Trump Bucks being blocked by the Dems. What happens when people can't afford food, can't afford rent? Great Depression part 2 inbound!
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Trump just said it's all free. Free food, free everything.
>dems voting against socialismbux
now THIS is 4d pod racing
they just talk about socialist policies to get progressive voters.
Dude your id is woke!
This, It's all one big circues with a Nietzschian will to power underlying it user.
And they'll still be getting those voters even after all this because they think that everything Trump does it wrong.
letting Americans starve because they don't want the GOP to get the wins for getting credit for the relief package. So they will delay it until they can get their grubby hands in it at the expense of the people who need it now.
tfw when incel's gibs source drys up
Where were you when the Dems condemned Americans to starve?
Remember when the Dems never gave assistance to families during the great recession
Sandy hook didn’t happen
Well, looks like the Republicans were taking an opportunity to give corporations more breaks than the people.
They even removed the means testing for the Trump bucks, everyone was going to get $1200.
the left always talks about eating the rich. i guess we'll be eating the dems instead
They're blocking it because of the other cockshit that faggot Republicans tried to add
>here's some abortion riders bro
uh huh
someone redpill me on this strategy.
how doesn't this ruin the dems forever when normies get hold of this?
Democrats have argued that Republicans are prioritizing corporate industry over American workers in the legislation.
Shit's about to hit the fan senpai
so were the trumpbucks supposed to be a one time payment or once a week for a set period of time?
Because a one time payment of 1k is literally pointless.
Once a month
>1k a month
Average rent literally everywhere is way over 1k a month.
do i need to buy a gun to defend my shit?
>when normies get hold of this?
They may see it but won't comprehend most normie NPCs will just associate trump = bad time in the last year. So when november voting hits all the dumb npc will go "stomach empty incumbent bad" and vote whatever democrat survived corona.
However it could very well be the case that all the democrat and republican candidates die or become too infirm or incapacitated to serve in office. I'm legit hoping that does not happen, but there is a good chance that pence or whoever the dems run as vice will become president if trump or biden contract sars & hit the hospital. And at their age it's very likely.
For some of us it's been a great depression for the last 30 years already. Arguably, there was a period in the 60s that could have been called GD2 also. This is more a continuation of GD3, 3 lost decades, for many people.
>literally everywhere
only in the bigger cities.
and majority of population lives in urban areas.
Even if your rent is less than 1k a month you still need food etc and have other bills to pay.
sandy had an RV?
Where were you when Yas Forums supported socialism because Trump said it was ok?
we need socialism just this one
It won't ruin the dems, because the dems are finding reasons to block it due to no gibs for NEETS and illegals. To these people the dems look good, as though they are fighting for their rights too. It's selfish though. Everyone else suffers because the people who were already suffering aren't getting gibs too.
Sandyhook was a fucking hoax.
>dems voting against socialismbux
Of course they are. There is no left and right in the higher tiers of American politics. There are only people paying politicians and politicians passing the laws their donors want.
Politicians are employees of their donors. The sooner you guys stop fapping about republicans vs. democrats the sooner all this shit will make sense.
If you have money you can hire politicians to pass any law you want provided it doesn't conflict with the laws of their other donors.
Average for 1 bedroom is 963, for 2 bedroom it is 1194.
Republicans are the scourge of the earth, they are the poorest most uneducated group in the US. Honestly, i support the Dems decision in the sole basis that it keeps facist fags like yourself from surviving more than a month from today. and before Yas Forums chimps out on me, take a look at yourselves. less than a month ago you wouldnt have supported any form of welfare, now you NEETS are crying that your $9 an hour job laid you off and now demand the gov to support your hypocritical ass.
Pelosi is a piece of shit
yes, because it will be going to straight, white males
37 dollars leftover. You realize most Americans are fucking dumb morons who live paycheck to paycheck. It really won't do much. We're still going to be in a recession for years to come.
A month ago anyone who wanted to work could work. Now due to government action, people may starve. Kinda like socialism.
>majority of population lives in urban areas.
Good. Hope they fucking die out.
The dems are going to push their own bill that the republicans block, and next week they and the news media will say look the republicans are blocking relief funding, which is what they are doing right now
Just in case it does pass they will put in something about funding abortion to the 32nd trimester and every undocumented person gets 3 family imported free.
it’s backfiring and they know it.
their base will turn on them for blocking it.
it is already happening, hardcore dems are mad at pelo si, they want the TRUMPBUX!!
It's because they know if Trump (because let's face it, this would be the new normal), the US will end up NatSoc instead of globohomo Chink-style "communist" like they'd planned.
WHY ARE WE GIVING BILLIONS TO COMPANIES THAT USE PAYBACK...fuck you and your stock market bullshit
this is what I'm thinking. At best, it's buying the elite a month of extra time before rioting begins as people stay unemployed.
>poorest most uneducated group in the US
that would be liberals faggots like you
since when pol doesnt support socialism?
Socialism in of itself is not what pol opposes.
Fuck off newfag. Yas Forums is a National Socialist board. Back to t_d if you want to circlejerk about "muh free market" even as its utterly failed.
It was still means tested
it's simple
i predict that someone somewhere (not me)
is going to start shooting democrats.
desperate people do desperate things.
i am not desperate.
i really want to emphasize that for the law enforcement that are going to inevitably read this.
i am extremely comfortable in my apartment with all of my supplies.
i don't need trumpbux.
i'm just saying that i wouldn't be surprised if someone that does need them is going to make a bad decision and start shooting those assholes.
you really shouldn't mess with hungry and scared people.
(i am neither hungry nor scared, btw.)
100% serious that i have no interest in hurting anyone nor in seeing anyone get hurt.
just making a prediction.
i hope everyone is okay.
I don't think they did bro
what the hell have you been doing with your life?
Stop grovelling. We know.
t. Cop.
>wanting a bill that bails out big companies & kike ceo's
How Yas Forums has fallen
They blocked it because if the new drug works on Tuesday they wont have to do a bill
Free markets, like the wet markets and African gun markets.
Africa is a libertarian paradise, why don't they move there?
willl we let jews convince us again they are merely victims of it all?
government takes your job away, of course you have no way to earn a living. you're a dumb ass fuck.
CEO's have already abandoned ship and retired before the crash.
Yup, it's going straight to hell quick. Buckle up boys, this war is just getting started.
>small businesses are big evil corporations
>just let all those big corporations go out of business they're evil too, all of them
wow, and it's not like any of these people live with other people, right?
Because TrumpBux is a shitty deal for the average citizen and is just a massive Wall Street bailout. The Dems want a better deal for the average citizen, and they want stipulations in the bank and corporations bailouts that these companies can't fire their employees after receiving bailouts, which most would surely so if given the chance to get free money and cut some employees off their payroll.
Even if that were true, what if it doesn't? Then they'll be another weekend and two business days behind.
So all of those negotiations were for nothing. Amazing.
>Trump going to give Trump bucks to everyone
>Deliberately fuck up shit even harder so they can claim they pass the bill.
Pelosi needs to be hung. That corpse is just barely trucking along with constant surgeries and injections and needs to just be thrown to the flame.
Apparently they're not even bux, according to FTN they're just a tax credit that you pay for next year.
>The Greater Depression
Post more future war brides
They don't want just tax payers getting money. Gotta give Trumpbux to niggers and illegals too.
any place I can watch c-span live? yewtube doesn't have it and I believe that's on purpose
Who cares
Better than hyperinflation
>starts with so,
rehearsed classroom presentation
why do democrats vote against their own economic interests?
>implying the current money system isn't already full blown communism
I already can't afford any of those things
The Greatest Depression. Truly the best. Tremendous depression. Everyone says--all the experts say, this is the greatest depression in history, and it keeps getting greater, folks.
Its not pointless. People have the wrong idea of what trumpbux are designed for. Its not for you to go on a shopping spree or to get free gibs to live off of while you jerk off to hentai all day. Its for the 1/5 of the economy that was shut down until further notice. Trumpbux is only intended to get those WORKERS through the month or however long until their job is allowed to open back up. But like always, NEETs and niggers smell blood in the water and like parasites start crying "BUT...WHERE IS M...MA...MY MONEY?"