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Other urls found in this thread:

planning the surrendering already?

who are we invading today?


Based. United States of Europe coming soon. We need you in this fight.

>no proof
fuck off baguette moisie.

Source ?

Many german boomers are freaking out about this right now. Social media is full of clips, showing hundreds of tanks on trains and large military convoys. Some german soldiers (maybe larp can't confirm) said they are beeing sent home from their bases and americans are taking over.
Everybody knows that the defender europe 2020 was supposed to take place but since it was canceled people are worried about this massive military presence. Guess most germans still remember the times of full on occupation by the U.S. we'll see what comes out of it.

Waiting 4 pics

Got any recent videos?

i hope your nation is restored. if its any consolation FDR was a cripto commie with sympathies for the british crown, he hated Americans.

some examples, since OP is too much of a faggot to provide any context.
Like i said, boomers are freaking out about this big time. Many such videos on social media at the moment

Ah burger reject is upset to be rejected once again, ah!

Stupid Krauts had one job to do, failed!
Jews will finish you one day now


I'd be honestly happy for a US and Euro military coup in Europe, get rid of the globalist EU kikes

Deep state fear monger
Prepare for Gitmo

Mutts have many military bases in Germany, right? Maybe they're moving because they're needed to manage the future possible riots in the US.

War against who? Russia? Turkey? China? Or more like martial law?

>1 post
and no sauce

war against us
you and me and all the other German anons

...about 40k since 2014, dipfuck.

Apparently they're moving most armour and personel to the east, which was the original plan of the defender europe mission.
According to the Bundeswehr the current troop movements are U.S. soldiers returning home, but all the videos show soldiers arriving. Of course this is freaking people out in times like these.

Sadly, all infected cities must be burned. It's the only way to be sure with this infection...

Are they coughing yet?


>no source
as usual, op is a faggot

Last time I checked only 20.000 were deployed.

Where do you got your news from?

nigger your mutt army is here to destroy any last real Germans
fuck off

You fucked up

Does anyone have the video of the bavarian politician greeting the soliders on the airport and thanking them for "bringing peace and safety"?

Pretty weird to say, if they are only there for an exercise.

The last real germans fled to Antarctica you disgusting mutt kraut. You aren't a real german. You are cut from weak blood. Operation HighJump proved it. Fuck you

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Syria, Americans, god loving people, and Russia. Maybe China too.

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I don't want to be that guy but you notice how sanctions were thrown onto places like Iran from my country for example in the midst of this? Pretty sure WWIII already started and this bioweapon shit was it but it started months ago.

Worst timeline.

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Nah, they are protecting you from cabals purging the last dissidents and will fuck them up good.

>t. 56% “white” Rhineland bastard

with merkel dying of covid19, the US is there to ensure a peaceful transition of power. who do you think your new, pro-US leader is going to be?

Stay mad

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its a fake news. Why such a low quality bait? Trolling this way od not gonna get you far

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>be american
>question the ancestry of a european

kek you can't make this shit up

mentally ill freak mutt

US tanks in Germany has happened before. Look it up.

i think we are in the midst of ww3 too. bioweapons maybe (covid), economic warfare (ksa v russia, covid), and now positioning for it to go hot.

A tank just flew over my weinersnitchel.

Like clockwork

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>and now positioning for it to go hot.
My thoughts as well. This shit started in Wuhan, anybody who was paying attention in January has come to an agreement on that. Now they are emphasizing or trying to detract it as the "Chinese Virus" they really are just setting this up to come out of this whole thing as lets be gung-ho against the Chinese if we come out of this.

Whoever survives is getting marched right into there, my opinion at least.

Brittish Lads

We arrrr coming to fuck you up Chinamen.
Expect Us.

Russians are white though, why we beef with them?

we're just sending a contingent of army nigger rapists to ensure your next generation of footie players is ready after the mass-die off.

Why does it seem like USA is preparing for war?
Seems like an awful lot of heavy assets for some deep state round up door knocks? Even in the toughest bunkers, what they hell do you need tanks for?

Seems more like war posturing? Someone please help us brainlets.

Chill. Americans only kill goatfuckers, unless it's in self defence, it's widely known of these species.


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Russians are owned by the Jews that over threw their monarchy

Siener van Rensburg said this would happen.

First, muslims and africans flood into Europe. Then antiwhite racism spreads throughout the world. then the world economy collapses and sends us into the 2nd great depression. then civil wars and revolutions kick off across Europe, and Russia goes back to communism. Finally, World War III begins.

since you all have time to spare, spend a few moments researching Siener van Rensburg and then accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

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war is how we deal with economic problems

Hmm, well then, sorry to hear.

Is this war going to go on for a long time?

probably. they've been getting longer and longer. afghanistan is 20 years now.

Just like we did to Dresden in WW2, eh boys?

Well, America did not come as liberators, but:

I think there will be a new base in Poland.
The US Military like to forwardly deploy equipment, in order to speed up a response/ defense to a war.
Seems like nothing interesting to me, but I'm not a europussy afraid of military equipment.

I wanna toss that cripplefag nepotist down an escalator

No source, OP just siege fear mongering

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