Vaccinefags are responsible for the spread of coronavirus:

vaccinefags are responsible for the spread of coronavirus:
>PURPOSE: Receiving influenza vaccination may increase the risk of other respiratory viruses, a phenomenon known as virus interference.
>CONCLUSIONS: Receipt of influenza vaccination was not associated with virus interference among our population. Examining virus interference by specific respiratory viruses showed mixed results. Vaccine derived virus interference was significantly associated with coronavirus and human metapneumovirus
>Vaccine derived virus interference was significantly associated with coronavirus
>Coronavirus: Top medic warns anyone who gets the flu jab should stay at home
>People who get the winter flu jab are firmly advised to shield themselves from the coronavirus by isolating for 12 weeks, the deputy chief medical officer for England warns

Now the same fags are demanding the coronavirus vaccine which may not only be ineffective but actually make it worse.
>Studies have suggested that coronavirus vaccines carry the risk of what is known as vaccine enhancement, where instead of protecting against infection, the vaccine can actually make the disease worse when a vaccinated person is infected with the virus. The mechanism that causes that risk is not fully understood and is one of the stumbling blocks that has prevented the successful development of a coronavirus vaccine.
>Normally, researchers would take months to test for the possibility of vaccine enhancement in animals. Given the urgency to stem the spread of the new coronavirus, some drugmakers are moving straight into small-scale human tests, without waiting for the completion of such animal tests.

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ditto. Why the fuck is this still even such a big issue with people. My sweet old grandma who has never been mad at me almost ripped my head off when I told her I dont get the flu vax... I used to get it every year when I was a kid and got almost hospital sick with the flu each time. Now that I haven't been vaxxed for it in 7 years, I haven't been sick once.

Funnily enough. The cure is a couple of pills.


Doing God's work, OP. Almost lost this thread, it suddenly all makes a fuckton of sense with the amount of old people getting this and biting the dust, while several that didn't get shots survive well.

Vaccine fags need to be culled. That will leave about only 500,000,000 people left on the globe. Spoopy

Likewise I haven't been sick with anything since I was a child, the immune system will do its job if not disrupted.
Thank you user, it's important to spread the info

vaccines are part of the plan


don't take the shot

Thanks, pretty fast moving


Yas Forums is in overshill mode

Yeah, particularly bad these days

gotta keep this afloat in a sea of shit


Sad people still falling for the cure all vax scam and getting triggered over those that expose it.


>Baxter International "Unintentionally" Sent Flu Samples to Companies that Contained H5N1 Avian Flu February 26th, 2009 .

Do you even believe in science bro?

LOL still believing this! It's not a cure, it's a treatment, confers no immunity and can only be used once cuz your magic "cure" causes massive organ damage! Good goyim, carry on!!!!!



This makes heaps of sense when you consider how hard 65+ are getting hit when everyone 65+ is getting the high dose flu shot per CDC’s recommendation.

>Fluzone High-Dose is an injected flu vaccine formulated for people age 65 years and older. Like other flu vaccines, Fluzone High-Dose is made up of the three flu strains most likely to cause the flu during the upcoming season. The high-dose vaccine, however, contains four times as much flu virus antigen — the part of the vaccine that stimulates the immune system — as regular Fluzone and other standard flu vaccines.


Had no idea there was such a thing, well, that makes it all the more serious

>vaccinefags are responsible for the spread of coronavirus:

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Alarmingly, one of the main purposes of the Imperial College London study, which is the basis of the corona hysteria, was to get everybody vaccinated. Which will, of course, make immune systems weaker and invite more viruses to take root, which means more government power to vaccinate and quarantine in a never-ending circle. All with the help of your Bill Gates "digital tattoo" of course.

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Vaccination is cattle medicine. Normies are breeding vats for new viral mutations. Vaccination is designed to keep you on a flatline and able to work. But not necessarily super health, just making sure you won't miss 2 weeks when you catch the flu.
Same reason why public hospitals are full of MDR organisms that are more likely to kill you than whatever you brought in. Cheap unpersonalized healthcare for cattle.

Yeah, there's that too
Precursors of the implanted RFID chip
In the developed world, most of us use large service providers to manage the huge number and variety of digital identifiers we collect. The most prevalent service providers are Facebook, Google, and Amazon. Each provider mediates digital interactions in order to provide a seamless digital experience. And yet, as they do, they also collect digital identifiers, in order to derive insights and drive profit.

So your digital identifiers are, for the most part, not in your control. In fact, they are more often than not stored in siloes. And the more siloed and numerous your digital identifiers become the less control you have over them. So while you do have a digital identity, you probably don’t have control over it.

And that’s just you. Over 1 billion people worldwide do not have access to any form of identification. This lack can make it difficult, if not impossible, to access basic critical services like education or healthcare.

So, a large group of individuals have no digital identity and those of us that do don’t enjoy our rights to privacy, security, and choice.

Your digital identity should be yours, but it isn’t.

The basis of enforcing vaccination is the idea that the government makes you healthy, rather than your own lifestyle choices. If they hadn't waged such a long campaign demonizing "anti-vaxxers," they never could have imposed this coronavirus-related authoritarianism on the general public.




Helping bump

Nobody every said Bill Gates was dumb, just evil.

>If they hadn't waged such a long campaign demonizing "anti-vaxxers," they never could have imposed this coronavirus-related authoritarianism on the general public.
bump for general interest. the vaccine shills were absolutely out for blood. haven't heard from them for a while hmmm


hope you die of measles :)

harsh bump!

my cousin went to vaccinate her child and that's where it got measles lol

Thanks guys, may repost tomorrow, you could as well

>never taken a flu shot in my whole life
feels good mang

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from the id2020 faq:
>What is the ID2020 Alliance and who are its members?
>The ID2020 Alliance is a group composed of an Executive Board, four Advisory Committees made up of subject-matter experts and Alliance partners, and a Secretariat. The Board oversees our strategic direction and keeps us on course. The Advisory Committees perform ongoing analysis of our work, providing critical input in the development of programs and tools. And the Secretariat oversees the day to day operations of the Alliance.
is this a weird non-answer or am i high?

>The mechanism that causes that risk is not fully understood
I'm going to to make a hypothesis I was just thinking about today. The various strains are in a "race" against one another, a competition. To suppress one of the players is not to stop them all, but to ensure the victory of another. Since we suppress the less dangerous ones, the more dangerous ones win and take over.

In other words, the mechanism for transmission of increasingly harmful viruses could be that the less harmful viruses "block" the more harmful ones in the same way an inoculation composed of cowpox suppressed smallpox. That would mean that Corona is winning because of our own actions against less harmful strains.

a weird non-answer
and some light reading material:


>To suppress one of the players is not to stop them all, but to ensure the victory of another. Since we suppress the less dangerous ones, the more dangerous ones win and take over.
Maybe. More likely the mercury, aluminium, viruses and other poison in vaccines destroys your immune system.

That hypothesis is something to keep in mind with 99.9% sanitisers though. You're 1. killing the good bacteria on your hands 2. leaving only the strongest 0.01% to survive and repopulate it. Doctors say soap is better at killing corona than alcohol or bleach anyway. Something about it being more liposomal.

A virus is just soap to clean damaged cells and is not contagious. Don't let anyone inject anything into you and it will be fine.

Pol is infested with people from reddit now who believe almost everything the media is saying about this so called pandemic.



I'm kinda mad I got vaccinated all these years as a kid and was never taught once that your diet impacts your immune system greatly. I would miss weeks of school because I was sick and was given ice cream to make me feel better :)

When I went to college I didn't get vaccinated just because I didn't want to deal with scheduling a doctor's visit, but I got big into being Yas Forums. During that time and even today getting the flu is really minor, with the biggest things I've gotten was food poisoning which was more on the restaurant.

People act like you're a total lunatic when you try and tell them our immune system works better when you eat healthy. Then whenever you do or maybe even "if" you get exposed to the virus your body adapts to it easier since you're not in crap health. Same people who have that "have your kids stay away from my kids" mentality are the same ones who give their kids tons of starchy foods with little meat or vegg, while throwing a tablet in their hands so they're not annoying only to not go outside.

And then when they or their children get sick because of poor lifestyle choices, it never occurs to them that that is their own fault; whereas they are perfectly happy to scapegoat so-called "anti-vaxxers" for any resurgence of disease. The vast majority of disease is preventable by lifestyle, but most people have the mindset that illness attacks you at random, and that only the doctor can make you well.




LMAO vaccine shitheads BTFO

I never get the flu shot, shits a scam