If the Internet is running out of bandwidth during coronavirus why don't we just ban Netflix?

If the Internet is running out of bandwidth during coronavirus why don't we just ban Netflix?

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normie would riot

good thing net neutrality is nixed

I never understood the appeal of Netflix, why bother watching shows when you can play video games on the console or play Yugioh all day? It makes no sense.

You just activated my trap card.

Normies don't riot

Unfortunately most people staying at home are normies watching netflix and tiktok.

Why dont we just increase bandwidth?

when their rights are taken away they dont
but they care about tv

yes they literally do you fucking retard, do you really think pictures of riots are a bunch of muh based redpilled incels like you?

These aren't the normies from 100 years ago. They are low test atrazine and vaccine filled normies. Trust me we got nothing to worry about.

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what's netflix?

but only for the wrong reasons

The fact that they banned net neutrality is perfect for this situation. Netflix traffic can now be charged, de-prioritized, or limited to allow actually important stuff to get through.

Redditors think that there RWBY stream should have the same priority as hospital and government communications. LOL!

fucking retard

i haven't watched anything from netflix in over a year. they really went down the shitter.

do you really think people would not just instead go to youtube? are you assuming the 2 hours a day someone spends on netflix will now be spent looking at a brick wall?

Not everyone’s a fucking sperg that wants to play with cards meant for children.

I can't believe amerilards are defending their shitty internet companies lol

Whats a netflix?

Online streaming service that lets you watch certain movies and tv series for a monthly fee.

We live to serve our Jewish masters no matter what’s going on in the world.


How is netflix responsible for a lack of bandwidth?
They arent an ISP

I agree Netflix is normie trash. It should be the first to go

It's fucking porn but journalists can't outright say that for some reason

People dont like to actualy use their brain

I’m guessing pornhub is 20x more traffic than Netflix right now.

fall off a cliff normie nigger ape

>imagine paying for an online streaming service when thepiratebay is up and running

Remember when everyone complained about Net Neutrality leading to throttling?

Just stop 4K streaming it’s a meme anyways

Go back, r/eddit migrant. It’s “normalfag.”

Piracy usually makes file sizes smaller then raw video format.
Piracy is helping the internet again.
Streaming services should be lower quality at least to keep things better for all but again we would not have this issue if ISPs where greedy dongle fucking kikes and upgraded our infrastructure years back


Why are they afraid to call out porn websites?

Netflix and youtube bandwidth are limited in Germany, you can't watch 1080p for example.
Not sure if this is ordered by gov't or voluntarily.

>play games during the day
>watch livestreams, movies, shows during the evening/night
>download shit late night when I go to bed

Most of my bandwidth usage is not during work hours anyway, I wouldn't mind a daytime ban/limit on shit like Netflix and Prime if it affects networks that much.

I guess we're back to radio and television now.

>If the Internet is running out of bandwidth during coronavirus why don't we just ban Netflix?
The american solution would be a tax

What I don't understand is why do people use it when its service is fucking utter shit. Picture quality is shit, Player is really shit, selection is shit.
Why settle for such low quality garbage

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>mfw I'm downloading 200gb of random shit every day just to delete it the next day and do it all over again

Doing my part. Get OFF my internet normie!

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Netflix is fucking awesome. It makes all of the cable TV providers look like the fucking dinosaurs they are. The amount of content you can get on there is ridiculous for the price. I've been marathoning TNG this last week and loving every minute.

My parents just watch TV and netflix. I don't get how they don't go insane. The internet is so much more free and interactive.

>He hasn’t heard of BitTorrent

>he watches the electric jew

ban all online entertainment besides posting on forums

i know. what i meant is that i don't use it and never will.

Their answer always is "just you wait...any day now..just you wait when you least expect it!"

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>using brain
that explains why all the smartest, most successful people in the world are gamers.
oh wait....

I torrent stuff I like that I can't get on Netflix, Chernobyl was the last series I torrented. But why waste time and HDD space (that could otherwise be used on porn) when I can get hundreds of tb's of entertainment for less than 1% of my monthly salary i.e. Netflix

The “other” category is porn.

>running out of bandwidth
How much of a problem could this be? After having slower access, could people be excluded from the internet altogether?

its cheaper than cable

it's actually Yas Forums

>He thinks 200 GB is "a lot".

What is this 1999?

This. Even if you pay for the most expensive Netflix plan, it's still about 10x cheaper than a cable plan with a comparable library, without fail.

Trump should make netflix FREE to encourage staying at home

because people will watch the second best thing

>hulu is less than ssl

It consumes bandwidth


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it looks perfect on my tv. maybe canada is getting screwed.

Paying for Netflix when cinema morph and iptv exists.

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