More than 68,000 people die from flu annually in Italy. COVID-19 has killed 5,467 Italians. Stop being hypochondriacs.

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When you don't realize its not about some fucking bat soup flu...

Bro stfu.

Warfare still exist; this is a new age.

So let's say they get lucky and their deat hrate peaks out at say 1,000 a day. It's not far off now and they are getting more cases by the day. That's 364,000 dead in the year. Can you see how 364,000 is a larger number 68,000?
Now let's say worst cases scenario, it gets worse, the virus mutates, becomes even more deadly, we are talking millions of people dead.

It's been in Italy for nearly 3 months. It's a small densely populated county of fundamentally filthy people and only 5,467 people have died.

Do you know how many American died from flu from January 1, 2017 to March 22, 2017. The answer is 12,312 Americans.

COVID-19 is a bad flu year but it's certainly not bad enough to send the human race back to a barter economy. Get a hold of yourself, Nigel.

Attached: KungFlu.jpg (539x521, 23.8K)

Thinking China wasnt pissed @ those Tariffs. (When "we" owe them money)

This has around a 10-15% need for intensive care. Possibly causing permanent damage to the lungs. This isn't just some flu that we can handle each year, this shit will need our entire health care systems to bulked up beyond belief to deal with it if we can't full stop it. Which we probably can't.
The death rate for this for those infected is massive, it's from around 3% to up towards 7 or 8% in Lombardy. In fact i think it was around 10% now with their new death figures.
Flu kills around 0.1% of those infected.

more than 5 million Italians die daily of the flu, the coronavirus is not a big deal.Do not panic.

>This has around a 10-15% need for intensive care
>The death rate for this for those infected is massive
Those are the rates for those tested and diagnosed. Not the vast majority who are either asymptomatic or chilling at home with minor symptoms.

Take a couple of percent off then, still big enough numbers to overwhelm any and all health care systems we currently have.

They are dying from both flu and chinese virus, so comparisons are meaningless. You dont get to pick and choose, both want to kill you

Quoting statistics about shark attacks is of little comfort to someone surrounded by sharks.

Give it 3 more months and Italy will set records
>using last 45 days as a full year
You can’t be this retarded.

Doc told me today there are 4 strains of covid19 so far. I'm in Washington state

Hug a Chinaman

>Take a couple of percent off then

That's 68,000 deaths in the study period. The study period lasts several years.

They list the death per sesaon:
>We estimated excess deaths of 7,027, 20,259, 15,801 and 24,981 attributable to influenza epidemics in the 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16 and 2016/17, respectively

If you're right you're right, but the hospitals aren't dealing with it. We have doctors telling us they have to let people die over a certain because there isn't enough equiptment to deal with it.
This isn't just some flu that the human race is just going to have to handle each year, there's too many people infected and too many people needing intensive care. The world would not shut down for a flu.

so this Covid-19, corona virus is just psy op, to lock down whole world, and destroy small and medium business, restaurants, bars, etc. etc. thats they want, they want that only big corporations are left, NWO has no room to small business

also they are now building global police state tyrannyt, i mean just Italy bans all movement inside the country and Germany just banned gatherings of more than two people, Australia shut down restaurants and bars to 6 months, etc. etc. dont you see that people that have warned coming NWO tyranny, they were right, this is NWO tyranny unfold as we speak

Known vs unknown risk

We know exactly how many flu deaths happen each year. We've planned for that for decades. Our hospitals have the capacity for them.

This is totally new. We don't know if it will stop at 10k deaths or if we will end with 10M dead

>we owe them money
Not how you think. We owe them less than 1 trillion dollars, and that's been going down, in 30 years.

Also think about this, imagine if the world wasn't locked down right now and we were going about life, business as usual. How many people do you think would get this and how many dead?

Its not tyranny its panic. Globalism is DEAD forever. Forget free trade, open birders, multiculturalism. Countries are pulling up stakes and closing borders and figuring out how to live independently. The jews are losing their shit right now, america will go back to gold and kikes will end up in israel even if they dont want to live there

last year about 7000 italians died in common flu alone, and about half million died common flu annually

turn on english subtitle and watch this video

just one week and economic disaster in UK


Devastating toll of coronavirus on UK workforce in just one week: Hotel sacks employees and leaves them homeless, easyJet and Virgin Atlantic tell crews to take unpaid leave while businesses shed up to 80% of staff

imagine what happens for example Australian economy when Australian government just ordered shut down all restaurant and bars, and gyms to next 6 months

so there are no reason to these lockdowns and travel restrictions whatsoever because of this covid-19

Why hide flag?

What is it, 7000 or half a million?

this is tyranny
world has never seen this kind of state and city lockdowns

In Sweeping Power Grab, DOJ Seeks Ability To Detain People Indefinitely Without Trial

That's 7000 deaths over the entire flu season, which I think lasts about 8 months. It's taken coronavirus a fraction of that time to rack up 5,476 deaths.

7000 dead last year in common flu in Italy and half million dead in common flu last year worldwide

and its common knowledge that about half million people die every year in common flu in world wide annually, most are old people

It's half a million globally.

>fighting Italians with a bandolier of deodorant
you are under-armed to fight Italian men

For anyone reading this thread or /po/ in general and wondering if everyone on Yas Forums is retarded, Yas Forums is a contrarian board leading upto the global pandemic Yas Forums was full of HAPPENING and chink hate counting down the days till death tolls rising worldwide.
Now everyone is and its not edgy or cool to anymore so they're switching sides saying its a nothingburger or trying to invent some new form of conspiracy. There are almost definitely actual chinky shills here trying to push the chinese narratives but they're obvious to spot.
Anyway have fun niggers.

flu season is more like 4 months, winter time

remember, you're talking to Americans. They don't do perspective. Waste of time trying to snap them out of their love of drama. So probably shouldn't bother telling them that a few days ago Italy announced that 99% of its highly publicised deaths were NOT caused by corona. Americans like the adrenalin rush provided by the whore media and have gone into full blown panic as usual. We'll have to tactfully 'forget' about their insanity once this bullshit is over. But true to form the American media will give them something just as dramatic to replace it

I get you now. So 7,000 dead annually and we aren't far off that already. How long has it been in Italy, 4 or 5 weeks now? I can't even remember, maybe longer. But this has just begun.

But user, how can we eliminate what's left of the middle class if we don't shut it down?

How many times are you idiots gonna repeat this flu shit?

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It's 8 months according to wikipedia.

about 99 percent Italian patients that who have died are about 80 years old, or already very ill patients

and Italy isnt even close to 7000 died people now

remember that last year about 7000 Italian people died in common flu, no headlines, no lockdowns, no travel restrictions

so this covid-19 is just psyop and excuse to implement NWO tyranny global police state

It's not just Americans. Take a look at /cvg/. A bunch of LARPing NEETs that think they're about to be playing Fallout irl. I do honestly believe there are some dedicated shills that intend to increase panic as to promote acceptance of unpopular laws like lockdowns/travel restrictions. It just seems odd that we have electricity, running water, food, and an insignificant number of deaths. Even if you're a hopeful happeningfag, why lose your mind over that?

>So probably shouldn't bother telling them that a few days ago Italy announced that 99% of its highly publicised deaths were NOT caused by corona.
Sauce please? My boomer dad won't stop talking about Italy's death count. Need to send this to him.

They are 1,500 deaths off 7,000 and recording around 700 a day. So they are 3 days away from going over the 7,000. Are you even looking at the info?

Italy latest update earlier :
5560 new cases and 651 new deaths : 15% decline in new cases and 18% decline in new deaths with respect to yesterday

IdS jUs À FLU bRo

>fundamentally filthy people
What? I've been to both the US and Italy and can say without a doubt, that Americans are not only far dirtier, but also have not even a 10th of their class and tact.

Americans are generally dirty, disgusting fat pigs. Unless you're from the west coast, then you're just a liberal faggot who subsists on a diet of black dick

Wait a few days or check tomorrow but it appears that the virus has reached its peak and is slowly going downward
>"We expect to see the first effects of the stringent lockdown measures adopted on March 11 after 2-3 weeks, so the coming week will be absolutely crucial in this sense: we expect to finally see a sign of trend reversal," said Franco Locatelli, President of the Health Council

It's still killing more in every country in shorter time frames. Stop being semantic kikebot

>I went on a tour in Rome and hit a bunch of tourist traps
>I've been to Italy

>Can't understand the difference

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Cases and deaths have both drastically decreased today. You doom and gloom scenario isn't happening

is that mr. bean?


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Stop being a troll. You know the way corona virus spreads is different from the flu and that is what makes it so deadly.

No and stop blasting your NWO bullshit.

Number of deaths per day is increasing with each day.
In Italy, it kills 600-700 people each day and the number of flu deaths per year will be broken within a week.
In the USA, there were over 8000 confirmed cases and it keeps growing. This is not like usual flu.

Over 99% of coronavirus patients in Italy who died had other health problems

whats the flu's death rate again?

Attached: Italy.png (396x340, 12.21K)

I hope you're right, but that only dropped in the last 24 hours, the last few days before that were pretty scary increases. Especially seems they have been locked down. And I wonder, what happens when people aren't locked down? We can't stay on lock down forever. They need to find a vaccine quick or we're fucked.


>Number of deaths per day is increasing with each day.
Wrong. It has been decreasing by almost 200 deaths. And 2000 less new cases

It's estimated 86% of cases go undetected. Cases mean absolutely nothing. They're not testing in mass, so of course they fucking increase case #. The death is what really matters and it's incredibly fucking low.

world has never seen this kind of lockdowns of countries and cityes, and banning small business etc. because virus that is less leathal than annually common flu

It dropped by about 100 after increasing massively. I'm not doom and gloom and i'm not a happening nigger. I fucking hate this shit, i have things to do. This shit sucks. But i'm realistic about it.

Yeah don't be too optimistic just check in a few days to see the trend but it's looking good


Yeah I knew about it. Out of curiosity I have been trying spreading that info on various italian websites. Every single one was promptly removed. There is some agenda going on here.

Literally post source
Also how many of them are 70+ with comorbidities

forced meme

>after increasing massively
Its because its growing exponentially but the decrease is not that's why you'll see huge increase at the start and then it slowly peak and fall down afterward

5k hasn't even been close to a year, yep nothing to wory about spaghetti niggers

> Less lethal
False. It is more lethal and it has more severe symptoms. Just checked, in italy, there are 5500 deaths. Annual flu deaths is broken by tuesday.

Yesterday it was 793 (let's round it to 800).
Today it was like 590 (let's round it to 600). That's 200 deaths give or take. And I agree, it's annoying, but luckly it will be over soon, especially in nations like the UK which have few cases to begin with. Don't worry user

it'll get hot and then the thing will die off, why do you think junglechinks have it under control?

We'll check back in tomorrow, i'm not getting my hopes up to be honest. This needs a vaccine of some kind, like I say, we can't all stay locked forever.

Flu kills 68000 people per year. Lets assume it kills every week. That makes it 1300 people per week.

covid-19 killed 5467 people in 3 weeks. That makes it 1822 per week.

not that bad actually.

I've been all around that country and yours fatty. Don't you have another 60oz of Mountain Dew to guzzle before your body shuts down?

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and Italy is country that has most of old people in europe

majority of Italy patients that have died in corona viruses are about 80 year or older people and those who have other health problems, fact is still that common flu kill annually every year more people in world wide than this corona virus

Over 99% of coronavirus patients in Italy who died had other health problems

its 8000 death per year you retard 64000 its the accumulative of all years studied

> Tomorrow

It's not going to die off tomorrow, you sound like a femoid.


>COVID-19 has killed 5,467 Italians

In the first month. That's still 11months of exponential rise in numbers before being able to compare to your annual flu numbers.
you fucking waste of toiletpaper.

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I’m still gona hoard

Bitch on the left.. fucking yikes ugly

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Annual versus almost two months and exponential growth, neck yourself you fucking retard.

True. I'm still worried because I live with a 90 years old grandma with pacemaker, but for most this is a non issue

>What is propaganda? for 200$
>What are numbers? for 1200$

I'm going to wait until tomorrow before getting my hopes up. I hope you're right. Then again though, what happens when we lift lockdowns. We need a vaccine I think.

they're only testing cases admitted to the hospital.

I want to see it level off for at least 2 days straight before i believe it's actually levelling off.

And they have the most Chinese expats, and had that retarded hug a chinese person campaign in January.

>Flu kills 68000 people per year

no, common flu kills at least 500 000, half million people every year world wide, so common flu is much more deadly than this corona virus

it won't level off for weeks yet and even then it won't "level off" it'll just go down.

Seasonal flu affects millions of people each year, if that happened with Covid-19 we would not have 5000 dead but 5 millions because it's mortality rate is MUCH higher, it's not that hard of a concept to grasp...

So what point are you making?
Theses are the official numbers

I'm just gonna spam this

Somewhere between 291,000 and 646,000 people worldwide die from seasonal influenza every year, according to a CDC-supported study published in The Lancet.

Long term we definitely need a vaccine. I heard on TV that they hope it will be ready by the end of the year, which is a fucking long time.
I hope that with summer it will get better or at least slow down sufficiently to really be comparable to a normal flu

You proved us right in your own post. You're legit as tone death as the "new guy" comic.

5k in 2 months in italy alone vs the entire world getting 68k dead in a year.

Congrats you played yourself.

Right, which is why I'm not getting my hopes up on the fact that in Italy the death rate dropped for 24 hours.

Isn't Canada just America-lite? You seem to have no real culture outside of maybe Quebec.

She is a fake blonde, discarded.

Our economies are going to be dead. Not even being doom and gloom. In fact the light at the end of the tunnel for me is we start making our own shit again, we drop this global economy, and certainly move away from China. There's going to be a big chance to rebuild after this.

it's called covid-19 because it started in 2019, not 2020. people only panicked in march 2020. the death and case #s are very low given that this has been around for around 5 months now.

summer will kill it off, that's why it's died out in singapore, hong kong and vietnam.
Will be interesting to see what happens in Brazil but I have a feeling it won't do much.

The entire fuckin world is doing the same shit we are you daft cunt