Explain how cutting out women from the work force won't cause the biggest recession in human history and completely destroy what's left of Western civilization?
Explain how cutting out women from the work force won't cause the biggest recession in human history and completely...
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baby boom
She's literally built for BBC and raising mulatto babies with a white beta provider
>Gdp is more precious than family
You deserve to die
Seen the markets lately? Think cutting women out will even put a dent in that? Lol. In fact now may be best time to do it because all the govbux coming the markets wah will make up for it.
>Explain how cutting out women from the work force won't cause the biggest recession in human history and completely destroy what's left of Western civilization?
you say that like its a bad thing
which episode is that?
canadacuck´s law
>what's left of Western civilization
Is there anything left?
It would cause the economy to literally collapse and it wouldn’t even increase real wages in the long term. People here seem to think that wages are only set by a simple supply and demand curve when they are not. First off if you increase salaries then prices also increase so your new salary hasn’t increase your real wage, women and men typically don’t even work in the same fields anyways and if you want women to stay at home with their kids more then expand maternal leave and don’t do something stupid and exclude them from the workplace....
why would that happen tho ?
That's part of the plan my man
Wages will rise for men
Productivity will increase
Women will need to raise a family, which is their rightful place
Purchases of needless prepackaged goods will plummet, as women have plenty of time to make these things at home for cheaper
Due to that, families will have more disposable income for things other than food and sundries
Spending on schools and welfare will plummet, as women are no longer single mothers, but teachers of their own children at home (more money to spend elsewhere)
junkies will get withdrawals when they decide to quit their habit
Robots and automation.
Stfu reddit fag with a 3rd world education. You have better things to worry about anyways like how you'll be raped by niggers soon
Give me counter arguments then instead of just attacks on my character. OH WAIT you can’t since your world view isn’t based on reality in the slightest :)
Because no more paid to be pregnant
Sauce please
>implying those are bad things fake ancapper
what a retard
Men will finally make enough to support a family again
Also this
Women don't fucking work as is. They're as lazy as niggers and can't even physically lift/move things that at least niggers can. They're about as violent as niggers too the only that saves them from worse stigma is how fucking weak they are makes it trivial instead of dangerous
HR ladies don't actually do anything
This. OP is a faggot and won't actually respond, but you're correct.
Wages won't be halved anymore, but children will be born more often and raised better.
>Explain how...
>checks flag
>1 post by this ID
Except it literally won’t because you don’t understand how real wages work. The only way of increasing real wages in a society is by increasing productivity or capital investment.
>the biggest recession in human history.
Who cares if it would or wouldn't? I'd rather live in a healthy society with an 8000 DOW, than a globohomo shithole abomination with a DOW of 30k.
You're like a retard asking for a counter to why 2+3 =/= 4. Not worth my time and probably not even possible for you to understand
I love how you didn't address the nigger rape at all though. You've just accepted that you will be raped by niggers and you have 0 defense because your country has cucked you so hard lmao
>But muh economy would literally collapse!
Good. Then we can build a new economy that isn’t globohomo wamem empowerment cuckholdry.
The counter argument IS your character, Sven. Nothing you say is of value until you stop being a simp.
the point of these threads are it's easy to find. guess why that is?
That's bad for profit tho
You're laboring under the false pretense that female productivity is equivalent to male productivity. Women's jobs are largely makework positions that aren't actually providing necessary value, and when they aren't, the woman working fulltime is usually putting out a fraction of the productivity that a part time male worker would. Combine this with the fact that the push to "utilize" 100% of the gross labormarket has eliminated any division of labor efficiencies that could exist within the household, resulting in living arrangements where neither spouse has the time to learn nor execute the domestic duties necessary to keep the household in order which then results in both parties being forced to either live in squalor eating shit quality food in a dump, or slave away to pay for other people to take care of their domestic duties for them (restaurants, food delivery, shoppers, maids etc.) Women entering the workforce as a rule rather than when it makes economic sense is the biggest scam perpetrated on the western world this century.
making them part of work force did that
>Imagine thinking women in the workforce hasn’t already destroyed Western civilization.
we need to get rid of all the wagie stupid jobs that don't matter like walmart and fast food and then we won't need women workers anymore, they can just be like nurses
Women are not a part of western civilization.
even slovakia don't think it's bad to get poorer
girls do porn?
>completely destroy what's left of Western civilization
You guys are just dummies who can’t think of a way to counter.
>You're laboring under the false pretense that female productivity is equivalent to male productivity. Women's jobs are largely makework positions that aren't actually providing necessary value, and when they aren't, the woman working fulltime is usually putting out a fraction of the productivity that a part time male worker would.
If women were unproductive dummies then companies wouldn’t hire them.
>Combine this with the fact that the push to "utilize" 100% of the gross labormarket has eliminated any division of labor efficiencies that could exist within the household, resulting in living arrangements where neither spouse has the time to learn nor execute the domestic duties necessary to keep the household in order which then results in both parties being forced to either live in squalor eating shit quality food in a dump, or slave away to pay for other people to take care of their domestic duties for them (restaurants, food delivery, shoppers, maids etc.) Women entering the workforce as a rule rather than when it makes economic sense is the biggest scam perpetrated on the western world this century.
But the thing about domestic duties is that they take WAAAAY less time today than back in the day though. Things like the stove, vacuum cleaner, dishwasher, oven etc has made it a lot quicker to do keep the house orderly. But yeah bad quality food is a problem though that comes mostly from really really bad environmental regulations.
They haven’t.
Women are half of your civilization you know.
Because men are better workers in anything but cooking, childcare, soft skills
Just make sure you wash your hands.
Retard who can't understand that high GDP = high quality of life. If you don't think this is true then why are all high GDP countries great to live in and all low GDP countries literal shitholes?
>decreasing the size of the labor pool wont increase real wages
Retard detected
Because we could do without our worthless HR departments and cashiers.
It literally won’t, and you’re dumb if you don’t understand why.
>Profit Profit Profit
Inside the mind of an ancap, ladies and gentlemen.
no shit
Have any autists here ever find out this girls social media ?
>If women were unproductive dummies then companies wouldn’t hire them.
They are required to by law, you fucking retard.
oy vey, won't someone think of the GDP!!!!
White women at home having babies and raising children!?!?! We can't have that!! That would destroy Western civilization!!
Yes, you are just way to libcucked to understand that regular people don't mather for shit, if we had half the work force more automated fabrics would boom, supermarket would be self service only and so on. Only reason this doesn't happen is becouse the jews don't want us wandering around all day thinking about stuff. better to just make us sitt at a edgepress all day. litteraly all supply and demand is irrelevant and has always been
correct they are a part of the western society big difference
Who gives a shit about money? Our ancestors went through far worse than this you fucking pussy.
What matters is our people, traditions, nations and culture.
For someone who just complained about others oversimplifying analysis to simple supply and demand curves, you sure seem to be doing the same exact thing when it suits you.
>If women were unproductive dummies then companies wouldn’t hire them.
That would be true in an unfettered capitalistic system. That's not the world we live in. When a company runs the risk of financial ruin in the event of a lawsuit for "sex descrimination" the variables are changed. Now instead of simply evaluating the productivity of the employee against their cost of employment, they also have to account for the astronomical costs associated with losing a sexual discrimination suit. In such a case taking on some dead weight to ward off financial doom becomes the easier albeit far less efficient path forward.
This. Removing women from the workforce would eventually double the actual workforce do to them having children.
Repeal the 19th!!!
>if women werent productive
If a woman is 60% as productive as a man, and hiring cuts the value of the mans labor and hers down to 75% of the mans previous value, thats still a net gain you fucking dimwit
>It literally won’t, and you’re dumb if you don’t understand why.
You people have had a fucking century and all you have to show for it is the destruction of every single fucking group that has adopted your bullshit. I dont need to be able to type out why youre wrong if the consequences of your fucking policies are the abject disintegration of the people that implement them you fucking mongoloid. Literally no other people in history have voluntarily fucking annihilated themselves, and yet you argue that youre correct in spite of the fact that your own country is engaged in that very same act. Eat shit you fucking moron.
>Importing Shitskins to work low wages=High GDP=High quality of life
I'm genuinely at a loss for a response, well done.
Why would you cut women out of the work force? They are a great source of cheap labor.
cam you pls update your pastas for your slide threads. they are boring
>muh quality of life
Dude you are so retarded.
I'd rather get water from a well for 2 hours every morning before I left for work if it meant having a traditional wife and a big white family.
There's more to life than technofaggotry. Go slurp more apple cock.
>huurrrr my life is so high quality b/c i can turn my lights off by talking to my phone!! Alexa, order that dildo in my wishlist!!
>Was crashing the economy a part of your plan?
Seriously? It would have the exact opposite effect. Shit would actually get done. Men would blast through obstacles with force and cursing. With nobody to be offended, everyone would get along and work as a team. Men would beg for overtime to avoid being with the wife. Decisions would be made quickly, by fiat, without consensus.
No they’re aren’t. Do you honestly think that women wouldn’t get hired if companies weren’t forced to hiring them?
Well yeah if you cut the work force then automation would have to increase, BUT it would be horrible overall for the economy and in a lot of fields like teaching, nursing etc things would totally collapse since women aren’t allowed to work.
>For someone who just complained about others oversimplifying analysis to simple supply and demand curves, you sure seem to be doing the same exact thing when it suits you.
No I’m not doing that.
>That would be true in an unfettered capitalistic system. That's not the world we live in. When a company runs the risk of financial ruin in the event of a lawsuit for "sex descrimination" the variables are changed. Now instead of simply evaluating the productivity of the employee against their cost of employment, they also have to account for the astronomical costs associated with losing a sexual discrimination suit. In such a case taking on some dead weight to ward off financial doom becomes the easier albeit far less efficient path forward.
Sexual discrimination law suits is about women being treated like dirt and being undervalued because they’re women though. If there’s a more qualified man then he will obviously get the job and there will be no sex discrimination lawsuit or anything you know. >You people have had a fucking century and all you have to show for it is the destruction of every single fucking group that has adopted your bullshit.
Move to Saudi Arabia then if you’re so against women working.
They'd stay home and have kids, which would be good long term
Great to live for materialist faggots like you. All the highest grp countries are atheist degenerate hellholes with most of the population either suicidal or on anti depressants to keep them from killing themselves
Consensus is good though.
Probably about half of the jobs women do are government busy work jobs, basically the paperwork equivalent of digging holes and refilling them.
>if women were unproductive dummies no one would hire them
No one does, hence why companies are required, by mandate, to have a set quota of women/disability workers on payroll. Same with (((higher tertiary education))), all bereft with quotas for the front-holes.
>domestic duties take waaaaaay less time now due to tEcHnOlOgY
That is true, so why the fuck are domestic duties still not being done? Oh right, because the dumb cunts would rather work and help line the pockets of the fatcats, all at the expense of men AND their children (if any).
You are a walking paradox, demanding others address your points but you need not do the same. Pathetic cuck.
>Move to Saudi Arabia then if you’re so against women working.
Why would I? I'm American, we just want to reinstate policies America used to have.
Woman detected
It was fine before them. Also a good maternal influence may reduce materialist sentiment that leads to boom bust cycles
God that was a fucking awful movie.
>No one does, hence why companies are required, by mandate, to have a set quota of women/disability workers on payroll. Same with (((higher tertiary education))), all bereft with quotas for the front-holes.
There’s no quotas in Sweden.
>That is true, so why the fuck are domestic duties still not being done? Oh right, because the dumb cunts would rather work and help line the pockets of the fatcats, all at the expense of men AND their children (if any).
why should men be the ones in the workplace though and not women?
Gender has no relevance to the convo.
Because you seem to want American women to have as little rights as women in Saudi Arabia.
>Sexual discrimination law suits is about women being treated like dirt and being undervalued because they’re women though. If there’s a more qualified man then he will obviously get the job and there will be no sex discrimination lawsuit or anything you know.
How naive can you be? Try running a business in america with a male only staff with the official justification that they're the best candidates for the job. See how long that lasts before you've got so many lawsuits from Goldberg, Goldberg, Silverstein and Associates jammed up your ass you can't walk anymore.
>2 wage slaves and children raised by the state.
>better quality of life
>muh gdp
Because men can adapt so easy
They do negative things.
We went just fine without them
That’s just a strawman and I see literally everyone’s arguments here are just strawmen and very few are based on real economics so I’ll just go to bed since it’s not worth replying too desu.
They’ve shown themselves to be a greater burden in comparison to their marginal benefit
That's a ridiculous argument because all of our lawmakers are bought off by big business anyway...which is great because that increases profits for them. I sure do love profits.
based as fuck
Yas Forumstards will never understand this post
>you are wrong, and a worse electrician than I
>says the swede as the house he wired burns to the fucking ground around him
How do we afford this as a society? : pastebin.com
Pro Tip: we literally can't. That is why men and women both have to slave and why we have to step over homeless people to get to work. WE CANNOT AFFORD ALL THIS GOVERNMENT.
My grandpa drove a snowplow and he had a stay at home wife and 7 kids. HE DIDN'T HAVE TO PAY FOR ALL THIS GOVERNMENT.
If we return the government into its constitutional footprint we would all get rich again
Basically this. Women entering the workforce just reduced wages because the demand for goods stayed the same but the supply of workers doubled. Also it caused whole generations of children to be raised by people who aren't their parents, definitely not worth it. If you want to scream sexism then I would say fine, let the men stay at home while the women go to work, would still be better.
>Do you honestly think that women wouldn’t get hired if companies weren’t forced to hiring them?
The vast majority of them won't. Men are simply more productive, without all the liabilities that women bring when entering the workforce. Some companies will still hire a few women for certain jobs.
The problem was that they entered in the first place. bigger labor force, lower wages. It's just another bubble waiting to pop