We are looking at a million deaths in 2 weeks

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In America! Not in Germany...

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You're not reading the graph right. Looks like at least 500 million deaths in the US alone by the end of the month.

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>oh no, not the boomerinos

Attached: soy boomer.jpg (692x680, 65.91K)

Who /Herd/ here?

Statistically impossible you have 2 people in serious condition out of 25,000 cases. If you're so blatantly lying about those in serious condition it's par for the course you'll blatantly lie about deaths too.

Sadly nobody is calling you out on it, most likely because nobody fucking cares.

Thanks just bought 100K

still leaves ~70 million boomers

It’s the end of the world! Kill your self before it’s too late!

>no source
>No country label
>1 post by this ID
OP is a fearmongering shill.

You're also literally talking about the same government that covered up thousands upon thousands of sexual assaults by rapefugees on NYE because it might look bad for them politically.

1 million people die each week in the entire world. In past 8 weeks 8 million people died.

There were like 2 sexual assaults in Cologne during NYE 2016.

Europe is almost shut down over this. The numbers will go down soon.

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>There were like 2 sexual assaults in Cologne during NYE 2016.


>thousands upon thousands
this is how stupid memeflags are

The question is when is it safe to come out? What's the play here? Wait for vaccine?

Lmao, Point in case, achmed.

germany is the only one with a good total case number

>hang out with ahmeds
>regret the groping afterwards
Reeeee, rape, rape!

Norway sure as fuck isn't shut down. Idiot neighbors out every fucking day, walking the dog, going for runs, kids running around all over the neighborhood, neighbors congretating in groups of 4-12 hanging out. Thinking 1 meter spacing protects them from an airborne virus. It is a pathetic joke. People still going to work, kids all about. Everyone going to the grocery store, touching shit, breathing the same air as people who are known to be infected. it is a pathetic joke and this shit is going to keep spreading. if you want the picture of incompetence, look the govt right in the eye.


Attached: WE ARE FUCKED COVID-19.gif (1786x890, 984.57K)

>During the 2015–16 public New Year's Eve's celebrations in Germany, over 1,250 women in at least twelve cities reportedly have been sexually assaulted with 24 of them raped,[11] in most cases by men with non-European background.[12] In many of the incidents, women out in the street had been surrounded and assaulted by groups of men.[13][14][15][16] The Bundeskriminalamt (German Federal Criminal Police) has in July 2016 declared it a fact that 1,200 had been sexually assaulted on that New Year's night.

That's just the ones who reported.

The death rate and total number of deaths in Germany might be low, but the rate at which they're increasing is faster than in the US.

Under China there should be an information: "Data passed through the communist filter."

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sauce? website?

all these numbers are complete bullshit, because there is no systematic testing done and far far far too few tests.

the number of infected and deaths is entirely a function of how many tests are done and where they are done. its not representative of actual numbers in the population.

germans test covid as part of their influenza sentinel system, so they test a lot of people with mild symptoms, thus low number of deaths, but many infected since they have more testing capacity than italy.

>Spain, US, UK, Italy, Germany, France, Netherlands : 14 597
>China : 3 261
Norway is posting chinese communist party memes

>airborne virus
its not an airborne virus...

where are these pics from plz gib sauce

I mean even in best case scenario, you lockdown and stop the spread. Then what?

>uses logarithmic graph for graph to go upper more

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All these numbers mean fuck all
>Italy has probably a higher number of total cases because the first wave went undetected, spread without being noticed and then suddenly a lot of old people died, deaths may not even be completely corona-related
>Germany has probably more people that die a "natural" death at home and go undetected
>USA has half its officially detected cases in NY which means the number of total cases is completely fucked and unrealiable due to lack of tests in the rest of Lardland
>shitholes like India or in Africa or South America have too few tests to report any meaningful numbers on total cases or deaths
People think those numbers work like real time numbers in games like Pandemic, but they are limited by test rates and different rules of attributing deaths to corona or not.

I don't know lol

can't completely stop it. FLATTEN THE CURVE BRAH. and all asymptomious people get immune. and you gotta time to develop vaccine.

That's not how you do a math modelisation.

Monitor and play whack-a-mole with the stray cases that pop up by putting them into quarantine. Track people they had contact with.

>when is it safe to come out?
if you are boomer, never

>500 million deaths in the US alone
exactly. Look at all these people who don't understand exponential growth. Bet they're a bunch of science hating drumpf voters. Dr. Bill nye would be ashamed.

it is an airborne virus. how do you not know this. it is in the published scientific literature. not droplet... air-fucking-borne. use pubmed. just about all coronavirus articles are free access these days. search terms
use the
operator to search articles with 2 or more terms. the data is published. read it.

bring it on

let's see that, i don't believe you

I took the numbers from here:
Norwegian numbers are from a Norwegian newspaper.

I made the charts

It's quite obvious that those are fake numbers.

Lol 20% of those who get it need a fucking respirator to breathe you silly nigger, it's either nothing or it FUCKS YOU HARD

Lol ok boomer

nooooo you cant be a superior race and have stronger immune systhem.

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No one knows kek
It will come back later (from other countries) no matter what unless we build up immunity.

Is that where the chips and vaccine come into play?

Norway stipped aggressively testing and contact tracing - how don't you know this. what you are observing is a lack of testing

With Italy it also makes you think it's more widespread than it is. The vast majority of them have been in Lombardy thanks to Milanese clothing companies importing chinks from Wuhan to work in the textile factories. It's not as bad outside of Lombardy. It's 4x higher than the amount of deaths in Emilia-Romagna (the next highest region). The next highest after that is under 250 and basically once you get out of the north it's nothing.

Testing about 5000 people each day is not so bad for a small country (it would be like if the US tested 300K each day).

look at hospital admissions. look for the doubling every 4 days. tested positive are not meaningful to look at the true state of things because norway has stopped testing aggressively

Are you only counting the rapes you committed personally?

define airborne then. droplets that you sneeze out is kind of not really airborne, the reach is a few meters.

youre not getting infected if someone 500meters away has it.

500M? Damn, there are more illegals here than i thought!

I didnt even want a fucking happening.

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Fucking kek

It'll be safe to go outside when a day goes by without a post about it on Yas Forums.


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You're a fucking retard

An exponential function is linear in logarithmic scale.

80% false positive rate for CV test


Can't die of coronavirus if nobody tests for it :^)

>youre not getting infected if someone 500meters away has it.
it's a probability, and it's not 0%, you still can be infected

>Lol 20% of those who get it need a fucking respirator
most people who get it arent even tested so no.

not nearly enough

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No we're not. We won't even hit the 8% threshold the flu hits if this rate continues. Why do the models assume everyone will get it when plenty of contrary evidence exists? For example, Japan.

in another 2 weeks a million deaths wont even matter with this chinese made pandemic. gonna be coofers sng coofins for us all bro.

Add to this that, according to the WHO, the coronavirus, on the one hand, is an unstoppable super-spreader with exponential growth, and, on the other, China managed to eliminate it completely within months. The authoritarian narrative underlying this hoax is obvious.

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>The numbers will go down soon.

The next week, most college students will move back to their parents, all over Europe, bringing the virus with them. Italy and Spain just got a head start, since student live with their parents already.

It hasn't even started in northern europe, but you'll see some crazy shit over the next four weeks.

well italy kind of disproves the nothing burger theory.

So 1 in 330 million chance you'll die from Corona?
I'll take those odds.

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WHO is run by the UN isn't it? Says everything about why you should discount them.

Wow that's even more deaths than the 150 million from guns since 2007

Italy had an outbreak of tuberculosis just before the coronavirus appeared.

The average age for coronavirus deaths in Italy is 80, and 99% have comorbidities. According to Dr Wolfgang Wodarg, there is no evidence that people flooding the ICUs would not otherwise have died peacefully at home, if they were not under the influence of mass panic.


Friendly reminder that 8 Million people pretty much 'vamished' in China

japan is an anomaly that nobody seems to understand.

Nobody will even remember this bullshit in 2 weeks. Happening? Hardly.