This is a major setback for libertarianism Rand is going to be left with permanent lung damage and Ron Paul is may die from Corona-chan only months after saying it was a big hoax. Will libertarianism ever recover?
The absolute state of libertarians
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As if they won't get H and A. Use your head.
>H and A
Sorry, what is that?
Damn that sucks. I knew he was destined to fade into obscurity, but not like this. Not like this.
It's amazing to watch the ancap and libertarian worldview get obliterated in real time. Coronavirus is indiscriminate and is nearly inescapable. Someone can only be as protected as their least-protected peer. Suddenly, even the most sheeplike and fanatical of Randroids are shouting for a universal basic income and single payer healthcare. All of this happened in TWO WEEKS.
he's got like one working lung. if that
Kek so he was the Chad Super-Spreader all along
And Rand will prove his father's point when he recovers within a week.
>not posting the context of his statement
It's like liberals don't give a fuck about being honest.
said no headline, ever.
No one coughs blood from this
Yeah I noticed Corbett's been calling it a hoax too
That's my point. He'll be fine in a week, good thing we imposed martial law and started a depression.
Lmoa did you not read that column? It talks about not letting the government overstep its constitutional bounds in times of crisis as it loves to do.
Get rekt, anti-Paul fags
Who cares that he tested positive? You may as well said he tested positive for having oxygen in his bloodstream, its meaningless. Wake me up when he is actually physically ill and dying.
>He'll be fine in a week,
Wanna bet? He's over 50 and had part of his lung removed three years ago. He's iterally built for BBC (Big Bad Corona-Chan)
I like the concept of libertarianism, but why are all the libertarian politicians such fucktards?
>And Rand will prove his father's point when he recovers within a week.
Pretty much this
Yeah, I'll take that bet.
How much?
plus the chaos that will ensue if no one gets their trumpchecks + millions out of work with no health insurance...
not looking good for libertarians rn
ron is 100000x the man you'll ever be you pathetic faggot who actually calls people 'fucktard', go deepthroat a knife cunt
Fuck you. This doesn't change shit about my world view. People need to be reminded that they aren't safe, and governments are only making things worse by forcing businesses to shut down. The economic damage and the panic are going to be worse than the virus itself. So what if some people fucking die? It's going to be mostly city cucks anyways.
Nice try, faggot.
If I win you send me a picture of yourself fucking your dog with a poster of Justin Trudeau in the background
If I win, send me a picture of your moms tits.
>hurr durr it hoax lets not do anything cause the Hospitals are not packed yet lets allow the hospitals be overwhelmed so we know it's not a hoax
Libertardian logic
Who gives a shit about these limp-wristed faggots
Libertardians on Yas Forums are way more eloquent, educated and can argue libertardism 1000x better than these fucking clowns
Sorry we don't share Canadian customs in America
You just won't win. He'll be fine in a week
This is a popular sentiment until coronachan chokes one of your loved ones to death.
Rand has zero symptoms.,he’s a carrier.
that's not going to happen, Mr Cultist
>he economic damage and the panic are going to be worse than the virus itself. So what if some people fucking die?
not even chinks are this inhumane.
Ron Paul didn't say coronavirus didn't exist you absolute retards.
He said they would milk it for more NWO control and he's right. He's right about everything.
This. No one in this thread read the article
he is may die but for how long can he be more like?
The panic is the hoax he said, not the virus itself
They're all already dead or dying anyways. Even the my uncle who has cancer shares my sentiment.
It's not worth giving all this power to the government and destroying our economy in the process. At some point we have to stop fighting mother nature and let natural selection do its thing.
Thank god, the Cato wannnabes are finally going to die
>permanent lung damage
>based on a sample of 12 people
>le plebbitor lacks statistical awareness
His son was asymptomatic like almost everyone who gets Corona. The only people who have severity of condition are the weak, who in the Darwinian sense deserve to die.
So libertarians would just keep everything open and guaranteeing maximum infectivity rates and deaths of the elderly and people with pre-existing conditions because muh freedom to go clubbing and drinking? No wonder these tards never win significantly
Muh emotional short sighted argument!
Yeah, surrender your agency to the state you fucking faggot.
you fool
they will take out any and all dissenting voices and claim death by corona virus.
Trump and Fox New’s miracle drug combination.
>surrender your agency to the state you fucking faggot.
>temporary shutting down degenerate spring break parties and bars to prevent infections is tyranny
Can't believe a person can have such a low iq
Retards only read headlines. Ron Paul said the virus is real and that people will die from it, the hoax is the panic created which leads to the government destroying your rights.
I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about forcing businesses to shut down.
Anyways, what the fuck happened to Yas Forums, I thought we wanted this? A fucking plague that will disproportionately kill minorities, third worlders and Boomers. All of a sudden you faggots have cold feet?
Enjoy squabbling over your government gibs like some sort of nigger.
If you actually read what he said he isn’t denying that corona is real. All he said was the government is using the opportunity to blow it out of proportion and seize power.
he didn't call the virus a hoax he called the government overextension an exploitation of a hoax. This is just like when Trump called it a hoax.
>gets tested positive
>It's just some random cold or flu
>he 'miraculously' survives
>yeah but he tested positive so it exists!
>shut him down!
It's all so tiresome
Wanted what, a false happening? This is the equivalent of calling in UN troops because a nigger stole the radio out of your Chevy Aveo.
care to dissert?
i made no comment because i didn't read the sauce. its sad that some Yas Forumsacks jump on a bandwagon without looking.
t. trump supporter
>government overextension
>I'm talking about forcing businesses to shut down
Nothing of the sort has happened everything the states have done have has been completely constitutional based on the 10th Amendment giving states the police power to regulate the health, safety, and welfare of its citizens. This is in fact a great exercise of States Rights look up the State's police power in constitutional law.
One person being infected means that everyone is in danger of becoming infected. There is no possible way to "personal responsibility" or "free market" yourself out of a pandemic. The only way to be safe is to destroy the virus, which means universal healthcare, since a single person without healthcare means the entire system fails.
While it seems like more people are questioning the fed, it seems like people want tyranny. Personal I want to leave this authoritarian country.
Honestly I think too much compromise IMO. While he has collaborated on some good things with Trump (FISA), I feel like he is being played like a flute.
>which means universal healthcare, since a single person without healthcare means the entire system fails.
Shut up with your commie bullshit no one is denied urgent care in America and medical bills are easily discharged in bankruptcy in the worst case scenario
every last person in government not doing anything (anything) would do more to help the situation than anything else
Also Italian have universal coverage and the hospitals are operating like literal death panels right now, fuck your universal healthcare lies
And let them starve because they can't work. Also top that with a round of BRRRR. Yep nothing wrong there.
Stare Decisis faggot.
Good point.
10th Amendments and the States constitutional police power faggot
I hear that H works with A
Just like your savings account.
You retards literally want to let the infection rate explode and hospitals running around like chickens with heads cut off to say its not a hoax. By then it would be too late and the Republican party would lose credibility for decades to come
>One person being infected means that everyone is in danger of becoming infected
the danger of everyone getting infected is virtually zero, because people change their behaviors when they learn about a contagious virus in order to avoid contracting it
they do that of their own accord out of fear
>You retards literally want to let the infection rate explode
what do "libertarians" want that would cause the infection rate to explode you tranny queer
Urgent care isn't good enough, you need to isolate the infected. Constant monitoring. Of everyone. Anyone who isn't monitored is a vector, a servant of the enemy.
Libertarianism is the worst thing you could ever do to counter a contagious and asymptomatic disease. It may as well be active sabotage.
Corona Chan didn't respect the NAP.
That sucks. Really makes you see the violence inherent in the system
Let me quote Ben Franklin:
"People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both".
Allow stupid concerns, all kinds of mass gathering between children, adults, seniors and people with existing illnesses while not funding subsidizing ventilator fabrication cause thats gommunism
He meant 'falseflag' when he said "hoax".
Libertarianism is as dead as occupy wall street. Nobody wants a system that gives people freedom who don't deserve it, and everybody knows it can't exist in the age of technology.
Press S
Holy shit, thick skull ancrap trip is still here.
Are you a Kike or.m a Chink or a Fucking Faggot?
Which one? Guessing Faggot Kike