>lives in Government housing
>Proclaims it to be "his"
why does it matter if they’re out after 8 when clearly they were out before that
Curfews are useless
My niggas wildin
Start shooting them already
Manlet cop looks like he is going to cry.
that's why you don't release inmates...
If we get to the point of martial law, it is open season on niggers. Shoot on sight or get robbed or killed by them.
Virus only comes out at night obviously
>Start shooting them already
damn right, always shoot those trampling on your civil liberties and pissing on the constitution.
Blacks Vs Jews
Place your bets
Lolol, burgers have the nigger problem in their cities. You’re 100% done, ahahahha.
Technically the ones breaking the law here are the police. The people have a right to peacefully assemble, the constitution is the high law of
The land, no ifs ands or jews.
Always bet on the jews.
gimme dubbies for massive Chimpout
you will live to see the unification of white supremacist movements and black lives matter types against authority
Contribute nothing to society deport them all or just well I can’t say it here no free speech on pol
lmfaooo that nigger flipped so hard im surprised he didn't break his back
dumb nigger had to apologize
My friend lives in the hood, the googles are trying to arm up they are looking for guns
Nigger lovers too. Don’t forget them.
I figured americans would not give two fucks about curfews, when have they ever done as they're told
I live in Newark and shit is chill out here. Fuck outta here with your white suburb perspective threads. All of these black guys out here are chill af and just hanging out, making friends.
Oh no, he started giving a fuck.
niggers should be kept in zoos
What problem? Niggas are vibing in newark. No crime is happening. Shut up
Imagine open carrying 20 dollar bills in that place. Dumb nigger.
Was the nigger cop bouncing to the lyrics????
>Nigga this my hood
The gentleman makes a valid point those racist cops should allow them to congregate in large groups in their neighbourhoods. It is the right thing to do.
wtf, basketball people are even more retarded than Yas Forums says
What about blasting music and chimping out is peaceful? It’s disturbing the peace.
How long before a 2nd amendment loony starts shooting at cops for enforcing a curfew?
Man did you see all that MONEy that guy had like $300!!!
Nah. Just shoot the niggers.
>The people
those are niggers though user
You have forsaken us all
its unironically over. this won't end well and the virus will not be contained
"Or how about adults should be allowed to hang outside of their houses if they want cause Corona works before & after 8PM Lol but It’s too late at this point it was all part of the agenda and they about to shut us down"
Unironically "Das rite". Stupid White Sheeple pissing themselves inside their houses, doing whatever the corrupt politicians tell them to. Chinese are back to work and their numbers were all fake to begin with, even the numbers out of Italy are bad because they count every possible cause of death. So if you got hit by a bus, and had Corona, Corona is listed as a cause of death. Fucking retarded, psy-op bio-weapon because Trump fucked China with the trade war and this is how they're hitting back.
Whats the song theyre chimping in the video
Nah ill take the nigs, unless the jews get the army, then ill go with the kikes.
>Blacks Vs Jews
>I live in Newark and shit is chill out here. Fuck outta here with your white suburb perspective threads. All of these black guys out here are chill af and just hanging out, making friends.
Uh huh...
Jews can just get some dumb ass white Christians to do their bidding.
>Always bet on the jews.
They are stuck in the city with me, I welcome their chimping
Based niggas
Anyone know the name of that song?
Sounds good
>only black people have the balls to fight government tyranny
Really makes you think.
user I...
BLM president is a cracker
Finally somebody is pointing out these racists!
It has nothing to do with the virus and it’s entirely to prevent looting and other property crime.
Never thought I'd see the day when blacks care and stand up for their freedom more than whites. All wypipo do is larp at rallies and cry on the internet.
that comes much later user
based black cleaning the streets so proud
army maintains the peace, so no.
Jews, they subsidize spic gangs and wipe the niggers out.
Well the virus came from bats, so makes sense.
They get away with it faggot
>They are stuck in the city with me, I welcome their chimping
I like you user.
You can fuck my sister.
>The Walt Kovacs attitude: It's not US stuck with THEM...
>basketball americans
Wow, you really are new aren't you!
How darling!
Nigs vs Chinks go!
Thanks for the great offer user. I've been making sandbags this weekend. Just final preps for the incoming civil war.
Save this before it’s scrubbed from social media. This needs to be shared far and wide so people understand that a CIVILization cannot be shared with niggers.
>tfw this nigger lives in one of the most densely populated areas in the US during an outbreak.
>refuses to go inside and contribute to greater good because “ooga booga”
ah shit
Oh is that Newark? I thought a bunch of apes escaped a zoo somewhere.
I'm telling ya that eventually that shit from the Boondocks where electrified fences are put up around nigger hoods is going to eventually become a thing. Even blacks will go along with it because they'll get tired of having to make excuses for it.
Corona is a psyop the niggers know what's up
Nah. Bunch of chimps will be chimpin out soon enough. Another two weeks and you will start looting and shit stealing shit. Its always been that way. I'll believe it when I see it. You are animals and will act like animals as soon as your EBT stops working