@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>TreasSec Mnuchin on FoxNewsSun 3/22/20
>ActDHSSec Wolf on SunMornFutures 3/22/20
>WHTradeDir Navarro on SunMornFutures 3/22/20
>FEMAAdm Gaynor on ThisWeekABC 3/22/20
>FEMAAdm Gaynor on MtP 3/22/20
>FEMAAdm Gaynor on (((FakeNews))) 3/22/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on FtN 3/22/20
>PressSec Stephanie on FoxNews 3/22/20
>Bannon on SunMornFutures 3/22/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/21/20
>ActDHSSec Wolf on F&F 3/21/20
>VPCoS Short on F&F 3/21/20
>TrumpTV Real News Insights w/Pastor Darrell Scott (Lara) 3/21/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/20/20
>DefSec Esper on F&F 3/20/20
>HUDSec SleepyBen on JudgeJeanine 3/21/20
>ActDHSSec Wolf outside WH 3/20/20
>ActDHSSec Wolf on FBN 3/20/20
>FEMAAdm Gaynor on CBSThisMorning 3/20/20

OP pastebin:

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thoughts on this?
I'm saying... Big if true

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Hello Luke

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Guess who tested negative for the corona virus....

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If you've studied maths at all you would know that there is always an exception to the rule, and I think a once in a century potentially worldwide depression inducing pandemic would qualify.


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If only he could be alive to see his great grandkids wanting to have brown skin so they can fit in with their classmates.

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>no fucking vote on Blimpfbux yet
>Turtle has delayed the Senate vote until 6 P.M. ET
>ninety fries after the next Coronachan update w/ Blimpf & Pence @ 4:30 P.M. ET


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So how do you think this turns out portobro?

He probably won't get a call back now.

all these governors are complete niggers, parroting and copying each other's decisions because they want to look busy
>won't post data about recoveries
>no bodies in the streets, despite shills insisting
>shut down everything via """"orders""""
>no way to actually enforce said """"orders""""
>purposefully vague so they can't be removed/shot for abusing people's God-given rights
>meanwhile economies go to shit
>will scream ORANGE MAN BAD to cover their mistakes

chink flu is 99% harmless but the response has made biological warfare the deadliest threat to the US. China will just pump out some penguin-soup sniffles every year and laugh as the western world shits itself in panic

>republicans cry about spending money on pesky things like healthcare for 8 years
>hand corporations and banks a check for 2 trillion
>magapedes support this

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Where have I heard that before?

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whatever, pelosi and the sandniggers her father or whoever tried to bring in are the browning of America
it's just the shades of brown darken with every generation

wanna avoid much problems in life?
fix your nutrition.

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>Otherwise, managing their balance sheets would be needlessly onerous.
So it's basically a 0 interest payday loan but for banks because they would be mildly inconvenienced. Goyim have to pay 50% interest for the same service.

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>As long as Congress authorizes it, the Treasury Department can issue as much debt as it needs to pay the nation’s bills. It does this by selling Treasury bonds to investors — foreign governments, banks, mutual funds, and many others who want to keep their money in a safe place. As long as investors keep buying American debt, the U.S. can keep selling it.
I'm going to buy Treasury bonds in the upcoming weeks so the Feds can pay me back for the next 50 years and neets can buy indie games oh boy this economy

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>illegals all get 1200 dollarydoos
defend this

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>if you studied math at all you know there would always be an exception to the rule
i have studied a shitton of math and i know that is the final refuge of someone who has no basis behind what he is saying
>this is NOTHING like what we have ever seen before!
so is every crisis, but the laws of economics, physics, thermodynamics, rates, etc. do not magically disappear because people are in a panic. not only that, it's still missing the point
>if someone cannot support themselves, they do not deserve to be saved from their incompetence
that's how you end up with a society of degenerate wastes of life. those who do not work will not eat

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i forgont anons help me out

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Chicoms must be killed. In Minecraft

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21 million deaths wouldn't satisfy me. That's a drop in the chink bucket.

they could just be turning the phones off to prevent people tweeting/etc about it

so the ignorant right wingers will finally be educated, whats the problem here?
don't they want free university for all?

Those who do not work should not eat and can not MAGA

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They’re all getting deeply concerned

that would be a shame.......

Watch landlords vio hound their tenants for cash rather than tell the government to stop collecting property taxes.

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House bill.

>text BOFA
dude are you serious right now lol

good thinking user but that doesn't make for panic headlines

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A lot of people relied on income over the two months of shut down and the earnings from holiday sales but lost it. Huge crippling economic impact desu

Uh hello, Based Department?

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He must not sign this bill. Changes must be made

China is playing us for fools. Making us panic over bullshit.
>lol let's get rid of our sockpuppet internet farm and retarded Westerners will think 20 million+ died out of the blue
They are laughing all the way to the bank


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This twitter thing really isn't half bad.

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aand i haven't filed yet


like congress?

what does it mean?

He's gonna get it from Mika.

They can't, bit they'll be eligible for the same benefits as neets, and the homeless, increases in welfare and unemployment.

iirc it's based on 2018 returns

It should look something like this:

$1,500 monthly stipend for 3 months (it’s going to take that long to reset the economy)

$500 per child

Personal incomes of less than $250k/$400k family income

All forms of work including free lancers, small business owners, & seniors

Is there an end plan for this? How many trillions of dollars is worth saving 200k elderly smokers?

Why how bad is it?


Meant for

>Now based on 2019 bill
>Now classified as independent
>Still live with my parents under a rent payment

fuck yes bros

Cheap ass niggers
Hope this shit fails and gets rewritten to include more cash

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Or 2019.

the "deeznutz" meme was getting less popular and so the "bofa" meme showed up
>hey do you got any bofa
>whats bofa
>both of these nuts bwahahaha
niggers were a mistake!

Personal news

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>rather than tell the government to stop collecting property taxes.
>This faggot thinks rent goes towards taxes only

I see no problem at all with this. Do people want more? This farce will be over by next Monday.

This reminds me, the only acceptable Bible names are Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. And only as middle names.

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This. Anything short of 300 million is not worth talking about.

all acceptable answers
how much would that cost?
i'm not inherently opposed to it though

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>next Monday

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Her body was built for breeding white babbies, to be quite honest about it

>government says get fucked hope you've got savings
GG thanks drumpf, you really saved me from those chinese, way to go


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digits confirm

Ohio's Gov DeWine has little-man complex.
Ohio has only 247 cases (~12 million people in the State) and only 1 death where there was the virus in the body (that person was elderly and had major underlying issues, battling pneumonia).
That works out to 0.002% Infected
0.00000833% dead
What a fucking cuck

what the fuck is that uri


government can't have a restrained response. they only get punished for failing to act. they will drag this out for a year, minimum

>no David
>no Joseph

Do you know what? I thought she was sucking something. kek.

But that's why (((landlords))) are getting uppity.
>i need muh rent because i have to pay taxes and utilities


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he trusted a public health official who can't do math
she "guesstimates"

That's right.

They'll end up hammering out a deal where they'll go with those who've filed in at least the last two years, and it's likely the checks will be higher than $1,200 for individuals and higher than $500 for children

If it's one check, I'm betting it'll be considerably higher than $1,200...or maybe they'll split it into two checks for now

But yeah, I think they'll cap it for households earning between $75,000 and $100,000 a year

Just my $.02

Let's put one down the back of our throats for dystopia!!! YEAH!!! YES YES YES! SO FUCKING COOL!

Maybe Taylor Swift will write another song about me on Twitter after I get banned by corporate jihad.. Maybe she'll make more plans that never come true again, like "us on a ski-lift" LIKE SHE DID LAST MONTH and MAYBE THERE WILL BE AN ORGY AT BOHEMIAN GROVE TO SEAL THE ORGY SPELLS AND THEN DRAKE WILL FINGER FUCK AN OWL AND RAP MORE ABOUT HOW CLOSE PEOPLE ARE WATCHING AND RUNNING ALL THAT GANGSTA SHIT IN CARMEL, INDIANA, 40 minutes from my hometown in Lafayette, Indiana cuz "Scarlett road" and Miley Cyrus on Charlie's brown angels and Kobe Bryant murders and Michael Jordan og GANGSTA shit nigga wut ?? I don't know nothing about that shit, BUT! I DO KNOW IT'S SOME BAD SHIT NIGGA AND YOU NEED TO SLOW DOWN ON IT CUZ, SPIRIT COOKING AND GLOBAL WARMING AND PEDOGATE WITCHCRAFT IS SO 2016 nigga, they gonna get your number, A.I. LISTENS TO EVERYTHING AND A HITSQUAD TEAM IS GONNA ASSEMBLE FOR YOU WHEN LITTLE DUDE IN A CUBICLE IN LANGLEY VIRGINIA GETS A POP-UP AND HAS TO SEND ANTS SANTA CLAUSE TO YOUR DAMN HOUSE WITH A SYRINGE FULL OF CORONA FOR ALL THAT BAD SHIT YOU DO NIGGA

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>Being a retarded poornigger with no savings or job

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>the laws of economics, physics, thermodynamics, rates, etc. do not magically disappear because people are in a panic
Then you must be unfamiliar with the observer effect. Sounds like you swallowed the blackpill pretty hard too.

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>tfw you realize trumpshits are more vulnerable to coronavirus

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The cuck party will make sure that no one sees a penny of this


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stop coming after my neetbux

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they’re in the
>kill them in minecraft
phase. i’m a bit proud of them tbhdesufampai

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>intense electricity
I wonder if that is one of ours kek

the flu just flew over my house

From a federal perspective, yes. The 15 days will be up. Democrat Governors can keep their voters out of work until Novembrrrr for all I care

>rurals BTFO goys
Meanwhile, in NYC...

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Dumbass doesn't mention why, because they're isolated from herd immunity, and their healthcare facilities are beyond shitty.

So you don't even argue that Donald is letting the dems fuck me with their irrational panic? And I don't even get a reach around? Nah, fuck that

Keep seeing people saying this

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eyes up here mister!

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Put this in English

The new bill has updated the rebate: it no longer has a phase-in.

It is treated like a refundable tax credit and filers no longer need at least $2,500.

Here is an updated chart.

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>implying you wouldn't nurse on these milkers

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>those images
Those are real? What the fuck?

>both parents are above the age of 35
what could go wrong

Task force live stream


I remember when she told that story and I thought it was one of the saddest things I'd ever heard. I wonder how she fails to see how she's psychologically fucked up her grandkid like that, to the point he hates himself.

her face looks too much like her dad

NEETs u will get spit on for being unMAGA

>guise damnald fuckmpf did me thing eeee im a gay retard

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yeah I'm not into that milkersposting shit

Another admission that academia has been hijacked by cultural marxists.

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I would say it looks like everyone will get some form of gibs out of this bill other than NEETs who've been NEETs for at least the past two years

Blimpf and the GOP won't take kindly to NEETs who'd rather sit @ home than take a wagie in cagie job

youre gonna die and lose all your stuff youre gonna die and lose all your stuff youre gonna die and lose all your stuff youre gonna die and lose all your stuff youre gonna die and lose all your stuff youre gonna die and lose all your stuff youre gonna die and lose all your stuff youre gonna die and lose all your stuff youre gonna die and lose all your stuff youre gonna die and lose all your stuff youre gonna die and lose all your stuff youre gonna die and lose all your stuff youre gonna die and lose all your stuff youre gonna die and lose all your stuff youre gonna die and lose all your stuff youre gonna die and lose all your stuff youre gonna die and lose all your stuff youre gonna die and lose all your stuff youre gonna die and lose all your stuff youre gonna die and lose all your stuff youre gonna die and lose all your stuff youre gonna die and lose all your stuff youre gonna die and lose all your stuff youre gonna die and lose all your stuff youre gonna die and lose all your stuff youre gonna die and lose all your stuff youre gonna die and lose all your stuff youre gonna die and lose all your stuff youre gonna die and lose all your stuff

this sign language stuff just needs to stop
how many deaf people do they think there is?


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I think I'm singing in chorus? This is a fucking RAP ALBUM, OK TAYLOR, OK SELENA? TIS IS REAL

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It’s because we’re getting pedophile acceptance within the next 10 years. Most on the left already are pro-pedophilia

Probably lost their jobs and can’t pay the bills

Ventilator count just went way up

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Pilpul and a complete lack of regard for your fellow man. I don't know why they call you fedora when it should be yarmulke you fucking kike. But that wouldn't be true because at least a yid would've lied to me, you're just being a rotten cunt for giggles. How sad

Why the fuck do you come here Luke, you got to have better things to do.

I wouldn't doubt it if they screw single filers. Probably will implement a bachelor tax too.

been waiting since Reagan, It's gonna come down to bayonets in my old ass lifetime and i got my old ass dad's wwii trophy and half a ton of ammo

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Luke, go to fucking /x/ or something where the other schizos go

Maybe we can invent a coaster of some kind to get bodies in the ovens more quickly

top kek now we're just getting into idiocy
at the end of the day, what is happening is there are people that are suffering as a result of economic downturn, and do not understand that that is normal during an economic downturn - the specific instances of the scenario do not change the fact that a crash occurred and they find themselves unable to support themselves. any excuses about how they can't possibly work fail in the face of the numerous people out there still working in spite of things. in a way, they've been let go so subtly they don't even realize it
they want to be bailed out from hardship, and are resorting either to self-destructive moral appeals for aid or fabricating voodoo economics to justify themselves. i don't subscribe to their morals nor fall for their sleights of hand. they will work or they will suffer, because i certainly do not care about them if they are not working, and they do not need aid if they are
the fact that it is also a shitty economic policy is just icing on the cake

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>Amerilards created Corona in Fort Detrick.
>let this shit escape, panicked and then scattered this crap through the Silk Road to blame China
>did the same thing with the Spanish Flu, that was in fact amerikan. Their media created the name Spanish Flu to blame Spain for their shit.
>The first official cases of the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic were recorded at the U.S. Army’s Camp Funston, Kansas, where this emergency influenza ward held treated patients.

They might be attempting to white pill us so we don't campaign for Trump so hard. A simple placation to demotivate us.

thank god i did my 2019 taxes early this year! now i qualify for mcconnell money.

Trump saying he put into effect the Defense Production Act, head of FEMA says it's not in effect. It just keeps getting worse for Trump. How do you fuck that up. What the fuck is going on?

They aren't reporting as negative things on trump anymore, because the media would look like they want the corona virus to crash the economy and kill millions (they do)

People are telling me that they are being told that these lockdown conditions are going last longer than earlier April, some saying that it could be like this for the rest of the YEAR. How are people expected to go without working for so long even if that were true and who the hell is tell people it is going to last longer? I fucking have a job interview on hold and I don't even know if the job will be available after this shit ends.