I have been thinking about leaving the dissident right or "the movement" or what ever you want to call it because I'm albanian and it's pretty much obvious that most of you people, but also just conservatives in general, don't really consider us as white/genuinely don't want us in the movement.
Calling it quits
Other urls found in this thread:
Amazing, this man looks exactly like my uncle. We are pure Nepali.
Is there really anyone in pol that is actually white?
You both have to go back.
Lmao blackpilled
Unironically thinking about that, have also thought about moving to a colony like the Usa/Canada/Australia
Who do you vote for in Deutschland?
I thought Yas Forums was mostly mexicans
I cant vote atm but if I could it would obviously be afd or CDU If Merz takes charge
Why would Europeans consider you not European?
Imagine actually listening to amerimutts and Yas Forums shitposting and taking it seriously.
i like albanians, just don't like the islam stuff.
Martin Shkrelli is Albanian. My only reference for Albanians was that they are white and based until op was a faggot.
Yea extremely blackpilled on that front as well since I recently found my way to Christ and don't know if I'll be able to save my families souls
Grow up.
Hell if I know
Shkreli is half Croatian actually but I get your point
go back to Analbania and stay with your people
stop shitting up germany: how would you feel if hanz was moving in and displacing local shqips?
What would you be then if you decided not to be an ethnonationalist? What are your options?
lol. hate for Analbania is mostly in Balkan threads, no one really hates Albanians in Western countries. I only hate people from Middle East and Africa because that is a world full of savages
Albanian Muslims are very based. Just saying.
Charity for Africa makes more starving African kids. Where do they go?
Here it is: the Amerimutt in his purest form. The mere notion of not providing his stupid, ignorant fucking opinion on matters of which he has no knowledge in is too much bear. The mere notion of a European immigrant in another European country subconsciously and almost instinctively triggers an irate response: go back to your country. Truly a fine specimen and a great representative of why Americans are the chosen Golems.
I was reading a theory that most people on the dissident right are on this side because their father was absent as a kid or did not teach them strong ideals and therefore they needed to learn morality from an ideology. Also the theory goes that the reason they don't like women is because women threaten their ideals and group identity and the reason they want to see minorities or whoever suffer is because they feel betrayed by society and that they shouldn't be alone in their suffering. Now I've been browsing Yas Forums for a solid 10 years but something in me felt kind of moved by that. Not that I align with any political movement aside from anprim gang anymore. Just wonder if other people think it's complete bullshit or if it hits something deep down.
Jannissaries are not based. The west failed them
Your women are hot. That is all.
You are retarded I know an Italian friend who hates Albanians more then Niggers
oh that’s fucking rich
tell me, bulbhead, should afrikaners go as well?
It’s most likely some Balkanig diaspora. Americans are the last people who would have a problem with Europeans going to to other European countries since we are literally made up of multiple European nationalities and that’s essentially what our country is.
>should afrikaners go as well?
says the "Swede" rape-ster
You & your mountain nigger kin are disgusting people & will hopefully be smited by God.
Dumbass American you barely have any real europeans you are being overrun by the third world they are outbreeding whites and you basically have no european immigration most of your immigrants are from the third world coming to replace you!
Come to America, we have guns and burgers.
Auf Wiedersehen swarthybro. Maybe join al Qaeda or something
Gee whiz you’re in a pickle. I wonder if there are some experts here in Yas Forums who can advise you about racial value and status in the universal hierarchy of man.
So much to learn!
Ok Khaled
Evolution/definition of the dissident right
You really have zero self-awareness, don't you leafoid? You're almost as bad as America and given the spirit of your average leafoid and your current administration you'll eclipse them in a decade. Enjoy your Chinese overlords, faggot.
Based. Read Martin Luther 1530 Lectures on Galatians
You're confused. I like women. But I don't like women pretending to be men. That's all. It's not hatred to want women to be women, and to want gender roles.
Sounds like some cringe Jordan Peterson shit
Yea but all Italians dislike us the way Serbs do so it's not really what I was getting at
here Albanians, Yugoslav, Polish and Balts are just the Eastern bloc to normies, association is cheap workers and commieblocks. Italy is a special because they're neighbors, all neighbors hate Albania
most people here only hate Middle Eastern people and niggers because they have prehistoric mentality
Considering it buddy
I’m albanian as well. Honestly people say I look Germanic because of my blinding-brown hair and white skin with a sharp nose.
I guess you can say I’m a member of the dissident “right”. I do find some things Albanians do is cringe but I don’t listen to Amerimutts or wignats for anything.
Except Mother Teresa. She was not hot.
First off, you should get the fuck out of Germany you albanian piece of shit. Go back to your shithole because Germany doesn't need or want you. Du bist kein reiner Deutscher ab nach Buchenwald Schweinhund! That is all. Have a good day cocksucker.
Everyone knows Swedes are the fops of Scandinavia
Habe ich behauptet ein deutscher zu sein?
I was born here tho.
Why? It’s a great old stock Aryan phenotype. My uncle actually has green eyes.
positively speechless
you deserve your bombings and rapes, then; just as I deserve my shootings and muttery
kikes win, everybody else loses what they had, who gives a shit
Stockholm is rightful muslim clay: the madras and mosque are proof of it, and you will do nothing to remove them. Go nail yourself to a tree, snownigger.
I’m going to watch some blacked.com
Claro que si tio
cringe, Sweden is a white paradise compared to your nigger spic mutt shithole. your young generation is literally majority non-white, no European country has managed this yet
Shoot them a monkey
Prawns are alright
Itchy beer batter
People low pipe
Don Cheadle
Don Cheadle
You don't know shit, you unironically base your worldview on what fags on Yas Forums and people like Alex Jones who deliberately caricature and use hyperbole for entertainment state. You're a fucking clown, stick to posting in Amerimutt threads.
Good to see Scandis defending their brothers
>I’m going to watch some blacked.com
Good, wouldn't want to dissapoint your masters, Golem. I advise you stay there and don't post your reddit filename images any longer, newfriend
Speak english
We don't talk about blanda upp or Sweden yes anymore.
Everyone needs to get well soon now
>on Yas Forums
I don’t give a fuck about your color. Nationalism isn’t about race, for me. It’s about identifying with your country as a positive thing, not something be undermined and destroyed by a bunch of 5th column leftist shitbags. If you believe in that, we are on the same team.
Jajaja tus números están muy cerca de algo interesante pero tus palabras son aburridas.
You’ll be welcomed
>the movement
Hey, is this you?
Sweden is a small country in terms of population. How many Sven shitposters can one board contain?
>reddit filenames
4u, mahmoud
I know you love them so much
i've only seen one but he may have just been attracted to the camera in order to further his exposure of the vegan agenda.
Who gives a shit if you're white? Love and protect your race and have conservative values. If you believe in that then you're a right wing dissident. Simple as that. Being "alt-right" or something like it isn't exclusively white. You're retarded for thinking so.
Centurion is coloured fash
No, op is right. I don't know or care about Albanians but I can think of a few non-white groups in the US we'd be better off without as a whole.
Yeah I'm white
C'mon over. We'll keep the light on for you.