"Did you go to church today, user?"

"Did you go to church today, user?"

Attached: christ chan.png (1500x1200, 85.8K)

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Bro this is unironically one of the shitiest things about the quarantine

The Metropolitan himself said not to, so what am I to do?

Church is for women.

The church is in my soul.

There are several services you can livestream.

Church closed due to coronavirus (although I rarely attend anyway, just watch the sermons at home).

Catholickmyballs closed so no mass.
Went over to see budds at The Door Christian fellowshit and it was deserted. And man there was so bigassed goes I wanted to bang

If that cute blond girl wants to get together to weather the lockdown, I'll consider it. A chance to raise a non-degenerate family would be cool.

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Christ pol is a church in a way


I'm agnostic.

Anyways the Roman Catholic diocese here order the churches closed.

No, Bishop cancelled all mass in my diocese

based af
deus vult

My church is trying to bring back drive-in movie style sermons. They have a big field, so they are going to set up a stage and sound system so the congregation can all just park in the field and listen from their cars

I couldn't, it was closed

No. Church is closed until further notice in my area.

t. Clevelandfag


Come on dude, everybody's Church was closed. I watched my mass on Youtube though.

My connection with god is between me and him. I don’t see any point in having a man studying and reading the scripture for me


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I watched a livestream from my local parish. Is that good enough?

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>following religions and believing in god


>tfw no bossy christian wife

I was looking at the front page in the live videos category on YouTube (while logged out) and a livestream of a Sunday service from the headquarter church of the Armenian Orthodox Church in California was there. So I didn't go to church, but the church came to me. How the fuck did YouTube know that's my denomination since I was logged out? And when I watch YouTube I only watch PewDiePie or metal.

do you know Alistair Begg? He preaches there and I listen to him daily, really spirited individual


It's the current year!

Watched Charles Stanley. 2 episodes.

Church is here right now, bless ye anons and may God protect you from this plague.

Live streamed my Trad Latin Mass. It was pretty comfy. Priest brought up a good point in the sermon that this could be a divine warning for the cuckery of our pope for allowing those idols to be worshipped in the Vatican a few months ago.

My local SSPX chapel had Mass today so I managed to go.

Yes, me and friends paid a little visit.

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Imagine being a christ cuck and believing in a sky daddy. I hope the plague gets all you christ cucks

If Jesus didn’t rise from the dead, then the foundation for the Christian faith would be destroyed.

1. Jesus didn’t really die on the cross.
2. Jesus’ body was stolen.
3. The disciples were hallucinating.
4. The account is legendary.
5. It really happened.

All the accounts affirm he died. Pilate verified he died. During the lifetime of the eyewitnesses no one disputes his death. Secular and contemporary historians Lucian, Josephus, and Tacitus cite his death as factual.

What if the disciples faked the resurrection story by stealing Jesus’ body and then claiming he was alive? Not only was the location of the tomb well-known but the Romans had assigned guards to watch the tomb 24 hours a day. This was a trained guard unit comprised of 4 to 16 soldiers. Josh McDowell notes, “The Roman Guard unit was committed to discipline and they feared failure in any way.” It would have been impossible for anyone to have slipped by the guards unnoticed and then move the stone. Yet the stone was rolled away, making it possible for eyewitnesses to enter the tomb. And when they did, the body of Jesus was missing. If Jesus’ body was anywhere to be found, his enemies would have quickly exposed the resurrection as a fraud.

What if the disciples might have been so emotionally distraught that they hallucinated and imagined Jesus’ resurrection? Hallucination is not even a remote possibility, according to psychologist Thomas Thorburn. “It is absolutely inconceivable that 500 persons of average soundness of mind should experience all kinds of sensuous impressions, and that all these experiences should rest entirely upon hallucination.”

Is it just a Legend? Legends don’t develop while multiple eyewitnesses are alive to refute them. Legends develop by oral tradition and are not supported with contemporary historical documents. The legend theory doesn’t adequately explain either the empty tomb or the fervent conviction of the apostles that Jesus was alive.

No I am not a Christcuck. It is ridiculous if you think about it. Not only is it made by Jews, but the idea that we came from a couple in a garden 6,000 years ago, that there was some global flood, the worship of nomadic fuckers, all seem retarded. Plus we know many concepts such as the afterlife to be horseshit.

Nah, its closed.

well ya see Christ-chan.....

Reminder that the Biblical Sabbath is NOT Sunday.

Christchan or whatever is the cringiest forced meme on Yas Forums and all you Christards are the biggest retard, thin skinned, self righteous faggots. KYS niggers.

Genesis is not to be taken literally. It is not a scientific or historical book. It is a theological story which explains our existence. It is not about how the heavens go, but how to go to heaven.

I listened to Radio Maria all morning. Was not raised Christian, but somebody posted it earlier and it was comfy.

is based

Yeah cuz "muh monkey ancestors" is any less laughable

No, but this finally got us to set up filming the service and posting them online.

>edgy atheist
Holy shit, is this Christopher Hitchens posting this? I thought you were dead, sir.

It's just funny to see an emo poseur kid wearing it.

God resides in my heart.

>Genesis is not to be taken seriously
You are just saying your opinion man. The people in the ancient time hardheartedly believe in that story, only until new technology arrive, people changed their minds.

You Christcucks don't understand evolution at all. You fucks are retarded. You have to deny race realism if you are going to deny evolution.

If i had a qt trad christian asian wife i would

Church is for people who need to go to church. If you listen to your conscience and act accordingly then you don't need to go to church. Be honest with yourself when you've chosen to ignore your conscience.

That's all you need to do.

I'm agnostic.

Don't fall for this Jewish scam. Thinking like this is why were losing the culture war. Find a good wife, take your family to Church.

Not really. The Orthodox patriarchs understood that it was not literal. Consider, for example, the Hebrew terms ‘adam, ‘adama, which signify “man” / “earth”; and ‘eden, which means “bliss,” “delight,” a virtual synonym of “Paradise,” as in Isa 51:3; Ezek 28:13; 31:9,15-18, where the underlying mythological element is quite evident. It's the Protestants that started the literal trend.

i know Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins at the hands of the jews. my only consideration is to ask his forgiveness. avenging our lord's death ought to be the top priority for any Christian

no but i got stoned and ate all the homemade unleavened bread now that church is cancelled

We are the church.

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Why contain it?
Let it spill over into the OLD MEN churches and churches.
We've been through much OLD MEN together, you and I, garyOLD MEN. Aquinas spoke of the mythical OLD MEN on the hill, and soon we will be crowned its SCHOOLS -- or better than SCHOOLS.... CHURCHES.

based and greenpilled

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I would take them to church if they needed to go to church. Every day in this house is church.

No because i don't want to infect old people or kids when i greet them

Atheist Masters only go there to torch them.