Indian male tells white gf that he wants to eliminate the white race

Full r*ddit post below. This is gold.

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>indian male/white gf
Larp, or she must be jewish.

fuck off and go back to rxddit.

Tell her she's a race traitor and should eliminate her genes down the drain.

Based, so glad Yas Forums exists so I can always keep up to date on what epic things are going on over at reddit.

Keep up the great work and be sure to bring more reddit content over for us to enjoy !

poo detected

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>a white girl dating a poo
Don’t believe it

Good. The sooner this hole realizes her life amounts to being a fetish fuck hole for ethnic slobs, the dumb will get kicked right out of her.

Whiter than you mutt.

Yeah, honestly this is really breaking my suspension of disbelief.

I have NEVER seen an Indian guy with a white girl. It just doesn't happen.

Eurasiantiger does it again.

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race play is actually fairly common but not among normies. It's be funny if this one incident made her go full Yas Forums

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I saw it before, the dude was the most jacked and (no homo) handsome Indian I’ve ever seen and the white girl was a 6

TL;DR boyfriend red-pilled me about race during sex

>larp or larp
so confirmed for larp

I have seen a couple at my uni , but the girl is always a degenerate 2/10 which is 8/10 in curryland. You can tell she’s a roastie using pajeet for his money and betabuxxing him

Check the reddit thread it's probably true. The chick keeps responding and ignoring other comments that doesn't fit her own beliefs. Why feel sorry for a race traitor anyway.

Pictures like this are a reminder to never care about what some woman says.

No. It happens.

lol shut the fuck up. i am a light skin indian and dated a couple white girls when i was uni. white women will fuck anything if have money.

I have, it’s because the guy almost always has large amounts of money

What a stupid whore.

The based poo that every other poo on this board wishes he could be, kek!

I saw it happen just the other day and she was really pretty too and the poo must of been 5'8 I dont get it. It must be her way of virtue signaling.

In the history of the world, one had to do it eventually.

Probably bait. No one cares as much about race as white people.

Pretty much all the replies were explaining it away or even justifying it

Her first tweet was basically me and my friends until we graduated from college though ha. Why do you think cumtown is so popular on Yas Forums?

It’s the minus 3 rule, if your 10/10 but your Indian , your a 7/10 in the west. Most Indians are fucking ugly and the only ones that look good look nothing like indians, they look closer to middle eastern or Hispanic / Latino . I have never seen a good looking dark Indian. They always look revolting. How in the fuck could the aryans race mix with those still baffles me today. The only reason pajeets haven’t gone on an incel rampage is because no white person wants a pajeeta, they are fucking disgusting to look at.

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>no one cares as much about race as white people
the shitskin cope. We are literally on your minds 24/7 monkey

Nah he’s probably rich, even ugly white girls don’t like 10/10 pajeets, she’s using him for money 100 percent

>see a white girl vagene

Based poo

This whole thing seems like a LARP t b h

The only time I've seen this it was a "white" mexican girl

women have no shame dude you fucking serious

All of those things are funny though.

Because acknowledging it would legitimise concerns they have spent a decade asserting was genocidal bigotry, that a defensive response to people that literally hate you and your race and want it dead is justified. It would lead her back to white men eventually, so of course reddit comes to save the day and essentially sugar coat it until she is a battered woman going back to the abuser. Applause for the waste deciding to go down the drain after all

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this is a larp but knowing poo's i woulnt be surprised this actually happened

That could of been part of it too. But I also think part of it is white women virtue signaling. Why else would they fuck niggers when they know they have no money?

I have once but he was fairly wealthy and was a pretty nice guy and extremely westernized and really didnt look like a typical poo at all.

Sounds fake as hell. That subreddit known for senpai news.

nothing wrong with this?
i do this to all the Asian and black women i have been with
i don't hate any race other then the filthy fucking Chinese

bitch got beaten so hard she turned into a somalian

If you want to see how hopeless white females and normies in general are, read her follow-up thread

Consider the following - her Indian boyfriend literally told her that he fantasizes about ending the white race, and it didn't even put a dent in her race-mixing ways.
That's how LOW a level race-loyalty the average white person has. She's still getting race-mixed, even when her indian bf confesses that it's his fantasy to end her people and essentially confess that she is just a fetish object for his power fantasies.

it happens

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wtf is wrong with these poos. been watching too much BBC porn

Definitely, they also use their mixed race kids as sympathy beacons online. I know one or two coal burners ewhores I think legit love the nigs they are with but the majority just do it to look woke or above racism.

The thing is there are attractive indians obviously, and the dude definitely settle with this girl.

Meanwhile Shaquanda is riding BWC and screaming "Fuck me like the nigger I am, white boy! Colonize my pussy!"

Indians our Americas worst enemy, anywhere the go the promote their guy. Take Target for example when one Indian leaves/gets promoted he promotes 20 members from his home village.

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It happens.
Seen it myself, pretty but retarded.
(She has a history of sleeping with refugees and criminals, and prefers brown men, but says she doesn't want kids with them..) It's a taboo fetish. They get off on doing things which they know are wrong.

We are in a time when we can say fuck you and promote America first now.

Okay so what are the replies?

>sort by new
lol user you are fucking retarded

> Jogo427 a minute ago

>People are actually doing this to other races as a form of trying to extinct them. Sounds like he doesn’t see you as anything but a pawn in his game. Maybe I’m wrong but you’re not the first I’ve heard of this happening to

Niggers are glorified in media and are deemed as cool as per the music of today, asians and Indians were never that. Even if it’s for virtue signalling most women despise Indians and dislike asians. The sjws I talked to either had onions white boyfriends or niggers. Mexicans and arabs are neutral and tend to get some as well. The media doesn’t really care about Indians or asians so she can’t get virtue signalling points from normies by dating a street shitter compared to a nigger who gets coddled by all media.

Big tech is a story of indian nepotism

Dude, Im 3 Indians deep with promotions from Target.

looks italian

I hope you tell her future white husband her history.

>Be Ranjid
>Be badly equipped
>"You can be rougher"
>"Oh, yes by Ganesh you fucken slut bidsh fucker!"

I most certainly will.

Brutal. The white race is over! It was a good run we had Mr burger.

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>a thread died for this reddit post thread

good lad

That guy is actually handsome and he settles with a 6/10 white bitch kek poos are pathetic

The funny thing these white chicks don’t get is that a lot of other races date them as revenge against white guys.

For instance, blacked shit is always about making white guys jealous, meanwhile go to any bleached thread and it’s about making the chicks wife’s and starting a family with them. Sadly by the time white girls understand this it’s already far to late for them.

"I've said it's fine, but I don't really know how to feel"
fucking women why can't they use their words!!!

Im a white guy, veteran of OIF1, have 2 white babies. I have Jewish ancestry, I love my counrty. Don't hate me.

Girls in their educational years do, frequently, race mix. They're already disloyal beings, but throw in an education system filled with white hating indoctrination along with wide availabilty, and social acceptance of drugs/alcohol and hedonism and, well, white girls will absolutely fuck any minority that breathes.

How do you react! You kill your genetically damaged self dumbass! Dont know how to react? PFffft, what a typically ignorant female response.
For folks like this when in doubt...KYS!

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>Gets upset about poo boyfriend saying he wants to end the white race
>Contributes to the end of white race by copulating with poo
Fucking women, I can hardly take it anymore

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That's an excellent point. I think you're right!

you are my favorite person of the day
>her life amounts to being a fetish fuck hole for ethnic slobs

all white women need this reality beaten into them ASAP

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Based shitskin

Ozzy Osmosis, the shit

Indians are so fucking insecure.
I guess I would be too if I had a microscopic penis, shit colored skin and reeked of diarrhea at all times.

Typical of an ethnic man.

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A 56% and a Sinoid-American are saying "the white race is over"
Who are you to say that? Neither one of you is white.

Shit sucks

I can see why indians would hate white men, seeing as they keep getting mocked online

I have been on this site for almost 12 years shit has gotten crazy.

or are all the eurasiantiger posts actually pajeets with sexual frustration?

>all those comments supporting the Indian guy

What did white redditors mean by this?

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The funny thing is if he'd shown no remorse for what he'd said & used her own white guilt against her when she protested, she'd desire him more than ever.

The poo briefly became a Chad then blew it.

someone tell her
>he feels inferior and knows you are retarded to even consider him as your equal

But it has been an attack on white neb,

>tfw went to the pub and watched the fight with my buddies
>that was the last normal night i had


white men

unsurprising. this is literally the dynamic of most nonwhite male white female relationships. most of the time the woman hates her dad tho.

Jej, they can dish it out but can't take it for shit.

agreed, that’s always how it would be, prolly a doctor or something. However, that validates the reddit post being possible

fuck Indians, we are in a new territory. fuck em

Someone should link her to this thread, she should be given the chance to hear the truth, even if it will fall on deaf ears.

Kill her and bf /thread