Attached: Karl-Marx-1870.jpg (994x1600, 315.66K)
Was he right all along, pol?
Leo Jenkins
Other urls found in this thread:
Wyatt Morris
Blake Rogers
yes. but not about technology.
Landon Brooks
Communism is only appealing for niggers and other lesser races as demonstrated by
Lincoln Sanchez
And by
Leo Ward
enjoy wagecucking for your white boomer "employer"
Charles Perez
In a communist regime I would have to wagecuck for the state, how is that any better?
Charles Brooks
that socialism not communism. in real communism you dont wagecuck, period.
Dylan Perez
he was quite left.
Ayden Carter
>in real communism you dont wagecuck, period.
only because you become an indentured servant.
Levi Bennett
Austin Sanders
just like hitler and other jewry tools:
- he was absolutely right regarding critique
- he was abysmaly wrong about solutions
Jack Young
It's not any better, but if you don't you are sent to gulag
Tyler Morales
Isaac Harris
marx was a pollack, he despised jews, and believed in german superiority
Henry Nelson
The absolute state of non white "people" on Yas Forums
Dominic Cruz
marx to engels, july 20, 1870: "the french need a thrashing. If the prussians win, the centralisation of the state power will be useful for the centralisation of the german working class. German predominance would also transfer the centre of gravity of the workers' movement in western europe from france to germany, and one has only to compare the movement in the two countries from 1866 till now to see that the german working class is superior to the french both theoretically and organisationally. Their predominance over the french on the world stage would also mean the predominance of our theory over proudhon's, etc."
Grayson Scott
Leo Long
>calling others non-white
Joseph Bailey
Weird how right wingers in breath say Marx was an out of touch elite but then say make fun of him for living in abject poverty.
Nolan Howard
Ayden Martin
Feeling smart to cite coooommunist yet ?
>Referring to people on their nationality and not on their skin/lineage
Stay mad non white
Leo Nelson
He was right 90% of the time.
Isaac Brown
Ryan Walker
In some ways, yeah.
Ian Rodriguez
basically. but Yas Forums is too zogged to admit it. they keep making up lies that he's a zionist but when you bring up his book "on the jewish question" to them they have no argument.
Carson Long
He called out the problems right but his solution was wrong.
Kayden Hill
Everyone in this thread is a nigger
Gabriel Green
communism and anarchism have the same outcome: no state, no money, free association
Matthew Wilson
nope, just another shitgene midwit propelled to fame & influence by connections rather than merit.
Liam Rogers
The absolute state of burgers non education
Jonathan Gonzalez
you are here too
Brandon Lee
his issues with the system were valid but his solutions were garbage. His best ideas are often ignored and his worst are supported by the filth that hold power
Charles James
Right? No. he was on the left.
Wyatt Fisher
Marx did far more to reveal and lay out the inner workings of kikery than Yas Forumsacks ever did shitposting.
How many of your shitposts have made it into publication?
Ryan Rogers
i'm not a burger, toothpaste nigger. don't let the flag fool you.
Austin Long
What the hell are you sperging about? Just because I don't believe in Allah doesn't mean I'm not educated. I mean I'd read the Quran from a curiosity point of view, but I'm more likely to read Marx since his analysis of the world was more economic rather than French
Eli Butler
and look at that, he helped jews ruin generations with his shit ideas.
any random idiot can call out the problems of capitalism or jewery, he did nothing to improve anything.
Ayden Gonzalez
Still very gay to beleive Marx was right, maybe you can think he is right, but this is nothing more than a fairytell told by a fucking looser.
Lincoln Martin
Marx says
"Capitalism will eventually gobble up everything and make nations obsolete"
His pointing out flaws in capitalism was the primary goal of his writings. It was people like Lenin, Mao, etc, who tried to usher in revolution. Marx was objectively correct in his predictions.
Joshua Thompson
Yes!!!!!! Saved
Anthony Wilson
Okay ahmed.
Christian Davis
Please formulate a cogent rebuttal instead of "lol marx gay" in broken English, toothpaste flag nigger.
Benjamin Thomas
Now it is time to cope, Marx was a complete idiot and a madman, who need the gibs of the kind cuck Engels. But please keep believing stupid burger
Colton Torres
Easton Perry
First prove that Marx was right on one thing.
Protips : Marx is gay
Christopher Butler
Okay ahmed. Allah was a pedophile goat lover. I'm not a Marxist, contrary what you believe. I'm saying his writings are more tangible than the Quran. You'd have to prove your religion to me if you want me to believe in it. I'm not expecting you to be a Marxist.
Noah Flores
ok nigger. enjoy your multicultural neoliberal hell.
Ryder Richardson
He was right about being a homosexual communist.
David Baker
do you have any arguments?
Marx believed in an armed population. Marx understood that business and government could not remain totally separate. Marx believed workers shouldn't be walked all over and abandoned. Does that mean I support communism? fuck no.
Brandon Lewis
> jew
> hidden hand (freemason)
> only crapped over anarchism or said retarded shit
Joshua Martin
can you name one successful anarchist revolution? catalonia doesn't count
Thomas Jones
Blake Davis
Nice try burger, cope now
Sure gobbunism or socialism will work better !! YES YES! Still nice try burger
Marx ideas on military or government or even economy is lacking pure evidence to demonstrate that he is right, what everyone can see by himself is the life he had, i don't think a man like this can ever be consider important, except for faggot like him.
Asher Collins
Nah, he wasn't
Anthony Lewis
Aiden Hughes
Nicholas Brooks
an incredibly benign yet vital flag to be aware of when to discard someone's opinion
Jackson Gray
Marx was never known to have visited a factory to observe the actual working conditions of the proles, and when he knocked up a maid in his employ, he threw her ass out on the street, ssso, no, he wasn't right -- a demagogue through and through.
Xavier Perry
Communist here, Marx and Engles weren't "saints". Marx and Engles were wrong about many things, we don't follow Marxism because we believe he was a 50000 IQ superman who knew everything, we follow him because his analysis was generally right. Since Marx there have been many developments such as theories on imperialism developed by Lenin, developments on nationalism made by Stalin and developments in tactics and dialectics made by Mao. Marxism isn't reducible to Marx anymore, its a living breathing science.
Christopher Clark
Yes, I know commies are barbaric. You did not need to remind me.
Gabriel Cruz
I doubt you are an australian, considering your lack of humor. Die chinks !
Liam Reyes
>Communist here,
Die, cunt.
Easton Martinez
Yeah but Engles, his best friend and co-researcher, was. Engles owned a fucking factory and used it to investigate the working class. he even married a working class Irish women. Funny that capitalists say marx knew nothing about capitalism, yet his co-researcher who contributed to half the theory literally was a capitalist.
Justin Turner
*Sorry, not married but cohabited with.
Christopher Brooks
You just made that up. Marx attended factories and union meetings routinely. He was also was a full time editor and organiser
Christian Reyes
not to mention his theory of the material conception of history is perhaps one of the most profound contributions to sociology and philosophy as a whole.
Aaron Murphy
Preach on, Mahmood!
Parker Baker
No food
Aaron Lopez
Jose Campbell
>no food
not the best argument to bring up to defend capitalism right now
Parker Hernandez
better red than dead
Jason Morgan
Don't care, don't read
Don't know if bait, but if not, you are the most greatest cuck in the history
Pure Normand blood
James Thompson
"Helicopter rides are too merciful for communist scum!"
Jayden Perry
Carter Morris
Are you really going to use the "muh real communism" card?
Explain baguette nigger
Julian Torres
Oh, you mean this 1939?
Blake Butler
Complaining about the State and having the memeflag "Nazi", do you want me to explain more ?
Benjamin Torres
>Don't care, don't read
Well exactly, that's why you're a complete idiot. You don't even know your own history.
Jack Powell
stupid frog faggot, not only are you unable to argue against marxism but you don't even know what the fuck you're defending
Charles Ortiz
Finland actually got BTFO noy only once, but twice, they ceded territories, and became Russia's bitch
Jayden Parker
In that same system, I would have been a commissar OVER you -- just like I have a higher status than you in our semi-freemarket system. Either way, I will RULE you and your family.
Daniel Wright
The meme flag is just that, a meme flag. I don't like Nazism when it comes to for example economic politics, I just like the racial and eugenic aspects of Nazism