Keep saying that while drug addicts and alcoholics are killing people and driving vehicles while not being able to
Ryan Roberts
It's called Bosnia and it is an independent country.
B-O-S-N-I-A not S-E-R-B-I-A
Dylan Moore
Imagine not being able to adress the topic so you have to bring up OPs country
You sick fuck, i hope every single one of you filthy drug addicted animals dies a painful, but fast death
Jaxon Edwards
Sounds like you're based. You'll become conservative soon enough.
Bentley Wright
Nah. I support free market without regulations and freedom but i don't like people wasting their time by doing fucking drugs.
Go do something with your life you dumb fucks. Read a book, do some sports, get a job
Ethan Lewis
I do drink regularly, started smoking weed at 30, have done shrooms, etc.
I am smarter, more moral, more important and relied on, more rich, in better shape, etc than you are. More importantly im much more at peace with the world.
Why? Because i understand the basics. I understand that most of this is a game. I also understand that peoples past is what makes them susceptible to life style addictions. Being fat = being addicted to coke= being addicted to being on welfare for 10 years and not getting a job = being addicted to watching tv = being addicted to sex and porn.
Substances arent the problem, they never were.
Dylan Baker
>Serb going on about degeneracy That's rich now go make sure Ivan the village rapist isn't looking for your daughter
Jayden Ward
I'm not talking neoconservatism? Alcohol and drug use are signs of sick minds.
Blake Moore
First fuck your judeo-christian idea of objective morality. Fuck your moral.
You are dumber every day, and you are definitely not in better shape nor will ever be if you keep wasting your time on drugs.
If your past is something that you cannot overcome than you are weakling. Start using your brain properly.
Don't be fat, don't be addicted to sugar, don't trust the goverment, don't watch TV and stop masturbating to pornography.
Substances are unhealthy and they are destroying people like you. Now go watch more JRE while he talks about weed to other weed addicts
Chase Allen
fuck i am still using reddit formatting, am i a faggot now
Sebastian Clark
nah he's watching new american school shooting on TV
Logan Perry
As long as you’re calling out reddit-tier faggotry you can be considered for a pass
Kayden Brooks
i stopped using reddit a while ago, i got banned on our national sub and i can get boxing news on /sp/ so there's no reason for me to use that shit tier site ever again. Although there were some pretty cool subs like /r/consumeproduct and /r/smuggies
Hunter Morris
Wow that's very liberal of you user
Matthew Ortiz
i'm a kaczynski type of liberal
Ayden Gonzalez
I dont give a shit about religous peoples definiton of morality. I mean truly good to people, treating all with respect and compassion and improving their lives.
I can tell you're intelligent, but ive never met anyone who could out smart me unfortunately, which has made life pretty boring. The point is this.. even if i was getting dumber every day due to my frequent pot use, im still getting paid more and more to fuck around at work. You have many many other things to be angry about.
You need to understand that the vast majority of the entire planet is very stupid. Insecure, weak, no critical thinking, etc. Being mad that recreational fun exists is a useless waste of your energy. The problem is people.
If you cant sit down and have some wine without fucking a dude in the ass, thats your problem.
You're causing yourself ignorance. At an age where people are just learning about the knowledge and wisdom that shit like psychadelic drugs is bringing forth.
Mason Bennett
first, your definition of morality is as bad as any religious one. Fuck your Kantian way of thinking. Second, imagine caring about something that has no value. Money is literally make belief thing that has no value in my mind, and any shepherd in the mountains is richer than you will ever be. You can drink a glass or wine or two, but by doing that you are supporting that kind of lifestyle and alcohol industry. So fuck you for doing that. >At an age where people are just learning about the knowledge and wisdom that shit like psychadelic drugs is bringing forth. Psychadelic drugs are brining nothing but fucking hallucinations, stop talking nonsense
Easton Baker
What about not being a brainwashed sheep and actually inform yourself about what you hate instead of having a caveman stance on this issue
Juan Hill
Those who got addicted have their rights to be culled by themself Most drugs should be legal though
Brody Garcia
how about thinking about other people you drunk driving, weed stinking and brain dead asshole
Are you 15? My bad, i actually tried taking you seriously for a minute.
You're kind of a whiny baby man who is loudly crying and keeping your hands over your ears while others calm you. Kinda gay. Ttyl, good luck with puberty.
John Stewart
>Durrrrrrrrrr durr duhhh durrrrrrr Quoting addicts i see
Julian Ramirez
God damn just kill yourself you whiny straight edge faggot.
Ethan Ross
Prohibition worked out real well.
Modern prohibition works real well.
Jeremiah Kelly
Whatever you say Kant Nah, i don't want to kill myself as i want to see as many drug addicts die before me as i can US prohibition didn't have death penalty. Killing all addicts would cure the problem
Easton Watson
Drinking wine is okay if you don't get drunk.
Hunter Lopez
Great. Now all you need to do is listen to black people music >yo yo nigga pop a zanny a molly and sip lean >feed a white bitch white powder pop a zanny and i'm litty for half an hour >smoke purp sip lean nigga! And the rest will work itself out.
Joseph Bailey
I don't personally drink, though.
Carter Wilson
sure. i could agree with that if people stopped abusing alcohol. Modern music is promoting what majority of people wants to listen to. Drugs, whores and crime
Luis Diaz
Meanwhile you're shoveling food down your throat everyday instead of fasting, jerking it to porn instead of being celibate, and listening to your precious muzak, you disgusting serotonin addicted lardass.
Angel Rodriguez
And we should care why exactly?
William Reed
I eat only what i produce. Fruits and veggies, organic meat and eggs from my own farm. I dont masturbate to pornography, and music is art so listening to it is essential to every man.
Btw, none of these things makes you drive like a retard and murder innocent people.
Zachary Ortiz
The internet and your smart phone are also a drug
Gabriel Evans
You desperately need to have sex. I’m not kidding, you’re a catagory 5 right now. Playgrounds and schools aren’t safe. Have sex incel
Dominic Thompson
I dont use smartphone and i use internet alongside my work which i do from my home. I don't really waste my time that much, and my brain is always on and not drugged out
Leo Rivera
God doesn't judge you on what you LARP on Yas Forums, but what you actually do. Good luck with all that.
Hudson Sanchez
What is it about these incels anyway? It's not even difficult. There's someone out there for everyone.
A man who has no self control is a slave to his environment
Alexander Bailey
What about people who have doctors’ orders to take drugs? What about mild and unregulated drugs like caffeine, ibuprofen, melatonin, etc? Shall we murder them too? Sounds to me like you’re just looking for attention. I would suggest losing your virginity.
Elijah Ward
>What about people who have doctors’ orders to take drugs? Sure, go for it. If doctor prescribed it you can use it.
>What about mild and unregulated drugs like caffeine, ibuprofen, melatonin, etc? Shall we murder them too? Yes.
Zachary Gomez
Everything you said is Kantian tho my friend
Thomas Hill
>OPs country your ID doesn't change when you change your flag bosnians confirmed nonwhite
Adam Martinez
This post reeks of non white
Zachary Richardson
How so? I don't care about how they threat to other people, i am caring about how they are threat to me. I don't give a fuck about other people that's why i want them killed
You have to manually change your flag every time that you want to comment. I have no time for that
Logan Nguyen
>pretending you're not OP >pretending not to understand that kill yourself and delet your bread and bake a new one if you care so much
Jeremiah Miller
Being liberal is all about degeneracy. Go tell lies somewhere else.
Joseph Garcia
No one cares that you are fucking retarded, OP.
Jayden Reed
And how old are you, user? There will come a time in your life...
Juan Lewis
Ayden Butler
LOL. I never *needed* a drink until I hit my 40's. There will be a time when you will eat your words.
Josiah Stewart
And guns are running around shooting people too. Show your real meme flag faggot.
Wyatt Barnes
well, gotta go to sleep, so here's some music for you guys to listen to
I'm basically the same but after a few years of heavy drug use. I started out with weed and drinking and adderall, then moved on to nitrous oxide and LSD, and ended with cocaine. After doing $500/week of cocaine for nearly a year I just stopped doing all drugs and I hate people that do them. The cocaine was probably the worst, because it makes you a better person, a richer person, you make more money, work harder, are more social and get laid more, but at a cost, after a while I turned into a complete nutcase and thought everyone was watching me and following me when I was driving, and I constantly listened to police radio. People started to notice and then I finally decided to turn my life around. Drugs should be illegal, but killing addicts I don't agree
Jose Taylor
Try to kill me and I'll kill you lol
Isaiah Taylor
>You can drink a glass or wine or two, but by doing that you are supporting that kind of lifestyle and alcohol industry. How is this not about people as a whole? You're talking out of your ass then.
Camden Barnes
It is double think to condemn someone to death for claiming to care about their health
David Rogers
I drink and smoke. Chances are slim that you could kill me. You are probably low IQ. Eat shit faggot