting to be ownedby a man but still being feminist then bla bla bal" shit is surreal
Cut off all financial support.
Daughters are a waste of time and money. Don't even think about putting in any effort to raise them. It's a fool's errand.
We should take away their right to own a cellphone
Public school. Why send your kids to a place where they’ll be taught to hate you & themselves?
You gotta say things like that when you are in person with her. Alone. Somewhere secluded.
You can make this happen.
why would a lesbian need reproductive rights
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for other men.
Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to ravage her every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.
As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.
I think she wants to date niggers that voted bernie instead.
Let her go.
no dude I'm telling you this pic is older than dirt, probably from 2016.
and worst of all..
Women were meant to be property. Traded, bargained for and owned.
Jew detected.
Treat her like an "adult" so she can sacrifice her children. Islam is right about women - keep them in bags/hit them with sticks.
Homeschool and curate friends/outside influence
Is this how pornos start?
And she'll turn around in the same breath and call someone else a religious zealot.
"Ok I understand. Please refund all the money we loaned you for college. You are out of the will"
an out of control woman is worth less than an animal, honour killing exits for reason
her boyfriend
Women are like computers. When they stop working, try kicking them.
Isn't this WHORE a literal fucking mudshark that hates her dad and "white supremacism" ?
Did you ever think the reason your kids hate you is because you don't actually love them, and only think about them in terms of money?
HAH! And never realize the irony
I feel attacked
based gen x bro. I wish we could go back. but I am not giving up.
LMAO. Good fucking riddance.
I know it’s not OP, but seriously, FUCK HER. What kind of person disowns her parents over something like that?
You should remind her with one last parting shot she's on the losing side of history and to remember you told her so when it happens.
user! That's fucking horrible. Misguided women shouldn't be honor killed, they should be sent to indoctrination camps. Not inhumane ones, just places where calm, nice, authoritative people can explain their place in the world to them until they can accept it. They're natural conformists and easily impressionable. A few weeks at camp, being lectured about their role in society when they get their morning oatmeal and at dinner, after they've finished their duties sewing, gardening, or...I dunno, socializing puppy dogs? Whatever, it should sort them right out.
Are daddy issues even real? I've never met anybody like this. I'm convinced they're a trendy meme.
Look at this cuck
>Men are like computers. When they stop working, try kicking them.
stop fetish posting you dumb thot, men slutting around and saying dumb ahistorical shit like "hurr durr women didn't work before the 1950s and muh feminism happened" are reason enough to not go back to our "place". Women may be jews, but men are niggers.
at least in a crisis those are the people who will die
no sadly they'll return and be parasites to their parents once again
also you're a disgrace for producing such offspring and I hope she will never be a mother, because when she experiences the same "my little girl/boy" thing, she'll destroy her child due to the mental shit going on in her brain to justify it
if you gave your daughter responsibilities and shown her a life in which she would have adopted better qualities due to being responsible, life would be better for everyone
You are not owed money forever, especially if you are being a shit.