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the propaganda is so oppressive. literally every celebrity


They know it’s all a lie, and they’re doing everything to contain it.

he was a sexy man once a upon a time
more of a god, really
i would've climbed a mountain of broken glass just to smell him

Day of the pillow when?

Faggot you stole my pentas.

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Well I guess that makes you the actual faggot then... Doesn't it?

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The big brother is watching you

Even for a video that simple the faggot needed to be reading lines for in

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It just makes you black.

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>I’m an old actor guy please listen


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They've replaced religion with celebrities.

What the fuck are those shoes.

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checked, include me in the screencap pls

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I'm getting tired of hearing these prisoners whine about it, shutter their accounts and let the public wonder where they went.

He's like 2 feet tall and has them custom made with risers.

another prerecorded video.
spoiler: all the rich have gone into underground bases, we are all being updated by prerecorded videos from leaders.
prerecorded videos will be trickled out onto social media from celebrities to dazzle and distract people in the meantime.

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(((Celebs))) about to get the rope.

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The God-Emperor changed his mind. The virus is real now.

manlet orthotics

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Bitch cough one more motherfucking time

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What the fuck, what a retard.
He's 177cm and is wearing that shit? Low self esteem.

What is going on with all these celebrities acting so strangely?

It's weird, being short used to bother me when I was a kid, but at a certain point you just let it go and accept reality.
But if you're De niro or RDJ you force the rest of the world to pretend you're regular height, so you don't have to accept that reality. I'd rather be the short man I am than a short man in denial wearing fucking lifts like some woman.

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what is u implyin

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Fuck that midget..
Hehehe yeah heyooooooooo.

adrenochrome supply chain disruptions

This is actually not as unreasonable as some may think. I've often thought about this as being a possibility.

They have a whole pantheon of deities and their priests

Jesus Christ he's sucking her dick so hard. He probably crushed on her back in the day...wanted in them bell bottoms. Fucked up man...he seems to be knowledgable about what he's doing though. Maybe politically he leans left. Too left...

>another prerecorded video
it's twatter aren't all of the videos posted there prerecorded?
Do you think all social media posts should be live streamed?

de niro was never sexy. always looked like a greasy dago fuck. and that mole lmao wtf

Im short and idgaf, nobody cares about it.
I had tall women flirt with me when i was already taken.

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Actually the most sensible thing he's said in ages.

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Will they ever learn?

Adrenochrome is running low, run forest run.

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>I had tall women flirt with me

Attached: tallest model.gif (220x255, 1.33M)

what's wrong with my shoes?

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I stand corrected

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-03-22 at 9.13.26 PM.png (2006x304, 88.63K)

Oh well if says it then ok.

>run Forrest run
Stop stealing my sayings

Attached: YoureInfected.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

The boomers are on power trips right now, thinking they can demand everybody else to become shut-ins.

Get fucked, nigger

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Fuck man

5'8" here too. I have never had a second's trouble with being a "manlet" All my boys have cobalt blue eyes like dad and their mother is 5'. Poltards can suck it!

>What the fuck are those shoes.

to appear taller in movie shoots.

>celebrities trying to make us stay home and play video games
truly evil

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The duality of man. And I loved and respected this man for so long. Fuck it all to hell

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Why u mad tho?
De Niro: My nigger wife divorced me and wants half my shit.

Based and it is what it is pilled

He's got some ugly ass kids too

Fuckin hell man. May I have this pic?

Go for it, brother

>I loved and respected this man for so long.


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absolute cringepost
your family will die throughout the course of the next 5 years, your pride stripped away until you're left naked, crawling through the outskirts of an empty city. You will scream for God at the end and he will not answer.

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He so smart and funny at the same time.
What a great man!

Damn he looks like my mother here

Be afraid. Good goys.

It was kinda weird but still fun.
But honestly shorter women feel more feminine than the tall ones.


All these celeb PSA are creepy and bordering on begging for authoritarianism.

This is a mild preview how they’ll publicly push people to take the mark of the beast.

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For a movie, he has to be a certain height against other co stars. Nigga wears lifts on set.

Very gay user, very gay.

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Nigger fuck your mother. I grew up watching his shit and he was awesome until I woke up. Also, you have to go back

Go cringe on a sausage you nutless monkey

Can't wait for his niggerfaggot son to get it lol

Holy fucking based reflections