Give me a one reason why shouldn't I hate white people?

Give me a one reason why shouldn't I hate white people?

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why should i care about what you feel nigger

Africans sold that guy into slavery. Whites ended slavery.


Because they're the reason your life is so easy.
They're the reason you're not starving to death in Africa.

>appeasing to blacks



Because they're the reason your mother didn't die in childbirth and you don't have polio and are able to use electricity and the internet.


you can also hate arabs and blacks, since they did equal amount of mistreatment towards blacks.
but here's the catch, you're here to hate on wypipo not because they're inherently bad but because you're jealous of our accomplishment.
Ireland has been oppressed forever by the British, yet there are still many successful Irish men out there in history and modern time. The same can be said about Italians and slavs.

you're just incapable by nature
also sage because that's an useless thread.

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Maybe he deserved it for being a nigger?

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Discovering the transistor effect.

American slavery created chicks that look like this. I call that win for everyone.

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we didnt cut your dicks off like the Arab muzzies in Africa did, so you could at least reproduce and have a family...

based. also first slave holder in usa was black.

>this meme pic again
pic related. nigger

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Most male slaves never had offspring. Black americans are essentially derived from WMBF fucking from the colonial era.

Nice whipping,
Probably Belgian craftsmanship

> wfw you realize white people are the niggers of the human race

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Because we know you love them Pajeet.

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Who owned the slave ships?

First post patrician post

Every nice thing you have and will ever have came from white people.

That's why. Nigger.

They were paid soldiers, many were volunteers, the union victory hinged on black soldiers reinforcing the rear and supply lines.

We saved you from capturing your own people and introducing the world to slavery?
We made it illegal when we discovered it was actually a thing, you guys invented it, the Jew perfected it.
Give us just one reason I shouldn't hate black people? (I don't generally, but their behaviour toward us makes me not trust them).

You're white.

You shouldn’t hate anyone

niggers robbed me and im chinese, they also destroy communities and are generally thugs

gimme a reason to not hate niggers

>1 post by this ID

Aright paki

Have our women as reparations

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Talk about scapegoating and avoiding responsibility

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Jews owned the slaves and hired poor white men to do the whipping. Just look at any Hollywood slavery movie. It all shows whites being evil when all the $ was made by the jews

If a man stabs you, you don't give him credit because he worked really hard to get the knife out.

Also when Liberia was formed as a gateway for blacks in the US to go back to Africa and no longer live with white devils, they immediately started enslaving other blacks in Africa.

a few lashes across the back
some drownings on a slave ship
it's a splinter compared to what white people have been doing to each other for thousands of years

That's gay

Just go back to Africa dude

It's funny how all white people are responsible for what some niggers did 300 years ago but niggers today aren't responsible for their own actions.

You think it would have learned after the 1st lash.

Picking cotton isn't rocket science

The reason you are posting this is because a white man invented your phone/pc, just like he invented internet, just like he invented the screen you are using to read this message, everything, from the shoes, to the belt, everything was made by a white man.

Otherwise you would be trying to hunt an albino nigger in Congo to kill him so your shaman can "cure" you from AIDS.

Because instead of freeing the slaves, they could have just killed them all and pretended it didn't happen. They did own them.

Holy shit I never even considered that.

Did you ever get whipped or enslaved by one? No? Then shut the fuck up.

Humans are just animals with a high iq
They lack empathy
They are vile creatures that will be their own demise

All jews

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White people ended that.

Jews brought blacks to the new world, Jews are slave holders.

Jews also control America and put you, black dudes, against us whites over some pathetic lie

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Dude if you hate whites so much just fuck off back to Africa, literally every mayor civilization enslaved niggers

Hate us who gives a shit. I hate you guys im not asking for a reason not to. Youd probably be dumb not to. Just like Id be dumb not to hate you.

You were never a slave. No white person has ever hurt you. In actual fact, white society has bent over backwards to enable you at every level, to their detriment.

You should love and worship them.

Go ahead and hate me. I hate you more than you could ever imagine you fucking worthless monkey.

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Fuck Paki's, fuck niggers, fuck Jews.
I have no hatred toward the Chink really, but they should go back.

>Give me a one reason why shouldn't I hate white people?
typical nigger "give me..." fuck off back to famine land ape

nigger please. the best thing we could (humanely) do is repatriate all niggers back to wakanda

self hatred is stupid as fuck

We should keep the women though. Lmao white women are trash at this point. Black women are even better than these tired whores.

How stupid of a nigger do you have to be to get whipped that many times? Somebody whips me once you bet your ass I'd know the rules and follow them. You don't have to whip me twice. Stupid fucking niggers.


Actually the European slave trade was only a fraction of the Arab slave trade, and there are no descendants of slaves in Arabia to kvetch about slavery because Arabs just castrated slaves and then worked them to death. So yeah, hate white people. Make them regret letting you live. Also they literally gave blacks everything that they have. Blacks couldn't even make functioning schools even with whites paying for 50% of it. Even after all that, blacks still demanded more from whites. They said we would have equality if we just ended segregation. Then if we just ended Jim Crow. Then if we instituted affirmative action, and even then they estimated it would take less than 20 years for the gap to disappear... Well it's been 50 years now and blacks are still the biggest dead weight on society, taking a net 200k per person per lifetime from those who actually do pay taxes, doubling the crime rates over the whole country, despite still being a tiny minority, thus requiring every town to have more police than anyone wants, bringing down the standards of society at every level of education... When are blacks going to pay reparations for destroying America after having literally every opportunity given to them at the expense of white people? Even Northerners enacted segregation when they finally met you. KYS so that humans can finally move on from this painfully awkward inter-species social experiment.

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Because later whites integrated their slaves into society, while the Arabs just castrated their slaves and this started long before America was even a colony.

Because you would be able to post this, vote, be free or have survived any infection you had when you were younger if it weren't for us

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