Post your face when you inevitably get CoronaVirus

Post your face when you inevitably get CoronaVirus

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Drinks on me!

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I will be the last unspoiled and you corona zombies better stay the fuck away.

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>youtube zoomer

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I got it 4 weeks ago in EPCOT.
I feel fine for a GenXr. More like bronchitis than anything else.

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HE will save me

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>Wir sehn uns in Walhalla!

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Going back to work tomorrow lads. Got one of these so-called "essential" jobs.

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I'm pretty sure I already had it. It probably rolled thru Portland around xmas. Had dry coof and fever. Fever lasted two days. Coughed for two weeks. Didn't think much of it at the . Didn't die...

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Time to give the local synagogue a visit I guess..

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>tfw NEETs have been training for this and will be the only ones without permanent tissue damage

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shut up jew.

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I have no Faceā„¢

time to spread

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>Tfw Japan is more "Western" than the USA
It's paradoxical because it implies we succeeded in transforming their culture to absorb ours while we crumbled from decadence on our own front at the same time

>me waiting for corona-chan

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I got the virus, bros. It's for real. Out of nowhere came on hard yesterday with a feeling of overwhelming tiredness, then last night got a fever with chills and body aches. Today developed a cough as well. Take this shit serious guise. My advise is don't leave your home. I was being super safe, sterilizing everything, but still got it by simply going out and shopping for shit. Only way I could have gotten it.

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Jews fear the samurai

i got it all ready same with my kid. all we got is a dry coof. its a nothing burger.

I keep an elevated blood alcohol level at all times. Good luck Coronachan

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Supposedly it hits pretty hard suddenly. Good luck all of us.

yeah after you have been sick for like a week. it has been a week for me and a kid. nothing burger.

Viruses are different for everybody. Anything you're doing for it?

>23 years old
>22 BMI
>55 bpm resting heart rate
>immaculate blood pressure
>never been on a medication in my life
Just try, coronachan

gave my kid liposomal vitamin c and i do vitamin c enemas

Nice you seem to be handling it well. You two having fevers?

no i would be freaking out if we had fevers also. dry coof is the main symptom everyone gets. its the tell tale sign. never had a dry coof in my life. creepy to be honest.

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Imagine not having enough zinc in your diet

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I have it right now.
3 days ago I couldnt fall asleep because I was having difficulty breathing. I was absolutely exhausted and everytime I fell asleep I would wake up 2 seconds later barely breathing.
I wanted to sleep so bad but feared that if I fell asleep I would never wake up...
Ultimately I kneeled down in front of my bed with my bible, asking God to spare me because it wasnt fair for my mother to lose her son and she would never get over it. I was crying like a baby at that point, saying that if I was spared, I would lead a better life and visit/call my parents more often.

I then felt better and was ultimately able to fall asleep. My breathing has been improving since then. This virus is no joke. If you're a smoker or drink a lot / eat like shit, well you're in for a bad time. Fix your lifestyle before you catch it

May God bless you all

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Alcohol is essential as an internal disinfectant during times like this. Personally I try to also smoke tobacco as much as possible in order to neutralize and suppress any viral particles that I might inhale

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death is but a portal

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God bless, keep praying

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The neet shall inherit the earth.

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Is alcohol being an internal disinfectant a meme?
I can drink lots of alcohol without getting drunk.