
This old cunt is in the bathtub mumbling this:

That’s the thing about COVID-19. It doesn’t care about how rich you are, how famous you are, how funny you are.

How smart you are, where you live, how old you are, what amazing stories you can tell.

It’s the great equalizer and what’s terrible about it is what’s great about it.

What’s terrible about it is that it’s made us all equal in many ways, and what’s wonderful about it is that it’s made us all equal in many ways.

Like I used to say at the end of ‘Human Nature’ every night, if the ship goes down, we’re all going down together.

Attached: washedupcunt.jpg (806x514, 44.06K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>if the ship goes down, we’re all going down together.
Shit like this is clearly coded messaging

She get dumber and more vulgar with each passing year.



I hate Penis Alexander more

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Check out this weirdness


bitch is stoned out her mind

wtf, she's actually smarter than the majority of Yas Forumscucks. And we thought she's just a dumb thot.

Why are all of them clearly talking in code to each other through social media where literally everyone can see instead of just talking on the phone and talking in code privately? Why would Ellen literally call people while recording herself just so she can talk in code? I agree 100% it all sounds like it's in code, but why do it PUBLICALLY, and completely OBVIOUSLY?

She is well past cool wine aunt age, and now into crazy grandma stink level.

in a sane society, she would be committed for her own health and general welfare.
we do not live in a sane society unfortunately.

thats a fricken demon

She's right. One good thing about the virus is it's making everyone despise celebrities like her.

I was thinking possessed by Satan, but maybe both. Look at her eyes! They look corpse like.

Tbh she ain't wrong.

Imagine the smell.

I see bubbles!

she sure took the bogpill didn'she?

When you listen to mathew McConaughey in his Coronavirus pep talk at around the 45 sec market he says we have to beat the Coronavirus and we are gonna beat him. Fucker slipped up and none of you faggots even caught it

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They're all in on this.





Yes, the conversation between ellen and justin timberlake was riveting
>hey Justin what are you doing?
>justins wife comes on phone
>hey ellen, hey whoever
>what you doing
Now thats some mad code or celebrities that arent actually friends struggle talking about normal shit without a script or a promotionto go on about. they sound like empty morons.

Come on loser, youll bang her if you have the chance. Incel.

i'd shit all over her

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Madonna is Tubgirl user. be careful

Right. Had the David Spade "It's all on Hanx" kind of shit. Didn't watch the 4 mins of Ellen talking to some other fuck I don't care about. My point still stands, why do this publically if they're all concerned about Hanx being in custody and flipping on them? Why not mass text "does anyone know if hanx is okay, he hasn't texted back in X day" or something. Why the smoke and mirrors through SM? It's too on the nose.

Madonna? Is this the 80ies? jesus it's a geriatric case

Speaking code with the expression to be fulfilled at a future time= prophecy

To udder a prophecy = claim Godlike status

>Doesn't care how rich you are
wrong. Rich people can literally just go self quarantinr in luxury until it's over. The rest of us have to be out among the filthy masses dying from a flu that is only here because globalization made those rich cunts rich

It's on his Twitter feed it's the first video...he is obvious

These celebs are all losing their shit. She is a kike so maybe the schizo is kicking in with her old age.

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Because they think they have to show you to gain ur consent
It’s literally because nobody does anything
We just take it

This user gets it
It’s why movies from years ago had 9/11 imagery

Don't hate people, dude. If I can go through a mortal hell of history's most scientifically overwrought false accusation without wanting to kill people, you schlubs can do it, too.

The other day she posted an IG video dancing in her bathroom and on the ledge by the sink were over 20 prescription pill bottles

She's high on pain meds and I predict she'll end up like Prince before the end of the year

Okay sure but how about a non-schizo answer?

thats right user. People are running out of toilet paper and this bitch is in a bathing in milk and roses

and you know who is getting first dibs on the limited supply of resperators

Because they get off on shoving it in our faces

Did you hear it, listen from 40 sec to 47 sec

That doesn't fit with them "panicking" to each other about Hanks talking on SM. They don't need to ask permission to freak out to each other privately about their world possibly ending.

bimbos trying to be deep is a joke only god can write

Why show off fear? They're actors, remember?

Think about it. Person 1 directly contacts person 2. The communication between them is now a matter of record. If law enforcement is watching either of them, they just threw them a bone.

But get on social media and broadcast a message to everyone in such a way that only the people that the message is intended for will understand it.


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She still owes a lot of fans blowjobs for their HillAry votes.

Well she is in her early 60s.

She was pretty cute in the ‘Papa Don’t Preach’ video but she’s a bad spaghetti for not helping Italy when she’s a rich bitch. At least then she was keeping the baby, now she’s injecting the baby into her Kabuki mask of a face.

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>a coherent non-schizo answer.
Thank you.

I forgot to finish the sentence, but you get the point.

insane, completely insane.

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Adding to this, if it's on SM, they're actors, they can claim it's a bit for their persona/brand or whatever too.


I dont know user-- she survived the 80s

>what’s wonderful about it is that it’s made us all equal in many ways.

Except I don't have in an 18th century palace nor do I own several multi-million pound properties dotted around the world

Except I don't have access to the finest private healthcare and a house doctor

Except I don't have a full time resident cleaning crew

Except I don't have the money to get all the supplies I need to last a lifetime, and the staff to procure it for me so I don't have to stand in line with hundreds at the supermarket for whatevers left, catch Corona and pass it on to my 76 year old mother

Besides those things and a few others, she's absolutely right. It's really equalised us all.




^There's the video

She's singing and look at the mountain of pill bottles in the background

When she sings "pasta no more", is that code for the deaths in Italy??

Let’s just get our wildest dreams over with already

Real life apocalypse, no more fantasy

Caught in a land slide

>gas bubbles rising

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And after you die, presumably you will decompose. Madonna is going to take decades to break down, and will hardly nourish the topsoil.


It's literally part of the deal with the devil. You have to leave clues like this. Is it retarded? Yes. Don't do it and you're fucked of all your power though.

Wow, this is so deep, i totally felt that

Jew servant Kabbalah whore

yea- her grave should be declared superfund site.

Thanks for not making me type that. It's called PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY.

What an absolute cunt I have not ate in a week I might be getting kicked out of my apartment soon and this cunt sitting in her million dollar house in her bathtub really thinks our lives are equal.

Madame X = eye patch = handicap face = not OK

Not very climate conscious.

this bitch is a fucking amateur is she isnt selling her bathwater

All the celebrities are going through withdrawal of their hard drugs, now that the borders have been closed and smuggling drugs via plane is almost impossible now. This is why they're all acting fucked up.

THREAD THEME: youtu.be/ixSSyukmVG4

bro she has her own problems too. do YOU have kidnapped african children to take care of?

Ever met a someone who is a genuine sociopath?

Not unlikely. I think the Q folks are close but the reality is way more ‘brown bread,’ simple trafficking crimes and finance like another poster said. Sure they sample the merch, make people disappear, these people are phenomenally rich - many like Ellen obliviously don’t enjoy their lives all that much but they’re completely jacked in to the material world, and therefore evil.

I fell for the trick that Liberalism = technical progress = freedom to do whatever you like being a good thing; now I think consciousness is something we’re supposed to be developing rather than worshipping our own pleasure buttons and hurting others.

Check the catalogue for attorney anons thread about rentals and getting kicked out

They tell you what they are doing a lot of the time, but you’re so won over you don’t hear it.


adrenochrome withdraw, you'll see alot of celebrities start loosing their shit.

She literally said basically it sucks to be like the plebeians fans she has. What a stuck up cunt

>It doesn't care about how old you are

Does she even read the news?

That old hag still owes me that blowjob

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She's fucked even worse than you can imagine. (((Cabal))) called an audible, Madonna not Hanks, is going to be the ritual sacrifice for the (((cabal))) to Satan to save themselves from Corona-Chan and to distract idiot America from how Pelosi and Schumer outright killed Trump trying to give money to struggling Americans, so they can crash the economy with no survivors to keep Trump from being re-elected.

Attached: Madonna.jpg (1312x2316, 1.18M)

They're telling everyone to keep their mouths shut or else.


Yes and I had to put it down because it broke its leg and after that they are useless.

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Phone/internet connections are being tapped and only a handful of elite celebrities have underlings with encrypted "ghost" phones gifted to them by big tech to allow said trusted underlings pass information up and down the grapevine.

Ellen doesn't have a ghost phone so she's having to organize the social media thing to send coded messages back and forth, since unlike Drew Barrymore or Robert DiNero, she's not trustworthy enough to be entrusted with a ghost phone.