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Aus/pol Wong unwell after bat soup
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>rolling for it was china
haha get rekt you slant eyed cunt. would be absolutely based if she fucking choked on her own blood
Sum ting wong?
Fark me dead
Nah probs coz it’s outsourced to Indians
fuck, you have no idea just how much thats going to fuck everyone over
your not bothering me at all. times are tough and cunts are getting scared, i want to help you legends best i can
educated guess with all this inundation and now the ddoss? unless they waive all the bullshit, its going to be about a month to maybe 3 months?
take what i say about current wait times with a grain of salt, when i worked for them this shit was not going on
also, dont ask centrelink about how long till your claim is processed, they will give you a canned answer of "check the claim application page on your centrelink online account XD"
truth is no one knows when it will be processed because there is no 100% defined wait time, its first come first serve with a backlog, and FUCK ME the backlog is going to be huge
its 100% not outsourced, its all done in country
Checked. Based and helpful cenno user. Thanks for helping anons my friend. You’re doing gods work
>plebbit spacing overexcited ex call centre cuck back for another thread
no worries cunt, just wish these delusional faggots would stop with the bullshit they are posting and wake the fuck up to the situation they are in. its fucking pathetic
stay mad i corrected you, fucking lowest common denominator bogan shit cunt, scum of the earth you are
ABC gym interviewer sounds like a tranny or söy
ok faggots, dug out some old scifi dvds for comfy containment neetdom, which should i watch first? star trek nextgen/ds9/voyager, stargate sg1 and atlantis, galactica, space above & beyond, firefly or x-files?
X-files! Start with Tunguska film
>there's a waiting period, show me proof there isn't!
pm literally announced it last night
>you get paid only when your claim is approved
payments are made from claim date
proven wrong with links then got really mad
yes i was leaning towards x-files, had a few good disease and cockroach episodes
filtered, enjoy being wrong
Xfiles then firefly
>March 23rd
What are you from the future idiot? Fake ass fucking shit. It's still the 22nd. Sage.
I wonder if you cunts ever pulled a prank like this on live tv.
Hopefully the chink dyke dies
>shadow minister
is she part of the deep state im confused
Lads, I need a new hobby I can do indoors for the next six months. Give me a few ideas.
I already lift weights and know how to code. I don't play video games or watch TV.
>x-files had a few good disease and cockroach episodes
Careful user, you are flying too close to the sun...
>everyone at home
>cant be a comfy neet cause ping spikes and irl interruptions
fucking oath, we need a cure asap
whats your budget for a hobby?
two wongs don't make a right
Learn Mandarin
Even better
Model plane and ship building?
lol it’s the opposition government, so it’s their finance minister if they were to be in charge, or their health minister if they were in government etc
learn basic woodwork or start a garden
few people have said Corona-chan is modified, probably alien dna desu, we'll end up gestating to one of those hybrid beasts eventually
I'm thinking of carpentry. I already have a bunch of hand tools. I just don't know what I'd build because I already own lots of furniture.
I can probably waste a grand or two.
>Model plane and ship building?
Maybe. What's the best place to buy models?
doubt it's the commies. the government's internet services are so unbelievably fucking garbage that an uptick in usage (to them geniuses) would be seen as an attack.
lmao. olden but golden.
grow dope
>, we'll end up gestating to one of those hybrid beasts eventually
You can't fight the future user
> oh noes! i'm bored
suicide is a great cure for it.
>I can probably waste a grand or two.
go buy a bow, compound or recurve and do some target practice in the back yard.
wood working is good too
warhammer if your an neckbeard
could try drawing or some other gay art shit
you could also dig yourself some trenches and larp if your mentally ill
There was no DDoS attack, just incompetent IT managers who didn't plan for a surge.
yeah nah
>pic related
>its all done in country
... by indians
This. I've been building model cars and planes for a while, but only really have gotten into it in the past few weeks. It can be as cheap or as expensive as you want it to, and as time consuming or as quick. It's a very rewarding hobby.
>wood working is good too
>learn basic woodwork or start a garden
I think woodworking is the way to go. Plus gardening maybe. Thanks, lads.
>during Pandemic
>rolling for it was china
Sound more like you were at work of setting up that server, Pajeet.
Stargate for sure lad
Gardening is great
t. avid gardener
if im on newstart do i automatically get my 750 and doubled rates
nah mainly regular aussie cunts who need a job and willing to be serverly underpaid for the work they do
might as well be indians the way these contractors take advantage of their workers
both great choices
yea if you were on it from march 12th i think
Not sure where online to get them I always buy my model ships as planes from Russia coz I like the Cold War era Soviet and US ships
Yeah man building WW2 battleships is always good and time consuming must be a form of meditation
She probably been drinking too much white man semen.
>I've been building model cars and planes for a while
I've been working on a (mostly) balsa Horton 229 for the last 2 years. A labour of love. Just a month ago I finally got the RC jet-turbines to power the fucker, 22lb thrust for a 14 lb plane. I'm almost scared to actually fly it when spring comes.
>ABC interviewer
> sounds like a tranny or söy
The media headlines
>tens of thousands of Australians seek help amid coronavirus pandemic
Reason why they cant
>tens of thousands connections made during suspected hack on the site
Like how fucking blind can they be?
Australian Government's computer networks are renowned for being garbage.
>not building your own stealth fighter out of wood and antique ww2 weapons/parts
>tens of thousands of Australians seek help amid coronavirus pandemic
Fucking sad. We once wer self sufficient. Now Australia’s greatest trait is narcissist boomers demanding shit.
Kek. This is not surprising. The ATO server is attacked every single day so is
Really? still use this as an excuse? Like the online census?
it’s the perfect scapegoat, unverifiable by the public and they never release the details
start spreading the word it was the chinks
You do know that medicare is attacked daily and the entire medicare database is for sale on the darkweb right? You know that hackers took control of over 300 Australian gov websites and ran a crypto miner on them for over 2 years and this was only discovered by a security researcher from a different country 1 year after they had stopped and tried to remove the evidence?
Australia has a worse cyber security record than Iran one of the worst in the whole world we actually pay the FBI to catch hackers.
were getting fucking spammed atm
it really is the chinks, no joke