shocker that they want to prolong the misery
Other urls found in this thread:
>literally killing people to get their way
I thought dems were the party of gibs
Give it to israel!!
They don't want it to go through because GOP introduced the bill and it would count as a victory for the GOP rather than the democrats.
>nobody feeds my nigger except me
really showing their compassion if you ask me
They're trying to add NEETs to the bill. Thank you Dems!
The dems want you broke and dead.
>The senate.
You mean THE HOUSE? Did he fuck up?
I knew the commies would obstruct emergency relief funds.
O-Oy vey!
im not going to vote on november if i am left out of the handouts. trumpo needs to give EVERYONE 2k
Dems dont want sanders style healthcare and trumps idea of free coronavirus testing with no copay is basically healthcare for all in principle, which democrats view as impossible.
good it doesnt give me NEETbux so fuck it
>be me;President 1000 dollars to all citizens
>ffffffuck we can’t block that it’s to all citizens!!!!
>be retard Lindsey Graham and his political butt buddy trump
>listen bro, means tested relief aid. The democrats will love that.
>u sur Linds?
>positive Geotus
>Well I trust you. What’s your opinion Dersh?
>I kept my underwear on.
>Stellar, Mnuchin?
>Just print. Good.
>Jerome what’s the situation at the fed?
>money printer go Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
>alright boys 2020 is looking to be on lock
I mean....
ummmm b-baste?
i like this stock who makes it
What's the Berniebros take on this bogaloo?
>Parents had investments that are now in the shitter that made it look like they made way more than they actually did, wouldn't get shit
>I started working in 2020, wouldn't get shit
>Grandparents have been unable to work, wouldn't get shit
cringe ass bill tbh
based schizo
based post from based country
lmao. do any lawfags know if trump can just use executive orders to install a welfare state?
Berniebros cuck out. They always cuck out.
People need to protest at Nancy Pelosi's home
This cost them 2020. This legit fucking cost them.
this country is shit, the virus has exposed it harder than china
do not fucking come here
>t. red-blooded american
Democrats are evil
They don’t just want to prolong your misery.
They want people to die. They want people to suffer, just so they can blame trump
At some point people are going to shoot them right?
So the Q stuff was just a distraction?
They're voting it down because it doesn't have enough gibs
Not when Trump ia the one proposing it, if he says it then the niggers will starve, that will show trump whos boss
Yes, and I hope they all contract chink flu also because you know damn well they are all Democrats that would protest her.
Pandemic Pelosi.
Yeah, but gibs only for wetbacks and niggers. Gibs for whites? hell no
Kek cope
How is their fault if people die?
Yeah like what happened at Virginia?
Hang Communists from Lamp Posts.
O yes
I honestly don't see how it can go on much longer without violence... but it's gone this long without it... so why not?
Bernie Bros are claimed by their parents as dependents they don't qualify for the Trump check.
only gibs for illegals and faggots. Not working class American families.
It includes a half trillion dollar slush fund that the treasury has the ability to use at their own judgement to give out.
Guess dems are the real villains all along
They're all for gibs unless they go to whites.
That's actually good. The GOP proposal right now is some shitty corporate giveaway/tax credit, not actual Trumpbux. It's a garbage bill.
>Gee how can people in Virginia take this tyranny much longer? I don’t see how this can keep going without violence.
user I.....
Remember that democrats also voted against abolition of slavery
>we live in an age where Republicans are furious at Democrats for blocking government handouts
This is the epitome of fucking petty baby mentality. I hate this fucking country.
It's worse than that.
The polls show that the only way to a 2020 victory is a shit economy that they can blame on Trump. They are sabotaging the nation to try and retain power.
Holy shit Democrats just lost all elections for the foreseeable future. Fucking BASED
Nah, remember what they did to Yang?
Dems are the real villians
Even reps see the capital gains from a UBI, not fully tho
But dems are batshit
Lol get fucking rekt retards
We're not getting Trumpbux, we're getting Pelosibux. If you call it trumpbux one more time you'll be called out as a liar, since the only bill that's gonna pass is Pelosi's bill
I get the need to play politics especially when you hold power but we are beyond that point now.
oh they're trying to make it universal? good! nvm
>I thought dems were the party of gibs
They are. Party of gibs and gore
nah, they are the party of evil assholes who feed off of other people's misery.
It's going to take 2 weeks for Pelosi to write another bill it will be April by time she finishes.
I haven't worked in a decade, I take care of my parents. I stg if the Dems gets me some TrumpBux I'll vote straight Democrats this fall. I could really use that money to stockpile some weed and get a Switch
I am 100% convinced Republicans and Democrats need to split off and form separate governments. They honestly should not and cannot work together.
They are. They're blocking it because they want an expanded version for all (a.k.a. "NEETbux"), rather than whatever stripped down, useless version the Republicans are trying to push now.
Is it any surprise? These anti-American traitor dem politicans hate America and hate Americans with a passion. Trump should round all them up and send them to Gitmo.
Republicans put forth a bill that does literally squat, and is inversely based on income so the poorest people get NOTHING and the middle class making 75,000 a year get the most. That's fucked up and unacceptable.
If you get a tax refund at all, under republicans, you get NOTHING.
They are going to keep stalling it out
Remember, these are the people who urge immediate action and removal of your rights any time a shooting claims a dozen lives. They insist it can't wait.
This. The Republican bill only has gibs for tax payers. Leaving beaners and welfare niggers with nothing, because they've never paid taxes.
The Democrat bill will be means adjusted, but it will be for income ranges that effectively don't pay taxes. Also it will require a large pool of administrators to give this money out. The only people that will qualify will be the same people collecting section 8.
Drug dealers and liquor stores will see most of this money.
Imagine being a Democrat and owning a small business and tomorrow you have to tell your employees that you have to shutdown because the democrats you voted for shot down the bill that would stop you from having to shut down.
You say that like it's a bad thing.
This Republican senator is fucking pissed holy moly.
It's called Pelosibux
Bills can't pass without President's approval. Checkmate congresstards.
Party of not gibbing Trump a win
No, they want an expanded version for their illegal alien spic pets who vote and keep them in power.
Someone needs to expose these anti-American traitors for doing this--all the while they lie through their crooked rotten teeth while saying "we're looking out for the best interests of the worker"
They literally want your hard earned income tax dollars to be given to the illegals so they won't go back to their home country.
Why do these democrat politicians hate America so much for?
you get nothing if you've earned literally nothing
NEETs can get fukt
prove me wrong
Sorry Yas Forums, neets are going to get trump bucks in the Dem version.
That’s the sba3 brace
kys jew
Except that isn't true in the slightest. If you have a business with less than 500 people you would have been entitled to two months of payroll that would be forgiven. Or if you made less than 50k a year you'd be given 1200$~ and that number decreases as your earnings go up.
Nice job, retard.
Like all other handouts that we've given you, we'll remember. You'll eventually have to pay your tab.
>If you get a tax refund at all, under republicans, you get NOTHING.
literally WRONG
It was restricted to TAX PAYERS. That nigger doesn't pay taxes.
There's nothing in it specifically for women and niggers.
Wasn’t thinking, it’s an sbpdw.
They changed that to literally everyone to try and get it passed. The Dems still shot it down.
>If you didn't pay taxes so niggers can receive welfare, you deserve nothing white man.
Fuck you boomer faggot.
The current bill gives it to neets too
That said, I hope Schumer blocks it as long as possible. Even if it takes 3 extra months, Americans need to realize it's PELOSIBUX, not drumpfbux
Trump HAS to lose in November. We CANNOT give him this win, even if people have to die.
based quarantined boomer exercising their 1A on twitter, soiboys mad as hell
now you don't get anything either Skippy. Just cause I don't have a job or pay taxes don't mean I don't need money for things so shut the fuck up
Now that version is dead.
I'm taking it you haven't seen their proposal, that shit is juicy almost 1.5x more per senpai.
I like the cut of your jib.
>Needs 60 to advance
House has to approve where, if Dem senators are against it, it will get fucked.
Fortunately we'll eventually get Pelosibux and the Dems will sweep November
I've coined a new problem solving principle that I'm rather smug about so I'm shilling it here like a faggot
Your parents take care of you
What do you get being a retard contrarian?
Theyre the party of gibs to the banks and the federal reserve system. Trump wants to give it to actual people.
Leftists will never vote for any actual solutions to any problems. Any problem fixed is one less leftist agenda point.
>Literal nigger parasite complaining he doesn't get free shit from a system he's never paid into
That's perfectly fine. I have 250k in liquid assets. I can ride the bitch out. Can you?
Boomer got so pissed she went full Dr. Seuss.
What did they mean by this?
>The current bill gives it to neets too
We haven't seen the bill so that has yet to be verified, other than the republicans saying "yeah we fixed it".
>inb4 trump just pays out of own pocket bypassing govt and dabs on other richfags
Only to nonwhites. Whites getting gibs and socialist style benefits BAAAAD.
whats prince charles doing on the left
Who cares.
We're FUCKED if Mcconnel's bill gets past. Trump WILL win if that happens.
It needs to be Pelosibux, not Trumpbux.
It's so fucking stupid that our government works like this. This is why Trump has fucked up the government so bad, because too many democrats just hate his guts and won't work with him on bipartisan issues. Even republicans were willing to work with Obongo on certain things.
Dems confirmed work for China.
Holy shit!
All these poltards bitching that we didn't pay enough into the system which pays niggers, chinks, spics and kikes to replace them.
I still need money though
marry me, Regina Burton
>t. Human Parasite
How does it feel knowing that there's a bunch of tax payers rooting for you to Coof and die?
Just call them niggers or reverse occam's is good enough
twitter has rules in place for people like her
The Dems to the rescue!!! They want to give NEETs like myself some gibs!!!!
It's time to start killing Democrats on sight
I haven't worked in a decade, so obviously I can
Kill yourself faggot your party is doomed for the foreseeable future
The dem proposal doesn't look like it was written by someone with the last name stein. whiteoids are dumb, never vote for your own interests just because of some false racial pride.
It was already in the bill. It's nothing more than a politically motivated block by the democrats.
So, who here isn't voting for Trump ? Who will vote dem ? Why ? Bernie voters, will you vote Biden ?
>Even republicans were willing to work with Obongo on certain things
yeah, on things like forcing citizens to pay for obamacare and sending troops to syria
they would rather watch the country burn for a chance at regaining power than give Trump or Rs a win, People be damned
I find it more fulfilling than you find raising your wife's black son.
They need to be very mindful that there are more new gun owners in a single week than there have been in the course of years.
Imagine being retarded enough to believe this.
true colors EXPLODE through!
>ANYTHING whatsoever will do to hate and oppose trump!
fucken liberal lefties who are national leaders, FUCKING LIBERAL PROGRESSVIES, opposing an emergency stimulus during the equivalent to the spanish flu!
UNREAL, surreal even
Dems are blocking it only because they want it to extend to illegals, neets and niggers. Currently it only goes to tax payers.
>The only people that will qualify will be the same people collecting section 8.
give handouts to the demographic that is
> completely unaffected by an economic crisis
>My skin is white. I'm better than all the other scum that have done nothing than suck up resources and provided nothing of value.
You're a fucking idiot if you think you're somehow different from a nigger.
like i said onions boys mad as hell
okay if there was ever a time to start the boog it's now
this is absolutely incomprehensible unless you are aware that these politicians, journos, and celebrities are evil scum bitterly clinging to the last vestiges of the power they once held and they are doing anything possible to avoid the inevitable
it's time for these motherfuckers to swing
>Trump has fucked up our government because Dems won't agree with him
Since the very day he was elected, they were out to stop him. Hell, even before then. What makes you think he could've done ANYTHING -- then or now -- to appease them?
Dems are willing to be absolute idiots RIGHT NOW and not seeing that they're actually getting him re-elected with their antics.
>blaming Trump for the Dems grandstanding
It probably would've passed if they didn't include means testing that cut off low income tax payers and gave it to people that were already well off.
just pass it liblobs
That’s the whole reason they’re shooting it down. They want to give everyone money, not just workers.
No, you’re thinking of Bernie himself. The movement isn’t about him and they’re well aware he has a cucking problem.
pres pretty much does whatever he wants if there's a stalemate in the Senate and the Supreme court is on his side. Problem is Trump is not like Obama or Democrats in general who bypass and scheme to get their agendas passed, Obama signed several illegal executive orders that dodged the Supreme court.
kantarosan is based as fuck.
It's time to start killing politicians
Just rent your ass out
It better cost them more than some fucking election. This is evil politics
I sacrificed my my social life and career to care for my sick parents. Rustbelt work is tough, and jobs hard to come by. I worked under the table to provide for my family.
Niggers would never make those sacrifices. Fuck taxes, fuck the system, fuck the government and fuck you.
Niggers are already getting handouts. Taxpayers just lost their fucking jobs, they don't have handouts.
Tell me the riders the GOPniks put on the thing, then I will judge.
>two shots to the back of the head's razor
it's catchy. i love it
No surprise. They've been butthurt and playing the obstructionist game since 2016.
>Even if it takes 3 extra months
it won't take that long. if it does, I assure you that the masses of starving people will skip right past the soap box, and ballot box. Straight to the cartridge box. These people playing politics will not be able to find a safe place to hide with the middle class pissed off and hungry.
The gates of heaven await you. Each by their deeds
you're a literal nigger tier neet
you're furious meme posting while jerking off to cartoons and playing shit games doesn't guarantee you shit
>The welfare nigger's cope
>A welfare parasite that has given up.
That white skin didn't amount to much did it? Good luck out there. Hopefully Jamal and Juan don't Coof on you while you're all in line for gibs.
Well however long it takes to get PELOSIBUX to people and let the American people know only Democrats care about them and want them to have checks, the better.
you ok????
>work is HARD
>I DESERVE free shit
this bait, it is a good bait