/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2422 - CHINESE VIRUS EDITIONS

► Detected: 339,140 (+30,367) ► Died: 14,759 (+1,598)

~~~ Remaining to surpass H1N1: 3741 deaths ~~~

Trump no longer skeptic: "There's never been anything like this"

US regime threatens hoarders: "We're going to come for you"

Trump no longer denies severity: "horrible", "unthinkable", "vicious"

Med shocked, lungs of young patients filled with blood

US unemployment rate to hit 30%, Fed estimates

Infection might cause male infertility

Virus spreads before symptoms and up to 12 days after recovery

Italy first case tests positive again after "recovery"

Virus spreads through pipes

Reinfection possible and even deadlier

Serbia under lockdown, affecting 7 million

Colombia to enter total lockdown, 49 million people

Merkel: "60 to 70 percent in Germany will become infected"

15 million to die worldwide

Lebanon on lockdown, 6 million people


23:02: 69 new cases and 2 new deaths in California, United States.
22:58: 203 new cases in Washington state, United States.
22:37: 177 new cases in Florida, United States.
21:56: 33 new cases and 4 new deaths in Egypt.
21:44: 105 new cases in Finland.
21:43: 94 new cases and 2 new deaths in Greece.
21:42: 368 new cases and 7 new deaths in Brazil.


Attached: CVG.png (426x423, 154.05K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>US State Leaderboard
421 total deaths
33/50 states (+DC/GU/PR) on the board (UT new today)


114 deaths
95 deaths
32 deaths
25 deaths
>LA, NJ:
20 deaths
13 deaths
>IL, MI:
9 deaths
8 deaths
>CO, IN, TX, VA:
6 deaths
>MA, OR:
5 deaths
4 deaths
>KY, MD, MO, OH, PA, SC:
3 deaths
>AZ, DC, KS, NV, OK, TN, VT:
2 deaths
>GU, MN, MS, PR, SD, UT:
1 death

>Members of the Coronavirus Task Force Hold a Press Briefing

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Okay happeningfags, without screaming like autistic manchildren;
Let's take a realistic look at why this virus is a nothingburger...

First off:
I know you like to act like you know everything about Virology; you just don't.
Look up the Dunning-Kruger effect, these threads are a prime example.

Look at the Diamond Princess.
>712 infected, 8 dead
That's a 1.12% death rate, mirroring Influenza.
Now let's see what's happening in Italy:
>99.2% of the deaths had pre-existing conditions.
>0% chance of dying if you're under 40

The vast majority of posters here will be perfectly fine. Just don't visit grandma for a few weeks.
This isn't going to kill us all. Just relax before the stress kills you. You need to relax.

This virus will not do substantial damage, It can't. There is a mountain of evidence to prove that.
Most people are in lockdown at home now; the virus will run out of hosts in a few weeks and it'll level out.
>inb4 shilll shilll
It's just the truth, sorry.

It's time to leave this thread, leave this site and leave your computer.
It's time to move on.

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Yes i do

Why did you do it?

Remember not to fall for confirmation bias. Of course numbers are going to go up now that people are being tested.
You can not be counted if no one is counting. Unless you are the average death age of 78.5 or have an underlying condition like obesity you are going to be fine. Please calm the fuck down.
Keep up the good fight Hardy.

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>more threads than daily deaths

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Did orange mans chances of re-election go up today?

you forgot this: pastebin.com/rHsjwfPY

Who here /was the clown/

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>just a cushion bruh

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>merely ask should I be a vegetarian during this pandemic

>the thread discussion shifts to me and my personality over the years

ffs every time


if you need some fanfic pastebin.com/J5dtAKZm

>you have to be above the average age of death to die

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If symptoms occurred before the December breakout, it was most likely a retro virus

Attached: Spuk.jpg (500x367, 19.74K)

Another 5% drop in the DOW, when will it end? I've heard in late June, any anons have an idea? Also, any new numbers coming out today?

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shut it niece fucking schizo nobody gives a shit about you

is /cvg/ ready to take the anarcho-primitivism pill?

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Does this mean the checks aren't coming? what the fuck?

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its not a retrovirus retard

CoronaChan archivist back again.
post anything new that you've seen in the past couple of days and I'll post a full archive of around a thousand CoronaChan images again later this evening.

I'm also looking for the creator of pic related.

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>Chink coof
>Chinese Pneumonic Plague
>Chinkin pox
>Shanghai sholin sneeze
>The Commie Cold
>Mandate of Sniffles
>Xi Sniffles
>Fug Yu Lung
>Kung Flu
>Spring-fected roll
>Asian Contagion
>Wubonic Plague
>Flu Yung Hai
>Great Cough Forward
>The Yellow Death
>Ping Pong Pandemic
>Year of the Bat
>the Wungaloo
>The yellow flu ching-demic
>Breaking Bat
>Shanghai Shivers
>Asian Ailment
>Slant-eye Sickness
>Fu Manchu Fever
>Coolie Cough
>Oriental Onset
>Beijing Bug
>Rice Rabies
>Gook Germ
>Mandarin Malady
>Lo Mein Pain
>Dim Sum Diarrhea
>Guangdong Gout
>Confucian Cancer
>Szechuan Sore Throat
>Chop Fluey
>Wu-Ping Cough
>Sicken fried rice
>Ow chi lung
>Sweet and Sour Sicken
>Flu Manchu
>rangoon doom
>egg roll toll
>teriyaki terror
>wonton west nile
>bamboo shoot poops
>rice noodle rickets
>finger trap clap
>pu pu pandemic
>dog meat diphtheria
>gutter oil boils
>Genghis cough
>Hong Kong Fluey

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0% chance of dying
100% chance of ruining the economy and driving down productivity because everyone got sick

by circumstance not by choice, yeah

>red line go down
>muh dick go up

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if it's a nothingburger why did i get laid off and about to go buy a crossbow at cabelas

Did you really have to go down...Allllllllllll the way down?

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anyone have any wuhan livecam links?

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a spainanon is the creator of that corona-chan oc

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Nobody cares about pedos, tripfag.

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>Look at the Diamond Princess.
that is as now, the indication of a chinese glowie


got a translation for that?

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i need to check the links in archive.is please help

I’m literally famous across Yas Forums boards

Who knew that chinks colonizing Africa would result in one or two of those squinty-eyed incels to sucking off the local natives.

Are there any photos or videos of US hospitals being flooded with corona patients? Any? Shouldn't they be at this point?

>Dunning-Kruger effect
fucking kill yourself

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/ring the breast expansion pack pls

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Change your DNS

Lmao neocons would rather burn that money in a toilet bowl than give it to goyim

>dallas county shutdown

isn't russia gonna need them just as bad themselves in a week?

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Is this the happening of a lifetime?

9/11 was crazy and still has an effect on people today as well as fucking up the flying industry for a while. But at least the world was allowed to leave their houses and grocery stores weren't shit shows.

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lmaoing @ all those normies going insane at the 2nd day of quarantine

China 81,054 (3,261) Italy 59,138 (5,476) United States 32,356 (414) Spain 28,603 (1,756) Germany 24,852 (94) Iran 21,638 (1,685) France 16,018 (674) South Korea 8,897 (104) Switzerland 7,474 (98) United Kingdom 5,683 (281) Netherlands 4,204 (179) Austria 3,580 (16) Belgium 3,401 (75) Norway 2,263 (7) Sweden 1,931 (21) Portugal 1,600 (14) Brazil 1,546 (25) Canada 1,436 (20) Denmark 1,395 (13) Australia 1,353 (7) Malaysia 1,306 (10) Turkey 1,236 (30) Czech Republic 1,120 (1) Japan 1,086 (36) Israel 1,071 (1) Ireland 906 (4) Luxembourg 798 (8) Ecuador 789 (14) Pakistan 776 (4) Diamond Princess 712 (8) Poland 634 (7) Chile 632 (1) Finland 626 (1) Greece 624 (15) Thailand 599 (1) Iceland 568 (1) Indonesia 514 (48) Singapore 455 (2) Romania 433 (3) Slovenia 414 (2) India 396 (7) Philippines 380 (25) Russia 367 (1) Peru 363 (5) Bahrain 334 (2) Egypt 327 (14) Hong Kong 317 (4) Croatia 254 (1) Mexico 251 (2) Lebanon 248 (4)…

Italy +5,560 (+651) United States +8,149 (+112) Spain +3,107 (+375) Germany +2,488 (+10) Iran +1,028 (+129) France +1,559 (+112) South Korea +98 (+2) Switzerland +611 (+18) United Kingdom +665 (+48) Netherlands +573 (+43) Austria +588 (+8) Belgium +586 (+8) Sweden +161 (+1) Portugal +320 (+2) Brazil +368 (+7) Canada +108 (+1) Malaysia +123 (+2) Turkey +289 (+9) Czech Republic +125 (+1) Ireland +121 (+1) Ecuador +257 (+7) Pakistan +131 (+1) Poland +98 (+2) Greece +94 (+2) Indonesia +64 (+10) Romania +66 (+3) Slovenia +31 (+1) India +64 (+2) Philippines +73 (+6) Bahrain +24 (+1) Egypt +33 (+4) Iraq +19 (+3) Colombia +35 (+2) Serbia +51 (+1) Algeria +62 (+2) Hungary +28 (+2) Morocco +19 (+1) Macedonia +30 (+1) Andorra +25 (+1) Burkina Faso +11 (+1) Tunisia +15 (+2) Afghanistan +16 (+1) Mauritius +14 (+1) Guam +12 (+1) Norway +99 Denmark +69 Australia +281 Japan +32 Israel +188 Luxembourg +128…


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>every derivative of Lung Pao Sicken
>not Lung Pao Sicken

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But still they say one person infects about 2.5 new persons. This means more than 1.5 out of these 2.5 persons need to be immune. Which means at least 60% need to be infected if no vaccination is available.

Now assuming 1% deathrate (dimanond princess, germany 0.5% right now). Assuming also Italy is just not testing enough.

320mio Americans
60% infected => 192mio infected.
1% death => 192.000 death in the USA.

80mio Gemans
60% infected => 48mio infected.
1% death => 48.000 deaths in Germany.

Most of them old and already sick.

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True, nigger

the nuclear option failed (60 votes) so now they go back at discussing ad nauseam.

I know from the formatting of the text that your post is dogshit. Don't even have to read it
amirite or amirite?

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Hospital in Spain flooded with corona patients:

Literally tho

Why are countries closing down like this when it’s only old people and people with underlying health conditions dying?

Don’t get me wrong protect them yeah but doesn’t every flu and virus do this?

stills of gif?
and if stills which ones do you want?

>this post
>this flag
I knew it, all white supremacist are nigs trying to make whites look bad, kek

"US regime threatens hoarders: 'We're going to come for you'

What the fuck does this mean? I don't watch the White House news briefings. Are the fuckers who were saying that the risk of a pandemic were low a couple of weeks ago pissed at a few people who were preparing for the pandemic?

>Infection might cause male infertility

>414 dead
>60k die from the flu every year
it's not happening

D-Donate blood

To calculate the real CFR:
(Weekly average of new deaths this week x2)/Weekly average of new cases two weeks ago

Trump: "If you take a solid flu vaccine you don't think that would have much of an impact on corona?"

Non-retard: "No."



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