New Jersey NICS shutdown

Governor Murphy ordered the shutdown of NICS.

No applications, no permitting, no background checks, NO GUNS.

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Fucking fascists. Get ready for the government crackdown, boys.

The obvious thing to do is just start selling guns without NICS checks, after waiting three days.

Surprised they didn’t do that sooner considering how much they enjoy gun control. Guess they didn’t want to piss off any panic buyers that happen to vote blue.

Or just sell them off the books then pay a couple niggers to stage a break in.

Man, here in RI they increased permit requests and bacground check waiting periods from 7, to 30 days. And I thought THAT was faggy.

Get the fuck out of Jersey user. It only exists as a midway to NYC.

Inb4 jannies delete this thread for not being /k/ related and belonging on Yas Forums. Anyways, this is hyper fucked. People should be furious that this is happening.

You can't panic buy in NJ. You have to get a permit from the police to buy a long gun and if your mayor is a democrat expect that shit to take 6 months. Even in relatively good towns I had one take 6 weeks even though law says 30 days. Cops don't give a shit about the 30 day law. Multiple PDs also said they weren't going to process FIDs so the state NRA ANJRPC threatened to sue them and oh wow suddenly they were able to, what a fucking shock?

Wait, they did what? Is there a statement on that? I mean, it doesn't affect me or anyone I know, we've all already got out guns, but man, that is faggy.

>whats the harm in some REASONABLE restrictions and state oversight, are you the kind of PARANOID person who thinks our civil servants would actually abuse those to unduly restrict firearms ownership or something
Time is like a flat circle

what was their excuse for the 30 day thing

What should be done about the gun-grabbing C*tholic menace?

Wow, you guys are worse off than I imagine. Damn your state government, I hope you gents prevail someday.

I wonder if ANJRCP can do anything.

Assuming that society doesn't collapse (in which case the law won't matter) this WILL be used as grounds for a lawsuit to abolish the NICS process.

There is no Constitutional basis for arbitrarily restricting a fundamental right due to the failure of the government to execute its own laws.

Lol Murphy is showing his dictator ways more and more everyday. So glad I moved out of that hell hole

>t. Former 732 fag, now PA fag

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That NYC case before the scotus might help. Alito is from here and Alito mentioned NJ's bullshit transport law during the hearing for the NYC case.

>this user again
yeah paddies are over represented among elites

wait the gun religion koreans are pennsylvanians?

they were cockslapping PDs who were refusing to process FIDs over covid

Your governor shut down all the gun and liquor stores and kept gamestop open

>grabbing guns
yeah no
and pelosi doesn't count — as a catholic

>gets referred to the NJ supreme court
>gets ignored by SCOTUS
Wonder how that'll turn out

Since Murphy banned any mags above 10 rounds with no grandfather clause, if you used a g19 with 15 round mag bought before the ban in a defense case, would you be charged as a felon for owing that? Even if you have the receipts and shit?
This is why Murphy needs to be beaten with rainbow colored dildos in public

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Middlesex county fag reporting
No excuse satan. They are anti gun anti rights for people in Jersey that just love sucking nigger cock in Trenton. I hope corona takes Murphy’s life and we can kick out all these corrupt politicians and to create the NJ state constitution.

>if you used a g19 with 15 round mag bought before the ban in a defense case, would you be charged as a felon for owing that?
>even if you have the receipts
you said it yourself dude there was no grandfathering.

Probably. I still have all of my 15 rounders. Better to be judged than dead.

What a gamer.

Yes they reside near the poconos north East PA. Very based as they bring in their ARs during service. And best part they welcome CCW

You aren't allowed to use your gun in defense

Hopefully everyone stops being defeatist cucks and pays attention to this bullshit, maybe we can get some good lawyers

I got plenty of liquor and funs along with plenty of ammo. I could care less about the bullshit liquor laws here in PA

What do you expect from a state with police that look like this?

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Kek this

May corona take the entire NJ legislative to the grave.

Their HQ was set up in Greensley, just outside of Scranton, so they could get the fuck out of New York.

>High Taxes on everything
>take tax money to pay legislators to pass laws to take more taxes from you
>tax money to hire more police to harass you

Every day I wish everyone in Trenton dies from corona as god’s vengeance for harming the people of NJ. There are good people that reside in NJ, just want anyone who votes blue to succumb to corona Chan, a slow painful death

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C*tholics are predominantly D*mocrats and consistently vote for lefist positions

Why wouldn't you just hide the real mag?

You are allowed to shoot people in NJ. It just has to be in your home, and you have to try to flee first

Not in the back, that's murder. And if you shoot them, be sure to kill them. No weapon? Plant one.

>he doesn't have us lawshield murder insurance


They will confiscate your weapon and do forensics. Once they find out that no carbon or power residue is in the magazine you turned in, they will use that in court against you and it’s GG

>not keeping dirty mags just in case

>cleaning your mags

I smell a lawsuit.

>paying for (((insurance)))
just blast em and book it. why stick around and let the cops wrongly accuse you?

>No applications, no permitting, no background checks, NO GUNS
And resistance. This will happen to other states and no one will do anything to stop it. Rights? You dont need those. Hell you don't deserve them if you're not willing to fight back for them when the government takes right from you

Because of the Surveillance state we live in, you can never get away with that. You will be caught fleeing the scene and then they will come down with the power of 1000 suns. Just after the shooting once the cops show up just say you feared for your life and you won’t talk until you have a lawyer

This state has always had European tier gun laws. Yet where are the armed Patriots and militiamen defending the 2A in the boogaloo this board always chants and preaches about? Oh that's right they dont exist because anyone right leaning just moved out or keeps their head down like good subjects. You can bet your ass that anyone on this board would do the same if these laws came to your state. You arent an operator, and your guns dont mean shit because you'll never use them, and no amount of excuses change that.

all the catholics I know vote strong right because that's the only side that doesn't jizz themselves at the thought of killing babies

Democrats validate killing babies because they're retarded, and they justify letting illegals pour in because they're cheap labor. Yet they seen themselves as the morally right side.

Oh dear sweet user

Dont talk to me like that fool or I'll milk your tits. The real question is why does your dog hurt your feelings and you dont think about being in the same place as the chinks. I dont want you killed and they all have this experiences from our own supply chain and we had to rub my hands. Is there anything against all of them as status quo for the guinea responders?

>Dont talk to me like that fool or I'll milk your tits.
Dont threaten a ((man)) with a good time

show bob and vagene

NICS is fucking up nationally.

>t. gun store employee

Well do something about it!

The fedniggers have a paid holiday so everything gets kicked over to "delay"

There goes the Constitution.
How do you like dem apples, boys?

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Haha we dont really rights it was just a thin illusion and we are no better than the rest of the world because we never had the balls to keep the government in check and only used our guns to feel like we had power rather than to protect it haha

The beer stores are still open

It's only gone until the lawsuits can be drawn up. This is probably wishful thinking on my part, but I think the gun-grabbers actions during the Corona might be enough that we can finally get background checks declared unconstitutional. I want mail-order guns back!

The goal after that, of course, is getting heavy weapons legal again. Mail order howitzers ftw.

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What's with naive idiots thinking government controlled courts are going to expand their rights?

have you seen who the God Emperor has appointed to SCOTUS?

>I want mail-order guns back!
lmao what
you think background checks are the reason you can't mail-order guns?
they'd still be required to go through an ffl because fuck you
also because ffls have to keep records they can then seize

The fact that we have more sane judges on the bench than at any other time in the last 70 years.

courts are closed. and when they open, there will be a massive backlog. plan on waiting for months/year before some judge hears the case.
anyway good luck with that.

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I'm sure, but if we can get background checks out of the way, it'll be easier to get rid of the FFL rules for everywhere except the cuck states.

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so black market then

I didn't say or think it would be immediate. This is going to take years minimum. It would still be great if it happens, and it's at least possible.

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>The obvious thing to do is just start selling guns without NICS checks, after waiting three days.

>Federal Firearms License
how do you suppose they'll go away on a per-state basis?
it's not like they can just rule the federal government has no jurisdiction
because there's no argument the feds don't have jurisdiction when you order anything across state lines
that's the most basic definition of inter-state commerce

Since when is an Anatolian the head of the US?

I'm stupid so bear with me. How exactly does the legislature and court system interpret "shall not be infringed" as "we can infringed your rights in a variety of ways"?

bro, we're living at a time when libtards just don't care about the Constitution.

because it's the right to keep & bear arms, not right to keep & bear *any* arms
as long as some weapons are available to law-abiding citizens the letter of the law is not broken
blame the founding fathers for putting too much trust in their descendants

You're not stupid.
What said.
In states like Jew York, Jew Jersey, and Mexifornia there isn't even a nominal opposition party, so the courts here are stacked with activist judges appointed by Dems.
Said judges rule based on what they want the Constitution to say instead of what it actually says, completely ignoring that the Founding Fathers included a mechanism for changing it that is deliberately difficult to do the right way so that - for example - panicking idiots don't change it on a whim.
Since any legal challenges have to go through said judges, and SCOTUS does everything it can to avoid taking 2A cases, even the NRA's lawyers figure this shithole is a lost cause.
All of this is a moot point right now though.
With the courts closed, we have no means of legal recourse atm anyway, which is why Murphy figures this is a great time to pull this bullshit.

schitzo poster

Nigga, just wait till Monday.

Tom Wolf is r/tard

>cornpop posts on /k/

100% what this user said.
libtards believe that the Constitution is a """living document""" and that they can re-interpret it any which way they wish. it's not a new concept but given how the society is polarized, it's becoming a way for all these activist judges to make sure that libtards can push their agenda.

the idea is that it PAYS OFF MASSIVELY if you enact some laws now, that are found to be unconstitutional 5-10 years later, than to wait since there is NO CONSEQUENCES for legislators and politicians. no one will go to jail for a law that was passed 10 years ago and was found to be unconstitutional.

this is how libtards operate and this is how they've been changing laws of the land how they've enacted thousands of anti-gun laws in the past decade. and they'll continue doing so until there's a revolution and an uprising.

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Pretty sure RBG has said she doesn't rule based on what the constitution says, but based on what she thinks it should say. And Basedtamayor can't read

Well, it's New Jersey. No idea how anyone lives in that shithole.

Because they hate you and they want you replaced by hispanic peasants.

if I was a felon I'd be buying out every gun store
no background check, only 3 day wait

The reason why the Living Document notion exists is because many aspects of the constitution are undefined. For example "Commerce" in the Interstate commerce clause is completely undefined, this has wound SCOTUS and various courts to interpret what interstate commerce actually means and what it applies to. This is obviously a big issue because modern technology has all sorts of ways of making interstate commerce debatable. While we have obvious and solidified terminology in the constitution where meanings have not evolved or adopted different meanings, the term "commerce" has been a very broad term both when it was written and today. This is why SCOTUS ruled that South Dakota could pass a law that charged sales tax on online purchases despite stores online not having any operation in that state specifically. SCOTUS determined that Commerce of that kind did apply despite yesterdecade the notion of an online sale warranting sales tax without a physical investment in the state did not and it was that way for well over a century.

Also there are many extreme aspects of the constitution that have obviously been thrown out. The notion of only white men had the rights to literally anything in the constitution has been thrown out even before amendments were written explicitly to define them. This became apparently true when there was debate over whether italians or the irish were "white" long before amendments that recognized black men's rights.

What you're looking for is the legal concept of a "scrutiny test" which is a feature of "judicial review". This is perhaps one of the most insidious features of modern judiciary revisionism allowing the courts to de facto decide whether or not to actually follow in the constitution. The TLDR of it is that the court systems have different levels of "scrutiny" which they decide to apply to different rights/laws based on how much they actually agree with them or not. In the case of rights they actually widely agree with like the first and fourth they apply "strict scrutiny" which means that any law or action abridging those rights has to pass through a whole bunch of hoops and be very narrowly tailored to be considered "legal", theres a whole three point test that the courts pursue rather vigorously to determine whether a law is permissible or not( . Alternatively with what the courts have arbitrarily determined to be second class rights like the second amendment the bar is MUCH lower. The state essentially just has to """"prove"""" that they are engaging in an activity to pursue a goal that furthers their interests and that the actions taken by them more or less seem like they might possibly be ones a person could take to reach such ends.

In the case of the 2nd amendment this means that the government can infringe it as much as they want so long as its to do stuff that is in the interest of the government, and such actions could """"reasonably be interpreted"""" to be in furtherance of such interests. If that sounds like carte blanche, its because it is.

I expect nothing less from yankees. They prove time and time again their hatred toward the Constitution and your personal freedoms.

you've been online for over a century?

every day is a struggle

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Former 732 and current 908 user here. Fuck this state and its gun laws. Have to pay an extra 15-100 for every AR I buy in order to have the stock pinned, mag pinned, and muzzle brakes pinned if they have them.

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What the fuck? Isn't the NICS a federal system? How can these fucks get away with this?

No I said that yesterdecade we had online sales but they were never in the scope of requiring tax to be paid based on the state of delivery. Obviously before that you would buy an item through a catalog and not pay sales tax either. The legal issue comes from "Can a state pass a law that requires sales tax to be paid on out of state orders" and whether that law violate interstate commerce for which SCOTUS ruled it didn't because SCOTUS said that while you can't abridge commerce between states, a sales tax doesn't prevent commerce explicitly.

Hello, neighbor.

If Murphy does croak from Corona and his cronies as well, let's do us a bigger favor and wall off NY from our state.

The niggers got us in this mess and like fuck will they do the next time. If there is a next time.

California isn't nearly as bad as New York or New Jersey.

Some states wrote laws that say you must send your NICS application to the state police who will then submit it to the Fed for you. If the state system fails obviously no gun for you.

>The notion of only white men had the rights to literally anything in the constitution has been thrown out
The beginning of the end.

>the beginning of the end, some 30 years after the constitution was written.

How is any of this shit legal? CA, PA and NJ just shut down the only way to buy guns.

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>The notion of only white men had the rights to literally anything in the constitution has been thrown out
>extreme aspects of the constitution that have obviously been thrown out
this is where it all went wrong

oh boy edgy and original opinion there ya fuckin hipster.

The seeds of destruction were sowed early.

for 3 days

Not always, the state fuckheads in NJ shut down the state police background check system which means you aren't even allowed to submit nics checks.

i'm not wrong also checked

Which is why the NYC lawsuit is such a big deal

hahaha wow what other controversial opinions do you possess.

niggers are STINKY

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that's why 3 days
federal law > state
after 3 days, if no nics is returned, the gun is yours
so what this retard has done is shorten waiting period, and allow sales with no background check
he really didn't think this one through

3 days from initiation of nics
no initiation of nics = no 3 days

I've had it happen brainlet
nics went down, 3 days later "lol have your gun"
no info was ever sent to nics

it was a free-for-all

>being a papercuck

The constitution you want only exists as long as people that think like you have power. There's nothing magical about some words on a piece of paper that requires those in authority to abide by it.

I wouldn't brag too much about that, cuz it seems the FBI doesn't quite agree with that assessment

Buy from a private person.

wtf do I care
I'm sure there's a paper record somewhere
they're required to keep it, but not organize it. gl sorting through a warehouse of random piles of paper

>it doesn't affect me or anyone I know, we've all already got out guns

this mindset is the problem.

In SF the pot dispensaries were declared 'essential'.

>Dump 10 rounds into visiting cultural enrichment associate
>Pause 3 seconds
>Dump another 5 rounds
>Swap in empty 10 round mag.
>Put on your cool face.

Don't you dare talk about using your guns, fed.

Just look at our wonderful governor and neighbors user. Wolf already got pissy about gun stores telling him to fuck off.

It's a statement of fact, not an endorsement. I also can't find any proof that it's true, no news, no press releases.

lol nazis loosened gun laws for the vast majority of citizens. it was the bugmen marxists that implemented extremely restrictive gun laws

Private sales in NJ still require the transaction to go through an FFL... Legally

Reading comprehension, bro.

You must be high.

No, they actually did. If you weren't jewish you could get a gun with relative ease in Nazi Germany. The communists on the other hand have seized arms every time they have taken power. Read a book.

>For example "Commerce" in the Interstate commerce clause is completely undefined
Bullshit, it had a definition that was accepted until Wickard came out and expanded the commerce clause to cover essentially everything because FDR was getting assblasted his New Deal legislation wasn't going through. A man who grew wheat for his own use was told it could be taxed, because if he was using the wheat he grew for himself he wouldn't buy wheat. Its fucking insanity.

>This is why SCOTUS ruled that South Dakota could pass a law that charged sales tax on online purchases despite stores online not having any operation in that state specifically.
I think that ruling had more to do with the companies availing themselves to the protections of South Dakota law like normal stores would be, but I haven't read that case in awhile.

Lol they'd just do an actual break in

It's not. You faggots need to start the happening. This is literally what we've been waiting for

It's Jersey just go kicking around some bushes, you'll find an old burner gun.

Fucking hilarious. Sex shops, too no doubt.

Stop buying excess guns like retards you are...

>excess guns
No such thing.

This. I’ve said for years California, NJ, and NY are going to dig the grave for gun control. By going full retard with their laws it’s going so force some judge at some point to kill the whole thing. It’s reaching points where gun control laws are fucking with other legal precedents and protections

Didn't Nazi party members get their own free Walther PPK?

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no. they just got special pricing for them.

The Nazis copied that uniform

Still. Won't see a lot of USSR symbols emblazoned on guns like that. Nazis were proud of their firearms.
I may actually be wrong on that, if anyone knows I'd love to see some Commie guns with hammers and sickles on them.

supposedly they won't prosecute the mag ban unless you commit another crime, so who knows. probably will if its self defense though.

basically new york, you'll be walled off with them

Who cares about lawsuits when the money spent isn't yours?

If you're the government everything is legal. You think they are going to arrest themselves?

Does this affect me in NC?

Tom Wolf try to do this very thing in PA and lawyers came out of everywhere and pushed his shit in

Rods of iron, bro

But I love NCIS! Who's gonna fill the Abby shaped hole in my heart now? And shouldn't this go in ?

idiot. The only reason you cling to this is because the nazis reigned for so short a time.
if the nazi regime would have spanned generations and "new" führers would come and go eventually you get a bernie sanders guy in charge.

Really this. Authoritarian governments can be based as hell or fucking slavery, all depending on who's in charge. Once they're gone or deposed, its a battle for power and the people always suffer.

Yes. Stories on turn to 10 and wpri. It was in her address yesterday

Overrun with the huge uptick in requests

california has a handgun ban and a governor who said he wants to confiscate guns

In other states, the issue is in NJ the NICS check doesn't even get sent if the state police don't send it. Plus the FFLs have been ordered closed

In NJ liquor stores were declared essential

> loosened gun laws for the vast majority of citizens.
Can you draw me a venn diagram of the people who they didn't loosen gun laws for and the people who wound up in death camps?

In NJ there is a fight about that right now. The governor wants to go full retarded and make it so you need to pay $200 per year or every 3 years or something for an FID which as of right now costs $5 and you never have to pay it again. The head of the state senate is anti gun as fuck but he told murphy to choke on a dick about it

Also weed dispensaries. There's one in town, and the line all week has been around the block.

I use a kitchen table FFL who works out of his house, so he's really not "closed," but without NICS being sent, I still can't get my guns.

>idiot. the only way I can make my point is with wild speculation based on my myopic view of history
>me smart tho
Just fucking haze yourself for being this dumb.

because who would stop them, without force the law is just a piece of paper

You have to go back.

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>lol nazis loosened gun laws for the vast majority of citizens.

Pretty crazy that Nazi Germany had better gun laws then the even the "free" U.S states.

lol based.

Your math seems off

You realize you are the unwelcome party here, right?