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The stock market will never be allowed to officially crash like that. They will sooner shut it down permanently, or legislate the stock prices.

There will also never be a run on the banks, because all the banks will similarly shut down first. This is law.

>We demand change! No, not that change. *blocks it*

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What's this mean? What was the bill about? Who's side are we on here?

shut the fuck up shorter

We need to seize the means of printing. Every American should get $1,000,000 cash money in hand by end of second week of April.

There's no side to be on yet because we don't even know what the democrats will do. They claim they are mainly against the corporate welfare in the bill, but I highly doubt they will cut it out. In the end, it will probably go back to congress and have welfare for illegals tacked on and funding for other retarded shit they want and the corporate welfare part will be left on. I don't believe for a second they are against bailouts when they have been in favor of them before.

pedocrats don't CARES


They're holding out for massive gibs for the Planned Parenthood abortion and baby parts mills.

Republicans want to give loans that must be paid back to airlines and other business's that are about to fire millions of people to save money since everything is shut down. Demoshits want the bill to gurantee money for abortions, an increase in money for welfare queens, and position on the board of all major airliners given to a climate change activist. Republicans called them retarded so dems voted no

You're on the corporations side like the bootlicker you are and want whatever the republicans says.
The idea is that you'll buy their story of helping the companies keep going so that people will have a job left after this whole corona deal.
What's really happening is that they're getting a blanket check of tax money to do whatever they want with and it's up to the businesses to decide where it goes.

You know where it's going.

Also I forgot dems want money given to illegals as well.

what were they voting on?

Unironically this

A swedecuck telling us we should spend the money on illegals, aborting white babies, more benefits for welfare, and climate change activist on the board of all airliners toppest of keks. Is that you Greta? Why did your mother drink so much while pregnant?

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Imagine denying the people money during a pandemic when they cant work, DURING AN ELECTION YEAR.
All this is going to do is make moderates think ORANGE MAN isn't such a bad guy.


This is the time line we find out if the stocks are actually controlled from the shadows.

1st Priority should be Billionaires, 2nd priority Israel, 3rd priority illegals and I guess we can give Americans enough to pay their rent for a month. Then next month we repeat the process with another 2 trillion.

>There will also never be a run on the banks, because all the banks will similarly shut down first. This is law.

My mother rang the bank on Friday to have some money transferred out of her savings account and the bank at first refused and asked her "What do you want the money for "

Its her own god damn money and they are asking her what she wants it for. So I think there are probably runs on the bank at the moment and they are telling their staff to talk people out of taking their money out.

dog bless ameriga

why cant these faggots just separate the trumpbux from the corporate handouts and have two bills. everything has to be some massive 1000 page thing

Why didnt your mom tell them she was going to use the money to snort cocaine out of the butthole of hot prostitutes. Its not like they can say no I wont give you your money.

Noticed today that a lot of stores are preventing cash back along with banks refusing transfers and large withdrawals of cash. The boog is coming anons. Prepare.

I'd kill for a chance to choke you to death with your wife's boyfriend's dick you disgusting troglodyte snow nigger.

even if they are able to write a better bill (that somehow doesn't send us into hyperinflation) let it be known, it was the democrats who voted against checks for american people.

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republicans want to bail out multiple companies and the dems want to give everyone a 2k debit card

are you seriously blaming Trump for this? wtf?! did you not hear the man? He tried! all GOP were on board! the demonrats are the ones behind this shit because they would rather people starve and get thrown out onto the streets if it meant Trump losing the election.

Honestly would be sort of based. I mean, everything would get totally fucked, but all our debts would be erased, we'd own our houses outright and shit. Lenders would be temporarily BTFO.

Because dems want Trumpbux to go towards illegals and people already on welfare.

Yes, let's go full weimar so that the $1,000,000 would buy approximately 1/4 portion of a loaf of bread.

lol they just black pilled 80% of their voter base

No they said to her they needed to deem if it was "urgent" or not and if it wasn't urgent they would refuse the transfer.
She told them it was none of their business and she would be moving her money to another bank.

Then inflation would go into overdrive and the million dollars wouldn't be worth shit.

Either they crash the market further, or add money to the bill, or both. Republicans btfo.

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I think you talking about something else entirely so go have that discussion with yourself like you're used to.

mutt's law

Imagine punishing millions of people because ORANGE MAN BAD.

ooh buy the dip guys

How is giving people even more money than Republicans proposed punishing anyone?

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they intend to replace us with brown foreigner's anyway, so why would they owe homegrown citizens anything?

Swedecucks has too much cum on his hands to google

She should have said she heard slavery is coming back and she plans on paying cash for the first nigger at auction.

LOL say good bye to the stock market in about 30 mins on open.

Oh shit your right, I was gonna get 1,200 but now dems want to give 1,200 to illegals and welfare queens too thus increasing the amount of money for the bill which if I dont think about it, means ill get more money

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why do you commie faggots need government money anyway? oh yeah it's because you work in rinky dink non-essential fields and deserve to die.

>I was gonna get 1,200
And now you're going to get 3,000. Why so upset about that? Enjoy your LIBERAL BUX.

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I’ve bought a few rental houses the past 5 years and each time I go to request a cashiers check for the down payment + closing costs they ask a lot of questions about what I’m doing with the money. In the US anytime you withdraw more than $9,999 that shit gets flagged and reviewed by alphabet agencies to see if your doing something shady

>What do you want the money for
The only proper response to that is "I'm buying a blowjob from your mother".

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Party Politics. They hate Trump. They didn't want this to pass because if it did, this would guarantee a Trump win in November. But they voted agianst it, Democrats already have sealed their fate regardless of how they voted.

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don't repubs have a senator majority? wtf? and can't the VP cast the deciding vote?

They already like him. It will convert more pedorats to his side.

Oh wow 5,000 you say? I cant wait to get my 10,000. When are they going to send me my 6,000,000?

If people deserve to die then you should fucking kill them and stop complaining about it.

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As far as I know Democrats want to give everyone, including NEETs, a check of $1200 while Republicans want to go by 2018s tax return to judge how much you get.

Fucking lynch them in the streets.

Pretty much this. Trump is probably getting ready to blast the Dems on social media right now especially after he's now helping the Liberal shitholes of CA and NY.

Democrats are basically holding the country hostage with a gun to all of our heads unless they get their way.
These fuckers are truly evil. Enemies of the entire country.
If you vote Democrat, you get what you fuckin deserve.

Have you considered that adding money to the bill will make them look better?

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Why would anyone get upset at receiving a mere $5,000 from the government?

They need 60 votes for it to pass

Nope. It's like 55-45

I already have no debt though. Fuck off because you let a bank own you.

Every illegal in California should get to titty fuck Nancy Pelagra.

Sounds like a game I can't lose regardless of party politics.

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Exactly. I want my LIBERAL BUX.

Doesn't matter. This will be considered a Trump victory by the people at the end of the day.

Nice propaganda, straight to the point and void of context.


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Game? You think trumpbux is a game? You realize how many illegals need that money? FUCKING REPUBLICANS ILLEGAL LIVES MATTER

Would put my semen in her

This guy gets it.
Republican voters will never get it. They're too entrenched into the corporate cog. Even most Democrats are just as bad. Depending on how long this pandemic lasts, it might finally knock some sense into Dems, while Repubs will all die of the "just a flu" virus to spite its existence.

>This will be considered a Trump victory
Not if it's the Democrats who end up giving people more money. Can't wait for my LIBERAL BUX.

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