Spain and italy

why is it that the two countries with the most questionable whiteness are handling corona so badly? coincidence?

or is it because they're fucking inept muttoids

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i am a women hater. But this girl is pretty cool desu

> countries with the most questionable whiteness
> USA flag
user, I...

JUDEN wants revenge on the meds for the roman conquest of JUDEA and the Spanish inquisition which killed many jews

Our nonwhiteness isn't questionable though, its fact

People pretend spain and italy are white

So you're saying the jews did corona

It's a tranny like all "hobby" girls

Basically a boy who craves attention

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You fucking mutt, USA has higher non white population than those by far. Also, a big part of the "white" Amerikan population is actually Irish.

We are handling it badly, true, but USA too, you're just 2 weeks behind

Well at least you're honest desu

I can't wait until all you mutts get killed

Reminder that the Spanish Inquisition executed just 1300 people in three centuries.

That's very nonwhite of you to say

You'll understand in a week or two.

its a gender bent Revolver Ocelot from Metal Gear Solid 3

We deserve death

To be honest, I don't consider myself white. Iberians as an ethnic group with a shared history is a set of different races with a common fate
t. dark skin, black hair, blue eyes

>most questionable whiteness
>China has 0 new cases
Probably lying but still

Forget about America, everyone knows America is shit. I'm talking about Europe where whitey lives. Why is Germany shitting and pissing and cooming all over this virus but you guys are getting fucked in your tight little canoli holes?

I thought you guys have good healthcare? Whats'a going on Mario? Mama mia

Larp harder

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Because they leave each other alone and don't slobber all over each other's cocks just to say good morning or do an informal greeting.

don't believe what media show you
here in Italy, hospital are literally run by niggers.
goverment didn't know what to do with them in this time of crisis, so they put all of them into hospitals, and now they roam free inside.
they chimp all over the place, spitting and coughing on our elders, that's why our numbers are going up so fast
also, here in Italy our tradition is to kiss goodbye every corpse, and if you don't do this you go to jail

please help us, we're starting to run out of poop knives, it's like hell here

Regardless of Chinas lies, Korea and Japan are handing it well. That's because asians are pretty good as a race. Be honest Yas Forums you know you'd rather live in a Japanese neighborhood than a Spanish or Italian one

This might seem very exaggerated, but in fact it is only slightly exaggerated. Southrons are fucking mongs. I'm am now stuck here because of the chink plague, just when I was about to leave this shithole for good. Fuck this.

>you're pretty good

They are also lying. They are simply less obnoxious, and don't feel the need to sing and clap from their balconies just because they couldn't get their daily gossip and cock-in-mouth from their acquaintances

So you're in Terronia but where? I hope you're not in Campania
hell, Sicily would be fine

I don't think they are. China is for sure

Oh am I not supposed to do that

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I am in Portugal. I use Southron to mention all of southern europe

Don't post things like that my dick twitched

Both countries are have big tourism industry and I think they both hand out backup citizenship to Chink business people that might need reason to fuck off from China for rather modest investments.

>Tfw no Ocelot gf telling you that "heh you're pretty good"
Corona me toma por favor

you keep misspelling MED BVLLS

oooh, I see.
francesinha is gross by the way

Northern spaniards are very white. Its those greasy southerners you may be referring to

>francesinha is gross by the way

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Med Bvlls only exist outside med. In their own countries they are tame cucks who get ruled by their wifes.

Disagree, but whatever.


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Revolver Oslut


even other nonwhites are handling it better than meds

Really depends on the establishment. Some francesinhas are heavenly, others taste like rancid brandy. It's like me saying that pizza is shit while have only ever tasted microwaved pineapple pizzas, wouldn't really be fair.

Notice all Sunni Muslim countries have low cases? Inshallah Alahh-u-akbar

maybe you're right

[ocelot roars in the background]

Youre cringe

>or is it because they're fucking inept muttoids

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ok sudaca
go back to mexico

go back to your jungle zuca

yeah but the expulsions of kikes and moors would have been far larger numbers. It was a big oy vey

>you'd rather live in a Japanese neighborhood than a Spanish or Italian one
Just no

traitors to their countries will also get the rope

Vai te foder seu corno manso do caralho filho de trinta putas, até os Portugueses admitirem a merda que são e reestruturarem tudo nunca vão dar em nada. O máximo que conseguimos com gente como tu é um ditador conas luso-tropicalista, com um serviço de inteligencia (PIDE) tão fraquinho e emasculado que nem conseguem prevenir um golpe de estado mal parido.

Como tu, mansos de merda incapazes de tomar uma posição corajosa e oporem-se a tudo que temos de mal.

Que te pires negro, todo el día los putos anglos diciendo que si whites que si pollas. Como si tuviese que avergonzarme de ser español, anda y que la chupen con sus muertos. Orgullo Íbero

ok não curtes baza daqui
se o pais tá uma merda é por conta de gajos como tu(se é q és pt, provavelmente és zuca ou preto para teres esse ódio todo pelo pais)
trata-te que isso é grave

I accept being a mutt, its time you did the same

Sorry but not everyone has 3 niggers and 2 spics on their family

>North spaniards
Are you referring to galicia, the most africanized region of the peninsula, the inbred basques or catalonistan, the region with more percentage of muslims by far?

Só não "bazei" outra vez porque o coronavirus não deixou. Tenho nojo de subhumanos como tu.

Depois de estar no estrangeiro e interagir com germânicos e eslavos apercebi-me de quão abichanados e em negação os portugueses estão, como tu estás. Não sabes sequer escrever, e usas calão de subhumano, ou tens 13 anos ou és preto/zuca/cigano/guna/wigger.

Eu gosto de estar rodeado de brancos que se comportem como brancos, por isso prefiro a Europa Central e de Leste. Alias, até os antigos países comunistas de Leste de UE já tem mais poder de compra que Portugal.


Med BVLLS don't care about being white.

Why is Italy so fucked?

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Moortuguese and Northern """Italian""" get along so well. Must be a connection for rapebabies to be hating on actual humans

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Its probably some fat seething hick in a flyover state, don't blame all of us. lol

fds muito texto lol
não sei porquê tanta azia mas espero que depois de teres desabafado num site japonês te sintas melhor.
< faz nos só um favor,tá bem?

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Not an argument. Fag.