Syria General /sg/ - Chilling edition



>Latest interviews with Assad

>Live MAPS

>Fan maps

>Syria Mar 21
>Afghanistan Mar 21
>Iraq Mar 21
>Yemen Mar 21

Devs Mar 21
>Putin discusses by phone with Assad the situation in Sy in light of the Russian-Turkish agreements on Idlib
>SAA suspends conscription as part of measures to prevent coronavirus epidemic
>Turkish army runs a patrol from the village of Tarnaba, near Saraqib, to the village of Masibin, east of Jericho, in Idlib countryside
>Turkish MoD: The planned deployment and organization activities of our forces are continuing in the de-escalation zone in Idlib, and the news circulated about the withdrawal of our units does not reflect the truth
>Russian military kicks off naval exercises off Syrian coast
>Security forces foil attempt to smuggle IS wives, children from al-hawl camp
>Protesters destroy turkish army barracks on M4 highway
>US State Department: The United States is disappointed with the Iraqi government's performance in protecting international coalition forces
>The International Coalition announces the start of the withdrawal of forces assigned to train the Iraqi army because of the spread of the Coronavirus
>Heavy clashes in southern Tripoli as LNA is attempting to advance at Ain Zara
>Saudi-led coalition forces struck Khab and Shaaf areas 19 time&Majzar 2 times
>Ceasefire violations were reported in al-Hudaydah


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>#Iran nearly shot down a #US F-18 super hornet three days ago when they did not obey commands by Iranian AF.
>F-18 was coming close to our border at a fast speed, didn't obey commands to change course, was locked on by radar, got scared and changed course.

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kek the article is not just about the military, although with the PMU excluded we have the sixth strongest army among the arabic nations, with the PMU included we would be 1st or 2nd.
facts don't care aboit your feelings or your conspiracy theories.
we were the 80th a year ago, our ability to recover is very very impressive to a scary level .

>the PMU excluded we have the sixth strongest army among the arabic nations, with the PMU included we would be 1st or 2nd.
Iraq has only contributed terrible posts, if it were rangebanned it would be a net positive

kys saudi scum

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No disrespect. But 30,000 soldiers of Iraqi army ran away from 800 ISIS sheep fuckers.

Here in the west we use the Iraqi army as an example of cowardace.

It is a known fact that Iraqi army has failed in every war.

The Iraqi army can only kill and torture the Iraqi civilians. The army NEVER made the people proud or defended their nation with honor and grace.

Again, I'm sorry if it sounds disrespectful. It is just facts.

>it’s already moving past Iran’s infection count

>the babyboomer british flag keeps acting as if he was some hot shit

Hey T.urduni, lel.

Did you continue to troll those people yesterday at the dogcooker thread?

>wa harad al muminin



eh i have explained that many many times and i don't want to bother anymore tanks.

Forgive him, superpower bro.

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Wow, you're brave or foolish to post that picture. You know majoosi mess with fire magic & shieeet, right?

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>failed every war
kek muh sides, k*rds are really the cuckest people on earth

not a superpower? but officially, and according to the sources i gave, the 19th most powerful, these are just facts, sorry if it sounds disrespectful.

Corona in Syria. Can't believe I spent 4 years shitposting here only to have a bat from China destroy everything.

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are you my bro?

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>The Iraqi army includes 50,000 “ghost soldiers” who do not exist, but their officers receive their salaries fraudulently according to the Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi. “The Prime Minister revealed the existence of 50,000 fictitious names,” said a statement after a thorough headcount during the latest salary payments.

>“Ghost” soldiers may never have existed and just be fictitious names added to the roster, or they may once have existed but been killed or deserted without this being officially noted. In either case, the officer in a unit would keep receiving the salary, though he would have to share it with his superiors. Another scam is for soldiers to kick back part of their salary to their officer in return for staying at home or holding another job but never going near a barracks. Mr Abadi’s figure of 50,000 is probably only a modest estimate of the numbers of Iraqi soldiers who play no military role.

>Asked why the Iraqi army had disintegrated at Mosul, a retired four-star general said the explanation was “corruption, corruption, corruption”. He said that this had become institutionalised when the US was building a new Iraqi army after dissolving the old one in 2003. The Pentagon insisted that supplies of food and other necessities be outsourced to private companies. The general said that as a result the Iraqi government might be paying for a battalion with a nominal strength of 600 men, but which in fact had only 200 soldiers. Profits would be shared between officers and commercial companies supposedly supplying the army.

me and my bro with tha trips

Your thoughts on pic related?

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#Syria reports first case of #COVID-19 (@Dannymakkisyria)


Nice quads right there

cringe desu(even though he's based 99.99999999% of the time)

I have that same tv

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If the Kurds are cucks, how did they resist the Arabization all those centuries?

If they are cucks, how come they are the only ones who did not bow down to SoDumb Hussein?

If they are cucks how come they ended up getting what they wanted, an autonomous region.

It is in the Iraqi constitution that the Kurdistan Autonomous region is legit, their flag is aknowledged, even the Kurdish language became official language in Iraq.

How is that cucked? You are contradicting your self there, buddy.

funny cause I used to have that phrase "6 days shall ye labor" over my daily timetable when I was a neet

Had to move apartment, work was getting way to busy and I was also visiting some other country (work related) and i am still tired as fuck

>6 days shall ye labor
kek, its a start man. For how long you been working now?

>The report also suggested that the most powerful countries on earth also are the ones that

>consistently dominate news headlines,

>preoccupy policymakers,

>and shape global economic patterns, according to the report.

1) Yes it dominates the news headlines because they are either getting fucked by Iranians, or Americans. Or they get the headlines of runing away from 800 sheep fuckers.

2) Yes, they preoccupy policymakers because they are now the bitch of Iran and US. They are being fought over by the Iranians and Americans. That is why every policymaking in the world regarding the mid east is revolve around the Iranian influence in IRAQ.

3) Ofcourse they shape globale economic pattern. The OIL resources. The west and Iran fighting for those resources to control the market. Specially when there are sanctions on Iran and won't allow Iran to sell their oil.

Learn the article next time to understand why people laughing at you here.

>ork was getting way to busy

same here

>For how long you been working now

4 months

>believing iranian lies
there is a reason even iranian foreign minister is begging for western help on twitter

Threadly reminder the Shia are the ONLY good guys

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Anu corona cases in your country?

You are either "على أساس" or "قرفص"

على أساس

Mental patients general like this guy

No cases but the president will use the situation around the world to his advantage and try to stop planned protests and postpone the election re run etc he has declared a "state on national disaster"

Ok this is yuge

Grab masks if you can find some hand sanitizer, flour and stuff... The usual basic things.

still, even with ghost soldiers problem they still outnumbered them 100 to 1
and we can also talk about tikrit: 4k iraqi soldiers captured by a few hundred ISIS fighters
2k of those will then be executed

it's not only an iraqi gov problem, all paper countries have shit tier armies only "fighting" for money which collapse as soon as shit goes down
see afghanistan

call me the N word but I dont think it can get to me. Plus I want just to die(not by getting bio weaponed by the Mossad though)

While the virus is no joke, political class will try to use it to their advantage. Already they are arguing and the opposition is making some great demands and claim to fight for the people. Its a total shit show and I hope they get the virus and die

>If the Kurds are cucks, how did they resist the Arabization all those centuries?
adopted islam, the arabic alphabet, all named mohammed,
the rest is explained by the fact that some people are just too dumb to indoctronate

>and we can also talk about tikrit: 4k iraqi soldiers captured by a few hundred ISIS fighters

They were trainees, not soldiers
Not armed as well

Some people think that without the Imam's garb and stuff he ain't just another guy but he is

>Plus I want just to die
kek, same! If it werent for close family, I would have died by sharpnel with my luck in some mil conflict somewhere

>adopted islam, the arabic alphabet, all named mohammed,
fuuny most Iraqi Kurds can speak arabic

The rest are neutral or bad guys, what's the controversy?

we dont have freedom of speech

Hey know any kubriky movies I dont mean ews but some sophisticated movies

>what's the controversy?
Shiites betrayed hussian in karbala 1400 years ago

>no weapons
suuure, there were no pics footages of military uniforms and weapons dropped on the ground by fleeing soldiers? and all those humvees, and other american weapons just suddenly appeared within ISIS ?

your country only exists on paper, it's just a stack of various gangs having their own interests

>If it werent for close family

Only my dad matters to me in that way

Odd how the Sunni Umayyad Kingdom were the ones who killed him

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Donnie darko or the fountain. I havent watched anything as of late. What would you sugest to me?


Sunnis are usurpers without honor nor legitimacy who abandoned Islam for lust of the dunya. Only the succession of Ali is rightly guided.

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They were trapped at a military base called (spyker) deceived by the clansmen who joined ISIS
The number was not 4k

I was going through this list

the mongols were better barbarians and adherents to islam t b h