Capitalism is a disease inflicted upon humanity
Capitalism is a disease inflicted upon humanity
and yet normgroids now constantly complain they can't go to work for mr shekelstein and meet around the water cooler to discuss the big game
So what is life as its supposed to be? Being a useless parasite who sits around at home leeching off the work of others?
I agree, time to try national socialism again
Because it would be nice if over 30% of your income wouldn't be spent on fucking rent.
Buy a house. Rent is a trap. Have a ton of roommates or move in with parents
It isnt capitalism. Its corporate socialism, and you ain't allowed to cash in on any of it. Big difference.
Proud landlord of multiple homes and I make hella bank. Absolutely 0% policy when it comes to people asking for more time to pay rent. Sorry boys, you should've just earned enough money to buy your own damn house.
Capitalism isn't the disease, modernity is. When will these retards understand.
>being a wagie
Inshallah many wagies die the slow painful death they deserve
So is Marxism.
>not going full monk mode and putting every dollar you make into stocks and bonds
then go live in a rural location no one's forcing you to live where it's expensive that's your fault
50% of mine goes to rent. I'm a waiter in a big restaurant sharing a 30m apartment and its the cheapest I found to date.
I want off the ride.
I find it funny when Americans say shit like this while simultaneously bailing out the banks and giving 40% of their income to their Jew landlord
It's almost like there was some sort of grassroots movement that was growing against super-capitalism and the parasitic banking classes but was subverted and destroyed by identity politics, and the blame was instead shifted from trillionaire bankers onto working class white men.
But that seems preposterous.
Subsistence agriculture. Take the Yas Forumspot pill. Everyone should work in the rice fields
get a smaller house at a distance place then
And whats life supposed to be? Not fucking socialism. Go out in the woods and live off the land punk ass bitch.
With any luck, the next stop is coming soon
Stop choosing to rent then, you don't have to live in the city either.
>Being a useless parasite
Like, let's say, a landlord, prehaps?
>we don't get to enjoy life as it is supposed to be
Lol how did people enjoy life 1000 years ago before capitalism?
Stop noticing things, goy.
Fuck a house. Just money pits. Yeah, just be a slave to the bank to pay your mortgage for 30 years. Then have to pay for all up keep on your house so it doesn’t crumble to ground.
Condo or townhouse is the best way to go.
Ban renting. Nationalize apartments and let the government sell ownership stake in the apartments.
Watch the value of all rented houses plummet and get sold off to people who would have otherwise been forced to rent.
How much should rent cost?
Full socialism. Working for the benefit of the whole. No employer employee relationship. No feudal lord and servant relationship. No bank money lender and wageslave relationship.
Capitalism has to die just like feudalism had to die. It's funny that Americans forgot that their ancestors fought against being slaves to kings and queens only to be willing slaves to their employers, landlords and corrupt government. Americans are the most hardcore shills for their own enslavement on this planet. You hate niggers but you are all niggers working on a slave plantation instead of being dignified human beings.
Sounds like a neo-nazi conspiracy
This is why i live with my mommy. If you are living by yourself and paying rent you are cucking yourself unless you make bank
you set on the computer looking at rich people porn and get pissed you cant do it. your like an incel that watch porn all day and is made you cant get a hot girl. pathetic
This. I wonder if they ever take into account how many single person households there are these days. Maybe they could lower their housing expense by getting married like people have done for thousands of years. But no marriage and family is like a death sentence to these people. They would rather spend 30% on rent and the rest on weed, junk food, and video games. you know, the necessities. I'm constantly floored by the amount of money people spend on useless crap.
Also, I've known a lot of renters, I am one myself. The majority have no ability to maintain their own surroundings. If they got houses, they'd all be destroyed in a few months. They need someone there to fix shit for them.
Capitalism is state sponsored usury
>life as it supposed to be
good luck farming your own food, catching raccoons for their pelts to trade with in town, building your own abode, getting water, making soap, gathering firewood for heat and so on
and what do you propose we do? Every attempt at having a centralized economy has failed MISERABLY, you literally can't just give free housing, food or healthcare to people, not without taxes, and for taxes you need work, and for work you need people with capital.
That's called your boss, wagie. Get back in your cage.
So if capitalism doesn't work
And Marxism dosent work
What does that leave us with gents?
I dont spend 30% of my income on rent because im not dumb ass
No, Life is supposed to be about prosperity, About making babies of your own race in your own country. To be a nation united under a single white race. Life is about knowing whatever thing you do, That it benefits you, your nation and your race; America has none of these.
Show flag
Every man for himself, the way nature intended
>then go live in the place where there are no jobs which would negate any potentials savings you'd see
no jews?
National socialism, Socialism as hitler said is not communism that the jews preach. National Socialism is for the prosperity of the people, The nation and the race, Not just for the ones at the top.
They worked less
The simple solution would be Universal Basic Income, but no politician wants to implement it.
Lick Harveys dirty socks glownigger.
Daily reminder that before >capitalism it was dawn until dusk agrarian work
Choose wisely.
The normies are waking up
>buy a house
>rent from the bank
Translation. His piss poor pay unimportant job is cancelled.
>Implying people don't have machines a gorillion times better than before that put humans to shame
Face it, wagecuck. You're just as useless as a NEET in the grand scheme of things.
This is a good point. Our expectations are way too high these days. These people think that society should lay a clear and easy path for them to riches, but that's not how it works. The best society can do is teach you how to work for the people that are actually creating the wealth. If you want to be rich then you are going to have to do a lot more than show up to work on time.
Cuckpitalists BTFO again.
ffs how many of these threads do they need
>he doesn't have a paid-for home and 18months living expenses saved
>Creating wealth
Im in Germany and I spend 270€ a month , everything included . Just get a cheaper place . And I'm not in eastern Germany , I'm in Hessen
> to work for the people that are actually creating the wealth
>usury based system
>federal motherfucking reserve
Well, you can say they are creating """wealth""" out of tin air, alright
We don't have capitalism. This isn't capitalism "not working" because we don't have true capitalism in the first place.
he didn't say take a loan out you moron. you know it's possible to buy things without borrowing the money right?
Glowniggers. The rich are parasitic surplus labor entities that entrap the people as wageslaves and debt slaves while enjoying the benefits. The only reason this even worked is because you brainwashed them 24/7 on every channel you have. A crisis however you can't control fucks you in the arse. God has to fuckin kill you it seems.
>Omg I have to work to make a living I can't just leech off of society.
This. I still work, I still make money. The only people pissed off are the unnecessary people who don't.
>Buy a house.
I pay morgage for a house, and the bank owns it, and they charge (((interest))), the goy-term being (((interest))).
Your life is about making Jews rich.
You know banks aren't the only businesses in the world right?
True. People have been saying that we should let the old people to save the economy
Imagine being so jewed that you're ready to kill your grandpa and grandma - the people who know your traditions - just to make shekelberg more money
it's that easy, stop being poor
Another one understood everything
>t: haven't orked a single day since september 2010
you forgot user
everyone on Yas Forums is a multimillionaire frontiersman martial arts master
Soulless normies really talk like that.
The jewish golem myth is real.
>knowing more about culture than fucking anyone
niggers have more culture than boomers
Psychfag here; what people are actually realizing is how little they actually do.
And how little of what they do means anything to anyone, especially themselves.
The same affect is observable in retirees who have done the same profession for at least two decades. They go home, sit down and start doing drugs and alcohol to stimulate some sense of variation in their activities.
All they did was work, and watch mindless entertainment until the next shift.
Welcome to hell, normies.
hopefully soon we will take to the streets and hang every reddit nigger
He's right, and the media shitstorm driven by pursuit of profits and the removal of Drumpf means Israel can't stop it now. Soon we'll finally be free forever.
The rentier class is the one thing I agree with commies on. They are absolute scum of humanity, parasites that contribute fuck all to the economy.
Anyone who makes their living collecting rents on something basic is, by definition, a parasite.
>Corporate socialism
That's late capitalism for you burger, stop trying to suck Mr. Goldberg's cock.
Take an upboat fren
You know employer driven businesses are surplus labor parasites that don't give the workers what they are worth and are undemocratic.
red pill: the only way the US gov can even think of a 4T USD bailout is because of capitalism. The only way a non-capitalist / centralized economy would work is by having an state of total warfare a-la 1984. Production has to come from somewhere.
The alternative is working with farming all day and watching some of your children starve to death nearly every winter just like our forefathers used to.
so if we were already there before quarantine in terms of realization, what's next?
Wage slavery is not capitalism
you filthy swede
learn to freedom
then you can make threads
Remember when you retards kept laughing at tankies saying the same shit? Lmao
The absolute state of burgers.