The world has caught in to Germany’s trickery

Another factor that may help explain the variance is the unusually highnumber of tests being carried out in Germany. According to Lothar Wieler, the president of the Robert Koch Institute, German laboratories are now conducting about 160,000 coronavirus tests every week — more than some European countries have carried out in total since the crisis started. Even South Korea, which is conducting 15,000 tests a day and has been held up by virologists as an example to follow, appears to be testing less than Germany.

“This is about capacity. The capacity in Germany is very, very significant. We can conduct more than 160,000 tests per week, and that can be increased further,” Prof Wieler told journalists this week. Test capabilities would be boosted not least in part by switching laboratories that specialise in animal health towards coronavirus checks. There was no sign that test kits were running low, Prof Wieler added.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Berlin laboratories are expected to complete roughly six million tests by April 14th

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I believe this is a similar situation to India. Given the reputation of Germany in the scat porn subcommunity, I contend that most Germans have had their chest or face shit on regularly and therefore they have stronger immune systems because of it, compared to the average European.

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Germany punishing Italy.

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Deaths will skyrocket in less than a week

The cure was inside of us all along. Follow the toilet tissue trail.

goyman ww2 guilt so strong they're refusing to die lest they inadvertently reveal the creamation hoax

german people already suffered enough for wanting to help humanity and only got death and hellfire in response
someone is holding his protective hands over us

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Yeah no they're claiming they only have 2 people in serious condition out of 25,000 cases. It's absolute fucking horseshit. They're lying fucking scum and I've lost every shred of respect I had for Germans over their handling of this.

Yeah actually we are all dead bleeehhh
Guesss we cant take anymore refugees bleeeh
You can have them bleeee

That’s what you have said for weeks.

>any day now, just give it another two weeks! t-trust me!!


I can't just die, who's gonna pay all the tax money that our government would be missing out if I were to vanish? Someone has to pay the niggers and muslims for doing absolutely nothing all day long, they are going to pay for my 482€/month pension after all

We don’t report on critical condition patients. The “2” has been stuck in those stats since February.

You're also literally talking about the same government that covered up thousands upon thousands of sexual assaults by rapefugees on NYE because it might look bad for them politically.

Well maybe you should start reporting those in serious condition. And tell the world what treatments you're using to apparently keep those in serious condition from dying so well.

What's the secret? What's the mystery? What treatment are you using to stop all the thousands upon thousands you must have in serious condition from dying?

2 sexual assaults, not 1000s

German efficiency

Poetry would be they do 6 million by April 20th

Seriously what treatments are you using? Don't you think it's a moral imperative you share that with other countries so they can effectively keep their own death rates to the same magical level Germans have managed to?

What's the magic trick for keeping coronavirus deaths so low?

>What's the magic trick for keeping coronavirus deaths so low?
Testing a lot. Getting people treatment (fluids, oxygen, etc.) very early

$80.000 shot directly into the bloodstream

Corona is bullshit

>Testing a lot. Getting people treatment (fluids, oxygen, etc.) very early

Other countries are doing the same thing. The only 2 countries that have stats anywhere close to yours are Japan (confirmed for covering up long ago) and South Korea (odds are strongly stacked they are covering up or some extreme exception to the rule).

You're full of fucking shit. East Asian tier state sweeping all its problems under the rug and touting fake stats as signs of progress.

>During the 2015–16 public New Year's Eve's celebrations in Germany, over 1,250 women in at least twelve cities reportedly have been sexually assaulted with 24 of them raped,[11] in most cases by men with non-European background.[12] In many of the incidents, women out in the street had been surrounded and assaulted by groups of men.[13][14][15][16] The Bundeskriminalamt (German Federal Criminal Police) has in July 2016 declared it a fact that 1,200 had been sexually assaulted on that New Year's night.

More than 160,000 tests a week? Damn, maybe Germany really did burn 6 million bodies

>Japan and Korea

And Austria plus Norway

Its new super drug from Korea called KPA (which is Korean Planed Action). Its an aggressive treatment using early detection and monitoring methods to prevent people from a potentially harmfull illness.

>Austria and Norway

So 2 countries that basically just do and say whatever Germany does and have for the past few centuries.

It's actually hard to get tested in small towns, and you need to be severely sick.

The reason is more that German doctors don't treat corona as necessarily the killer. So when people die they look for other reasons and blame them for it.

Italy just goes: died, had corona so +1

>just doing the most sensible thing in testing a lot of people

Oh dear god, you are so fucking stupid, you miss the whole fucking point of this thread.

The death rate in Italy, Spain, France etc is probably as low as in Germany, BUT THEY DONT KNOW BECAUSE THEY DONT TEST. The virus spreads and spreads, because THEY DONT KNOW WHO HAS IT BECAUSE THEY DO NOT TEST. They can't stop the chain reaction iF THEY DONT TEST.

Italy might have about 200k infected people but they don't know, fucking Trisomie 21 Hurensohn

its because it doesn't exist.

>this 60yo with coronavirus causing his respiratory system to put such a strain on his body that he had a heart attack. Cause of death: heart disease and hypertension.

>this obese 60yo with high blood pressure, diabeetus, and heart disease died when the coronavirus put such a strain on his body that he had a heart attack. cause of death: coronavirus.

Russia also does not test and officially we have zero deaths and only 367 infected. But this is a lie and the infected count goes to hundreds of thousands, and deaths to tens of thousands. Most likely, Russia is the first country in terms of the number of infected and deaths, but this does not check and just fits in as the flu.


Wrong, i live in the countryside they errected 3 mobile testing stations i can go to. Had to wait 10 minutes.

>read for years about an israeli bio weapon that would target Palestine
>genome data would be sourced from all those mail-in dna submissions to find out your ancestry
>bio-weapon leaks and it effects men more than women, of certain ethnicity whilst healthy whites are mostly unharmed
Are there a lot of asians/palistinians in italy?

still seething over the deathrates, not everyone can have good genes user

You're right, but krauts will never think this through

>160,000 coronavirus tests every week
fucking bullshit

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Gotta love that german efficiency.

>Wrong, i live in the countryside
So what?
Other people have symptoms and told to fuck off by hospital unless they have known infected contact.

Your data reporting is also shit, you have had 2 serious/critical pacients for 3 days, but 30 more deaths in this last 3 days.

There is a theory that countries that had TB vaccine programs might have less deaths. Italy, Belgium, Netharlands has had no mandatory TB vaccination program.

>o vey, germoney makes so much money, gib da money
>o vey, build so much cool stuff, gibbe dat for free
>o vey, germoney is soo evil because they can heal there people ...

... what has the world ever done good to us, only feeding shame and schande, everytime, da evil nazis, yo, take in some more millions of "refugees", gibbe dat masks and vaccines ....

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Maybe they're onto something.

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>Italy might have about 200k infected people b
Probably more like 500k or even 1 million.

I just read an article that they tested 500 people in a batch in NY and 50% tested positive... the guys were shell shocked that 50% tested positive out of 500 random NYC people.

>Cause of death: heart disease and hypertension.
Wrong, it’s the other way around in actual cases
>this 78yr old dude who had 5 heart attacks in the last months just died of a heart attack... but he was also infected 3days ago with corona - put him into the corona stats

Same here. We have drive by testing here.

Actually exposure to feline coronavirus is what protects you against this. Italy, Spain and Iran all have aloof social attitudes towards cats. Italy has a lot of cats but they are all outdoor cats and very few people actually snuggle wtih them.
Only 6% of Spanish households have cats
And Islam frowns upon pet ownership in general which accounts for Iran.

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I work in a lab. Can confirm that we test insane ammounts of people. Little lab with just 4 PCR machines. We get about 2K of samples A DAY.

PCR running 24/7 now. Before more like 8/5. No test for Influenza anymore.

Oy vey, it's another epigenetic viral holocaust

so in otherwords pneumonia cases are either being classified as "corona" or "other" now. Which will completely skew the medical statistics?

based, Meds have no soul

And people question how so many bodies were cremated. They have capacity and increase further if needed.
-- Herr Doktor Prof Wieler

It's saunas. The virus doesn't survive the sauna.

They are in Baden-Württemberg there are 20 out of 4000, but like hospitalized they aren’t counted centrally. Same goes for the negative tests. Most think we are doing 220.000- 240.000 a week, but we don’t really know.

Germoney will cause Italeave.

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We can derive it from the Baden-Württemberg numbers 20 out 4000. translates to roughly 100-200 out of 20.000. If you assume some people, who died were in the ICU previously.

shut the fuck up

>PIGS leave EU
>EU becomes stronger
>PIGS die off

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>keeping the euro high so we profit more
>other countries can‘t properly inflate
>trololol, not germanys problem!
>EU must be strong :^)

>Syria goes down south
>Trump ask the EU for help
>Trololol, not germanys problem!
>We are „peaceful“, you know? :^)

>we have about the highest rate in emergency hospital deaths
>many cases, yet low death rate
>meanwhile italy goes skyrocket
>china and russia send help
>trololol, not our problem!
>you better ask other communists. :^)

Is germany the biggest asshole county these days?


I mean Spain and Portugal can stay if they want, but Greece, Italy and Ireland gotta fuck off.

you need to calm down Kevin

Where is this picture from?