@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/22/20
>HUDSec SleepyBen on FoxNews 3/22/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin on FoxNewsSun 3/22/20
>ActDHSSec Wolf on SunMornFutures 3/22/20
>WHTradeDir Navarro on SunMornFutures 3/22/20
>FEMAAdm Gaynor on ThisWeekABC 3/22/20
>FEMAAdm Gaynor on MtP 3/22/20
>FEMAAdm Gaynor on (((FakeNews))) 3/22/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on FtN 3/22/20
>PressSec Stephanie on FoxNews 3/22/20 (pt1) (pt2)
>Bannon on SunMornFutures 3/22/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/21/20
>ActDHSSec Wolf on F&F 3/21/20
>VPCoS Short on F&F 3/21/20
>TrumpTV Real News Insights w/Pastor Darrell Scott (Lara) 3/21/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/20/20
>DefSec Esper on F&F 3/20/20

OP pastebin:

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Other urls found in this thread:



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>So what's the (((fiscal conservative))) solution to an abrupt and massive government-induced demand shock?
A firm handshake, champ.

Mogami River.

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stop posting anime on a fucking political forum.
what is WRONG with you people?

When will we know if those malaria drugs are effective treatments?

Attached: 1469514957759.png (900x1000, 202.78K)

>everyone loves Carl
>but everyone hates socialism/handouts/gibs

This is a very trying time for all of us

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Biden's spirit animal is a Slowpoke.

>31. She’s 24 with a 2 year old

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This general is plagued by a discord isn't it?



Carl’s a good egg and I don’t think he deserves all the booli

they're beginning trials on tuesday morning

Ten minutes too late... for you.

/ptg/ discord has been hilarious lately, it’s like 2016 again in there.

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was just listening to zodiac's podcast and they had nigel farage on a couple episodes ago and they called out the globohomo
pretty based

You are retarded

>Niggers chimp out when you say to get a job
>a quarter of /ptg/ chimps out when you tell them to get a job

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>everyone loves Carl
That has never been the case, nor would I want it to be. What's funny is the yellow bastard thinks I'm somehow imploding. I am having the time of my life.

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Turtle angry

First to Awoo

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So, what's going on?

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>what is WRONG with you people?
I lack self confidence

Are all the regulars still fighting?

>he didn't say no homo

we already know
Thailand, Australia, and India have been using a combo of anti-malaria and anti-viral for weeks now

Never, everyone died and it's your fault.

Good, I know some countries are making it their main treatment method at this point
No u

as am i lel


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dems and repubs can't agree on anything but their own pay raises
people can't go to work because governors say so but also their 401k are tanking
jew media more concerned with clickbait than anything
grocery stores sold out
okay honest question how close is the boogaloo
not even memeing

I have a strange warning for you user, antimalarial medications have strange mental side effects. You have the most bizarre dreams. I think it might alter your brain chemistry. bee careful

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Trump really should do a Oval Office address and explain what the Democrats just did


FOB Price:
20 USD/Kilogram

Cas No:



Supply Ability:
100 Week/Kilogram


L/C,T/T,Western Union,MoneyGram,Other

Feb 25 2019

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>Carl’s a good egg and I don’t think he deserves all the booli

neither do I but on the other hand, what are you going to do when someone stands up on the table, drunk, with a tie around their head going "WOOOOOOO! NEETBUX! WOOOOOO HANDOUTS YAAAAAAAAAY!!!!"

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Impending revolution! It’s about time we set things in stone. Trump will win.

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trip on Carl

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retards should die off via natural selection if they don't have supplies or money saved for emergencies. Parasites that are dependent on society to survive should be purged. End result is less deadweight boomers and shitskins, lower supply of labor means wages are higher, backlash against globalism means manufacturing is brought back, deficit disappears without need to support boomers and shitskins via social security and welfare. Corona-Chan is unironically a great opportunity to fix 90% of the problems with our nation, crisis always brings opportunity for rapid change.

of course, rather than letting nature take its course the government will print money and kick the can down the road. You can't run from reality forever and the longer we keep wasting resources on deadweight the more painful the eventual price will be

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You drive narrative all the time Joe Biden.
Lets revisit Cofer black first. You need a sanity check right NOW.

That gary peters commit TREASON.

When you call me to Jury that's what I'll say.

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Dumb stuff.


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yes i want everything to crash and push the reset button


March,22 2020 Top WHO Official Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus Won Election With China’s Help.
>World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus won his post after China backed him in the May 2017 election.
>Chinese authorities forced scientists who discovered the virus in December to destroy proof of the virus, U.K. newspaper The Sunday Times reported. The Chinese regime also punished doctors who tried to warn the public in the outbreak’s early stages and suppressed information about the virus online. A Chinese real estate mogul who criticized his government’s response has since gone missing.
>One study found that “if interventions in [China] could have been conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier, cases could have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent and 95 percent respectively – significantly limiting the geographical spread of the disease.”

I didn't see your post
bring on the poppy seeds

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unironically though, i do like that steinway has tried to keep some production here, and i'm very upset baldwin moved all production to china

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Point of order, Mr. Speaker. The other posters failed to actually Awoo in their post.

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How do these degenerate fucks take over every single board/general?

Yamaha Japanese master race over the world euroniggers seething

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I heard Joe Biden was dead.

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good news brothers, I made progress on the anti-communist propaganda

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>China will never work with gookmoot to release a virus targeting avatarfags
imagine, a thread with no hiki and awoobaker sucking each other off. no ebin midnight gang faggotry. 99% of off-topic posts disappear overnight.
a man can dream.

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Trump allowed the Chinese to spread their bio weapon into the US which has caused a severe health crisis, gutted the stock market, and halted the economy. Also, the US corporate media has gone out of its way to defend the disease spreading Chinese

There is no reason to defend the US government and its propagandist corporate media infrastructure. It is better to hurt than to help the system

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It's all a hoax. A Chinese and Jewish media hoax. The greatest hoax since the holocaust.

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here's one of the marines

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hmm you appear to be correct; three awoos but nobody awoo'd

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Hilarious how there is a global crisis and Biden comes out looking worst than Trump

Nice framing faggot.
You cut the shit.

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anti-avatarfagging is an avatar

Good times ahead taco man!

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>user posted it so it must be true


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Based. I wish people knew what avatarfags are though.

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He should marry her purely to be able to introduce his wife's son as "my wife's son"

they make good electronic keyboards but you're el cheapo if you go to japs for real pianos
right now you go to steinway or some euro companies that i can't name because you almost never see them here if you want something good

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>99% of off-topic posts disappear overnight.
Imagine believing this.

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do your civic duty and show normies videos of Chinese people being savages. Animal abuse disgusts 95% of Americans regardless of political ideology

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Initial thread will be 'Pathfinder', with 'marines' being the backup.

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Does he think traps are gay?

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I got you fampai.

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I thought some of their concerts are pretty good and competitive, I've already told you how much I love bosendorfer though. Europe makes great pianos.

Trump needs to declare martial law and start seizing democrat assets.

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Good work, friend.

some bakas just can't catch a break

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fuck white people though we don't tolerate that kind of shit around here

What about that black unemployment rate?

more variants

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this is beyond coping

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It's pretty accurate after a point


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>no feels

Attached: kagmarine3.png (541x636, 31.82K)

Do people still actually support trump after the 4 years of nigger and jew shit or is this a joke? I honestly always avoided these threads

Get a job you lazy fucks!

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Who's going to do something about this? Y'all act like sexual degeneracy hasn't destroyed civilizations before. ARE YOU FUCKING RETARDED? THEY OUT HERE MUTILATING GENITALS N SHIT!!!! Fuck!!!!!!!!!!

Attached: lgbtq-trans-mission.jpg (1038x1286, 317.41K)

Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakn' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.

Attached: gladiator.jpg (1168x1628, 727.5K)

>tfw teacher's unions will still strike in September even though they get a guaranteed paycheck through the (((shenanigans)))
Jesus wept

No, we just want exciting shit to happen.

Sopa de perro, una completa delicia

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hawaiian taco

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i like my old baldwin, it's american, it was made in america, it's got the ivory keys and everything
i've said before i don't like the idea of america being a european wannabe constantly, defining its own identity, even allowing a lot of cultural influence and inspiration, is preferable

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$20 per kilo. And you think this is the core drug of the Illuminati pedophile power circle? Kek.

christians and jews have been mutilating their genitals for thousands of years


whenever I hear people bitch about Japan and Unit 731 during WWII, I'm reminded that they probably saw shit like this before they did it

Nippon did nothing wrong, Chinks got what they deserved

Attached: china dog wok.webm (720x900, 1.8M)

Do you really do that? You must be busy as hell right now with the apocalypse, huh?

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Cool count me in

The fuck...

McConnell holding another vote as soon as the stock market owns so dems own it when it tanks tomorrow.

10 countries are now tracking phone data as the coronavirus pandemic heralds a massive increase in surveillance

>South Korea gives out detailed information about patients' whereabouts
>Iran asked citizens to download an invasive app
>Israel passed new laws to spy on its citizens
>Singapore has an app which can trace people within 2m of infected patients
>Taiwan can tell when quarantined people have left the house
>Austria is using anonymized data to map people's movements
>Belgium is using anonymized data from telcos
>Germany is modeling how people are moving around
>Italy has created movement maps
>The UK isn't tracking yet but is considering it

archive .is/B6cEY

Attached: Bill Gates ID 2020.png (1500x1500, 1.72M)

Because of the direction America went I'm very skeptical of the concept. The American idea was short lived as a good idea and the tumbling forward is annoying.

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>still sending your children to public schools

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lots of people out of work, build the WALL as a jobs program.

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Nah this is just so the zionists can round us all and put us in death camps

I’ve noticed that most of the bernouts have left the thread

You can't keep a fork lift operator down.

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The shit is a crystalline powder with a flash point

it does not necessarily have to die here, mr. "don't be so fatalist and defeatist and orthodox death party"

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Yeah I am not sure what the Democrats were going for? Trump doesn't enact legislation so it won't hurt him

I’m too dumb to know about economic stuff. I know the democrats voted against Drumpfdollars. What kind of vote is Turtleman doing now, and when will he hold the vote?

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Great MAGA pic and sullapilled

good to know even boomers are waking up

Anime board?

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>I’ve noticed that most of the bernouts have left the thread
They didn't leave, they just updated their scripts.

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There a millions of jobs that our citizens can take, the question is will it happen (most likely not)

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voucher program is seriously one of the most important things Republicans and Trump need to pass

It would absolutely destroy the indoctrination system of the public schools and drastically improve outcomes for kids wasting away in shitty school systems

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>off topic blogging is a vital part of /ptg/ culture

Attached: brainlet.png (188x264, 76.93K)

Is that even a thing?
Their Jewish overlord has lost again, what are they hoping for now?
Bernie VP?
It would be a great way to toss out all the moderates, but considering the Democrat gamble of destroying the country to get rid of orange man bad, the situation will be getting a lot worst perhaps...

It’s very unstable and by the time it’s delivered, it’s no longer adrenochrome

what good is $1200 or $2000 a month if Demoshit politicians keep the state "closed" and your employer is cowed into staying shut? You stay beholden to Pelosi and the party

sounds like the perfect excuse to ram tranny funding through and start their (((UBI))) model

this is why there should be 0 bailout money to corporations, let the traitorous, short-term thinking faggots die off. Every bank should have been allowed to fail in 2008

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Bean bro, do you know how to buy US stocks from amloland?

Was this a mistake?

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They're having another go of a vote shortly...have C-SPAN2 on the background...they're live, but quiet in the Senate chamber @ the moment

Good shit m8 cheers

I believe the most idea situation was the beginning of the 1800th century but the massive expansion of slavery and factionalism destroyed America well before the civil war and the thing during and after it was not the real America as it could have been. Any hope of restoration and a republic was destroyed in the late 1800s with the important of European undesirables of all kinds and groups that were not considered white for good reason. The path forward from there was a European style dictatorship in the shape of a more dogged impersonation of lessons from Rome and now we need something yet more severe every moment we pass into this inideal situation.

Adrenochrome manufactures

based in New York Pic Related

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Bailout of air companies and small businesses, allegedly.
If you watch Fox Business you would be going insane right about now.

Dems are obstructing coronavirus relief because they think a bad economy hurts Trump. McConnell is making them vote on it right as the stock market opens so when it inevitably tanks they get the blame.

If you "support Trump" you're a jew.

pls stop, senpai. You're embarrassing me

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This animal abuse reminds me of my twenty years of being gangstalked and intimidated.

Attached: fucking-terrible-abuse.jpg (778x923, 79.66K)

I am inclined to to agree
How many retards seethed about to big to fail bailouts in 2008 that are now saying we need them?
We tried it once and it didn’t work, it won’t fucking work again. If we enter a recession and America is no longer an attractive place to come to I’ll be very happy.

Ok retard.

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I liked him at first until he proceeded to talk about Israel and black dicks for 4 years straight and ultimately destroy America

i'd say somewhere in the mid-late 1800s america as a culture still had a shot, from one of imouto's history books it was describing the level of exchange american students had with europe back then, often taking significant amounts of time to study and visit institutes there before returning to produce here

I'm outside and I can see you, Luke. Come and get me. I'm armed and ready and we're gonna see who the real MAGAman is. Bet you can't hit me, but I can hit you.

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>tfw Boeing deserves the most suffering in all of these but it will probably receive the largest bailout

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Are the Demorats politically savvy or do I not get why they did this?

>former drumpf supporter here

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Aren't you all so glad that the wonderful government is so concerned about public safety? Be afraid! Don't leave your house! Trust the government to take care of you!

Good goys.

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Link please?

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