How long before people start killing their land "lords"?
These fucks have paid off their property in 70's, now they want to sit back and collect, while young kill themselves working for Costco and Walmart
How long before people start killing their land "lords"?
These fucks have paid off their property in 70's, now they want to sit back and collect, while young kill themselves working for Costco and Walmart
stay jelly commie faggot
When they start getting desperate
They still have a house right now
either do it or kill yourself so I dont have to keep hearing about it
Der eiwige boomer strikes again
>These fucks have paid off their property in 70's
yeah jewish city ones decades before, all that are gonna be killed is faggots who are renting to faggots ya faggot
Step 1) Get Corona Chan
Step 2) Coof and spit on your landlord
No need to kill them, refuse to leave, and claim to have corona.
lol, this is fake
Wait, but aren’t mortgage companies halting payments as well?
Anglos and Jews are the master race!
Like I said before: trash the place up before you're evicted, say toilet paper bandits attacked you
Attorney Here!
Alright tenants, listen up.
Are you out of a job due to COVID-19? If so, the first thing you need to do is figure out if your local courts have shut down their civil dockets (in all likelihood they probably have).
If your civil courts aren't shut down, then you're shit out of luck.
If your civil courts are shut down, then proceed. Simply put, your landlord can't evict you without an eviction order, and eviction orders are granted only through civil courts. Without a civil court to hear your landlord's motion to evict, they can't legally evict you.
Now, I know there's going to be some landlords that come in here saying: "WE CAN STILL FORCIBLY EVICT YOU WITH A PRIVATE COMPANY!" If your landlord tries that, be sure to verbally resist them, video tape it, and then sue their asses off for wrongfully evicting you during the COVID-19 crisis without an eviction order. There will be loads of attorneys ready to leap on the opportunity of suing the fuckface landlords that force out their tenants during a crisis, and no jury will feel sympathy for them.
gary whitaker plz go
Don't rent if you can't pay the fucking bills you retard.
Camping is free, go do that, leech.
>oy vey!
By the way, if you stop paying rent you better plan on moving too.
say goodbye to security deposit and open yourself to a lawsuit
While I do really disagree with freeloaders, one thing the landlords should really consider is this, when they're tenant leaves, there will be nobody to fill their spot. They would be better off having a highly reduced rental rate for the next few months to at least get SOME income. This may also have a positive effect of the tenant being more fond of the land lord. Just a thought.
Camp where? Everywhere is owned by someone or some interest that doesn’t want homeless people camping on their land
Lmao based boomer
[continued from above]
There will also be landlords that will try the whole "WE CAN MAKE YOUR LIFE MISERABLE WHILE YOU'RE REFUSING TO LEAVE!" and they'll say things like: "WE'LL CUT OFF YOUR POWER AND YOUR WATER AND LOCK YOUR DOORS!"
Well, folks, the truth of the matter is that the leaseholder holds a property interest in the property that they're leasing during the time of said lease. In other words, as a person with a property interest in the leased property, other people can't intentionally and harmfully interfere with your use and enjoyment of said property, including the landlord, without a court order or your consent.
Ultimately, what I'm getting at here is that if your landlord starts fucking with your utilities (water, electric, etc.) or things like your doors, windows, walkways, etc... then you can call the police on them.
"The police? Huh? I thought the courts were closed?"
The CIVIL courts are closed, but the criminal ones can't/won't shut down due to there being very strict deadlines that need to be met for incarcerated individuals. In other words, the police will still absolutely make arrests for crimes, and if your landlord does any of the above, then they definitely committed a crime.
A key part of this is to work together in your tenant community and make sure that if your landlord is on the premises (either inside or outside), someone always has a camera that's recording on him. Make sure there's evidence, and make sure you call the police and say you'd like to press charges.
[continued below]
Of course his name is gary
If you don't like landlords, become one yourself
be the change you want to see
how about not charging rent. This is a national emergency.
he's in the right you stupid retard
National parks are free right now
hope he dies
They need to charge something. Even if the property is paid off, they still have property taxes and insurance to pay on the property. They should re-evalutate their tenants income to see how much they're bringing int (just like they do when you apply for rent) and figure out what your new rate should be for the next 6 months or so, or however long is deemed necessary
based lawyer of the people
I had a sheriff lockout last Monday, can the Sheriff take my stuff and dump it out tomorrow? My landlord is threatening to do that, even tho I have the money he’s being a weird dickhead. I’m in Montgomery County, PA btw. Courts and stuff is closed til April 3rd
That sounds like a solution. I don't want a solution. I want to be mad.
Wow thanks for the heads up user. Definitely dont want to get sued for money I dont have because I didn't have money to pay rent. I'll just declare bankruptcy and shithead landlords can eat the costs of my free stay and eviction related court costs. Enjoy the property damage too by the way.
gary would get a check too, so he doesnt need the rent money to survive :^)
rent, tax, copyright. all Jew concepts
doing God's work
Boomers won't give you your deposit back regardless
Sounds like they should dip into their savings. They do have savings right? They should have foreseen this eventuality.
I'm sure they could always get a real job to make ends meet.
>being a weird dickhead
why the fuck would he take a couple months rent and and start over with you after putting in all the time and effort to finally kick you out?
how can a dead man sue me user? riddle me that
[continued from above]
When the police arrive, the next key is to act as if your landlord is talking crazy nonsense. Your landlord will likely claim things like "right to entry" and say (truthfully or falsely, doesn't matter) that they gave you notice in advance of their entry onto the premises -- IF THIS HAPPENS, DENY THAT YOU EVER RECEIVED VALID ENTRY REGARDLESS OF IF YOU DID OR NOT! Tell the police the landlord never gave notice, and tell them you, as the valid/legal leaseholder, want that person (i.e. the landlord) removed from the property immediately and trespassed from the location. If your landlord says anything to the contrary, the police will say the notice of right to entry under the lease is a civil matter, and refer him to civil court once the courts reopen.
If your landlord tries to show proof that he put notices up (they'll often take timestamped pictures of them posting them on the doors or putting them in mailboxes), deny that his pictures are valid! Claim that he has Adobe Photoshop and/or that he can alter the timestamps by changing the date or EXIF data in his phone. Again, the police will refer him to civil court to resolve this issue.
Once the landlord is trespassed, if he comes back, call the police again and then they'll arrest him and take him to jail. Due to the COVID-19 backlogs that most criminal courts are facing, it'll take at least a day or two for him to get a First Appearance and bond out -- and, even then, the criminal court will absolutely make it a condition of his bond that he have no contact with you and to stay off your leased property.
I'm here for a bit longer to answer questions, respond to the inevitable landlord nonsense that'll come in reply to my posts, and to generally respond to the BS here.
Thanks for reading Anons, and stay safe during the pandemic!
I learned long ago that you never get the deposit back from boomers or Jews so you might as well just never clean anything.
Landlords are parasites. I refuse to believe they are human.
I do like some commie ideas honestly.
I say every person should get one house as soon as they turn 18.
No rent, no purchase, just a "here you go, this piece of land and the building on top of it belong to you now, until you die or decide to trade it for something else".
No one should have to pay rent monthly just to have a place to belong somewhere, it should be more secure.
better advice: if you cant pay rent and your landlord offers to let you out of the lease for free. take the offer and go find somewhere you can afford to live. listen to this dumbass and you'll just pile up payments and end up evicted and sued into bankruptcy when things go back to normal.
Look at him. It would take just one cough.
What about utilities companies? I'm not paying any of my bills right now. What can they do once I rack up so much debt that they shut my shit off?
Tick tock, boomer
Based lawyer bro, thanks for the info
Gee Landlord ...
Do you think Cops are going to enforce Evictions during a Pandemic ?
I think a Landlord who can use the threat of Force will quickly realize a collapsing society makes using that Self Destructive.
Extortion during a Pandemic is Stupid.
>all of these losers planning not to pay rent next month when they should have an emergency fund saved up
Enjoy fucking up your credit report and getting evicted once this nothing burger is over. I have no sympathy for you losers. This is exactly why you'll be suckling on the landlords teet for the rest of your life.
Absolutely. The landlords are going to be in the same position as the tenants, especially if they try to pull what they're pulling in OPs picture. They're definitely going to take a hit, but they can at least attempt to not make it as bad for everybody. If they're charging $1500 rent, and their monthly expenses are like $300, they should try to charge just over that for right now. They'll be able to scrape by, and the tenant will too
One minute he wants the money and calls off eviction proceedings the next minute he wants my stuff gone. Montgomery were doing layoffs for awhile now. Was an Xfinity technician, tl;dr got hit hard with shit and now have more than enough to cover.
>buying up cheap property to inflate the price through renting
>not a leech
Pick one boomer
why not just pay rent instead of starting a fight that only benefits you, the legal leech to society?
Only exploitative ones. They provide housing for people that would most likely not be able to afford a home otherwise. I live in socal, I can't afford a house due to not being able to get a good downpayment, so we have to rent right now until we can
I'm a landlord,
Why the fuck would anyone evict someone during this time?
My tenants have always been good to me, if i evicted them in a time of need, who tf am i going to replace them with, especially now that everyone is losing their jobs?
No need to be a selfish prick. We're all struggling here.
>These fucks have paid off their property in 70's, now they want to sit back and collect, while young kill themselves working for Costco and Walmart
Rent's due motherfucker!!!
No one cares what you think
what a soulless bastard
they'll wait until the govts say they can shut your shit off again and then theyll shut it off.
poor people are going to be so much worse off after this.
greedy boomers are acting like a pandemic isn't currently happening and are being selfish pricks to their renters
the homeowners are showing zero empathy to their renters and are starting to make them incredibly mad
>better advice: if you cant pay rent and your landlord offers to let you out of the lease for free. take the offer and go find somewhere you can afford to live. listen to this dumbass and you'll just pile up payments and end up evicted and sued into bankruptcy when things go back to normal.
Hello, friend. I'm truly sorry that you feel this way. As an attorney, I definitely understand your point of view, and I've definitely represented landlords in the past who've evicted tenants who refuse to pay, thus breaking the terms of their lease.
With that in mind, I'll remind you that this COVID-19 situation is not like the previous situations where I've represented landlords. The COVID-19 situation is a national, and global, emergency that requires people in each and every community to come together and be decent to one another. While I certainly understand that the landlord has bills to pay as well, the landlord also should understand that they, having greater power, wield greater responsibility to the community -- including, but not limited to, preventing homelessness when and if they can. In this situation, they can. The same mortgage companies that the landlord owes money to also can't use the civil courts, and thus have no options, just as the landlord doesn't.
Perhaps, rather than spending their time harassing their tenants, the landlords would better spend their time being decent people and focusing that energy elsewhere toward a more positive goal.
The banks will not allow that.
this is a managed economy, and its managed by bankers, mostly jews and shabbos.
what you propose is only possible for a few select private people.
>Land lords telling people to fuck off who cares if its a global crisis
>Somehow they arent the leech in this situation
Maybe you need to work more... the perfect anglo utopia is when everyone rents each other an apartment.