WTF is wrong with GREEKS ?

they got fucking ROBOTIC GUN TURRETS to shoot poor muslim REFUGEES ?

Attached: 1584841368113.jpg (3257x1987, 1.03M)

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what the fuck? I want one

Ashkannazi come from modern day Turkey
in Farsi,, Ashkan is associated with the Parthians and Nahzee means "soft, enticer"
sounds familiar huh my furry little enticing friend?

Of course israel is envyous lol

i wish all you disgusting kikels would just go there so i never have to look at you.

your wall is the only thing based about your country.
.....and we paid for it

Based as fuck

Pretty badass, not gunna lie

>why didn't WE think of this??
Do you want to order some to put along the Gaza strip or what?
picture is from 2016 israel you fucking kike

the picture is from israel 2016

Oy vey i have been shoad

how much do those cost the American taxpayer per unit?

That’s clearly israel.
Lore quality vpnfqgging

Look at the size of this wall. Virgin Muricans can't compete with Chad Greeks.

lol thsts is your borders kike, all bought and paid for thanks to the American tax dollar.

Meanwhile mutts will have to settle with some fence.

Ashkenazi come from TURKEY

>playing tower defence irl

Stop posting your own border wall, Moshe.

I mean, if they get shot by a robot they know will kill them, they're essentially killing themselves. No moral conundrum

can i volunteer as a cyber shooter?

Based reverse psychology JIDFpost.

Regardless, I'd like that for when the Chinks zerg rush begins. Be like playing a tower defense game.

Jumping Jesus on a pogo stick, MOSSAD.

Don't you know it's all part of PROJECT TURKINATOR?!?!?!? Me and my super elite group of super hackers knew about this since the mid-90's.


Attached: images.jpg (225x225, 9.79K)

Also Shut up KIKE.


this, based

why can israel install machine gun turrets in its borders but not everyone else?

its not fair bros

yes desu, i wish we had those 10 years ago

These turrets are automated, they just shoot anyone in sight. Netanyahu's family should be tied up and wheeled out there.

Attached: Netanyahu 3.jpg (575x575, 53.56K)

>why can israel install machine gun turrets in its borders but not everyone else?
>its not fair bros
dumbass you live in Texas you can put a tank on top of a tower and no one will ask you anything

Vault City prevails

so the sentry turret from call of duty is real, interesting

When greece unironically gets the Donald's wall

We need those

2nd time ive seen this thread

always with the Israeli to post fake pics. makes you think

>Look at this dank kike in the auto-turret. FUCKING BASED!

Attached: 1580010592975.png (600x800, 23.32K)

based troll posting Israeli gun towers

unironically based
call out those fucks

Hey bro, nice wall
Awesome .50cal

Must be nice.

Attached: 1582460389003.gif (336x178, 3.09M)

Shut up, bud. You're not even a kike. Get out of that oven NOW

ha ha turret go trtrtrtrtr

Now this is NICE

Attached: 1523241680270.png (294x324, 99.66K), is this klendathu?

Attached: bugs-incoming_0.jpg (1366x734, 211.72K)

If only


Attached: Film-Speedy-Zombies_Lest-e1372794848121-2135x1200.jpg (2135x1200, 370.25K)

They're called droneguns, duh

damn why don't we have those

Attached: 1352465398400.jpg (480x459, 165.08K)

>tfw we will never get a faithful adaptation shot in a documentary style with interviews/found & news footage/"re-enactments" to match what's in the book

Attached: 1398785731908.gif (372x323, 1.99M)

go buy some

nah some day they'll make a WWZ movie, its too perfectly set up for an adaptation to not get any. cant wait to see the tanks fighing zombies in kiev (it was kiev right?) or that otaku faggot that was jerking off to anime for days while everyone was dying and only came out because food or something ran out

user, I...

...forgot pic.

Attached: 11173003_ori.jpg (800x1200, 241.85K)

its gonna be good, the book wasnt actually that great i only liked it because i was imagining the adaptation
cant wait to see irradiated chinese zombies in that power plant thing (or was that in zombie survival guide)
i dunno if i'd cast him, who would he be from the characters in WWZ ?
it would probably be a big ass cast , i'd rather see new unknown actors (which would also be cheaper)

Attached: 1584663164118.webm (640x480, 2.72M)

>your wall is the only thing based about your country.
>.....and we paid for it

This is Israel stop projecting.

Stop teasing.

Attached: b3a1a814fbdd7ec6eb1f282a6d82ef3a4d7c0beac57ade8ba6ec2c44515c303f.gif (250x186, 688.46K)

Shot at the legs, let them scream for help, that will scare some of them off.


where tf are the border guard ? 3-4 dudes could have stopped this,when i was guarding the boder we went with like 7 mags , thats 210 rounds and since they're not shooting back you can carefully aim shots and not miss, also wall is perfect since they cant dodge while climbing

Fucking metal if true.
That looks more like something from Israel with the sights on Palestine civilians though.