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Futures opened limit down!

Greatest economy ever, nice work Donald

is this how a race war begins?

There is a large cap growth fund with the symbol STFFX. When STFFX reaches $28.59 per share we will be at the bottom.

tomorrow will be free fall

oh shit

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Not with a bang but with a brrrrrrrrrrrr

look at this dude

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You don't get to trade futurinos lower nooooo!

muh free market tho

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oh nononono

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Pro tip when 'they' are warning you about calling the bottom now that means were close to bottom and you should buy

1 term president, if he doesn't die because he's not looking so good.


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Bottom is when your primal instincts fight against buying because there is no hope, at all, anywhere in the market. And that's not going to be any time soon. we're just getting started. Give it 1 to 2 years.

Don't fucking "buy the dip"

Any body see TVIX? Shit is absolutely insane!

the spike was just because of teh massive amount of failed shorts. Its still doing very very good, compared to any other stock being in shambles.

>Don't fucking "buy the dip"
Worst advice you can ever give period. Always buy the dip. That doesn't mean buy stocks but if theres a bear somewhere a bull is raging elsewhere. Real world commodities are the bull in this case.

Dip is 0. Q predicted this.



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this is a self inflicted wound
what the fuck did you think would happen when businesses are told to shut down?
without the gross overreaction to this virus things would have stayed great

This is definitely a NWO power moved to stop Trump... No fucking doubt about it. China is not happy with how we were clawing back power.

Attached: assclowns.png (1920x1080, 2.83M)

>Real world commodities are the bull in this case.
No, they're fucking not. Wait until the actual GDP starts contracting and it's not just stock valuations anymore.



What does this do to the bubble we were in?

Dumb cunt Donald denied the reality of the situation in a vain attempt to keeps pumping the overinflated markets on which he pegged his re-election

What a criminally negligent piece of shit, the US is gonna be Italy on steroids

it looks like a flash crash, but it's all legitimate trading.
of course we're not at the bottom yet.

Corporations spent billions on stock buybacks, but their stock prices are now below what they were when they started buybacks.
Funny thing is, if they just kept that money in the bank, their share prices would be higher than they are today.

6 million/10 webm

Quick rundown?


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I'm just going to ride the roller coaster and hold.


if there was a bubble it is now gone. but there really wasn't one in the American economy. supply lines were strong. manufacturing was increasing.
good response NPC. Except he shut down travel to China back in January. He saw this coming and started taking measures. The fact that the CDC dragged their feet to do anything isn't his fault. And now that the whole country is on a 2 week hiatus cases should start to stabilize.

It would be so fucking funny when the meme virus will be over and suddenly the world wakes and realizes what the fuck just happened.

im putting 50k in some cheapies... still got another 9 months to wait for it to bottom thought


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Trump is a fucking charlatan

Attached: 13-trump-signed-stock-market-chart-coronavirus.w700.h467.jpg (656x438, 47.36K)

I mean physical goods that are in your possession.

gr8 b8 m8 8/8

So like, what does this mean for crypto?

Donald didn't want to outsource all their production to China.


Took Trump cultists 4 years to figure out a career grifter and con-man was exactly what he presented himself to be.

And this is why I haven't bought the dip yet. Anyone who thought the pain was over is an idiot.

bottom is 8,000

600 people died in Italy today. I don't think anyone is realizing anything. It will be the fastest recovery you ever saw when it's dealt with though.

migaretards still think the wall is being built and that Trump has shut down the borders.

Buy the dip!

oddly enough the crypto and stock markets synced up during the panic. BUY THE DIP!

absolute bottom of 10k, will likely settle around 14k-15k given exponential curve.

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The best economy

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>mfw I tied my re election to nothing but the stock market doing gangbuster

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Keep jumping up and down on his mushroom cock you room temp IQ brainlet.

buy the dip once it hits the floor, after you have real physical silver, a bunker, guns, and 50gal buckets of armageddon burgers

all assets did. it was a rush to cash. i don't like crypto but even gold fell, because there are always speculators in everything, and there are always people using leverage who in this situation suddenly have to get some cash from selling something (or everything).

That chart was horrifying even before the sell off

It’s Sunday... what’s the point of this thread? The market hasn’t moved since friday your thread is 2 days late

see also: any chart of dow priced in gold

Attached: chart-dow-jones-industrial-average-versus-gold-price-ratio.jpg (750x439, 73.11K)

b-but look at all the monetary incentives!!!

seriously fucking economists coping man, no amount of quantitative easing can offset lockdowns of most major cities
30% GDP contraction incoming

How about you stop projecting your sexual fantasies onto the internet first, you double faggot.

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nah. it'll be below 10K by mid april. absolute bottom of

It's hard to believe such rapid growth was solid and not artificial. What about pic related?

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Should I buy Boeing stocks at sub $100?

>this one market index, out of the several choices available, is the economy itself

>what are futures

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>He saw this coming and started taking measures
Are you fucking kidding? He had reports of a pandemic in wuhan back in december and only shut down the border ten days after the first case of coronavirus was reported in the us.

>The fact that the CDC dragged their feet to do anything isn't his fault
He appointed the fucking director of the cdc, and the cdc is a federal organisation anyway.
You're saying he doesn't have any control over his own administration?

>And now that the whole country is on a 2 week hiatus cases should start to stabilize.
Because that worked in Italy?
And no the whole country isn't on lockdown because he still refuse to take any decision on the federal level.


yeah all the other market indexes look fabulous

>reeee don't post the index that trump has taken credit for numerous times in the past

now that's a good fucking post

you fuckers don't understand how drowning works. You will be so sick for air that you will inhale water. Anything to get out of it.

>posting Obama's economy
>no it drumps economy

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My portfolio is already down 40%.

Theres no point panic selling now, because thats what they want me to do.

I'm going to hold.

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>Yas Forumstard NPC screeching that drumpf daddy can do no wrong ... how dare you!
>believes he has the superiority to designate others as NPCs

Your dumb cunt president ignored official advice for months, has railed against universal healthcare, scrapped the Pandemic Response Team because he has an irrational vendetta against Obummer, has cut the CDC's funding and was proposing more cuts, was calling the virus a hoax a matter of weeks ago, made little effort to ramp up testing when it counted, is now about to bail out companies that blew billions on stock buybacks, the list goes on. He only started giving a fuck when his market began to tank, the man doesn't give a shit about the human toll.

Shutting down travel doesn't mean shit when you let the virus run unchecked throughout your backwards ass country. You're gonna see massive, protracted unemployment, huge increases in infection, your fucked up health system will crumble and without massive government intervention you will find yourself in a depression. It is a train wreck scenario.

True bottom is the sum of the value of all physical assets of the companies listed. Basically land ownership and equipment.

nobody with a clue about how an economy works has been paying attention to his silly propaganda

Why did you hold this whole time? Hell, most people on here were making a good case for selling a month ago

>a subjective valuation nobody will ever agree with

The bottom is 8-9k then it'll bounce v shape recovery ahead

Don’t get wise leaf I was talking to OP not your fruity ass. Dont (you) me back or ever again

I bought Costco and Walmart a few days ago. Am I fucked bros?

I never heard of futures. Please explain