Good Old USA

>Spends more on military than the next 10 countries combined
>Spends more on healthcare than any other country.
>Critiqued how every other nation has handled the pandemic.
>Is on pace to have the worst outbreak in the world.

Anyone else happy to see these cocky arrogant fucks get assblasted?
Why don't Americans just simply nuke the virus? That seems to be your answer for everything.

Attached: thot.webm (720x1280, 2.66M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Come back in a month. You subhuman filthy gypsy fucks are going to be genocided by this.

what the hell is she doing in this video?

>Why don't Americans just simply nuke the virus?
jokes on you, they already are bying more weapons. this is how you fight a virus

But that's false. Every European nation has already seen a slow in the curve with the exception of Italy and Spain. No one cares about the UK.

is that the new BBC mating call?

We'll start by nuking Romania.

>Why don't Americans just simply nuke the virus?
In an alternate universe MacArthur got his nukes he asked for and glassed China. Never had to deal with their shit or this virus.

Mutt's law.

she looks like she fucks niggers

Shes def built for BCC - Big Chinese Cock

If I wasn't getting assblasted by the stock market then yes, I would be happy to see America get rekt. Their healthcare system is a fucking joke. Maybe this will open their eyes.

kek I know her

Attached: pol's girl from FSU.jpg (1080x864, 130.23K)

>Anyone else happy to see these cocky arrogant fucks get assblasted?
No? You fucking autist. This is a tragedy. And it's playing out in every nation to varying degrees. We've arranged our societies for the benefit of the wealthy above all else, and this is the consequence.
Today it's America, tomorrow it's you. According to you, I should laugh at you. But instead I hope you and your family pull through, and you stop being a spiteful retard.

seems like a seething europoor to me

>>Is on pace to have the worst outbreak in the world.
Based on what projections?
IOW, how do I per capita?

It's called dancing in America. If you want to see real dancing see this

she needs to be red flagged

A fucking tree.

85% of new cases are coming from one state. New York is our Wuhan.

Not that this makes it any better, but hopefully the shutdown orders provide some sort of containment. We were always going to have it worst because of a well traveled population and large Chinese diaspora.

She's literally a coal burner
Not memeing

Yeah? Please tell me she doesn't actually fuck niggers

how do you know anything about our healthcare system? You don't, you fucking idiot unless you've had first hand experience with it here after having lived here. Now go back to riding your bike with a dildo attached to the seat like the rest of you dutch faggots


Seriously, what is wrong with you mutts? Is it all the processed shit you eat that turn you into basedboys? You fags literally can't go a couple of minutes without thinking about black dicks.

it's always either someone trying to get easy (You)'s or nonwhites trying to get back at whites (see: chang's law)


ZERO minutes since mutts law was invoked.

>15,000 new cases in one day
You won't be alive long enough to see my response.

If you are not working now then you are quarantined and should be sending your savings to Israel. If you don't have any savings that is ok you will just get less in the government checks.

and guess what, you fucking mong? i was correct about her being a coal burner.

Keep crying gypsy.

I am extremely happy with the prospect of seeing all these arrogant uneducated fools that I have to deal with get fucked. this country is a living nightmare. we deserve what we get

you cant do that in the bathroom though

Who is this bitch and why does she get posted here so often?

She goes to college at a major Florida party college
She fucks niggers
There's pics online. Ask Yas Forums

No you don't she's posted here often.

fucking random colors

it's a meme, every thread with a girl posted has "built for BBC" and "mutts law" replies

all dancing is degenerate and unproductive behavior

kys faggot

I have worked for one of the largest healthcare companies in the world. Also, I have friends who live in the US.

She looks like she had a sex with only niggas

Attached: 9BDCFF08-6BBC-415E-955F-890833699EEB.png (600x630, 283.3K)


shes built for BCC Big Chinese Cock

The best part about the demise of eretz america is that we will watch it still in our lives.
Relax and enjoy the show.

Attached: muttcuck.jpg (250x140, 6.01K)

romanian are not gypsy you fucking retarded american

Nice cope nigger of Europa

And France isnt white

you are wishing your friends to die? what a bad friend.

> Wanting a girl who dances like that.

Very poor taste.

she's a regular here

Attached: jewcoalburner.png (3744x2942, 3.94M)

I would say nice proxy mutt, but looking at your flag im not surprised by seeing a canadian sucking burger cock.

I'm getting paid in dollars so it's not in my interest for USA to fall

china is FUCKING LYING about their numbers.

nice proxy mutt

nah they are just the only ones testing. I definitely have it here in Oregon but there is no testing and we only have like 80 cases recorded lol

>Big Chinese Cock

Attached: 1572608096628.png (700x700, 509.64K)

you think america is white retarded burger?

99.5% of those "intermarriage" rates are with Whites, ie. further polluting the White gene pool while duplicating the Jewish gene pool.

Blow it out your ass sand nigger

Attached: 1584813014475.jpg (1222x968, 162.64K)

Look Somalia, nobody is white anymore, stop kidding yourself

It's discord trannies trying to make their fantasies come true. They think by spamming on an image board it'll happen.

Guess what, you weren't. It's been proven that her being a coalburner is false. Same goes with 90% of the other "blacked" girls you see here.
The tiktok with a black baby? Oh that's her adopted fucking brother.

I am, fuck yanks and DEATH TO AMERICA.

Doesnt make sense kek

Question for amerimutts, why do you have so many coalburners in your country?

Why don't you civilize your women?


Big Chinese Cock for her and u too

>>Spends more on military than the next 10 countries combined
That's pretty based tho

your brain is definitely not white aswell

You ever seen a woman get fucked by a horse? If not, you wouldn't understand.

>Muh curve
Shill harder wumao.


Attached: arbys.png (129x136, 40.71K)

>no fun allowed
Your life must be very boring.

Yeah Abdul, which country made racial statistics illegal?

I'm so angry zoomers are immune to corona. All these tiktok whores should be dead.

Nah. I wish the virus would go away. But I'd rather see the US get rekt than Europe.

Damn I live in Florida but am planning to go to FIU and it’s not a party school

Maybe I’ll just go to UM and say fuck the debt

Looks like a teenage boy

How do you explain There are photos of her like this and with niggers. Nice cope but she fucks nigs

Then explain to me exactly what's so shit about it. No specifics are ever given by any euro posters (and its almost exclusively euro posters crying) just a "murica healthcare system bad"

>willfully putting yourself near New Cuba

>third world stops reporting numbers
wowee clap

Big japanese katana dick for you and your gook whores

>some kike thot fucks nigs

who cares


its a meme you dip
just like the leafs fucking pathetic pol copypasta
stop falling for it and giving it easy yous if you don't want to see it anymore

There will be plenty of availability now that the chinese exchange students have been purged.

Whiter than America

Hotdog on a Stick finally grew a pair and criticized America.

Attached: HDOS-employee-slider-1.jpg (1442x668, 839.68K)

Based belgium

Can someone please tell me what these stupid movements are supposed to be?
It isnt dancing, it isnt sport, its just fucking retardism and makes everyone look fucking retarded, just like that stupid feet/shoe moevement shit.

Attached: Unt43563456.jpg (1000x729, 55.38K)

our government frowns on allowing us firing squads on adulters and doesn't send (((journalists))) to labor camps

I have seen that in pr*n produced by kikes, yes.

But are you saying that the only reason is becuse these niggers have allegadly big dicks?

> It's been proven that her being a coalburner is false.

I agree that most interracial is exaggeration or cherry-picked spam or even lies, but not when it comes to this girl. Why are people shocked anyway? She looks like a whore, she dances like a whore, absolutely nothing about her is motherly. People are spending too much energy over this.


where do you see Belgium?

wich country have the reputation of being retarded and uncultivated?

>y yes its a meme guys! we aren't always thinking about nigger cock! we just say it to fuck with you!

Attached: mutt's law.jpg (124x125, 2.43K)

>she fell for the plastic surgery meme

Attached: 1584694026046.jpg (1978x1256, 619.5K)

These are Negro-style dance movements. Must be a rarity in Switzerland, but in a place like America it is commonplace (mainly among the lower-classes, but it can trickle everywhere).

Uh, we haven't critiqued how other countries have handled the virus -- aside from China, whose mismanagement caused the whole fiasco.

So many things you could say to mock him and you were only capable with coming up with that? LMAO

It’s socially acceptable for white girls to date black boys and even encouraged on TV, I've seen plenty (not memeing) in real life.

You have one life, why waste it on girls you’re not fucking? If women and blacks are so inferior, then why be angry at all? Neither They nor Their kids can compete, right?

Everyone has a place in society and blacks and women fill the bottom.

Nobody travels to Romania. They are safe.

it is a meme if you just stopped paying attetion to the fag wanting easy yous you would stop seeing it. im sorry are you retarded?
Everyone only ever do something on here for yous, if you don't like it. stop giving them it

Nothin’ new here, just jealous Euros kvetching like kikes.

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Zoomer behaviour
I don't even want to imagine how stupid the generetion after the zoomes will be