Texas had 70 cases yesterday, now we are at >600.

How the fuck is it spreading like this!?

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Spics do not have any sense of hygiene

Enjoy the fucking ride, my son. And watch, watch closely.

Because you’re a nigger retard who can’t think at all. Maybe all the epinephrine constantly flowing through brain is disrupting your ability to think rationally. State wide free hospital checks, more people are aware and they’re now diagnosing them. There wasn’t a spike in infection rates, there was one in diagnosis

they started testing people with mild symptoms


Texas has over 70 cases as of March 17th. Stop lying

More testing

they just done more tests you fucking idiot

Everyone already has it, its been here since early January but old farts dying comortality ccombo style were chalked up to this years flu

This. They've always been there, now you just know about it.

Chances are you may already had it and passed it on

You wont let us cashiers go home; wont let us draw unemployment if we walk away. So we're standing here sick as shit checking you out. society caused this problem and society deserves to suffer for it

Theres up to a 2 week incubation period where you're contagious and don't know. Combine with lack of testing....not sure how you're confused about this

Black people are the only one who fight asian immigrant.... pussy boi

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some do, most don't. You also gottta account for the nigger population in Texas.

It’s your own fault for being a cashier. And tons of Americans have lost their jobs recently. Boo hoo! You didn’t go to uni and now you have a shit job. Poor you.

I'm talking about Texas alone having almost as many cases as Japan who are near the epicenter, got blindsided, and don't have warm or humid enviroments to hinder the spread in public compared to Texas

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>some do

False. I lived in SA for 15 years and not a single one of them was hygienic. Also the reason Dallas has so many cases is because of all the niggers there. Same with Huston.


>libtards say it's serious and not to congregate
>boomers tell them to fuck off, keep congregating and going to restauraunts to own the libs
>on the turn of a dime decide now it's actually important
>oops looks like we accidentally infected ourselves while we were out owning the libs
>at least the libs know we owned them

>everyone has it
>no one was tested
>start testing
>now you see everyone has it

That's how the virus works you dumb hick.
It goes unnoticed for a week, and then suddenly you a huge spike in cases. Then the next day it doubles. Then it triples...


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This. Messicans throw shit paper in the trash cans at every public restroom.

It has been spreading for weeks, people are only now getting tested as mass hysteria sets in, so the numbers are going to skyrocket and at some point the hospitals are going to overflow.
This is a deepstate plot to take away freedoms, crash the economy, and get people acclimated to the new normal of constantly being surveilled and military enforcing lockdowns, as things are only going to get worse in a couple of weeks when there are food roits and major civil unrest.
They will keep releasing bioweapons ad infinitum, unless the more cognizant among society all agree to stop playing the rigged economic/politic game that we have been running for the last century, but most have joined the power structure at some level and think any real justice brought to those who manipulate from behind the scenes would mean that they too would be arrested, so everyone is just going along with the psychopaths plans.

Wow more tests got delivered to Texas I wonder how you faggot.

>Enjoy the fucking ride, my son. And watch, watch closely.

Dead bodies collapsed or just dumped in the streets with no one to take them away, by mid July.

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You have been being warned and lectured for literally months. Ever day.

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The west has become exposed for it's weak nature and allowed the spread of this virus to go on, uncontained. Yes China is very likely lying about their numbers. But whether they killed hundreds of thousand or even millions or not, they STILL managed to operate a full and effective lockdown with MUCH MORE DRASTIC MEASURES across their cities. See example here, video taken by a JAPANESE man living in the city of Nanjing, China. Just look at the measures they've taken there, a city which didnt even have many infections compared to the worst hit, but they still managed to bring new cases to a grinding halt by acting quickly, decisively and efficiently.


Cowards will call me a Chink or whatever I don't give a fuck, I'm a white British man who is telling you all the fucking truth you don't want to hear. You say you're redpilled about our leaders and our society but for some reason believe don't want to admit we fucking failed to get this thing under control. Trump in January was calling this a nothingburger. Bojo here contemplated fucking "herd immunity" theory which is literally a batshit insane test if i've ever heard one to carry out on an entire population. We failed so fucking hard. And it's spreading so fucking fast and mutating all the time and there is no cure. Our leaders failed to contain the virus Italy might be badly hit now, but it will end up being one of the best off countries in Europe after all this is over.

The other will be Russia. Just LOOK at how they have been smart, calculated and effective from the start, unlike the smug fat bloated western man who acted too late. They will reap the rewards of their foresight.


Deagel KNEW this was coming years ago. Who is Deagel?

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Thats a cool dog you have there

you suck as a human being, man. I don't care if you're american, you suck, dude. I wouldn't wanna know you.

Reminder that at this growing rate (33%/day), there will be 1 million cases in 12 days.

A lot more people have corona

Small brains just didnt know it because there were not enough testing kits

No National Lockdown yet.

the 600+ cases have been there for a week or more, what you mean is that they DETECTED 600 cases today.

Because your governor is a retard and Texas will easily become the only significant outbreak in the US.

>Testing is readily available now
>Asymptomatic spreaders

Its just beginning OP

Would be a shame if some chink boiled it alive.


t. retard

It's not exactly mild in a lot of cases, even in young people.


US is fucked. enjoy your apocalypse ;)

The only thing we can say then is that it's spreading way faster than we thought. We're fucked

What is New York

proof of it not being mild "in a lot of cases"?

>How the fuck is it spreading like this!?
Asymptomatic carriers and lack of widespread reliable testing

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Ro 2.5

>china covers up the virus for 2 months while pretending everything is fine
>look at how you Americans screwed up your response, China numba one!!
>links CNN
christ almighty, these chinks

Limited test kits, OP. There are shit ton of people who have this thing.

My state, Indiana, has only 200 cases but I know that's not fucking true because I have this thing to. The doctor at my ER basically all but confirmed it after she ran every test in the book on me. She said they wouldn't test me unless I was high risk, already hospitalized, or working in a care facility.

Get ready for an exponential number of cases appearing once test kits become a regular thing.

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Poorfag seethe harder. Enjoy your COOF and dealing with a bunch of Karens whining about you being out of x item

Healthcare worker here. The issue is they released all of their tests last week and they JUST got the results back, it looks like a increase in cases but its really just the positive patients getting their results back. If anything there's alot more positive they don't know about yet.

It s spreading in the air men....

Because retarded boomers won't stay at home. Richie Rich won't shutdown his toy factory and let employees stay home.

>But whether they killed hundreds of thousand or even millions or not
that's schizo talk, not even the CCCP could hide literal millions of dead under a rug. Reports of bodies piling up in the streets would be flooding in from westerners stuck in these regions, not to mention spy satellites.

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its in the dust

I really fucking love this argument. So people have been walking around with the virus and they aren't even aware of it. You say its because "muh lack of testing" but this has been going on since January, MONTHS now. How the fuck is it possible that so many people supposedly have it but they are still going all along just fine if this virus is anything other than a goddamn nothingburger? Do they not start choking to death until they get tested and know they have it? Is that how it works?

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We have talked about the R=0 value on this board for fucking months you nigger spic.

DOAs aren't tested, at least in most cases. People are just staying at home while symptomatic and dying.