COVID-19 30% Death Rate

>CFR = deaths / (deaths + recovered)
>which, with the latest data available, would be equal to:
>14,646 / (14,646 + 98,627) = 13% CFR (worldwide)
>If we now exclude cases in mainland China, using current data on deaths and recovered cases, we get:
>11,376 / (11,376 + 25,924) = 30.5% CFR (outside of mainland China)

We are going to start seeing multiple thousands of people dying a day. China's numbers can't be trusted.

Attached: death.png (1920x1080, 647.43K)

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That's not how you do the math...

Enlighten me

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I got nothing to say to this, can I get some support in here?

nope, you should learn the hard way

The COVID-19 tests are for genes that if found individually result in a negative test, but found together result in a positive test. What are the chances of it being two false positives? How accurate are these tests? We have no reference to know if someone recieved a false positive, or if the tests are accurate. No one can be sure they have the virus. 86% of infected show NEVER no symptoms. It's exactly like the HIV hoax! The chances of a bacteria mutating to survive in a new species is very small, but the chances of a virus mutating across species is ZERO. It has never happened, never will happen, and probably never could happen. The only way humans can get a virus or flu from another species is if it is injected into them, period. And the chances of it going across species multiple times? It can not happen, ever. Dogs, cats, sheep, pigs, and others have tested positive for this COVID-19. It's fucking impossible. All signs point to the testing being a false positive. It's just like the HIV hoax. West Nile Virus, SARS, AIDS, and Hepatitis C are all invented by the CDC. The testing is even similar to HIV, which is fake. The statistics make ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE. Watch this documentary House of Numbers on how the CDC and world governments invented the AIDS epidemic out of nowhere:

Do NOT get tested. Do NOT take any drugs they give you. And for the love of jesus christ up above in heaven DO NOT GET VACCINATED. Thousands of people died to the h1n1 vaccine. The spanish flu was created by vaccinations. All viruses are symbiotic with humans in that they detoxify the body of toxic cells to prevent aging, especially in the respiratory system. They have been evolving with us for billions of years. They are manufactured within the cells. They are not foreign invaders that hijack your cell's reproductive process. It is a symbiotic process. They are as much a part of us as the rest of our immune system. ANY deadly virus is either man-made or made up

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It's not that simple. You don't have to have a degree in epidemiology. Just think about it for a while. You'll see what's wrong with your numbers.

If the timing are not the same you can't compare.
Let's say there are 100 cases.
Time to recover is around 30 days and the time people die around 7 days.
If you take your data early, before all cases are closed you would have a wrong result. Let's say you take your data around day 10.
Lets say so far 10 people died and 1 (outlier) recovered. You would do... 10/11 = 90% deaths... But in real life, the other 89 people would recover (they just take more time to recover).

We're looking at the cases which have resulted in death + the number of cases of recovered patients right?
And we want to find out what % of them died.
So we get the total number of resolved cases death + recovered.
Then we divide the number of deaths by that total.
That results in .305 or about 30.5%
So we can say the % of resolved cases that lead to death is 30.5%

You aren't counting the hundreds of thousands of asymptomatic cases. Once you do, the CFR ends up being around .8%

The only control group worth a statistical damn is the Diamond Princess.


Not if most people have it and don't even know.

Right. See Iceland for better info.

dumb nigger if the real death rate is 0.8 then there would have to be over 11 million asymptomatic cases
dumb bitch nigger there are 300k confirmed cases you dumb fuck nigger shit

>You aren't counting the hundreds of thousands of asymptomatic cases. Once you do, the CFR ends up being around .8%

>You aren't counting these imaginary cases that im completely speculating on existing.

>300k confirmed cases

Most countries are only testing people already circling the drain and there's a shitload of reports of Shitalians classifying other cause mortality as COVID for various reasons.

>there would have to be over 11 million asymptomatic cases

There's probably more than that, and the final Case Fatality Rate is probably going to be EVEN LESS than .8%. This is the same thing we saw with H1N1, Zika, SARS, etc. Massive CFR at the beginning and then as they began to test control populations instead of just symptomatic patients the CFR plummets to under 1.

>imaginary cases

We know they aren't though.

Look at the Diamond Princess statistics and extrapolate the data. Of the 712 who tested positive, around 60% were completely asymptomatic. only 12% even required medical treatment and of 3700 total people, only 8 died (less than 1%)

>official numbers should be ignored because I think there are more cases
imagine being this much in denial your boomer parents and possibly you are toast. Your lungs will be fucked too

But the official numbers from Diamond Princess (a control cohort), South Korea (who again tested control cohorts instead of ONLY symptomatic patients who seek inpatient care) and Germany (same as South Korea) actually show that >70% of cases are asymptomatic. Italian study found it was upwards of 80%.

Also, keep in mind that only the more severe cases would be part of the statistics. People who got sick and didnt have symptoms or only mild symptoms would probably just stay home and never be counted for total cases or recovered.

who cares just die already

Also the recovered data is shit, lots of places aren’t even reporting it, only new cases, totals and deaths.

I see the corona-hoaxers have moved on from "it doesn't exist" to "it exists but 99% of people don't know they have it because it's so mild".
I wonder what they'll bullshit up next once hospital ICU's are filled to capacity?

Actual nigger tier math.

Attached: 1578420219622.jpg (433x419, 81.17K)

>That's not how you do the math...

even the CCP state run media admit to a 30% killrate that dont add up with chinas real numbers. Thats why they should be excluded and only use death/recovery to calculate.

Attached: doctor say virus very bad.jpg (870x556, 56.66K)

Nobody actually claimed the virus didn’t exist you drunken koala-fucker. Just that its not any more harmful than regular flu viruses. Which is holding up.

>it exists but 99% of people don't know they have it because it's so mild"

According to the Diamond Princess statistics and a study out of Italy, it's around 85%.


t. actuary

At this point it's notable that it's mostly memeflags pushing the "ZOMG, it's a 99% fatality rate".

IMHO, either Chink or Russian shills trying to further terrify Americans into accepting a greater economic shutdown.

>Only 39 cases reported today
Either china's healthcare system is collapsing or they're being their usual bugmen selves and deceiving the entire world

the flu has never filled hospitals to the brim worldwide. but there's no point in talking to you retards, after it kills 50 million you'll say it was nothing

there are hundreds of thousands of people who only thought they had the sniffles and never were tested. so the numbers will be skewed. nothing more than another flu.

>Video related

Attached: 1.jpg (480x270, 58.5K)

Could explain why my dad was sick for 3 weeks despite getting a flu shot in December, his health isn't the best but he recovered and went back to his daily life.

>China's numbers can't be trusted
did the stats per million of people (couldn't find those, so did mine with
France is about as bad as italy at the same stage
Spain is even worse, as are many countries
USA were FUCKING RIGHT to close borders (23 times less deaths than italy on day 17 after the 10th death)
south korean's mask policy works
chinks blatantly fucking lie, as always

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COVID-19 has been circulating around the US since at least thanksgiving and anyone that says otherwise is fucking retarded. Up until late February there were 12,000 enplanements a day between the US and China. No way it wasn't here by Christmas.

Half the US could already have immunity to it.

h1n1 vaccine gave me celiac disease

>there are hundreds of thousands of people who only thought they had the sniffles
Because they have a cold/flu, not coronavirus.
Why do people keep claiming that there's millions of infections with no symptoms?

Attached: Coronavirus-Symptoms-–-WHO-joint-mission-2-800x429.png (800x429, 187.03K)

>flu shot
they got the wrong strains this year, and at this point I'd agree flu shots are worthless
>3 weeks sick in december
i don't know why this is so hard for people to understand. covid19 has a 3-7 day incubation period where you can't infect anyone. back in december only a handful of chinks who had it. they spread it to chink friends, who spread to more chinks who spread it to chinks who eventually spread it to the first foreigners.
NONE OF YOU RETARDS HAD COVID19 IN DECEMBER. it's like saying you owned a ferrari during the dark ages. it just wasnt there yet.

Most hospitals are nearly empty right now.
>inb4 hurr, just wait a few more weeks

I can never find a picture of the decline of swine flu

It's almost like it just joined the army of other diseases we catch every day.

5000 dead in 10 days from now, can you wait that long?

150,000 people die per day, just as a matter of course

Nigger, 180,000 people die every fucking day. Stop being a scared little faggot.

I don't get flu shots anymore. Ever. But that's because every time I get it I feel terrible anyways for about a week to a week and a half. Brother got his flu shot this year and got sick the week after it for almost three weeks lol. I asked my doc about that and he said that it's not getting sick but a immune weakening.

Now to your other points, I do believe that it's possible that those were created. Wouldn't surprise me, but regardless the threat of getting this disease is real, in my opinion desu. With that said, I also believe that different groups will take advantage of this chaos to further their own agendas.
Most viruses are nothing to be too concerned about, but I believe that some can be bad. What do you think about the Black Plague?

most people that get it never get tested because the symptoms are minimal. it's 10 percent at best.

>dumb nigger if the real death rate is 0.8 then there would have to be over 11 million asymptomatic cases
>dumb bitch nigger there are 300k confirmed cases you dumb fuck nigger shit

dumbass you practically contradicted yourself. what an unbelievable retard.

Attached: nicola-tesla.jpg (1454x1454, 680.8K)

yawn, that's it?

Shhh let them panic. I'm really hoping to bag some niggers in this whole shindig.

Happening cancelled, Plaquenil cures it with hiv antiviral drug, get fucked.

because all the testing that is done randomized and not biased proves that there are.

Italian study found ~85% of cases were asymptomatic, which is consistent with what SK and Japan found.

its only 7000 a day in the US, but if you want 7000 a day you'll have to wait until the end of April. yes I know its only old people but this hasn't happened for 100 years.

You're retarded...

This started in Wuhan on Halloween by most accounts.

There were 12,000 emplanements a day between the US and China up until February. Over a thousand a day of those were people from Hubei.

There's ZERO fucking chance COVID wasn't already burning through LA and NYC by Christmas.

We'll know soon though, the company i work for is going back and pulling medical records from that time frame from certain hospitals to identify potential cases... in the cases of those who survived, they'll conduct serological testing to confirm.

Normally 1.5 million+ die every 10 days.
There's almost 8 billion people on this planet, retard.

Half the people posting in this thread are niggers too dumb to understand that, the other half are jews and chinks desperate to terrifying Americans to further shit up our economy.

That figure only stands in the absence of control measures.

Banning visitors to SNFs and ALFs alone will significantly reduce fatality.

>people only just started dying to this a week ago
>6 billion were already infected back in October I swear!
swine flu infected 1 billion. once a virus has hit critical mass it won't be stopped.

citation needed

This level of retard can only be caused by a nigger, troll, or jew trying to induce more market crash. Either way, kill yourself at the next available opportunity.

It declined due to warmer weather in temperate zones coupled with effective vaccination programs. Once you factor in something like 10-20% of the earth's population contracted the virus, add in a mix of weather changes and effective vaccinations, and the "crisis" was mostly dead by summer. Since 2010 the vaccine for Swine Flu has been included in the flu shot. The strain still circulates the globe during "flu season" but the effects are pretty well mitigated at this point. So, yes, it's "joined the army of other diseases we catch every day" except it's not "caught" very often anymore.

Side note, swine flu does not discriminate with age in the same fashion manner as other flu strains which is what made it unique. I was diagnosed with it and ended up hospitalized with pneumonia at the time. I was 19 and playing college hockey so I was (arguably) in the best/healthiest shape of my life. Kind of crazy.

because they never had coronachan
they were all false positives

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The total number of people who have/had the virus is unknown. it is estimated that many have it but don't have life-threatening symptoms so never get tested. The data they present is cherry picking those with worst reactions.
The scary part is the media and the government are pushing this hoax hard. Also if you die of the flu, so what?

We're assuming that people with mild cases are being tested and retested to prove they are recovered. There is no reason to believe that. It would be a collosal waste of resources

Early China data looked the same. 50% death rate for a while. You just can't tell at this early time of non China data

This is based on Chinese numbers. Nothing i've referred to in this thread is based off numbers from China since they are all presumed to be shit.

The most accurate numbers to be used are those from the Diamond Princess cruise ship.

This. In the US they are only testing people with cases serious enough that they seek hospitalization, and even limiting it to inpatients.

No one is testing asymptomatic to mild cases, or testing recoveries.

The only way to figure out an accurate CFR at this point would be to extrapolate the numbers from the Diamond Princess and include an estimate for the number of asymptomatic cases based on the control group.

That's exactly what we do with the flu every year.

What a complete embicile you are with you BS.