Are you seeing a difference in women's behavior?
Are you noticing if women are willingly warming up to their family or family making?
Or are women fending for themselves cat fighting over other women?
Is Feminism still a thing with coronavirus spreading?
Yes. I have a harem of women and i force them to fight over tissue-paper rights every day. The loser gets thrown into a Chinese supermarket.
my tinder is blowing up right now. i've gotten 85+ matches in the last 24 hours and they're all messaging first. i think we all need to prepare to repopulate after the end times come.
yes. i just had 3 kids last week
My wife has been compulsively cleaning and annoying the fuck out if me. We're not in a quarantine state, she can go anywhere she wants but refuses to.
Most are too far gone
all women should be killed. I won't forget the countless rejections, how women treated ugly males before this all started.
Death to women, let them suffer.
>Food runs out along with (eventually) the electricity and all modern comforts
>Every man for himself
>Revert to tribalism to survive, lone wolves die off
>Women revert to their roles in the tribe
Only natural user, how it has been for 1000's of years previously, roll with it.
Feminism can't survive without big government stealing from men and giving stuff to women. If shit hits the fan, feminism is over.
Most celebrity "feminists" literally do that shit for money and are the complete opposite it seems like in private. Like Natalie Portman is a giant feminist yet in her production company she's been the only female director.
women are the niggers of gender
The virus attacks and kills more men than women...itbis a feminist virus.
Women will became more docile, mainly to men with a good food stash,they know what to do in order NOT to starve
harem for everyone guys
It's not like it's just going to suddenly go away and these indoctrinated women will become trad overnight. If it happens, it'll take a while
I have a hardcore feminist contact that has been laid off since December. She started an emergency fund and not jokingly said she would even sell feet pics
After the financial collapse sets in many of these women will run for a financial provider. I hope there aren’t many morons that will excuse their past behaviors. I hope I can get a young one but only to take advantage of her
Who is she?
So much anger. What happened? Did your mom ground you? Did your sister eat your dessert?
Real men don't kneel before them, unless they're proposing. Real men speak their minds, but are willing to listen and consider. Real men don't give in to every fucked up thing they want, but take care of what they need. Real men are fathers to their children.
Real men will do everything including laying down their lives to protect their families. Real men don't step on their women.
If you are pushed to the point of feeling like you need to step on a woman. You need to walk away from her, and be a real man.
and women, you need to stop being idiots. Especially in times like these, and have your real mans back.
Michelle, 34 isn't so bad in the face. Looks somewhat youthful. Compared to the rest at least.
Don't know, don't care. I'm ready for when shit get's real though.
Who is this chick? My gosh i want to makeout with her asshole
sorry ment for
All these strong independent women lmfao
>Are you seeing a difference in women's behavior?
Yeah. She learned how to properly take off medical mask.
>Are you noticing if women are willingly warming up to their family or family making?
She was ok before: cooking, cleaning, etc. If you mean something about kids, then fuck no, we both don't want kids.
>Or are women fending for themselves cat fighting over other women?
She hated women, now even more.
That’s a Jew after plastic surgery
Just because women won't fuck your pathetic microdick doesn't mean they should all die you cuck
>I won't forget the countless rejections, how women treated ugly males before this all started.
Now I know you are a fat bitter bitch or a bull dyke lesbo typing that. No man would ever have worded it like that.
I thought being a man was decided by chromosomes
What am absolutely disgusting example of simp-posting.
It's too late. I hope they all get fucked by a pit bull and die.
Shes def built for BCC - Big Chinese Cock
My ugly ass has been getting female attention lately. Which is very out of the ordinary.
Yeah, it's going to take time. But it's surprising how differently some are acting in just a week. They've really been coddled all their lives.
My Gf can't pay her share of the mortgage right now and is being extra-pathetic/nice.
Yeah simp, That's what us full time single dads are called.
Get fucked fool.
What "am" absolutely disgusting example of fool-posting
I've been hurt, and have chosen to walk away from women, to provide everything I can for my kids until they're grown and beyond.
but I refuse to hate all women, because I'm the real man a fool like you. Will never be.
what is the name of this semen demon
To all the women who may be lurking.
Now is the time to support your man. Enough of the mind games. Enough of the casual sex. Enough of only chasing the tip top men.
Modern comforts and government laws have protected us, coddled us, and enabled us to exploit men to no end. We need to stop. Start supporting your husbands. You boyfriends. Your families. Be a real woman.
Right now, most women are not working. Men, however, are. Men are out there, right now, working the docks, loading trains, loading trucks, driving them to your supermarkets. Policing the streets. Maintaining order and the base economic structures.
We are able to live in comfort only because of men. Men have pampered us, and in return, we spit on them. Exploit them. Insult them. Extract their currency without giving anything in return. We take. We take and we give almost nothing. Nothing but emotional trauma.
Be a real woman.
Support your men. Love your men. Be loyal to your men. Comfort your men.
You know how to do it. Its deep inside of you. Its something you were born with, but have repressed and pushed to the back of your mind. Just do it. Be a woman.
No. Women are hitting me up like crazy on Tinder because I flaunt my Hublot watch on there. Now women want a rich, stable partner that can provide for them. Feminism is over.
Best post I've ever read on this Chinese image board. You have my love for all eternity.
>but I refuse to hate all women, because I'm the real man
looool get a load of this beta
There was a thread today about chinese public shaming with spanking webms. Bring it here for thot patrol
Nah. They just exchanged going after a man with money for a man with a chad toilet paper stash. They use that shit more than we do.
This "beta" would have you snoring in about 14 seconds. So what does that make you son?
Khazar Milkersberg
Abortions have gone down. Whores will start going trad and raising kids. Now porn needs to be banned, and society will start to improve.
Even though it kills twice as many men as women, feminism is the real victim of the virus.
You gonna bore him that bad? Ooo tough guy
Porn will be banned after the day of the rope
>Real men don't kneel before them, unless they're proposing.
I don't bend the knee for anyone, faggot.
Women are essentially children. They've gleefully rode the feminist marxist wave (man hating laws, etc) and now suddenly have pony tails again, looking for aid and comfort in a man. They are strong and independent, let them fend for themselves. They've made their bed. Let them sleep in it.
Bitches tryna settle now that the rape-fest is on the horizon.
No, you're a skeleton.
I've watched all the women who were hardcore feminists in their 20s hit their 30s and decide they're going to become stay at home moms. A couple high status hoes did it and started posting baby pics on instagram, and then other women followed their lead. They still call themselves feminists though to save face and ease the cognitive dissonance. Women aren't principled. They're overwhelmingly conformist followers. I can't see a generation of them waking-up overnight because the virus. The media brainwashing is strong. Unless women are raised in a community that distrusts the mainstream narrative they will just follow the herd until their biological clock starts ticking too loud to not hear.
Is coffee still a thing? And is coffee still good for you?
I would battle demons in the 7th circle just to drink milk from those
Thank you Mrs. Murdoch