Mental illness thread, tranny edition

Whats with the new trend of men wanting to become women ? What seems to be the cause of the problem? Child abuse? Chemicals that they put in our water? what do you guys think? Should they get locked up in mental institution ? should they receive the same treatment as people with schizophrenic disorders? Should parents slap some sense into them when they are still young?

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Kill them and their enablers.

"I did the surgery at Karolinska institutet in Sweden. They said I wouldn't have any hair on the inside. The clitoris actually works but I don't like touching it because of the urethra bit. I still have nerve pains and it hurts to dilate. It's also super hard to keep clean on the inside because of the hair. And if I don't it smells extremely bad. Especially the hairballs.

I'm actually starting to regret the surgery more and more each passing day now. It is so much work to maintain. And it doesn't actually bring me any joy. If I knew what I know now I would have just asked for a no depth vagina. The hole is way to gross anyways and I don't want anyone inside of it.

Does it ever get better? I've had thoughts about doing self surgery like I did to remove my testicles and rip out the inside of my vagina so I can just let my body close it without having hair growing out of what used to be the hole. And maybe remove all the testicle skin so it doesn't look like testicles and just cut off my urethra and the erectile tissue around it."

It is sad.

>I've had thoughts about doing self surgery like I did to remove my testicles
>like I did to remove my testicles
Enough Yas Forums for today thanks

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Fuck you , I was eating a kebab

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>Fuck you , I was eating a kebab


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>Should parents slap some sense into them when they are still young?

Yes, we've had this thread a million times already. Milo covered this well back in the day. Every tranny is just gay or otherwise confused. If they keep their junk and go gay, they report much better life outcomes.

tl;dr-- you're not trans, you're just gay with gender dysphoria. Go gay and fix your mental health before doing ANYTHING surgical.


Milo? the homosexual who has a nigger boyfriend?

im sick of this eceleb trend

Imagine stepping out of a shower or whatever,and infront of a mirror, and seeing this!
I'd do a fucking swan dive out my window and onto a fire hydrant below

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can i get a quick rundown ?

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>The CHAD nazi book burning
Funny how not a single fucking teacher would answer my question when I was in school and they were happy to tell me anything about the 40's
>What books were they burning?
If they told me they were books by jews about jews,communism and tranny surgery. My reaction would be
>These were the bad guys?

It looks like the tranny wanted the pussy to look as 'real' possible, making the surgeons use a lot more skin than usually
necessary, and it opted for pic related instead of an entire arm being grafted. Judging by the amount of puss, it
then became infected and began to necrose.

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Dear god. And it still looks like a woman.

i'm getting Bioshock vibes


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I think child abuse. Ask those who have detransitioned.

What the actual fuck? Why would anyone do that to themselves?
Oh god. I almost barfed.

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Most of the increase is from FtM

Easy means of attention they weren't otherwise getting.
Social media subconsciously conditions people into dopamine/oxytocin loops of attention-seeking behavior.

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society not only accepts trannies but pushes the mentally ill into transitioning. i honestly think the medical professionals behind it should get hanged.

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It’s just a couple wires mixed up in the brain. If that weren’t the case they would choose to be normal. Just let them live and fuck with their bodies if it makes them happy. They’ve been around forever. It’s not so much a new trend....
Secret cross dressers have always been a thing. Men used to get killed and beaten for doing things like that. And we have the internet that lets us see a higher concentration of them than we would ever see in real life. So mix the two factors together and you get what seems like a mass transgender revolution.
Basically The only difference is it’s “socially acceptable” now, and they’re not afraid to show it anymore.
Same way the world has always been fucked up and cruel but people think the world is becoming harsher & even more fucked up as the years go on, when in reality we just have the opportunity to see it all with the power of the internet and cell phones.

Imagine looking like a 12 year old boy forever.

is that johnny knoxville?

Easter came early this year.

this creeps me out so much. She's so young and her brain isn't fully matured. Way too early to makse such a decision.

>It’s just a couple wires mixed up in the brain. If that weren’t the case they would choose to be normal. Just let them live and fuck with their bodies if it makes them happy. They’ve been around forever. It’s not so much a new trend....
the number of people per capita who decide to transition is increasing. society pushes mentally unstable people into it as a solution for their problems. read some of the testimonials itt, many regrets.

women's brains never mature

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>Find out a really sexy girl you knew in school had an insane crush on you and still does
>Get into contact, dick harder than neutronium
>Find out they transitioned from being a women. to.... something like this

Nothing came about that, Only a super nova of hate exploded within me that day

>Never forget what they took from us

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They're actively brainwashing children and damaged people into their cult. Fuck you.

"haha made a bank on this stupid bitch"

many such cases.


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tranny shit is over, the World doesn't have time for pozzed shit anymore, we have gone into survival mode.

Real trannies always existed before all this but the SJWs/marxists actively encourage people to be trannies and trick them into thinking they are one

Are any of these people innocent? Would God look at them and think, "They were deceived into this, they don't deserve damnation." Or are these people fucked for defiling the temple that is their bodies and mocking God's will by rejecting who they were meant to be?

>being conservative and trans at the same time
>conserving penis

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I honestly feel bad for these people


>the medical professionals behind it
As for a lot of things, kikes are to blame for this one.
This specific kind of sexual degeneracy first became prevalent in Germany during the Wiemar era.
The institution commonly known as the Frankfurt school was the first place in the world to
conduct experimental surgeries on people who wanted to transition to the opposite sex.
The leader of this group was a man called Magnus Hirschfeld, a jew, who promoted trannies, faggots,
and other sexual 'minorities' at the time. Thankfully Hitler was able to smoke him out and most
of their books were burned.

Most of the modern day degeneracy is the result of a 'study' conducted by John Money.
Two brothers presented to his office to be circumcised and John managed to cut one's benis off by accident.
He then convinced the brother's parents to raise the one without a benis as a girl.
Surprise surprise, both grew up with mental issues and one committed suicide.

I feel bad for you feeling bad for these people



Yeah me too, they are clearly just being used as guinea pigs and then discarded by the medical communtiy


Confused people are easier to control and if depopulation is the goal then encouraging these sorts of behaviors would weed them out of the gene pool. It is easier to make people sterilize themselves then to just mass sterilize everyone.

No I agree, they're being told that this surgery will magically turn their dicks into vaginas and that its perfectly normal and this is the only way to feel better. Then they perform this irreversible surgery and whoops no take backs!

Except for a very few natural cases of psychological sex being in complete opposition to biological sex, it's mostly a depression/oppression abnormality related to massive abuse that some men are facing that no one wants to talk about. Generally public men have been treated like shit for decades.

Women are a protected class, and get special treatment, and these guys want to feel normal and loved. It's due to societal norms and abuses more than anything. Only then do other factors like child sexual abuse come into play.

Lock them up? no don't be stupid, that would only increase the rate. Some can transition and function happily and fine, others should be encouraged not to. In general, they need healing, love, and inclusion, as they are abused and neglected people.
It's a symptom of slavery in open air prison society, the same way some men start taking a female role in jail.

schizophrenia is not even the same thing.

That is fucking horrific, those gaping holes. Insanity indulged.

Was this a skin reduction surgery for the formerly obese?? please post more of this.

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they do. 23 or 25 is a better age to reflect such things. it's possible that she was actually just a confused lesbian or tomboy. Many people struggle to cope with pubercy and have psychological issues that get solved as they get older and reach adulthood.

The female to male works the same way. Socially abused women, thinking the men have the normalcy and are privileged, so they want to be empowered. You still see more male to female at the moment though, due to the current imbalance in man hate that exists.

if I remember correctly she has a history of childhood sexual abuse.

The funny thing is that he was on Yas Forums last night.

imagine your menstruation went back
contradict to nature and it will ruin you
deus vult nigger trannies

I know this faggot they post on soc and live in my state what a small world

This one always makes me sad. What a waste.

Imagine transitioning from a solid 7 to the weakest man in the history of human civilization.

That compliment is about the doctor and the doctor alone!
It's not like the mentally ill will ever see that, they will take it as a compliment for the patient lol!!
Clown world

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These sick fucks want to convince your kids to cut their genitals off.

Same thing happened to me. They can't even be salvaged. Total loss.