Its over

Attached: its over.png (312x330, 64.88K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>implying people would vote for John "China" Biden

Forget "Where's Hunter?"... "Where's Joe?"


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>implying touchy joe is even alive

Trump does poorly in polls because there is still a large contingent of the public and his voter base that is too afraid to say it out loud. Hed need to be down by 10-15+ for it to matter.

Biden passed away yesterday. Sorry bro.

2024 Donald Jr., 2032 Ivanka. Welcome to teh new world.

Attached: 800px-Donald_Trump_Jr.jpg (800x1009, 102.39K)

Holy fuck, he's truly done. We actually need a president who can handle a global pandemic and keep us safe while speaking truthfully and not promoting panic.

Attached: Biden destroys pol.png (672x272, 72.28K)

People will vote for whoever isn't the idiot that got millions killed and crashed the economy worse than before the great depression. Trump will lose to whatever slime gets the Dem nomination.

Better than zion israhell don


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Keep dreaming nigger. Don’t forget to kill yourself when he’s re-elected


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I am going to enjoy watching MIGA cultists scream at the sky in November giving us the perfect fodder to create comparison pics with the leftist tantrum from when he was elected to show that the cultists on all sides are the exact same sort of dumb goyim dancing on strings.

8 years of a useless VP, how long do it take to cap the well?

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Donald just needs to replay Joe Biden going "Closing the border with China is xenopobic and the wrong move" on fucking repeat. Joe is a fucking joke. He has 0 chance.

Which market is this?

fucking this
did they not learn in 2016?

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Remember when Hillary was going to win in a landslide?

Thats right I remember too. Go fuck yourself you shill piece of trash

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I just hope you don't drag our economy with yours when the jew magic paper money implodes.

That still gives a good laugh

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Mr Biden... what good is a podium if you are unable to speak?

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Whoever Trump faces doesn't even need to show up to a single debate. The body bags and unemployment will do all the talking. Winning with 30% unemployment (really 50% since we've been doctoring the figure since the last financial crisis anyway) just isn't going to happen. It doesn't matter who Trump faces or how shitty they are, this year is going to make Trump the unironic worst president in US history by all metrics, unless you're a Zionist who's still hyped up from his "peace plan" that grants legitimacy to all of the land Israel has stolen in violation of international law.

Crisis presidents always win reelection.

oh reallllllly???

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Biden is a pedophile who can't remember his own name half the time, so I'm sure we're fine.

not if coronavirus has anything to say about it

What did you do on Election Day 2016?

Might want to look into Hoover, since that is now the closest comparison for Trump.

Nothing out of the ordinary. It was clear by that point Trump would win without absurd tampering, but that the victory of a man whose political mentor was Roy Cohn was no cause for celebration.

If you still think this shit matters, you're part of the problem.

kek. i'll add your posts to the screencap.

Isn't Biden running for the Senate?

But think about trolling the libcucks with another 4 years of Trump, lol.

Apathy means whoever wins is fine. All non-voters should be included in the winner's total.

The novelty of that salt has worn thin. I'm much more curious as to the taste of the tears of MIGA cultists, especially since they shit up this board far more than leftists. /ptg/ is an eyesore that needs to be booted back to plebbit.

Has that professor guy whose guessed every president made his guess this year?

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>Yas Forums

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You honestly think Government healthcare and open borders are going to gain in popularity?

If a Dim wins we will start the fire

boomers, who are trump's base, are dying in mass

My vice president is going to be barrack Obama

This is like the 4th time I've seen this pasta in the past 2 days. Fuck off Chang

>new york and california

Trump was 5/1 underdog on the night of election 2016

Government healthcare certainly will as millions more than usual are about to get fucked by private health kikes. Open borders probably decreases in popularity after this, but none of that matters. The only things that matter are the millions of dead and crippled along with the worst economic crisis in US history. Don't forget, all of the libertardian types are about to get pissy over central banking voodoo, bailouts in every industry, helicopter money, etc. That they won't vote Dem doesn't matter if they simply don't vote Trump because he's revealed himself to be just another establishment figure.

The reason why Trump won the first time around is that he said all sorts of populist shit with no political record to prove that he was just bullshitting. This time around, he has the four years of not following through on that rhetoric to dissuade those who voted for him before based on pure hope in a chaos candidate. Plus, again, millions are about to die and the economy is going to lose another 30-50% of its value.

Trump x Biden debates will be absolute kino

Lel you are fake news.

This again?
Trump must be *MILES* ahead.

Ha, you think Government run healthcare is going to act better than the US system?
We are already at 110% capacity.

Young, healthy Americans are not going to die, they don't need healthcare access for bad cold symptoms.

The populist shit is 100% going to win him this election too. He's going to blame this (rightfully) on China and bring manufacturing and jobs back to the US. Biden doesn't have a chance, he's a Globalist puppet that wants to maintain the existing hierarchy, his kids are all corrupt. He won't even come close to winning.

But seriously, text Joe to joe.biden888 dot com at 455-6677 to support him today and show.... Hey fat! I'm talking to you

Joe won't even survive the infection. Even Trump is unlikely to survive if he gets sick. Sander's is done.

Joe Biden literally preaches white genocide:

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it's tough to tell the difference

Biden ded bro. It's over.

>Implying Biden won’t get 1941’d by the rona.

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Did I say that I think it is better? No, I said that it will become more popular because even more people than usual are going to have to deal with the private health kikes. When people are suffering, untested alternatives are preferable to more of the same.

>Young, healthy Americans are not going to die

Populist rhetoric isn't going to win Trump anything. Only the most delusional cultists still believe that he's a populist rather than another Zionist stooge. Only the dumbest motherfuckers haven't realized that everyone in government, including Trump, knew how bad things were going to get months ago and yet did nothing. Oh wait, they actually used the opportunity to sell out of the market before it crashed. But none of that even matters, because no one's even going to listen to what he or his opponent say. The only things that matter in this election are the millions that are about to die or be crippled and the total implosion of the economy. It happened while he was president, so he gets the blame. That's how the herd mentality works. Stalin's mummified nutsack could win this election now.

This goy gets it

Just like how the Depression and WW2 killed FDR's presidency.

It will not become more popular, because Government incompetence and bureaucracy will be highlight of this pandemic.

00.01% death rate on people under 40 is a nothing. It's not worth destroying the economy, putting everyone on food stamps and putting the nail in the coffin of retail and main street.

Way-way over reacted to this crap.

Trump will hands-down win this election, there's no question. Obama/Bush era tyrants will never win again.

you're the same fag that was going on about impeachment and how it would be like nixon, I recognize your posting style.

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>one has 46.3% chance
>the other has also 46.3%

who has the other 7.4

>Obama/Bush era tyrants will never win again.
Trump is the exact same as Obama and Bush. He's nothing more than a figurehead for the oligarchical interests, Zionists and the military-industrial complex.

lol no
Impeachment was never going to go anywhere because Trump does whatever the fuck the Jews tell him to. Playing hardball with the kikes is what got Nixon axed.