The entire peninsula should be Greek again

The entire peninsula should be Greek again.

What's the point of Bulgaria or Croatia?

Attached: file.png (596x383, 73.85K)

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What’s the point of ”Northern Macedonia” is the real question.
Isn’t Macedonians just Greeks larping?

Nah, it's part of a much bigger problem with us slavs:
>Macedonians are slavs larping as greeks
>Romanians are slavs larping as romans
>Hungarians are slavs larping as ugro-fins
>Bulgarians are turkics larping as slavs
>Czechs are germans larping as slavs
>Poles are jews larping as slavs
>Ukrainians are khazars larping as slavs
>Russians are mongols larping as slavs
>Germans are slavs larping as germans

>Poles are Germans larping as Untermensch

>What's the point of Croatia?
Don't worry. Nature is already taking care of them :)

>What's the point of Bulgaria
To trigger Serbs.
>What's the point of Croatia?
To trigger Serbs more.

>Isn’t Macedonians just Greeks larping?
they are bulgars larping as greeks because Tito told them to during the cold war era.

only if they are pagan

not enough clay

Attached: AltHis Europe - Europe linguistic-cultural zones watermark.png (1896x1968, 804.77K)

How ?
Yiss today was shaky day kek
Tito basicly fucked up everything in range between Hungarian souther border and your northern border. Fuck that locksmith with one short leg.

Don't do the talk if you can't walk the walk. Just come.

>Slovenia germanic
>North Spain celtic
>North Africa Latin

And biggest wtf moment
>Karelia Finnish again

I'd say the bigger wtf moment is the fact that Greek land has Slavic city names (Zagreb, Beograd)

Genetically I am a slav.
Trust me bro.

You're funny. Have this picture, I want you to have it for some reason.

Attached: Slava.png (1000x750, 1.62M)

Its....its beautiful.

stop seeding chaos, turk

Well in late Byzantium period our Empire incorporated so much Greek land that Dusan Silni crowned himself emperor of greeks.
I think they were too slavicized also at that point, Macedonia transitioning into slav state pretty fast.

But yeah its odd since we are mire slavic than Greek heritage.

>What's the point of Bulgaria or Croatia?
To keep the balkan savages in check


Why the fuck is poland germanic?


>with us slavs
what is it with you poles and trying to project your insecurities onto the whole cultural group?

>Losing both world wars
>keeping someone in check



Make the Balkans the Kingdom of Croatia again.

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_the_Triune_Kingdom_of_Croatia,_Slavonia_and_Dalmatia.svg.png (1200x800, 76.65K)

poland is rightful german clay

>losing two wars
>still bigger and better than serbia
Some are just born winners

Same retarded meme flag that can't be bothered to write or read posts.
Get Corona'd bitch

You can imagine lots of things when you get high.

Yeah you beat us in Turks and gypsie population, ill give ya that

Even our turks are better than your turks

Ouch : (

It's a classic... another sgitpost from a memeflag that don't know nothing about europe

Based. My favorite dysfunctional family.

are you retarded?

So we can fuck Greek twinks, right Bulgaria?

the entire peninsula was never greek yousa fucken mongoloid

What is that suck ass cyrillic writing lmao.

stfu uneducated burgerfag

Serbia lost ww2

And ww1. They put up a good fight though.

well, chetniks lost the fight, saying that the serbs lost it is not totally right nor it is totally wrong

definitely not true, even tho we almost lost it

Ah yes, the brave Serbian retreat

and no surrender while doing it

Lmao how did we lose ww2 ? Did you forget liberation of Yugoslavia or something ?

How did we lose ww1 when we ended up kicking your and Kraut butt all the way to Zagreb ? You mental ?

Yeah, then we came back harder than ever and collapsed your Bulgaria in 17 days lmao

Hes retarded, he doesnt know difference between tactical retreat and signing capitulation, that thing Bulgaria did in both world wars.

Add also 3rd time, Second Balkan war where we gang banged your ass.

3 capitulations in less than 40 years

tactical retreat? I think that was a necessary retreat because there was no other choice than to go to Greece and heal. Tactical sounds like it was planned, which I doubt desu

The usual 1post memeflagot shill
Just sage and move on

Attached: 1583199440357.jpg (250x242, 9.12K)

>Lmao how did we lose ww2 ? Did you forget liberation of Yugoslavia or something ?
the commies killed all your leaders and made the small serbia that you whine about to this day

>Yeah, then we came back harder than ever and collapsed your Bulgaria in 17 days lmao
lmao the delusion, i don't even know where to begin

Bulgaria wiped serbia off the map in both world wars. Bulgarian boots were stomping all over Serbia, every single one of you is a Bulgarian rape baby

Is this why you're so salty?

Attached: Bulgaria_during_World_War_I.png (1645x1244, 1.1M)

It was planned. First they moved capital from Belgrade to Nis, then when Bulgarians backstabbed and opened 3rd front from behind High command made decision to move everything towards Montenegro so we could get supplied further by Italy, our bad luck was that Germany steam rolled us and AH pushed from Bosnia even faster due to very few resistance.
Greece was only viable option, that and surrender but we never did that.

We didnt just throw a leaf and went wherever it fell, if you mean that..

how is croatia even a country arent croatians like crabs and lobsters and shit


>the commies killed all your leaders and made the small serbia that you whine about to this day
And ? I dont see how thats losing compared to butchering of our lands after Yugoslavia fell.

>lmao the delusion, i don't even know where to begin
Begin from 1913 where you lost war even faster lmao

>Bulgaria wiped serbia off the map in both world war
You mean backstabbed Serbia in both world wars ?
Just when Krauts start wining there goes bulgarian peasants like voulchers following.

>Bulgarian boots were stomping all over Serbia, every single one of you is a Bulgarian rape baby
Funny way to describe unconditional surrender.

>Is this why you're so salty?
Why would i be salty over you losing 3 wars, 2 being world wars in span of less than 30 years lmao

Hey, don't attack our Croabros and Bulgabros

To be honest, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia etc has existed for many times through history and has a lasting culture, people and national footprint.
Cant say the same about Slovenia and Montenegro. They may have existed for some micro-second but definetly not enough to justify their balkanization. Montenegro should just be in a union with Serbia, and Slovenia in a union with Croatia. They are literally seperating themselves "just cause".

Macedonia should definetly be partitioned between Greece, Albania and Bulgaria, with Bulgaria getting the majority of the land, Albania gets the western lands, and greece the southern tip.
Add Bosnia to that list, with Rep, Srpska to Serbia (with a few modifications) and croat border lands to Croatia, with a small Bosnian state centered around Sarajevo for the muslim Bosniak majority.
Kosovo should be completely annexed by Albania, with a few border modifications for the majority serbs.

There. Balkan fixed.

Give Transylvania to Hungary. Moldova to Romania.

Attached: BalkanPeace.png (1023x843, 963.34K)

didn't know that

bulgars literally fell for AustroHungary's promise if them giving Macedonia and SE Serbia to Bulgaria. It was a huge cunt move.

Slovenia's doing quite well these days. The worst thing they could do is join a cluster fuck nation with a bunch of nearly failing states.

>Begin from 1913 where you lost war even faster lmao
Of course the only way a coward can win is 5vs1

or alternatively, run away to greece and let France and Britain win the war for you

>Why would i be salty over you losing 3 wars, 2 being world wars in span of less than 30 years lmao
because serbs got massacred in every single one of them and serbia is still smaller and poorer

>bulgars literally fell for AustroHungary's promise if them giving Macedonia and SE Serbia to Bulgaria. It was a huge cunt move

They did that TWO times after being butthurt so hard after Second Balkan war.
Its far from coincidence.

YEah. We assraped Croats and Hungarians on first front in 1914 to 1915 but then in late 1915 winter Germany opened 2nd front followed up by 3rd from behind, Bulgarian backstab without even declaration of war or any sign of doing it.
Same thing happened in ww2, just see dates of when invasion of Yugoslavia begins and when Bulgaria joins in both ww`s.

if you thought it would be that easy, you're delusional

Serbs wouldn't accept Kosovo getting annexed. We could kinda recognize if RS gets annexed to Bosnia, but Kosovo getting annexed to Albania would destabilize the region.

Slovenia is better off alone, believe me.
Regarding N Macedonia, it would be the best solution. Bulgars would stfu about macedonia and everyone would be happy

>Of course the only way a coward can win is 5vs1
Coward ? You started that shit thinking you can win lmao
Noone attacked you, you little shit.
Dont cry now about it.
>or alternatively, run away to greece and let France and Britain win the war for you
How did they win for us when our troops personaly entered first in Belgrade and Zagreb before anyone else ?
Thats just your butthurt brain malfunctioning now.

>because serbs got massacred in every single one
Yeah when cowards gang up on us every time to take us down.
Your subhuman brain thinks its some kind of achievement you killed so many civilians when given chance.
>serbia is still smaller and poorer
Is that why you type that from Macedonia ? kek

Stop crying. You promised us Macedonia, but refused to give it to us. Made a secret pact with the Greeks to fight us, because you got your ass buttblasted in the Serbo-Bulgarian war.
Serbia has been historically the biggest backstabber on the balkans anyway.

Macedonia was made just so Bulgarians and Albanians lose their minds about it while being powerless to change anything about it kek
And i like it, i realy do. Macedonia should last forever just for that.

I thought czechs were slavs larping as germans?

Serbs just have to accept Kosovo is lost. Why would they even want it at this point? Its literally full of Albanian muslims who would become Serbian citizens, that would be destabilzing if anything.

No Kosovo is lost and should just be annexed by Albania to stop the stupid balkanization of the region.

As far as I know, Serbs are just seething cause most of their cultural heritage is in the region. But they need to realize that shit like this happens. For example, Germany lost their cultural and historic cradle (Königsberg), which is today Russian (Kaliningrad).

I believe it would even be easier for Serbia to "settle their score" if its in the hands of Albania, im sure they will fight one last time regardless. Im all in favor for Greece getting Epirus from Albania for the same reason.

>You promised us Macedonia, but refused to give it to us
You promised us Albania and we didnt get it, why should you get your part if we didnt ours ?
You think we are idiots or something ?

>Made a secret pact with the Greeks to fight us
Dude, no secret pact was made when you openly threatened everyone around yo. Even Romania joined just to shut you berzerk larping mode.

>Serbia has been historically the biggest backstabber on the balkans anyway.
Says the Bulgaria that invaded Serbia 3 times in 30 years without even declaration of war.
Stop crying.

We are clearing our land just like NATO cleared Kosovo and Metohija from Serbs.
I think you dont understand how ethnic cleansing works.
We cant just forget about it like it never happened.

even though it would be very painful, sometimes I think it would be the best thing long-term. Just to take Serb majority from Kosovo and reannex it to Serbia. And who knows what might happen in the future

Let's be clear, a lot of Serbs left before NATO. That trend was there and it peaked after 1999 because of the war and shqips terrorizing

Do you know how many hundreds of thousands Turks and other muslims lived from Bosnia to Macedonica that were expelled after Balkans wars ?

Same way they pushed hundreds of thousands of Serbs and other christians north at time of invasion of our lands.
Its Einsteins third law.

>What's the point of Bulgaria or Croatia?

They are older and more historical than any other Balkan nation.

These things are decided in war. Greece lost.

what is the purpose of albania though?

>Let's be clear, a lot of Serbs left before NATO
Everyone was leaving that shithole, not just Serbs ?
Shiptars too left for work somewhere else and they didnt lose their property and land there, why its fair when Serbs did ?
>hat trend was there and it peaked after 1999 because of the war and shqips terrorizing
You also forgot about 2008 march pogrom when hundreds of thousands left when USA left shiptars free to burn down churches and attacked everything Serb owned.