Can you imagine the absolute chimpout that is about to explode in a Corona Africa?
Can you imagine the absolute chimpout that is about to explode in a Corona Africa?
wakanda will find the vaccine
france looks more interesting
Corona doesn't affect blacks as much as Han Chinese. Something to do with cell receptors.
Wait a tick. I was told we're all the same inside. Was I lied to?
nonsense the virus has just arrived in Africa its gonna be ebola boongalo square 3
It's probably because niggers have so many diseases on the regular that Corona is just a name on the list
If it were not for white people. Africans would have already found the cure and given it to us all for free handed over by Androids with 4d printers that print food, water and spaceships.
look at that guy's face
I'm gonna be fucking pissed if coronachan kills mokele mbembe.
Plenty of rich blacks in america. Im sure they'll take care of their brothers
Who? The singer?
No one said that idiot.
I feel bad for all the animals that are going to get extinct...
Africa can't get any worse than now.
But muh African immunity.
Amen Brother
>imagine the absolute chimpout that is about to explode
Baltimore, more likely
>tfw been telling my nigger coworkers they weren’t actually immune
>some nog musician dies from it
this and the sickle cell plus all the anti-malaria and HIV meds they're already on
Based and LegendarycryptidsofLakeTelepilled
Probably they will be the less affected by corona, since most of those apes are young.
Chinese virus is about to solve the aids epidemic in Africa.
I wasn’t aware a virus could infect a plague?
And they say that American niggers are the most civilized type...
>The West survives and nukes the chinks
>proceeds to settle the African continent, now wiped clean of all semi-sentient fauna
Amen brother
another good point, thanks bill gates
Kind of a rare flag there, nice.
Since 11:30 PM they have been spraying the capital of Senegal in west Africa with "acid" from a fleet of helicopters to slow the virus.
>If only you knew how bad things really are
shitaly is already a good example of mishandling the virus to the rest of the world you should worry about your country and people instead
Amen brother
this as well
well I would've gone with nukes but that will do
best part of this all tbqh senpai
All indications are that China is beginning to recover from COVID-19 while the United States and Europe are facing extinction. Yup, this is the plague that wipes out whites forever.
Could have sworn it was the background noice of my life.
Imagine when it mixes with aids and ebola
Looking forward to all the upcoming, juicy red rekt webms on Yas Forums, vids from bestgore, ync and kaotic from our crazy african brothers.
Wakanda will be the new super power.
kek hates niggers, confirmed
>China is beginning to recover from COVID-19
China stopped testing for the virus and is now actively trying to pretend nothing is going on. The equivalent of sweeping dust under a carpet. It's still there, and your floor isn't cleaner, but it sure looks better. The virus is probably rampaging through the East Chinese countryside as we speak.
They can’t test, population isn’t that old and they won’t shutdown their economy.
China will also send support
They’ll do just fine actually.
Remember: Sucking on the fingers of the infected prevents you from getting sick.
Amen Brother
I wonder how this’ll affect the attitudes of the local pops in places with a lot of Chinese guest workers
okay nigger behind a memeflag
what part of "chimpout" do you not understand?
China can't recover. They can't stay in quarantine forever. Their coverup made that strategy impossible because now it's out in the world. It will come back to China from hundreds of other nations. They had their chance to stop it and they covered it up and lied instead.
>he doesn’t know
Even here in africa people use your country as an example to discourage people from being careless and leaving their homes to not end up like shitaly
Holy shit, they all look the same. If someone gave me $1m to tell them apart I would absolutely fail.
yeah, the virus only affects humans unfortunately
(But they'll keep it for themselves)
While africa does not have many old people, there is a major risk to corona, that is affecting blacks way more than malaria or AIDs
>fibrosis of the lung
Niggers need to run, run for food, run form cops and run from each others
Scaring of their lungs can impact their way of life and create a hughe cultural change
>even here in Africa
>calling another country shit
So you indeed are African trash. Do a favor to the world and end your worthless life
shaman says it's ground baby genitalia
Yes, also white people are immune to COVID-19
Don't believe me? Look at the mass gatherings of whites in Florida and Tijuana lately. Not one of them was ill!
Don't worry about it. We're gonna make it.
Not true, 10M DEAD In Africa when this is done.
>In Africa
That's a boring Thursday over there.
It can always get worse user. This is hell dimension.
They literally just won't keep track or test for it
Amen Brother
Just give Latin America two weeks and you'll get the Early Access.
haha dialtone go eeee
If they're not immune, it's bound to kill a billion people. It looks like the best way to combat it is extreme cleanliness, and they think a clean water well is something to throw your trash in.
It doesn't make sense that shitalians are absolutely obliterated by the virus and dropping like flies and you go on Yas Forums and make this thread about countries with the least cases
Have some self awareness
Is that an "Argentina is white" meme you're cooking up?
Amen brother!
Anybody check in on Haiti?
>if you stop testing and reporting new cases, you win
It makes all the sense, nigger. I post and talk about whatever the fuck I please
You're lucky you're even getting tested for it, I don't want you to spread it again when you'll come to slavellabor in farms to pick our tomatoes
Think about how much trouble we're having instituting quarantines, social distancing and isolation here. Now imagine someone trying to do the same shit in Somalia.
Oh my god they're fucked. We'll probably have to start shooting down planes flying out of there to keep the spread contained.
they're too busy sleeping with white women and talking about how "proud black men" they are
Does your baas know you're using his computer?
There are many quite isolated and self sufficent people living there. I hope they get good info so they can do right measures.
But yeah, in urban areas it's gonna get wild. Maybe not NYC wild but still...